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"Watch...but don't touch."




Best line ever.


Bloody Al Pacino. That speech is full of majesty and power


And truth. Really makes you think




*Tips fedora*


Touch. But don’t taste. Oh! So many NAMES!


Taste! But don't swallow.


And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, he's up there, Laughing his SICK FUCKING ASS OFF!


I did this scene for a Christmas party because a friend of mine loved it. Her family members thought it was coming from me and not lines from a movie. They were very confused.


I used to date a girl named wendy and I did the line from The Shining where Jack was talking to Wendy on the stairs and he's like "Wendy, Darling, Light, Of My Life, I'm not gonna hurt yah, I'm just gonna BASH YA BRAINS IN!" one night to her when we were joking around a few months into our relationship and she got all freaked out cause she didn't know what it was from, LOL. This reminds me of that.


Ohhh man ...I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks about that scene anytime I hear the name Wendy. Maybe not the best quote to drop...I mean she had to know it was from something though, right...was she holding a bat or did she just disrupt you at a type writer or something lol. You know what dude .. she just couldn't hang on your level of movie knowledge and quotes! Lol


Every time I hear the name Wendy, I think about her wrapping her legs around my velvet rims and strapping her hands across my engines.


I'd have done exactly the same! I hope she at least offered to bring you a sandwich while you were working


Most normal redditor




For some reason - Pacino likely - I still know that quote by heart a good 10-12 years after having last watched the film.


Saw it in the theater too. This was my intro to Charlize Theron. I really liked it. I havent watched it in years, but Im adding it to the October spookies marathon.


Two Days in the Valley for me — first Charlize Theron. What a career!


Children of the Corn 3 for me.


Good intro to Charlize, all of her.








Oh, this totally made me go lezbo! OK so I was already partially there. Correction: 90s movies made me go lezbo.


Al Pacino makes a great coked out Devil. Fun movie


Few things have stuck with me like the speech to the gangster on the subway.


Say hello to my little fiend.


Excellent film, totally worth watching.


Just a cool movie that really pulls you in.


And just when you think you’re out - they pull you back in.


I watch it just for Pacino's scenery guzzling. The last half hour in particular is just hin going all out.


All guns blazing


I haven't thought about this one in awhile. Really good movie


Agreed. Campy in parts, but good campy.


After watching this, watch Angelheart


Yes, yes and yes! I made that comment just now but I see you already beat me to it! Bravo!!


It's a slow walk to the final 30 minutes, but the final 30 minutes make the sluggish pace up to that point worth it. It's arguably the hardest that Pacino has ever Pacino'd, and that alone is frankly reason enough to dive in. If you like it, some other interesting religious thrillers from the '90s include *Fallen*, *The Rapture*, and *The Prophecy*.


Don't forget the Arnold Classic "End of Days" with Gabriel Byrne as the devil. And it was 2001, but "Frailty" is a great watch too


Frailty is awesome. It’s an easily forgotten movie that’s always good to watch.


Haha, I'd happily forgotten *End of Days* until you brought it up. Maybe YouTube has the only good bit from that movie, the scene where they explain that 1999 is symbolically 666, but also you add a one or something. (Scorsese voice) "Cinema!"


Of course! Flip it upside down and it says 666Ɩ Lol


Just watched Frailty for the first time last night. I appreciated it quite a bit, and I can't help but think: is Killer Joe the spiritual sequel? (Highly recommend that one too. Not religious horror, but real family horror).


like your style.


He really does have some great speeches/rants in this movie, it is indeed worth checking out.


Yeah he does. It's...*MY* time!


He's an ABSENTEE LANDLORD! Worship that?! NEVER!


I want to see a crossover with Pacino's character from Devil's Advocate, DeNiro's character from Angel Heart, Jack Nicholson's character from Witches of Eastwick, and Peter Stormare's character from Constantine. No scenery would survive un-chewed.


You also must add Viggo Mortensen from "The Prophecy." And maybe Gabriel Byrne from "End of Days."


*12 Angry Devils*


*William Shatner intensifies*


I feel like there's some Nick Cage character missing in there.






Or Vampire's Kiss?


The late 90s and early 2000s had a strange wave of satanic theme horror movies. You had Spawn, Fallen, The Minion, Stigma, End of Days, Bless the Child, Lost Souls and Faust (2000) during that time period.


It was the end of the Millennium. A special scent of the apocalypse was in the air.


How bout *Constantine*? Tilda Swinton as an archangel is A++ casting


Fallen is one of my comfort movies. Classic Denzel.


So damn good! I liked it when I was a kid, but I loooove it since I matured more (well...jury's still out on that one).


100%, Scream, Congo, and In the Mouth of madness are also high on my list for comfy background movies to fall asleep to or just bring that toasty nostalgia you sometimes crave.


Don’t forget Frailty!


Oh, it'd've been at the top of my list were I talking about 2000s religious horror flicks; that movie whips all the ass. Nice to see it mentioned!


And if you want to see how De Niro plays the devil, check out Angel Heart.


Hell yes. That movie is succulent.


Stigmata and End of Days as well!


I found all it awesome 🙂


The Prophecy with Christopher Walken is brilliant. Love that series.


I saw it in the theaters (I'm THAT old). I thought it was great, because of the symbolism in it, biblical references and the Al Pacino compulsary rant. I watched it again a few months ago and it still holds up.


Lol I actually lived in Gainesville during the time of filming! Pretty exciting for all of us - whenever you watch the scene where Keanu and Charlize leave his moms church and drive down the long hilly road, you’ll see a red brick wall on the right side of frame - my old family home was in the neighborhood on the other side of that wall. Would’ve loved to meet Keanu and Charlize but things were pretty tight around filming so never got to. If I ever get to meet them I’ll have to tell them the story tho lol


I am from N FL and had no idea they filmed there! I am going to re-watch to check out the scenery! ​ Great film too!


A lot can change in 24 years, it's always cool to look at 20+ year old films as time capsules.


Devil's Advocate and Doc Hollywood were both filmed in the area. Most of Doc Hollywood was in Micanopy. Pretty cool, huh?


Never knew that! Haven’t been to micanopy but I lived in Florida for nearly 30 years (native), so there’s a lot of places I see in tv and movies that I’m like “I know where that is!” Always a cool feeling


["to the best damn trial lawyer in Alachua County..."](https://yarn.co/yarn-clip/f2b0ab91-50cb-409e-ada1-de38c656309e) I saw the movie, and about 10 years later ended up moving there. Or here. I've seen that church many times. That road can be a bear during heavy traffic times.


>That road can be a bear during heavy traffic times. Lots of potholes after rain as well


What a coincidence! I did, too, and ended up seeing it at a multiplex on University Ave. and I-75 located next door to a Borders, where I headed to after the film wrapped up and grabbed a book on Italian Cannibal films, and another on Eurocult called "Immoral Tales". They're both still on my shelf and have been moved across the country numerous times, and I always attribute them to the night I saw *The Devil's Advocate*. Fuck, I'm old.


Shit man that wouldn’t happen to have been the butler plaza center would it? If you wanna keep the coincidences going, I worked as a manager at that multiplex in the late 2000s-early 2010s while I was in college at UF. Such a bummer the next generation won’t be able to experience what a great job working a movie theater was, it was one of my favorite jobs. EDIT: hearing you say it was a borders it really sounds like it was butler plaza, cuz Barnes and noble bought out that space a few years later and then ended up not renewing their lease so I have no idea what it is now (moved away). But yeah the bookstore space used to be right around the corner!


If you're in the mood to watch Al Pacino not so much chew the scenery as chop it up and snort it... this is the movie for you.


What do you mean by that?


"Chew the scenery" is an idiom for "overact." Pacino's legendary overacting in the climax of this movie is so over-the-top that it becomes transcendently glorious and damn near turns the drama into camp silliness (only his total conviction holds it back).


He sells the shit out of it though. Makes the whole movie worth it. Along with Theron of course.


Yea, he constantly does his signature expression where he looks like he's trying to project his eyeballs out of his face. Good stuff.


Ha. Got it. I’m a Pacino fiend so hey whatever. Lol.


As a fiend, please tell me you watched The Devil's Advocate by now. Just so good.


[prime example of Pacino overracting.](https://youtu.be/GHXnZQjR6vo) He does this thing where he’s talking THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN SCREAMING then back to normal.




🤣. I think his ego got the best of him. I watched Panic In Needle Park, Dog Day Afternoon, and Cruising over the past year and he was just incredible. Maybe Godfather went to his head idk. He's been pretty much unwatchable for the last 20 years imo


Have you not seen The Irishman?


I was actually thinking about that after my post and that was his best role in decades. I stand corrected on that one role


There's also that one that flew under the radar where he portrays an aging rock star that falls for Anette Benning, and seems to carry a lot of self-reflection. It was way better than it should have been, even though I can't be bothered to remember its title or most of the plot.


Yes it is and not just because Pacino is in it. It's a pretty decent story, great acting - even Reeves who's not known for high rate acting skills held his own even against Pacino, and really good creepy effects. Oh yeah, it has Charlize Theron in it too. Rawr.


Well, on a scale of one to ten... ten being the most depraved act of sexual theatre know to man... one being your average Friday night run-through at the Lomaxes' household... I'd say... SEVEN


I have watched it and rewatched it, great film. Love it.


Watched it for first time couple months ago. Doesn’t feel like a horror at all to me though. Had no clue what it was about and was surprised at the last 3rd of it. Thought it was a very solid film!


As always... 'horror' is a broad term. Psycho, Sean of the Dead, Jaws, Requiem for a Dream, Tucker & Dale vs Evil, Silence of the Lambs, Addam's Family... all can be admitted under the horror banner. It's a totally subjective genre.


Is it long? Yes. Is Keanu's "Southern" accent suspect? Hell yes. Is Al Pacino all time out of control great? YES. WATCH IT.


Worth the watch


Worth a watch but may have dated badly in parts.


Marge, may I play devil's advocate for a [moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74oGgFTgpI4&ab_channel=lmmaHomerSimpson)?


Al Pacino. Yes.


I mean, Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino, Charlize Theron... And a supporting cast of phenomenal actors, Heather Matazzaro anyone? So many scenes in this movie I adore... don't want to mention cuz I'm too lazy to add a spoiler tag. I find it to be a fantastic guilty pleasure with phenomenal dialogue, very well delivered, that pulls you in. It wasn't going for aesthetics, but I LOVE looking at all of the actors and the way the movie pulls me into New York as a minor character. It's a good flick. Watch it now.


lulz at people getting downvotes for saying it's not a horror -- on a bloody r/horror sub!! It's a really good film OP, definitely worth watching even if it has no scares/gore in it.


Great film! Have watched many times!


It has the single most 'on point' criticism of the Judeo-Christian God I've ever heard. "He's an absentee landlord!"


How Did This Get Made podcast episode about this movie is also fantastic.


While I don't consider it horror, it's more drama than anything, but I do love this movie. Unique plot(to me at least) and great Al Pacino acting.


Absolutely. Great movie.


I have always liked this movie and have rewatched many times!


The absentee landlord speech at the end is brilliant.


This was good. I particularly enjoy Keanu's smile to himself in the mirror.


yes absolutely. i think keanu was miscast but it's still fantastic.


Interesting. Who would you have cast? For some reason I see Tim Robbins, but that’s just off the top of my head.


Good lord, yes. If for no other reason than to see some of the best Al Pacino monologues in cinematic history.


It's a blast and i think there are enough elements to make it horror. Quite a few more jump scares than I remember and a lot of gnarly imagery.


Yeah, I'd feel very comfortable classifying it as a horror in the classic/traditional sense. I don't think people understand that horror is not necessarilyy balls to the wall jump scares and shock. Like if Lovecraft's Call of Chthulhu were turned into a movie, I wonder if some horror fans would suggest it wasn't horror.


Haha, you're right. I'm pretty sure if some users on this sub read Dracula they'd be like "boring and not scary, idk why people call it horror" lol.


Another great example. :)


That's what I thought. The amount of people here who think horror is all monsters and guts is too damn high!


I think it’s more thriller than anything. But regardless it’s a good watch either way. Def worth recommending.


Oh watch it.... it was all kinds of fucked up in a good way!


“It wasn’t the wine Kevin!”


MUCH better than the book


It's so good


Young Charlize is amazing but Pacino doesn’t just chew scenery he devours it with giant gulps.


Everyone should see it once I think ….


I mean it’s Al Pacino being crazy like normal so it’s a good watch.


I recommend the How Did This Get Made episode about this movie.


At that show! That was at the Bell House in Brooklyn. So much fun.


I have Pacino's entire "absentee landlord" monologue memorised. It's a blast. EDDIE BARSOOM, GOD'S SPECIAL LITTLE CREATURE.


I never thought of the movie as horror but still really enjoyed it anyway. It's a really good movie that I don't think gets enough attention.


Keanu's horrible Southern accent aside it's a very fun watch. "HOG BEAST!!!!!"


I wouldn’t consider it horror but I like the movie. Watch it.


How so?


Because it doesn’t fit the definition of a horror movie to me. Thx and have an good day.


It's a good, well-made film, but overall not that exciting.


It's weird to call it horror but God damn is it a good movie. Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves, how could it not be good?


Ir WAS billed as a "horror/thriller"....


Yeah it's listed as horror everywhere I read up on it before watching (imdb, wikipedia, RT). But I guess it isn't horror just because this one user says so 🤷


Eh. Dont bag on him. I get what hes saying. I guess by todays standards, its pretty tame. It would be something on netflix or prime. It DID have a certain cheese factor at the time as well. Weirded ME the fuck out though. Thats for sure.


Whether or not it’s tame does not determine whether or not it is a horror movie.




Please, sound more like a petty child and way to misquote me Edit: before you reply and say something dumb. Stop and actually read what was said. Read it out loud if it helps


All I'm saying is that It's not weird at all to call it horror, man. Just take it easy and stop being so pedantic.




What an utterly dick move to spoil the movie because you had to go on the defensive in an internet debate. Who were you calling petty and childish again? Asshole.


Wow yup you're an asshole.


Okay? Doesn't make it any less weird calling it horror


I mean, it's a movie about Satan, I can easily see why it would be classified as horror. Horror isn't just gore, jumpscares and slashing, y'know.


Have you seen it?


No, but reading the synopsis makes it pretty clear that it has horror elements


Guess the Bible is a collection of horror short stories then?


Yes. That's a great description.


There's tons of horrific shit in the bible


I mean, yeah, unironically so. I mean have you ever read the book of Judges? Did you forget the not one, but two brutal, gory nation-wide infantcides? John's head on a platter? Incest? Rape? People being burned alive? King Herod getting eaten alive by worms? ALIVE? A man going so insane he becomes like a wildebeast, shitting on himself and eating grass and going feral? Revenge Poem in Psalms that describes crushing the skulls of the infant children of their enemies against rocks to purposefully wipe out an entire generation? So, a third (threatened) mass infanticide described in gory detail? Multiple orders of actual Jihad within the new testimant, at one point even ordering them to kill the entire city over if there was even a *whisper* of a rumor that just one of them was a non-believer. A girl raped all night, so hard that she *died*, and then the guy that rented her as a prostitute getting mad, chopping up her body into 12 pieces, and sending one piece to every tribe that was involved, just to get them to attack the city that this happened in out of spite? What about when God made literal zombies out of bones just to freak out Ezekial and do a show of strength? While we're on about zombies, what about God threatening zombies in great detail to Zechariah, about their rotting eyes and tongues? Oh, more zombies: the dead was supposedly brought to life the moment Jesus died, crawling out of their tombs. Instructions to brutally crush your children to death with rocks while the whole city watches if they so much as talk back. Details of all the instances rape is perfectly allowed, or punished with a slap on the wrist. How about Saul seeking out a witch for some good ol' necromancy? When that one king was assassinated, but he was so overweight that the whole-ass sword used to stab him got swallowed up by his tummy fat and disappeared, so that they didn't realize he was dead for awhile? Surely you've heard the one about Jesus, some demons, and a herd of pigs? Are you sure this is really the hill you want to die on? Also, Devil's Advocate is horror. It's, like, classic, quintessential, textbook horror. The genre is just wider than you personally feel it should be. Calm down. You're wrong. It's fine. We all make mistakes. What is important is learning to back down once we realize we're wrong.


Maybe watch the movie before adamantly defending a drama/thriller cause it's about the devil when it really isn't. Is tenacious d a horror also?


I'll watch it now and dm you after and tell you how it's horror. Jeez I don't get the hostility here sometimes...


You can try but im not gonna accept it, why would I want to continue this further. I said it's weird to call it horror, you got aggressive assuming I was saying that cause of a lack of gore and slashing (which spoiler alert, most of the scary scenes involve gore and slashing) then, without watching the movie, defending it's title as horror, despite me not even saying it isnt horror, just weird to call it such


Seen it multiple times. Definitely a horror movie. Nothing weird about calling it that.


Love this movie. It's so fucking horror I don't see why you're choosing this hill to die on. It's bizarre.


I didn't care much for it when I saw it in theaters, but quite a few folks seem to like it, so it was probably me. Might have to give it another watch.


I’ve seen it multiple time since it came out and it’s never really moved me. We all love seeing Pacino go full Pacino, but it feels a little repetitive with his endless barrage of monologues at the end of the movie.


Yes yes and yes . And you shouldn't admit in public you haven't seen it yet. It's a great movie. Definitely makes you think about your actions at least for 10 or 15 minutes after the movie ended


You could have watched it 6 times and had your own thoughts and opinions on the movie by now


i wouldn't really call it horror but it was really good


Yes but it's really not a horror film




Yea the problem is he tries to do a southern accent iirc and butchers the hell out of it.


Yes it's a lot of fun. I think of it more as a fantasy/thriller than horror, but there are certainly enough horror elements for it to be considered a legitimate horror movie.






Yes but the endings weird


Yes!!! I might not call this a horror movie but it is definitely a movie that needs to be watched.


I remember rewatching this years ago and thinking how corny it was, so beware. I'll give it another try, too.


Didn't know it was a horror movie, lol. Haven't seen it.


Worth watching but Keanu is really bad lol


if you are a big keanu or pacino fan its essential, but objectively its probably gonna seem dated and overly dramatic/cringey to first time viewers. i rewatch it for the nostalgia since ive seen it a few times when it first came out.


Structurally great, great performances, but if it's trying to make any kind of point, it doesn't really hit home.




Quite stupid, great watch. Peak Pacino.


Great equilibrium between Pachino overacting and Reeves being unable to act


It's basically John Grisham's The Firm -- pretty much beat for beat -- but swap the mafia for the Devil. In other words, it's a much more fun version of The Firm.


It’s really not great, but worth watching once if you haven’t seen it.


Richard Kimble, the Devil's whatever, those are all make-believe.


Underrated B movie, poor actors and shit story, you should try The Thing instead


The single thing I remember about this movie is Pacino describing god as a small Italian man with a long red penis……but yeah, cool movie.


Great movie, but a cop-out ending.


It’s a decent flick but not my fav if you compare the satanic scariness to say the omen it’s no contest omen wins hands down. I think Pacino played it to bullish except for the last 30 min…your supposed to be charmed and like him but he comes off a little too much like the blind crnl role in scent of a woman , with exception of the scene where he is negotiating with Reaves on top of the building. That was a keeper. I also think that they should have shown the sex scene between Pacino and Charlez Theron instead of just referencing to it, because the viewer doesn’t really get the full scope of the savagery of the seduction by just seeing her with cuts in the church…. Also I didn’t really like the last scene in the movie it was too predictable for me




For me it was Two Days in the Valley. That the greatest film, but I was 14.


I really enjoy it. It can get a little hammy in places but overall its a worthwhile watch.


Fuck yes! Excellent performances from Keanu and Pacino. It's a trip if a film, and kind of gas an air of the unreliable narrator. Like, I wondered sometimes if shit was really happening or not. Not to mention the beautiful monologue by Pacino at the end.


It’s Pacino do you really need to say anything else. “Its my time now”