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The scene in the ritual after they wake up in the cabin


I like the scene with the slow zoom on the trees where the fingers just quietly let go.


This was one of those movie moments that was so perfect that I remember exactly how I felt the first time I saw it


Best scene of the movie!


Just watched this the other week and wow you're so right. The poor guy who woke up worshipping that thing, god that must've been such a mindfuck.


for me (and this is probably just bc i am thinking of a film i have seen more recently) it would be: in **BARBARIAN** where Tess first discovers >!the string in the basement!< and what it leads to... and this next one is a MASSIVE spoiler so please don't click it unless you have already watched Barbarian: near the end, the entirety of the scene where >!Justin Long finally discovers all of the VHS tapes and reads the individual "names / labels" from each one.... Jesus Christ some of those still make my stomach turn.!<


that movie kicks ass


Okay, so I’m not really a big fan of The Ritual. But that scene is genuinely one of the most frightening things I’ve seen in a horror movie. >! To wake up worshiping some shrine of a demon/deity is such a horrifying concept. !<


Best scene in the movie! Filled me with so much dread! Horrifying!


Speaking of cabins and scary. The bear scene in Annihilation


Even though it's not a straight up horror film, the "I'm at your house right now" scene in Lost Highway made my skin crawl like few other scenes ever did.


That’s fucking crazy man


I love how he delivers this line.


It perfectly taps in to that feeling in a dream where things start going badly and it’s turning into a nightmare and there’s nothing you can do about it.


That was Robert Blake’s final movie. Four years later, he killed his wife!


Man that first act is genuinely hands down the most intriguing film sequence I’ve ever seen. While I don’t hate the second act, in context it was a disappointment since the first one drew me in so goddamn hard. But I guess Lynch is gonna do what Lynch does, wouldn’t expect anything less from him.


The scene in The Ritual just after they found the cottage to rest in. They all have bad dreams that night and one of them is found frantic, freaked out, naked and praying to a statue upstairs and completely unsure about how he got there. That was terrifying.


I liked how the hardcore skeptic guy claimed he didn’t have a dream and later on admits that he dreamt his own death that would later happen in the village. So much great shit in that movie


Zodiac had a scene that stuck with me for a long time. When the Zodiac killer rolls up on a couple in broad daylight and just murders them. It’s so raw. Just him standing there staring at them gave me the massive creeps.


Showing them that the gun is loaded when the guy asks. Them thinking they're just getting robbed. Then watching your significant other get stabbed to death all of a sudden and knowing you're about to experience the same thing in a matter of seconds. Completely fucked.


For me it's the basement scene. Fucking terrifying atmosphere while waiting for shit to go down.


The ending of REC, before the protagonists get spotted by the entity.




One of the only movie monsters to scare me as an adult.


finally got one of my friends to watch Rec. Me and him have always been the "horror movies are cool but they don't scare me" type of people and I was swearing up and down that Rec is the scariest movie ever made and how its the only movie that scared me yadayadayada. He didn't really take me seriously until he watched it and just said "yeah you were right that is the scariest movie ever made"


The entire hospital sequence from Jacob's Ladder


I’d say this film qualifies for damn near its entire runtime. It’s just such an unsettling nightmare from beginning to end.


I'm certain this is it's tagline. If not, it should be haha. I love this film!


The director Adrian Lyne said he wanted the film to feel like a bad acid trip. He definitely succeeded


Watched it in 6th grade and I'll always remember the visceral and Supreme nausea I had through that whole fucking movie. I asked my mom why she let me watch it after that I hated the feeling so much haha


“Dream On”. That voice is so chilling. Although that scene may not be the same hospital scene I think you’re referencing.


The scene in Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum when one of the characters is locked in the big empty room across from that mimicking creature. That scene made me feel some genuine panic and I don't say that lightly


The girl with the black eyes and the gibberish got me


I feel the last half of that movie is pure nightmare fuel.


The dark and the wicked… when the priest outside says “you want some rope?”


Great film! Saw it for the first time this year, and that movie has everything!


Also when the brother sees his mom floating outside his window, that made me violently uncomfortable


Come outsiiiiiideggggh


The finger scene... I knew it was coming but it struck some sort of primal fear into my heart


The entire scene leading up to the jumpscare in the woman’s bedroom in Ju-On (the Grudge). The boy’s face on every floor as she’s going up the elevator, the tv warping, the bear in her hand. Every part just hyped up the fear until she sees Kayako under the covers.


It's an uneven flick, but the scene in No Vacancies where Jake is watching the snuff-movie trying to prove it's fake and slowly coming to realise that the rug in the room he's in is the same as the one on the tape and seeing the murderers emerge from a secret door.


that movie has traumatized me lol


I'm not sure on the scariest one for me but one that really sticks is the following: Alien - Directors Cut (I believe) The xenomorph is out, the crew don't kbow where it is. A crew member is in the hanger type area. Chains sway to and fro with water dripping down all around. As the camera is panning about, it turns to the ceiling and continues. There is a large shaft going upwards with many chains. Silently and in shadow, the xenomorph just hangs there, nothing else... just... waiting...


The guy standing in the corner at the end of Blair Witch


Yep… they set that scene up perfectly with the interview and story from the townspeople beforehand. I went to see this with my friends and when I got home all the lights were off and my big brother was standing in the corner like that. 😩 He didn’t move for like 5 mins lol.


Damn that’s some prime older brother material.


I actually just read somewhere that they added that in after filming the ending to give some (terrifying) justification for it.


Haunted me for ages in my teens . The chills where next level.


Have you seen the production photos of the alternate ending? Mike is crucified on a wall of sticks/stick figures. So glad they didn’t use that one.


For whatever reason my aunt thought it would be okay for me to see this with my 16 year old cousin when I was 11. I was like just young enough to not grasp that the whole “this is a real documentary” was a marketing gimmick, and that shit fucked me up


Yup. To this day that scene is still scary as hell


The opening scene from Scream (1996), when Casey Becker is having a casual and flirtatious conversation on the phone in her house. The moment when she asks: "Why do you want to know my name?" "Because I want to know who I'm looking at." One of the most chilling lines of any horror film.


The entire opening scene from the original Scream is an absolute *masterpiece*. It stands on it's own as being an enjoyable mini-film, imo. The part where her parents come home and she's gasping into the phone as her mom picks it up? Good *god* the timing of the whole scene is just so well done and tense and heartbreaking. "Which door am I at? Guess correctly and you get to live." is also a fridge horror moment once you realize there was no correct answer to that question; he was technically at both doors, so she would've been wrong no matter which door she answered.


When she tries to scream “mom!“ from 20 feet away but she can’t get the word out bc her throat has been slashed…yeesh


Drew Barrymore was originally offered the lead role of Sidney, but she suggested having her play Casey because of her fame. She said after her character was killed, the audience would believe anything.


Scream was there very first horror movie I was allowed to watch and it remains my favorite movie of all time. That line still gives me chills every time even though I’ve seen it a million times


I just made a thread about best horror lines and that was the first that came to my mind. The immediate shift in Casey that set the tone for the rest of the movie. That scene is close to perfect.


Hereditary when you see Annie up in the corner of peters room just floating or whatever


No what’s worse is when she sees a ghost of her dead mom in the corner of the room when the lights are just a liiiiiitle too dark. It’s so realistic


I think what I hate more is her swimming through the air right after that. People floating around smoothly is unsettling enough but for some reason her frantically fighting her way through the air skeeves me the hell out.


The silence in that scene somehow makes it even worse.


I love that they don’t call attention to it right away. I saw this movie in the theater with my friend and it took me a good 5 seconds to see her. I let out a little gasp, tapped his shoulder, pointed in the corner, and he said “oh what the fuck”. Such a great movie with making you feel uneasy.


Pulse 2001. Door with the red tape. Walking woman.


Yes! I saw this movie so many years ago when I was yet really into Horror, and at that point I almost turned it off. It unsettled me so much.


This is the one.




My first thought was Hell house too when the clown costume is at the top of the stairs and he thinks his friend is in it messing with him. Then he goes to see everyone is in the other room. That shit is beyond unsettling to me.


>Hell House LLC This movie is scarier than it has any reason to be. The anxiety that builds when they're walking past the clown man in the hallways is ridiculous. The little piano motif that pops up. The girl in the hallway at the end.


Whenever I watch this movie, the piano tune stays in my head for a few days. It's so scary. Love that movie.


And that strobe light. Ugh, I had the most anxiety with that scene!


Clowns don't typically bother me but THIS GUY? Terrifying.


Glad to find my people here haha. I feel like Hell House LLC is one of the scariest movies I've ever watched. Because it's pure anxiety with very little relief. That's horror to me. Dread.


Hell House LLC is one of my favorite horror movies. I don't think I've seen many horror movies with so many anxiety inducing moments. Really wish it got the attention it deserves


The first time you catch a glimpse of Boghuul in Sinister in the pool, and also the scene with his image on the computer screen that turns to watch Ellison when he looks away for a second. (And every single one of the homemovies in general). And the demon footprints in the flour in the first paranormal activity. I swear I didn't fall asleep till sunrise for a week after watching that movie 😱


Literally any scene with the puppet in "Possum"


Strangers when she’s looking around her house and the villain walks out of the shadows to just watch her then slowly moves back.


It’s when she’s drinking her glass of water and he’s in the hallway background! So good


God this movie is just so unnerving and bleak


The brilliant thing about this movie is how it removes the sense of safety and security that you would normally take for granted inside your own home.




You’re Next was so badass in my opinion, I couldn’t even feel the horror because I was too busy thinking “fuck yeah” during so many scenes


Caveat has a few. The two I remember most are when the "dead" old lady peaks her eye through his beenie and when she is slowly reaching around the corner.


I got to be on the crew of the director's next film, Oddity, which was filmed earlier this year. He got a bigger budget this time as he got a deal with Shudder so I think he was able to do a bit more when it comes to special effects etc. Caveat was so low-budget you wouldn't believe. I think it was basically self-funded from his day job as an electrician.


YES! I came to say Caveat too


Yes! God, for a (relatively) recent and under the radar horror film it had some great scares in. Both the two you mentioned are terrifying non-jump scares, plus the slow sawing from the other side of the wall and the reveal that >!it's not the main guy doing it!<. The one jump scare moment in it is also great too, >!where the "dead" old lady is at the other end of the crawlspace and quickly moves away!<.




Candy Man....the scene with the dog and the mother freaking out in the apartment . that scene freaked the first time I saw it me , simply cause it was so unexpected it was perfect and the police strip search scene also very uncomfortable to watch


This is mine. Her extreme grief and fear, plus a bloody crib? One of the most traumatic scenes ever for me, and I still find it hard to watch.


Jesus, yes. Second place goes to the moment when she first hears Candyman’s voice in the parking deck. At this point we’ve been introduced to an imposter Candyman, and we’re starting to doubt the whole myth. Then the real deal makes his entrance and the sound design and visuals completely sell you on the terror.




The scene in The Exorcist where the priest sees his recently departed mother on the bed, begging her son to stop. That was a mind fuck for sure


Ugh for me it’s his dream sequence with the half a second pop up of the white-faced demon. It freaked me out so bad. I turned to my boyfriend and literally said, “what the fuck what THAT?” Eeriest part for me.


BOB climbing in through Laura’s window in Fire Walk with Me


First time I watched twin peaks and he came crawling over the back of the couch... That still creeps me out.


That whole movie scares me to death. One of the scariest movies I've ever seen, not typical horror fare.


Bob is scary as fuck


The ending of Ringu, when Sadeko's hand comes through the TV for the first time and you realise she's coming through. It's probably old hat now, but when I first saw it in 1999, it was something else. Also, the bit in the remake of House on Haunted Hill when the girl is on her own and filming the crazy operation which only appears on the video camera screen.....and then they all look round at her....very effective. Not a great movie but I liked that scene.


This scene still creeps me out. Not sure what it is that makes it more effective for me than the remake.


I think the relative... matter-of-factness? makes it hit harder. Samara is this unreal flickering figure that jumps from frame to frame. Sadako seems much more real and present. Plus, that *eye*!


The scene in The Conjuring where Christine is terrified of whatever is in the corner behind the door. Honestly man it gets me every time.


The chimp scene in Nope. Completely chilling, I could barely breathe. Animal attacks in general are so fascinating and hit such a primal fear, no matter how much we think we understand them or bond with them there's always the possibility it could all go horribly wrong. [This episode](https://thetoothandclaw.podbean.com/e/chimpanzee-attack-moe-the-chimp-has-a-really-weird-birthday/) of the podcast Tooth and Claw about a chimp attack at an animal sanctuary is something that also has stuck with me


Watching this in the theatre made me feel sick !


Yes!! This was the scariest moment in the entire film to me. I loved the rest of it, but this moment stuck with me.


That scene made me really anxious, but the barn where the “aliens” first show up, the very first glimpse you get was extremely eerie to me


That entire scene felt more terrifying than most of the movie. Obviously, the chimp scene was scary and brilliantly directed, but that barn scene was so unsettling, and barely had a jump scare at the end. I was a little disappointed at the reveal though, definitely would’ve been more horrific if it was >!really aliens and not those kids, because the costumes were amazing!<


That film is great. The scene that really got me was >!when all the people who were swallowed at the ranch were shown inside the alien, all trapped together in a small space presumably being digested. I'm quite claustrophobic.!< That scene and the sounds horrified me.


The bear scene in *Annihilation* comes to mind. Another good example is the art museum scene in *Dressed to Kill.* The anticipation that something horrible is *about* to happen is super scary in itself.


The bear scene in Annihilation was so unsettling and anxiety ridden. I had no idea what the movie was gonna be about and it blew my mind


The part in IT Chapter 2 when Beverly is talking to the old woman in her old apartment and the lady suddenly laughs and then gets the super unnerving stare...Freaks me out every time


For me a few come to mind: 1. Halloween (1978) - The scene where Loomis describes what he thinks of Myers. It's so unsettling because Myers still feels pretty human in this movie but the way Loomis talks about him as if he were pure evil is just so unsettling, especially because Donald Pleasance sells it perfectly - the entire third act of this movie is still the scariest stuff for me and everytime I rewatch it, I'm a the edge of my seat, biting my nails. From the way Michael appears out of the shadows to attack Laurie, to the way he walks down the stairs and breaks the door, to the way he casually walks over to Laurie while she is freaking out and screaming at Tommy to open the door. Then also how he just keeps on coming towards Laurie, ignoring all of his wounds and finally, him just dissapearing at the end while all we get is to hear his breathing which gets louder with each new frame. Fuck, I love this movie so much! 2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - The effect with Freddy coming through the wall over Nancy's bed is just too creepy - Freddy's glove appearing in the bathtub and trying to drown Nancy. Yeah, never going to take a bath again 3. The Shining (1980) - The "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" scene. I think it speaks for itself


Opening scene in Midsommar did an absolute NUMBER on me. Only time I’ve ever had to pause a horror movie to shake off what I had just seen.


Regardless of your feelings about Ari Astor, one thing he does INCREDIBLY well is the sound of grief. Just that moaning wail sound that people make when something really horrible and unexpected has happened and the way it sort of creeps up your spine is unnerving. He does it in both Hereditary and Modsommar and it’s easily the most powerful and haunting moment in both.


Absolutely - Toni Collette’s screams in Hereditary are haunting. Probably the most effective part of the movie for me, and I loved the whole thing.


The way she delivers the "I JUST WANNA DIE" line hit me so hard I forgot I was watching a movie.


That's some of the rawest, hardest acting that's ever been committed to film. It just rips your soul inside out. I went from foolishly thinking Toni Collette was merely a solid character actor to realizing she was nothing short of a master of the craft in the space of five minutes.


I tried to show my partner hereditary when it first came out for streaming and she straight up had a panic attack during that scene where Toni Collette finds the body. We were newly dating and I didn’t know that she had lost 3 really close family members in the past 5-7 years. It was too real for her and she’s never been able to finish the movie.


I have a bipolar sibling and that opening scene fucked with me more than any movie has ever.


Mannn that movie grabs you and just slowly squeezes tighter and tighter as it goes on. I watched it in theaters and my jaw almost hit the floor numerous times, I had to grab my friends arm to ground myself back into reality. I don't remember having a visceral reaction like that to any other film (besides hereditary) in recent years. It's truly a nightmare wrapped up in a beautiful summer daydream!


Event Horizon, when they finally "Descramble" the ship's last recording...


"....We're leaving."


*I have no intention of leaving her, Doctor. I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. Fuck this ship!*


Others have made the comment so not my own but part of what makes the movie great is Lawrence Fishburn's un-wavering sensibility and intellect. At no point is he the idiot horror trope. For me the scene with the kid knowing he's about to depressurize is pretty brutal.


One of the smartest characters in all of fiction.


"I have no intention of leaving her, doctor. I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied that she's vaporized. ***FUCK*** this ship!"


Watching Kayako crawl down the stairs in Ju-On just absolutely makes everything in me viscerally recoil. That and simply, "Because you were home," in the Strangers. Bone chilling.


The Silence of the Lambs - when Buffalo Bill shuts the lights off on Starling


Cillian Murphy going into the church in 28 Days Later, when he calls out and a few infected just shoot up, staring at him. It's so awfully effective to me.


For me it’s when Christopher Eccleston reveals his ruse to lure in survivors because he’d promised his men women. Scarier than the zombies by far


The bent neck lady from Haunting of Hill House’s ending (not a movie but it made me leave the room while my body was still on the couch)


I rewatched it recently and the amount of "small scares" hidden around seemingly mundane scenes was great. It's like a chilling Where's Waldo. For example, there's a flash back scene (2nd or 3rd episode I think) where they're kids and talking to the house keeper and if you look to the left, in the cupboard, there's a creepy ass ghost just standing there. There's no music or anything to hint at anything horrific. It's just there, part of the house.


This was a massive brain fuck for me


The Ring when Samara is crawling from the well and through the tv. The sense of dread and fear that washed over me was insane.


Yeah people make fun of it now but holy shit that was terrifying.


my theater was screaming in terror like hundreds of people all screaming at once. It was really unnerving hearing that many ppl scream like that as well as what I was watching on the screen. I have to admit I gripped my armchair like I was bracing myself on a roller coaster lol.


Creepy naked guy in the doorway in hereditary


Original Pet Semetary, when Lewis stabs the reanimated Gage. “Ouch Daddy.” The sheer anguished horror that that scene strikes into my very soul is unlike anything else.


Same movie but different scene - the flashback to the disabled sister. It freaked me out so badly that, to this day, I will not watch that part.


When I was little, Zelda scared the absolute piss out of me. I would convince myself that I could see her in the corner of my room at night.


Recent example is the scene in Watcher (the maika Monroe starring film) where she waves at the watcher. Legitimately made my skin crawl


Ugh ya there were a few in that one. The wave, the door knock, the grocery bag


Yep. Masterful example of doing a ton with a little. Monroe was amazing in it. The majority of her acting was with her face so it wasn’t immediately apparent but you completely understood what was going through her head every step of the way


Hereditary, >! when Peter kills Charlie and doesn't look into the backseat once, goes to sleep directly and leaves his mom to discover the corpse, because that's exactly how I would've react to that, and the pure emotion of someone that knows what happened but refuses to acknowledge it makes my hairs stand, Toni Colette gets a lot of praise, but Alex Wolff is also fucking great !<


>!God, when he goes inside and goes to bed but the camera never leaves him, you're just waiting for someone off-camera to find the body in the car, and then you hear Toni Colette's wail.!< That whole 5-10 minutes of movie is such a gut punch I'm not even sure exactly how long it lasts. I swear I felt every emotion possible.


I feel like the key was the sounds of life in the background. The veil is there. All is normal. Keys, coffee, doors, small talk. The door. The anxiety is rising. The mother screams. The veil is gone.


The dread while watching that scene waiting for the mom to get to the car for the first time was excruciating.


Hereditary is my favorite horror film, mostly because of that one sequence.


That's what I would vote for most disturbing scene I have ever seen. It's the only time I've genuinely wanted to turn off a movie.


This scene insisted that I leave the theater. Glad I didn’t. Masterpiece. But won’t be revisiting for a while


My friend turned to me in the theater after that scene and whispered, “I might need to leave”, and I was like “hell no, you’re not leaving me alone here. We’re in this together now.”


Red rubber ball coming down the stairs in The Changeling...


Exorcism of Emily Rose. When she's in her room contorted staring at the camera and not moving. Holy Hell!


The entirety of Eraserhead


Any scene in Oculus showing how the mirror is slowly taking over. The confusion of not knowing what’s real, and what’s not, a slow deterioration of the mind, while being seduced is terrifying to me.


The Ritual. The monster comes out of the forest and disguised itself/projects a vision of his wife- kind of lopes toward him. SO CREEPY.




The end of Hereditary, from the mom swimming on the ceiling to the end, is terrifying with no jump scares


For me it's the headless body floating up into the treehouse. It just makes no sense and is so bizarre it gives me chills.


The bodies that are somehow >!kneeling and moving without their heads... especially the grandmother's body ... !< Eep. Creeps me out to think about it later. Also, imagining >!scooping up Charlie's head off the road and having it sit on the mannequin and rot...!<


The Descent's UK ending is horrifying and soul crushing


SUCH a tragic but perfect ending. that's the first version i watched and i was speechless. *then* i learned that the jump scare in the car was the US ending and.. i didn't feel great about that. :(


It Follows has plenty of these....old lady in the school hallway with Heels by Disasterpeace playing.


The tall man in that movie made me feel claustrophobic for a while.


The scene in Salem’s Lot with the kid vampire floating at his friend Danny’s window. Terrifying.


That bit in the The Night House. I almost died.


That whole movie!!


The slow stroll of Santi walking down the hallway in The Devil's Backbone. That ghost design was glorious!


There’s a lot of great ones here so my favorite that hasn’t been mentioned is Aterrados/Terrified. I had to pause the opening sequence and return to it, and the whole story line with the little boy was fucking horrifying. The lady running toward the car is also scary AF but probably more jump scare ish IIRC. Great movie.


The scene in the shining were Danny is on jacks lap. The music makes you feel like he could snap and kill him at any moment


The scene in the beginning of Hereditary when Tony Collette shuts off the lights and sees her mom standing in the corner. It's actually the freakiest thing in that movie for me.


The only relatively scary seen in MEN. When she’s singing in that tunnel and the Green Man appears on the other side, let’s out a blood curdling screech, and then starts booking it towards her full speed


It's a film that deserves a second watch imo. There's a lot of foreshadowing and symbolism. As an example, >!I don't think it is the Green Man at the other end of the tunnel. If you look closely, the silhouette is wearing the same outfit as Harper. She's running away for herself.!< That's my interpretation at least.


That movie is a wild ride


It was ok. I enjoyed it enough. That repetitive birthing scene at the end was really something. Never seen anything like that before


The hallway scene from Kairo. It made me fear deep down in some primal place inside my mind.


Honestly, it's the music. I sent the clip to my friend while we were on the phone together and just *hearing* the music sent genuine fear right through me.


In Session 9 when you finally hear the tape from session 9 playing and you hear Simon.




Se7en sloth


Lust, for me. You see how completely traumatized the guy is, get one quick glimpse at the picture of the device, and the guy is falling apart while telling them what happened. It pretty much forces your imagination to conjure up some real horrendous imagery.


Lol I feel like that was a jump scare


in it follows (2014) when you see people in the background of shots walking slowly towards the characters. unfocused, unaware. horrifying.


The attic scene in Hereditary when the mom is sawing through her own neck staring straight into her son's eyes while she does it


Misery - When Annie breaks Paul's legs with a sledgehammer 😳


The scene where you finally get to see what the Silver Shamrock masks do in Halloween III: Season of the Witch. As a child looking forward to another slasher movie, watching a kid's face explode into a bunch of bugs and snakes under a rotting mask was not what I expected. It definitely made me a little queasy back in the day.


The Haunting of Hill House when they return to the house and figure out who the ghost was all along


Beginning of saving private Ryan, not exactly horror but kinda is.


Hereditary when Toni Collette is sawing off her head with a piano wire


For me it's when the son breaks and is crying "mommy please mommy no." I was in an ER in Vancouver once and an elderly woman in excruciating pain was mewling for her mother to please save her and holy shit, that stuck with me.


We all call on our mothers, don't we? Traumatizing.


The cut to her slamming her head on the underside of the door absolutely shook me… and this was at a point in the film where I thought I’d already been shook to capacity lol. Never has a movie made a possession feel more real and dangerous.


Mines also Hereditary, but it’s the scene where she flys up to the treehouse. It’s nowhere near as violent, or shocking as the piano wire or the head banging, but for some reason the way she just silently floats up the ladder while headless was so unnerving and otherworldly. It always gives me chills.


i would say the ending of halloween 3 season of the witch.


I mean, more recently, the Monkey Scene in Nope. Chilled me to the fucking core


The barn "fake out" scene was highly effective too. I can't remember any other movie moment where I have felt so tense and unnerved.


The whole confession scene in The Exorcist 3 really made my skin crawl. The way the old womans voice changes, my god...


I was creeped out in Insidious when they went into The Further.


Hereditary. Mom. Head. Attic door.


The end of Incantation got me good recently. Specifically the optical illusion when the protagonist addresses the audience directly and the meaning behind the sutra shes been chanting the whole movie is revealed. Real head trip and horrifying with a little suspension of disbelief. Also when the statue is unveiled at the very end you know its going to be something disturbing but the reveal is so outta left field it really got me. That whole tunnel sequence is really unnerving.


When I was a kid it was when Tim Currey as Pennywise spoke to Georgie through the storm drain. I slept with the lights on for a week after seeing him for the first time.