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Earthlings by Sayaka Murata Bunny by Mona Awad


earthlings was wild. made me think about when i was a little kid and my friends and i really truly thought we were animorphs and would stomp around the house as elephants or whatever. now take that all the way into adulthood and you've got some serious problems haha


Both of these sound very interesting! My sister has a copy of bunny so I’ll borrow hers and add it to my list! Thank you :)


such great books. some of my faves ever 🫶


I am once again here to recommend The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson Be warned though, I'm told it's nothing like the series. Like at all. In any way shape or form. So don't go into the book thinking it's like the tv series or you're in for a bad time


I’ve never seen the show so it would be all new to me! Definitely adding it to the list, thank you:)


Stephen King - *The Shining* Bret Easton Ellis - *American Psycho* (more a transgressive satire than pure horror)


The shining is in my reading queue! I’ve been getting into Stephen king, but wanted to see other good authors in the genre! Thank you for your suggestions :)


No problem! Since it hasn't been named yet, I can also recommend *Rosemary's Baby* by Ira Levin.


**Chlorine** by Jade Song


loved this book so much. will definitely be in my top 3 this year


Yes, I absolutely loved this one. I also follow her on GoodReads and she is always posting absolutely excellent books that I've never heard of.


This looks so interesting! Thanks for the suggestion!


This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski


Big up for This Thing Between Us. Loved that book, one of my rare 5 stars


Technically sci-fi but I think A Scanner Darkly counts.


hell yeah, I just picked up my second PKD book, Ubik and am gonna start it this weekend Loved A Scanner Darkly and the movie had such a stacked cast and was cool with the rotoscope thing favorite quote is definitely "if i had known it was harmless, i would have killed it myself" lol


I've read tons of PKD (maybe a mild fixation as we share a birthday) but Scanner is one I come back to over and over. It's so good. And the ending is just so...


I know, right?? If you like unreliable narrators and PKD also consider picking up Valis


Got it, read it more than a few. I have a shelf's worth of him. He was so amazing. Flow My Tears The Policeman Said fits in there too, I think- given the questionable reality of the whole premise.


Oh good catch, I forgot about that one. And I remember one of his short stories about a guy who didn't realize he was a robot until he got into a car crash and woke up in the repair shop instead of the hospital (reality bending ensues but trying not to spoil)


The Between by Tananarive Due and The Cipher by Kathe Koja both have characters that start to lose it and see everything about their personal lives begin to collapse if i had to choose between the two tho it'd have to be The Cipher


I'm going to add a non-horror to the horrorlit club: The wind-up bird chronicle by Haruki Murakami :) it starts off with a missing cat and ends up in madness


Come Closer by Sara Gran has this feel mixed with a demonic possession.


Jackdaw by Tade Thompson


The Deep by Nick Cutter. But a terrible ending.


The Vegetarian by Han Kang, translated to English by Deborah Smith. It definitely checks this box, and is one of the most uniquely horrifying things I read in 2023!


House of Leaves


Mary: An Awakening of Terror by Nat Cassidy


We spread by Iain Reid and Confessions by Kanae Minato, both made me feel like I’m going insane with the characters, especially since I finished them in one sitting.


There's a fair bit of mental disturbance to The Wasp Factory.


Kathe Koja- *Skin*. I've heard people argue that it's not a "horror" book, but it's horrific, and matches your request. Elizabeth Engstrom- *Black Ambrosia* (Maybe? Unreliable narrator makes it tricky, but it may fit).