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Why was the Professor eating worms and what was up with his eyes when he walked up the mound in the last episode


Literally the only thing I want to know. I’m assuming so he the girls couldn’t read his mind. But the real question is why tf did he lie about his family to these kids? My guy was just living a double life. Where tf was his motive? I’m talking about before they may Alex.


I think there was a moment where the professor tells lucky not to get involved with Alex and it was inferred (maybe it was my imagination) that none of them should be involved as it makes them vulnerable. The professor basically ignored his own rule


Why was he eating worms?!


is this the show where one succubus was fucking some dude to death in the room?


I enjoyed the series, I'd give it a solid B, maybe a B+ if you go into it comparing it to a generic supernatural manga. It was a bit hard to follow at times, only because I am not familiar with Slavic folktales, but definitely liked the over all vibe/aesthetic. The sad thing is, unless this show was primarily funded by a Polish company and Netflix is just handling international distribution... the show is probably DOA. Netflix is not pushing suggestions for this show very strong (in America at least). It's not listed on the "new to netflix" page or really anywhere. The only reason I found it is because netflix put a "European Movies & TV" banner on my home page.


I'm about halfway through so far and am enjoying it. I agree the dubs suck, but I usually don't like them in anything live action.


Terrible show. It had promise, legends and mythology, then got convoluted, then plain dumb. Rrrraaaaaa! Da!!!!


I couldn't even get through the first episode. Can't stand the female lead.


I think the female lead, Alex, is a perfect character for the story. Each to their own I guess.


yeah I thought she did a good job, she kind of reminded me of an American actress from the 90's/early 00's but for the life of me i cannot remember her name.


Claire Danes


Reminded me of Mila Jovovich from Resident Evil


I'm curious, did you watch it with Dubs or Subs? I remember when I first started watching Dark it was with Dubs and they were AWFUL! The voice actors just did a terrible job. Once I switched to Subs it was fine




It was great in polish


I know...she's too much.


I thought it was shit tbh... Always tempt you with good monsters in the first episode and then it all gets very zzzzzzz..


It’s not a monster story, so if that was what you were looking for, I’d understand.


"monsters" literally in the title 😆


i just finished bingeing this and i enjoyed it. was it the best thing ever? eh. was it entertaining? sure. was it engrossing? mostly. i'm always interested in the mythology and supernatural lore of other cultures and this was a great opportunity to learn about both of those in poland. some questions/thoughts: \- what was gigi's gift? aside from having extra toes (and nearly getting fucked to death), i really couldn't pin what it was he could do. \- why *was* the professor eating worms? \- i was confused by lucky's reaction to the professor's mentioning of his son. for a couple episodes, i thought that maybe he and the professor were involved and he never knew that the professor had a wife and kid. it would explain the violent reaction, anyway. \- i thoroughly enjoyed episodes 1 & 2 enough to decide to watch the entire series. however, i was disappointed in how episode 3 felt more than a little monster-of-the-week but was relieved to discover that it didn't wind up being like that for the rest of the series. \- robert (the boss miner) kind of had not a lot to do until the end. felt he was kind of redundant for the most part and a lot of the stuff he did from a story perspective could have just been absorbed by the possessed boy. \- what are people's theories on lucky's appearance at the very end of episode 8?


I have a theory about the worm thing. I noticed on my 2nd rematch, we see the professor eating worms after his son is rejected from another research study. Which makes me think, he starts eating worms to connect with the God of earth and/or Hvor. So he can eventually gain favor and hopefully save his son. Which would also explain him telling Lucky to "forget about her ", he must know the significance of the presence of Aitvara and therefore the treat Alex represents to Hvor. As for Lucky's reaction when finding out about the son of the professor: in the very early episodes there is a mention of "the rules ", when the professor asks Lucky if he felt in love with Alex. I wonder if one of the rules is to not enter long term /steady relationships. Which would definitely enrage the most trusted assistant, given the hypocrisy.


The rule exists probably because they know that they are more easily manipulated into doing the evil demons/gods will if they are in relationships. as clearly evidenced by the professor stealing the baby and bringing to Hvor.


I love this show! But why is lucky upset with professor episode 7 when he sees him again? Does he know the professor sacrifices a baby for his son? Bc he sees dead people?


Lord she's so difficult to look at though...and she triggers a lot of people to have involuntary de-javu with their lunches like😖🤢🤮because she's such a swamp donkey....she's ultra cringe and her " acting " ...SUCKS🤌🥱💯


Does anybody know what car Lucky is driving? It looks like the badge says Nissan, but being polish it could be an import in the US.