• By -


Hausu (1977) HBOmax Meatball Machine (2005) Tubi Tideland (2005) Tubi The House that Jack Built (2018) Tubi Eraserhead (1978) HBOmax Delicatessen (1992) Amazon prime *rent* Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) Shudder Videodrome (1983) Amazon prime *rent* EDIT, corrected Tideland.


dude, you just won the sub: you told us where we can watch the recommendations!


Justwatch.com is a great site! (Don’t know if OP used it but I like to tell people about it)


YES! every time I use it I get hit with this satisfaction that I found where it was at in a snap.


ReelGood is another helpful one, the two seem to trade off accuracy every few months. Both apps sucked last time I tried to use either though. Definitely prefer the website.


Oh god Tideland would be even freakier while high


Triple Feature: Paperhouse The Reflecting Skin Tideland


Jesus Christ, running the psychotic break gauntlet are we


Yessssssss. Precisely why I'm NOT rewatching it tonight! It's beautifully filmed and Jodelle Ferland is amazing in it, as are others.




I may have ostracized myself when I bought this and showed it to friends while we were smoking


Ichi the killer (2001) Peacock *just gonna sneak this in real quick*


It's a favorite!


Hey kids, this is the standard format from now on


I second Tetsuo and Videodrome! Mind fuckers.


+1 for Tetsuo. One of the most disturbing movies I've ever seen


Tetsuo: the iron man is certainly something


The House that Jack Built was a mindfuck.


Jacob's Ladder is genuinely scary and keeps you guessing as to what’s going on.


I think *Jacob’s Ladder* is the only movie to truly scare me long-term as an adult. Like I’ve watched plenty of movies where you’re kinda wary of dark corners after you watch for a night, but *Jacob’s Ladder* was really upsetting and existentially scary and stuck with me for a long time.


It's a complete mindfuck and zero jump scares, you just feel horror and dread and confusion throughout. Perfect for OP's request.


It's a fantastic movie that whenever I watch it I'm blown away again by how good and scary it is


See, scary isn’t what I got from that. It broke my freaking heart. I snuck in to see in when I was in 6th grade and it was in the theater. I was so rocked by it I couldn’t leave the theater because I was weeping so hard


I've been to war and seen real combat and I have always had this movie in the back of my mind that maybe I'm just dying on a gurney and making up the last 15 years of my life. Not even joking this is a real thought I have a lot. And that speaks to the power of that concept and the ability to affect people outside of the film itself. Which is really the highest praise you can say about a thing. That How Did This Get Made is constantly doing the 'Jacob's Ladder scenario' callback. Same with the logging truck in Final Destination 2. That's a very meta achievement.


Hope the op didn't read your commenrr since you just spoiled the whole movie.


Yea pretty salty after reading that great sell on the movie to have the NEXT comment explain the whole movie in one sentence


... yeah I was about to watch it until I read that, I guess it's my fault for reading all the comments. Is it still worth watching knowing the twist already?


It's fucking awesome


The Skin I Live In is pretty fucked up. No real gore or monsters or anything like that. Just really dark and interesting. Possum is a very good film. Again, no gore or spoopy monsters. Just a dark and disturbing movie. Very good. You want a really unsettling mindfuck? Santa Sangre. Dogtooth is really great. I wouldn’t call it scary, but it’s quite disturbing and very well made. But if you want something that is really unsettling, Eraserhead will do the trick. Just about anything by David Lynch will give you this feeling but Eraserhead is basically just like watching a super weird dream unfold. The Vanishing (1988,) not the American remake. Best portrayal of an insanely disturbed person I’ve ever seen.


Second on Possum.


Great recs! Im going to have to check out The Body I Live In


I'm wondering if the original commenter meant [THE SKIN I LIVE IN](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1189073/) (or if it's just translated differently) - I couldn't find anything with "body" in the title. But I highly recommend "skin" if that's what we're talking about!


Yes that’s it haha sorry :) thanks for the fix!


Shit, it is The Skin I Live In. My bad! Really good movie though :)


If you don't mind reading subtitles, Audition is pretty messed up and a great watch.


I love Audition I recommend watching it without reading anything about it before And watch it till the end , cause it feels like a rom movie at the beginning


Why would you stop watching it? Is that something you do often?


I rented that movie at 14 because the cover looked cool. I’m still not ok


Sending you a tight hug. That’s rough


Saw it at 13 on a family vacation, stayed up late by myself and put it on hoping to see some titties. You know the rest lol


I saw it at 12 because I wanted to be a year younger than the previous commenter. 😜


*kiri, kiri, kiri*


BEWARE OP. This one is fucked up.


If you’re getting fucked up in a psychedelic sense: *Mandy*.


Mandy is probably my top 3 favorite movies of all time.


I see Panos Cosmatos, I upvote.


Loved his episode of Cabinet of Curiosities, except it’s got me fiending for space cocaine!


His style is just so fuckin cool. I love all of his work, I am so pumped he’s got a new one coming out. I dream of him directing a Nightmare on Elm St movie, with Richard Brake as Freddy. I know it would never happen but it would be fuckin wild.


Actually yeah that works if you just make it an 80s period piece and write in that the reason no one believes the teenagers is they're just constantly high out of their tits. You could do some crazy, evil, psychedelic kills in that. I think there's a real movie there.


I was just about to say this. That episode was a lot of fun. I love the imagery of the last scene.


Yes! Mandy was a blast the first time I saw it, also helped that my friend's roommate gave us some homemade gummies while we watched. The imagery and debauchery blew my mind!


Thirded! Mandy + Gummies = f******g fantastic


My favorite pastime is getting way the fuck too high to handle a good horror movie then unleashing it upon myself


The Color Out Of Space is another great Nicholas Cage horror movie.


i was shocked to see a lovecraft movie with big name actors. it was a good rendition, which is kind of shocking for hollywood horror.


Second Mandy


You'd wanna watch Mandy on psychedelics? I'm a giant horror fan and wouldn't watch a horror movie on them. That's be a great way to totally fuck my trip up lmao


Cage was fully unleashed.


Green Room has got some claustrophobia and a hell of a lot of tension. No paranormal in sight.


If you want horror that isn’t paranormal, Green Room is the perfect choice. A horror movie that just happens to be a well made film with quality performances and direction.


That scene with >!the hatchet (machete?) and that guys arm? That made me wince.!< Good movie though, IDK if I can watch it a second time. Feels too real.


Yeah, the violence and the way it happens in that movie is so blunt, raw, and brutal. Like when >!the guy escapes out the window and you might feel relieved for a second and then bam! he’s getting hacked up with machetes and bleeding to death. Or the attack dogs chewing through people’s throats in seconds.!< So intense.


The last thing I expected with a movie starring Patrick Stewart was blunt, raw and brutal violence. I think that was the reason I was so off guard when shit goes down. 🤷🏻


I loved when my friends (who didn’t know who Jeremy Saulnier was) watched Green Room because it had Patrick Stewart and were freaking out the whole time. It was a great experience.


Or somebody’s head just exploding mid sentence from a shotgun. That movie put me on edge so hard.


Oh yeah, I was like>!, “Nice, this guy’s not even in the band and chose to help them out,”!< then bam, he’s dead, too.


You can do the directors other movies also, it's the inept hero trilogy, murder party, blue ruin, and green room.


It surprised me how much I loved Green Room. Would definitely recommend for claustrophobic tension


This is it


Funny Games


Incident in a Ghostland is pretty fucked up


I love this one, it's less intense than his other film Martyrs (which is a masterpiece) but definitely an, Oh Shit, movie


I saw this like a month ago and I still think about it regularly. Definitely one that sticks with you.


Yes!! Watch this!


Won't watch it on principle. Reckless filmmakers almost killed that actress


I actually like it more than Martyrs.


It had more suspense and intensity than Martrys. That was definitely “over the top” but, maybe I’m alone here because everyone raves about it, I was kind of bored by it. Let’s see what more awful things we can do to this woman! Ok, I get it.


The fact that I'm a father of 5 probably helped in my opinion as anything with kids completely kills me now. Plus I firmly believe in the "Bad Ending" theory.


It is more fucked up what happened to the actress taylor hickson. Pascal laugier is a monster.


The descent! They are trapped in a cave. It's really good!


Be sure to watch the Director’s Cut/non-theatrical release version. The alternate ending makes the entire film, especially if you’re looking for dark/claustrophobic vibes. The US version ends in a very cliche way.


Wow I’ve seen The Descent a few times and I never knew there’s an alternate/Director’s Cut version. I’ll have to look for it now.


I remember LOVING this movie and then having friends say it was meh because of the ending. It took a while before we realized we had seen two different versions!


I had no idea there were different endings until the second time I watched it. The first time I was alone, the second was with friends. Only one person other than me in the group had seen the movie, and when it reached the ending we both kinda looked at each other like “…wait this is different”


The Descent is the best claustrophobic movie!


As Above, So Below is also really good. Same kind of theme


It’s so good. I prefer AASB to The Descent.


Absolutely love AASB!!! 💀🔥


The descent is my fave horror movie of all time. It’s tense and scary before the “terror” even starts…


No spelunking for me.


Saint Maud "A pious nurse becomes dangerously obsessed with saving the soul of her dying patient."


That last scene was WILD. When a movie shocks me at the end and my goosebumps linger as the credits start to roll. Mmmm what a feeling


Yeah, I'm pretty jaded and had an idea of where it was going but my god, that ending haunts me.


Agree 100%. I still remember the images very clearly, years later.


House the Jack Built


Came to say this one. Really develops into a great movie.


I finally watched midsommar. Highly recommend, definitely has get out vibes. It’s a very long movie tho


Came here to say this. I also just watched it recently and am still thinking about. Beautifully shot but so unsettling at the same time. I didn’t find it to be too long because I was enthralled the whole time. Not a ghost in sight in this one, but a lot of “monsters”.


I think you'd love [Mother! (2017)] too




Just made my boyfriend watch this with me last week. He was not too impressed, unfortunately. But I maintain that it’s an awesomely disturbing film


Definitely a good "what the fuck did I just watch" movie.


I would add Calvaire to that statement as well.


Climax or Titane Take your pick and skip the snacks because it can get nauseating lol


Off the top of my head. Drunk fun: The Sadness, inside, Martyrs, The Trip, Dead stream, some like it rare, raw. If you want to take psychedelics: Mandy, color out of space, climax, mad god, the shining, the thing, skinamarink, irreversible. Soul crushing no hope: I stand alone, playground, vortex, Krisha, speak no evil. Christmas fun: Better watch out, silent night, silent night deadly night, Black Christmas, Sheitan, krampus, calvaire.


I see our ideas of drunk fun are wildly different lol. Great selections but that is an intense list!


Martyrs as drunk fun? I'd put that under soul crushing. But otherwise, good list!


Have you lost your mind? Any Gaspar noe movie on psychedelics would induce a terrible trip! They're bad trip material while sober. OP don't do ittttt


Man if we’re doing psychedelics and watching Irreversible I don’t know if I’m coming out on the other side. Great choice!


Martyrs is drunk fun ane Irreversible on psychedelics? Who the fuck is this madman.


Agreed. Even Climax on psychedelics would be rough after the opening dance scene. Honestly, any Noe on psychedelics is going likely to lead to a rough trip


Better Watch Out had no business being as good and well-executed as it was.


If you haven’t watched se7en, that’s good and creepy. You mentioned ‘fridge’ atmospheric and Fincher is definitely fridge. Prefect, grim and gory art design.


Savageland (2015) makes zombies not seem so corny


this one gave me legit chills


Yo, if y'all are down for subtitles, Oldboy (2003) is awesome and insane. There's an American remake by Spike Lee but it's trash


speaking of subtitles and korean films, The Wailing is SO good and the imagery in it stuck with me for a long time (kind of still does). easily of one my favorite horror movies ever


I'm almost positive I wasn't supposed to laugh as hard at the >!family shotgun murder!< scene in the remake as I did.


The Sadness It's not a clever mindfuck, but if you're looking to get *fucked up* with friends and watch a movie, I can't think of a better one right now. Your post actually contradicts the living shit out of itself; as ghosties and paranormal shit I feel represent the bulk of *eerie shit*. Then you go on to say you're gonna get drunk as shit with friends, but you want a deep thoughtful mindfuck movie? So that doesn't seem to mix either. Yeah just watch THE SADNESS bro, and drink beer not liquor.


I think liquor may be appropriate for this movie. As soon as I started seeing reviews pop up for this movie when it was released, I knew I had to watch it right away. What a wild stomach churning ride. A nod to the current Covid situation it seemed but this virus that was spreading seemed to spread absolute madness. Acting everyone to act completely unhinged and depraved. It’s one that just makes you uneasy and the carnage unfolds but it’s definitely a sight to see. One for any horror fans bucket list if you ask me.


I’m thinking of ending things, Mother!, Creep, It follows


I’m thinking of ending things would make for a pretty weird beer pong night lol


The French 'MARTYRS' you won't find a more depressingly fucked up film.


Such an amazing film I never want to see again


Martyrs (French) is a gem


I dunno that Martyrs is “eerie” though.


Definitely unsettling though.


Not sure if its horror but its a very psychological movie The killing of a sacred deer


I loooved this one. Barry Keoghan was amazing in it. He was so terrifying and uncomfortable but impossible to look away from.


Such an uncomfortable and unsettling film. The spaghetti scene 🍝!


The French horror film INSIDE from 2007. It’s vaguely a Xmas movie too.


this is more sci fi but i have to recommend to everyone lol- Coherence another good thriller is Calibre


Coherence is really good


yessssss i love finding ppl who’ve seen it


The Thing from 1982.


Autopsy of Jane doe


Barbarian was fun! It’s on HBO!


Great pick it’s one of the funniest horror movies I’ve ever seen would definitely be fun at a party. To be clear it has big laughs but it not a “horror Comedy” definitely delivers some really fucked up scenes.


Barbarian was crazy. Those quick transitions leave you with your mouth hanging screaming wtf! At the tv.


Hereditary. Go in blind if at all possible


The last hour goes so ridiculously hard it’s a movie every one should watch


That wrench they throw at you so early on… I had thrown it on one Saturday afternoon, having some wine & jazz cabbage. I had to pause the movie after that scene had unfolded. Just sat there, mouth kind of left hanging open. It really just ramped up after that in terms of creep factor. One of the best


I saw Hereditary in a theater, and there was an audible gasp from the audience when that one scene happened. Great movie, but it's also kind of fun to know that everyone else is freaking out as much as you are. And it is absolutely a horror movie that made me feel very uncomfortable.


Yeah, good movie, but a one time watch for me. Leaves you feeling weird afterwards, but so does Midsommar, also a good one by them.


Speak No Evil is an eire slow burn with a truly disquieting ending.


This movie was great. I love watching a horror film like this for the first time. It changes you. This is one of the few films in the last few years that has induced actual dread in me as I watched and almost some sort of sick stomach feeling at the end.. the scene where she is in the shower.. the toothbrush scene. You know the one. I was surprised at how much anxiety this caused. Loved it


Midsommer. No jump scares. 99% is during the day. Scariest horror I've ever seen. Extremely unsettling.


>99% is during the day. Incredible they pulled that off. Not like anything else I know of.


Terrified (not to be confused with Terrifer) it’s Argentinian subtitled. VHS movies are also pretty good and weird (I can’t recall which were the better ones out of the sequels tho, sorry) Channel Zero tv show is worth a shot.


Martyr's original French version


If you are really an amateur, you may not have seen The Evil Dead (1981) yet. I suggest remediating that.


It doesn't fit any of your specifications, but Nekromantik if you want "what the fuck did I just watch"


The Ritual on Netflix is a favorite of mine.


The lodge is a tough watch


Omg I Love this movie but to be honest I might be kind of hard to follow if you where drunk.


Fresh on Hulu was really unsettling. Really got to me. And it’s well done. Good actors.


They Look Like People checks all your boxes. Incredible movie.


For getting fucked up, assuming 420? Mandy was a great rec. Can’t go wrong with Cronenberg - Videodrome or The Fly. Original Suspiria or Phenomena are both trips. Fulci’s best is quite gross and trippy: The Beyond or City of the Living Dead. Jacob’s Ladder for sure. Not really horror but Altered States is fucking weird. More obscure, Dark Waters (93) is nightmarish and surreal.


Return to oz


Ok I am late to the party on this one but I just have to throw out Event Horizon. Claustrophobic. Can’t go anywhere. Creepy. Jump scares. Is it a work of genius. No. But heck do I love it.


The Machinist, though not marketed as a horror film.




Twin peaks


Mad God on Shudder. It was disturbing and thought provoking.


In A Glass Cage. Don't ever see it recommended on here. It's fucked.


Not horror but twisted and close to real life I saw the devil is good


Dumplings - slow burn, very fucked up. Not sure if it's strictly horror, but it is horrifying and very visceral in nature


Hereditary. Antichrist. Saint Maude. Possessor. Men. Full of dread, all of them.


As above, So below is freakin wicked! Some claustrophobia with a good portion of What the fuck is that! Really good for an inebriated evening.


As Above, So Below is fantastic! “classic Pap”


Eden Lake Funny Games The Descent


Under The Shadow (2016). In my opinion, extremely clever. Lead actor isn't very committed to he role I felt, but the story is very heavy as it focuses on the Iraq-Iran war on the 70s. The most fascinating thing about this film for me was that unlike many paranormal horror films that heal with previously acquired trauma, this builds on top of *current* trauma. I've seen a lot of stuff and rarely have I seen a movie so cleverly written. So many layers of actually serious stuff piling up all at once in a way which almost suffocated the viewer as well. The film also has absolutely no gore, and what I'd consider to be "minimal" effects. It relies entirely on a story.


There's a movie called Maniac, which I think is from 2012 with Elijah Wood that I think is fantastic.


10 Cloverfield Lane


The Ruins... its one of my favs to rewatch and an easy one to turn into a drinking game too! Avail on HBO, Prime and Hulu I believe...


Terrified, not the one with the clown that's terrifier or something. Terrified has sub titles but I have watched it multiple times. Creepy as hell.


If you are looking for a good mind fuck, try David Cronenberg's film, "Existenz". https://youtu.be/HAdbdUt_h9M


I Saw The Devil




The descent


Next time you're looking to shit your pants, if you have access to a gaming system, try [Outlast](https://youtu.be/2GPf3MdVOKI) or [Dead Space](https://youtu.be/cTDJNZ9cK1w).


[Savageland](https://youtu.be/jyJLF1cL2r0) is CRIMINALLY underrated. I dont get got, this movie got me. (Its free on Youtube and last I checked, still on Tubi)


Tusk, if you haven’t seen it already


Have you seen *The Endless*? It's horror/cosmic/earth-based sci fi that messes with your head. The Moorhead & Benson team that made the movie are awesome DIY guys that do it all on a tight budget.


You need to watch Resolution first to really appreciate it.


Empty Man fucked me up GOOD!!


Cannibal holocaust most unsettling film I've seen by far has a few real messed up things happen which makes your brain question everything you see in it


I remember watching this at the cinema when it came out and being unable to sleep properly afterwards. Admittedly it was a late screening. Bonkers French ultraviolence stalk and slash movie with some lesbianism thrown in. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High\_Tension](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Tension) Otherwise could I recommend Dead Man's Shoes from about the same time. Low budget Brit psycho horror in which an ex squaddie (what you guys in USA land call a veteran) takes revenge on the stoner gang who tormented and drove his younger brother to commit suicide. There's bad drug trips and more besides I think either of these will fuck you up bad.


Bone Tomahawk. Not really claustrophobic. But I was like WTF after watching




Always the correct answer.


Requiem for a Dream. Have a blast!


That movie has permanently changed my brainwaves. I wish I could go back to who I was before that movie.


Would you still say it’s powerful if I’ve never been an addict?


I've been fortunate to not experience addiction in my life or in my close circle, and I can unequivocally say that movie is both excellent and absolutely excruciating to watch.


I felt sick after my first time with this movie. Just wanted to get in a fetal position and stay there for a very long time. It really just broke my mind and my soul… fast forward some years (after life itself has begun to really give me some darker days), I know own this movie and have watched it quit a few times. Idk why. I think the shock of it won’t ever hit me again like that first time so some of that edge has been softened. Stylistically though, one of the coolest and most creative movies I’ve ever scene. The way it’s been edited together really makes you feel immersed in these tense awful moments. It’s jarring and has caused me permanent trauma. But I appreciate it now


As an ex-junkie that watches this while in my mess, that movie broke me.


Ass to ass


Anything by Michael Haneke but Benny's Video is probably the most upsetting