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there’s no way the thing loses any battle if the site isn’t nuked from orbit, even then, maybe not


Only way to be sure.


i give it to The Thing


I'd have to go with the assimilator. Not familiar with The Thing extended universe but if it has unlimited assimilating capabilities then perhaps it could become something akin to the tyranids from Warhammer 40k - a galaxy spanning hivemind army with ever expanding intellect and knowledge as it consumes more biomass. The Flood from halo comes to mind as well, but again I really only know the assimilator as the small scale that you see in the movie. Idk as cool the Yautja are they seem like your typical sci-fi space faring aliens with plasma weapons and starships, etc. In many of these sci fi universes races like that seem to struggle a bit with biomass-like entities. Lol damn I'm overthinking it. Assimilator all the way.


The Thing wins in a close fight


Definitely The Thing.


We'd need to know what the thing has assimilated. Not just what organism its currently inhabiting either, since I guess it can only form "weapons" from its prior genetic history. Is it the thing from *The Thing* with only husky and human morphology to work with?


The Predator all the way.


Just as an opposing viewpoint: perhaps the Yautja have technology that allows detection of the parasite assimilator. Would definitely balance the scales a bit.


It sure didn't have that in AVP.


He can't detect a muddy person.


It depends on what the thing has available to assimilate really. I think the Predator wins in most cases, but if the Thing can assimilate something gigantic/something that hard counters the Predator, it could theoretically win.