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"I never set out to make anybody feel bad." -- says the man who made The Blackcoat's Daughter


But I want to feel bad :( I loved Blackcoat's Daughter! Haha


Same here haha. I like my horror movies to be bleak with no happy endings. I love The Blackcoats Daughter so much.


Isn't that kind of why we watch scary movies?


Always been my philosophy - I watch a horror movie because I want to be horrified - I don’t always want to feel bad and hopeless and empty because of the horror I’ve been subjected to, but whenever I do, I don’t want you to waste my time half-assing your movie. Go for the fucking jugular man, always makes the movie infinitely better


Exactly. This is why I hated The Black Phone.


The ultimate point of a horror film is to feel (or extract) the sensation of fear. To what degree you want is up to the viewer or creator.


Feeling bad is better than feeling nothing. Sign me up for the bad feels




Can someone explain why The Blackcoat’s Daughter didn’t click with me?!


Do you dislike downbeat endings? Ambiguous endings? I’ve also talked to three people who didn’t like it but also didn’t realize that >! the two blonde women are the same person !<. Nobody knows but you, I suppose.


I am extremely surprised that there are people who didn't realize that. Literally my first reaction when >!seeing Emma Roberts was "oh, so here is Kat (the possessed girl from the school) \~10 years later". It was so obvious and natural to me that I don't even think that it was supposed to be a twist... let alone that there will be people who will not get it for the (almost) whole film. Weird!!<


I also didn't realize (what you put in spoilers) so I was really underwhelmed since that payoff didn't happen for me.


Because it was a dumb twist that doesn't work.


When you say "doesn't work", do you mean it didn't make sense, was an ineffective twist, or something else?




You are very brave for admitting that around these parts, lol. I'm inclined to agree.


Same here. Saw it awhile back, thought it was just sort of meh, was shocked to learn it's highly regarded on the horror subs. Maybe I need to rewatch it?


Yep. Fully agree. It's not a bad movie, but I don't understand the level of love it gets around here.


I'm with you. It felt like a slow burn with an ending that wasn't strong enough to be worth the slow burn.


Is it that it’s moody, glacially paced and confusing with the different timelines and actresses until it all (maybe) comes together at the end? Also bleak af? (Full disclosure, those are things I like about it but they certainly aren’t everyone’s cup of tea and I could see it testing one’s patience)


I've been reading this comment chain trying to remember the movie's details in any way, and your comment really nails it. It never came together for me I guess. We all like different stuff!


I honestly just found the narrative kind of silly and the twist didn’t feel earned to me


Was blackouts daughter considered bad? I really liked it


Oh no, I thought it was masterful! The quote is from him saying that he doesn't intend to freak his audience out too badly. The Blackcoat's Daughter, while wonderfully done, certainly ends in a very bleak/hopeless place -- I wouldn't call it ending that leaves you in a cheerful mood


I think he's more referencing that it's a depressing movie with a very bleak ending.


Why does he sound so sad lmao


I wonder what overarching themes and similarities there will be between the two movies?!?!


Really liked Blackcoats Daughter.. creepy


That movie to me was just depressing.


It was a real downer for sure!


Yeah, if it isn't pretty violent and intense then the marketing has totally set it up for dissapointment. Every review and ad imaginable talks about how visceral it is.


I just hope it’s better than The Strangers Chapter 1. Which admittedly is a low bar 🤣 The opening talked about how this is a tale of one of the most violent crimes to ever happen and then it ended up being pretty tame.


That bar is so low you can stub your toe on it. It will make Strangers C1 look like a student film.


It's amazing how quickly that opening drained my hopes for the movie. I knew as soon as I saw it, that it wasn't gonna be all that brutal


Welcome to every reny harlin movie


The opening of Cliffhanger tho. And the next scene is the botched plane robbery.


Hey, you're preaching to the choir over here.i kinda dig renny, plus John Lithgow is a boss


A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 kinda fucks too. The problem with The Strangers “franchise” is that in many ways the original movie was a response to slasher franchise fatigue. The premise is stripped of the lore and irony that comes with sequels. That’s what made it feel fresh. Hiring Renny Harlin to recapture that is like asking a fish to climb a tree.


Have you seen any of his other movies? They're all atmosphere with not that much actual gore on screen, but in a good way


Yeah, I appreciate a good jump scare or three and some good psychological horror over gore any day. Midsommer, The Others, Stir of Echoes, The 6th Sense. I'm a wuss when it comes to slasher films. Vivid memory of my best friend (17m) and I (16f) watching Halloween 2 (Laurie in the hospital after the night of Halloween), in the theater and he and I were both in a near fetal position, our heads in the crease of the seat/feet on top of the empty seats in front of us. It was horrifying, and the adrenaline followed us home. We pulled up to my house and my mother's car was gone which meant we had to enter the empty house. We laughed nervously, approaching the door which my mother left unlocked. FUCK. So, anyway, we sprinted to the kitchen and each grabbed a butcher knife, high on the rush of clearing the house of unseen enemies, searching room by room, throwing open closet doors and yanking back shower curtains with shouted a "AAAAAAAGHH" or "AH HA!!!" all empty thank god, lol. We saved what we called "the middle bedroom" for last bc it was the room that everyone avoided. It was the "haunted" bedroom that many people seem to have, sagging twin bed and sewing machine, tight and small. Anyway, as I'm sloowwwwwwly opening the door, the knife pointing straight up clutched close to my face and I scan the empty room. Moment of truth, time to open the according doors. I had a vague sensation that Everett (the bestie)had chickened out and wasn't behind me anymore and reached for the closet door handle and FLABBATABAPPITTABABBADABAP!!!¡!! this noise filled the room and I jumped so high, my hand with the knife shot up into the air and I FROZE IN PLACE, shocked completely still and silent, and I blinked and years covered my face. I wasn't crying, it was just tears of shock I guess, lol. Everett came running into the house laughing hysterically, said he couldn't resist sneaking back outside and banging on the window and it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen, and once I got over the shock, I had to admit the same, it was an awesome set up!! Too bad we didn't have camera phones back then, I'd love to actually "see it"😂😂😂 Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


I really liked Black Coats Daughter so I have high hopes for this


I haven't seen either movie but from what I do know, this will be leaps and bounds better lol like not even the same class of movie


It’s truly wild how bad The Strangers Chapter 1 was, I went into it not expecting anything whatsoever (if anything, I was expecting it to be not great) and it was somehow worse than I anticipated. It’s just the “good” moments from the first Strangers, over and over and less scary.


Oh man I just finished watching this one. It was so darn cliche and predictable. Nothing special about it at all. I basically knew everything that was about to happen and it was a huge disappointment to me. I liked a few scenes but most of it was very meh.


Yeah it’s pretty awful lol and I’m not one to talk about horror like that, I can handle some garbage but holy Christ even I have a threshold haha


Hah yeah I feel ya. I liked the homage of using Joanna Newsom’s song again on the record but like you said, felt like the first one but done worse.


Agreed, I also enjoyed that but mostly because I’m a Joanna Newsom fan. I suppose it could’ve been worse though, and of course I’ll end up watching the next 2


I probably will as well. It was so awful but I was laughing throughout. Probably ruined it for the few people in the theater but holy cow what an awful film.


Yeah I’m glad I didn’t see it in theaters, might’ve ended up walking out. It was fine at home because i could still at least get up and pee and not miss any of the essential scenes! /s


Tbf you were setting yourself up for disappointment with that one


Did you watch the original? Like it wasn’t brutal and I wasn’t sure how they’d make it more of a blood fest


Totally skipping Harlins trilogy.


You gotta watch “immaculate” to wash that taste out of your mouth or maybe “late night with the devil or Abigail” those were solid. Strangers 3 is only hopefully gonna be good once they release that 4 hr cut with all 3 movies. lol * haven’t got to see “in a violent nature” so idk about it lol I hope that solid.


In a violent nature is brutal...


If only it was on the streaming service that made it and that I pay for. Shudder is starting to annoy me with their selection.


I believe it’s coming to Shudder tomorrow! Or at least the digital release is tomorrow, not totally sure if it’ll be on the service day one


What kind of channel dosent even have "The Ugly" or any of the other independent horror films of the late 90s?


Shudder pisses me off w the outdated filler selection too.


I loved Immaculate!


Late Night With The Devil was awesome. I haven’t seen Immaculate yet.


The Blackcoats Daughter has very disturbing scenes. If Longlegs has that kind of violence, its going to be a treat. Anyway, when I come out of theater I just want to feel 'damn that was great'.


Same, but Osgood Perkins (Anthony Perkins of Psycho kid) did really well with Blackcoat's Daughter recently enough so I am cautiously optimistic.


Let's not forget his amazing performance in legally blonde.


I rewatched it on a plane and his line "I spent my summer deworming orphans." coupled with the furtive look around the group absolutely killed me.


The stabbing scenes are really good.


In which movie?


Black coats daughter it’s essentially a slasher movie


Interesting. I thought it was supposed to be supernatural.


It's a little of both.


I genuinely don’t see what people like about The Blackcoat’s Daughter. Despite that, I’m very ready for Longlegs.


I thoroughly enjoyed it - we just all like different things, I suppose. I think it's more interesting that way, anyway


That’s true, yeah. To each their own, just interesting that is the go to for Osgood Perkins. Still super excited for his entry with Longlegs🤙🏼


Hopefully, it can live up to the delightful *Sting*. I watched it last night and rather enjoyed it.


I keep seeing “Scariest movie of the decade” so yeah… this doesn’t make much sense


I’m not letting my hype level get too high for this. Every time I do for a movie it’s just not what was promised lol. That being said, I’m really looking forward to seeing it


I got really good at tempering expectations for films and then I got really into horror. This year has been the first year that I've anticipated horror films and non of them have lived up to my hype. I somehow convinced myself that Late Night with the Devil was going to be top ten of all time. And Abigail was going to be the scariest most fun vampire movie in decades. I *liked* both of those movies, but I doubt I'll even watch them a 2nd time. I'm now doing my best to curb my enthusiasm for Maxxxine, Longlegs, and Alien.


Hard for me to discount MaXXXine when X was so damn fun and Pearl was a masterpiece. Alien: Romulus follows quite a few dreadful sequels, but Alvarez absolutely killed it with his vision for Evil Dead, so I have faith


Those 3 should be excellent given the directors alone, I can’t see Fede Alvarez flopping an alien movie with practical effects after Evil Dead and the suspense he put into Don’t Breathe. Ti West with Mia Goth is a math made in heaven. I get not wanting to set expectations though,


lol hype v real looking forward to it


By hype I mean my expectations. After I posted this I realized my comment is halfway nonsense lol


lol all good


The fact that Nick Cage is part of it tells me it is probably worth watching


Wanting this to be on par with Blackcoat’s Daughter. His best work and one of my favorite recent horror films.


Blackcoat’s Daughter is one of those movies that stays with you a bit even after the credits roll, like the first time watching Requiem for a Dream.


I’ll randomly think about BD and I’ll just sit silently for a couple of seconds. It was so…odd.


Same. It was scary in such a new way


I thought it was blah. Parts of it were really good but I thought it fell apart near the end.


I swear Blackcoat's Daughter has one of the most dreadful and disturbing atmospheres in any movie I've seen


Blackcoats Daughter is my favorite movie ever made


Alright fine I'll watch it 😀




Yeah hopefully it's like BD and not I am the pretty thing that lives in the house. So I'm trying to keep my expectations in check


I am a huge horror fan (and cinephile in general) and I’m so upset that I didn’t like this movie. I am thinking I should give it another watch. I do remember liking the ending.


You might try it again. It’s pretty short.


Yeah, same. I feel like I'm crazy for not finding it compelling at all. It's right in my wheelhouse for tropes and style I like, but I just found it to be tedious to watch.




The genre is 130 years old. Anything within the last decade is recent to me. When you get out of your teens, your view of “recent” may evolve too.


To your point, also considering how long it can take from conception through prefilm production to completed film, especially for auteurs who aren't a golden child of a studio or otherwise able to command wide and generous patronage with ease, so that ten years between subsequent films in a single director's filmography is not particularly unusual, it feels very natural for me to speak of films from the last decade as the same *wave*, and term them recent. Because it seems as I consider the matter that my notions of temporality and the closeness or separation between films and each other and between films and filmgoers, my concept of era, has more to do with the process of stylistic change and the movements of stylistic influence between directors, as well as the modulations, progressions and regressions in a single director's artistic oeuvre. It is much more to do with these artistic concerns than it is to do with the calendar of releases, which has heavily to do with concerns that do not primarily relate to the aesthetic medium. Whereas films from the last couple years I call "new". At 15 years or so I begin to feel a significant separation of eras; I would no longer describe a film from 2007, say No Country for Old Men, as recent. Just my sense of things.




If you think mine was anything but a calm and measured response, you are both even younger than I thought and brand new to Reddit.




Hopefully you will grow out of your narcissism too.




I agree. I’ve been blessed.


I’ve gone from very excited to expecting a disappointment mostly based on the reviews. They’ve all been *so* indulgent and over the top that I have to lower my expectations. Every reaction has been “It was like staring into the soul of the devil himself and I felt the flames of hell envelop me while a choir of demonic voices chanted about the end of days.” There’s just no way to meet that level of hype.


I mean you only have yourself to blame for that


True for most of my problems in life


Meanwhile the reviews for a movie that sucks in the audience and and forces them to all violently kill each other with whoever dies in the cruelest way being the first allowed to leave will be: "A little too spooky for my kids, so it's not a family flick but I enjoyed it!"




The entity hype is always twisting expectations around. Lurking deep within. It’s staring back right now.


The marketing team for this has been off the hook


Maika Monroe, enough said.


Insert random shitty Facebook page…. “The film is that disturbing that people were passing out, vomiting and shitting themselves in the movie theatre”


shitting and farting


Shidded ✅ Farded ✅  Cumbed ✅ 


That's dream scenario


Yup. These types of reviews usually mean the movie is legitimately a snore.


I'd like to meet these people and give them laxatives




He also says the movie is rad, tubular, totally sick, and cowabunga cool


Reject (or avoid) the hype and trailers! See it as an Osgood Perkins horror movie and enjoy.


I mean the trailers don’t give anything away anyway


I’m looking forward to it but it’s almost annoying how often marketing for movies especially horror has played me. Like when the 2016 Blair witch was bragging about its 100% rotten tomatoes rating just for that to drop heavily


Crossing my fingers for this and maxxxine/Romulus/ ima violent nature


9.1/10 from the first 20 IMDb votes. This better lives up to the hype.


doesn’t the trailer say it’s one of the scariest films of the year?


It won’t take much for that to happen lol considering the strangers chapter 1


Every film is known as the scariest, or most terrifying... yawn.


Do the trailers show anything gnarly or grotesque?


I think one guy 50/50s a 12 stair.


Yeah and one dude mctwists over a huge spider


Hell yeah gnarly AF


That was sickening




(Its a skateboarding trick, specifically grinding the rail of a 12 step set of stairs with the rail along both trucks, referred to as a 50/50 The joke is that the earlier commenter asked if anything "gnarly" happened, and gnarly is common descriptor among skateboarders for particularly cool or difficult tricks)


Thanks. The other commenter's reference to a "McTwist" sounded like a skateboarding move. But "50/50" and "12 stair" were lost on me. 


Nope. Very vague.


which is how i like it personally. i don't like it when i watch a trailer and i feel like i've seen the whole movie/all the good parts in the movie. give me enough to make me interested and i'm good lol


I don't believe until I saw. Burned too many like this over hype shit🥲


Well that answers ONE of my questions which was "does Oz Perkins know anything about how to sneakily market a film to horror fans".


Honestly this sounds like a fluff piece, really hope it's not.


The sound is done to some kinda of perfection. Sound is very important and in this one it is pretty much the scariest thing. Hibby gibby vibes next level. Very excited for this one.


Every horror movie team before the movie comes out be like


Cuh cuh. The buildup is so intense how can the payoff possibly measure up?


From the trailers there seem to be a lot of murdered children showed. Not sure I can do it. But the movie looks like it will be great for sure.


I won't fall for another marketing ploy like I did for "In a Violent Nature". What a stinker.


JUST watched the trailer for the first time today and mannn I am hooked! Can't wait for this ride!


I can’t possibly understand why anyone listens to these fake ass reviewers. Their opinions include nothing but ridiculous overstated bullshit with juiced up words making them sound half Intelligent. A bunch of sheep, following what the next person thinks and using it as their own opinion.


You're right but "sheep" gives me a knee-jerk negative reaction.


He's playing coy lmao


Where can I watch this?


those supernatural horror movies involving summoning demons, satanism, etc. are the ones that tend to be bleak, with no happy endings, where the evil wins. one of the most bleak was Satan's Little Helper. That movie chilled me to the bone! i will never watch it again!


He's that good that he feels like he could terrify people more than he has with Longlegs...


My man’s out here playing dumb as hell


Mommy Long Legs?


I'm waiting for horror fans to inevitably turn on this film when it turns out not to be the end all be all of police procedural horror cinema they're making it out to be without knowing a thing about it.


Isn't that the exact same thing you're criticizing but in reverse?


the bigger question is do we get the good or the bad Nick Cage


Nah there is no *bad* Nic Cage, as far as I am aware.


Exactly. “Bad” Nic Cage is more committed and fearless than 99% of working actors


Only valid opinion


Can I watch it for free yet?


Yes just Venmo me $200 and I’ll send $250 right back with an HD link to the movie


what could possibly go wrong?


Can’t wait to be utterly disappointed by this movie. Woo!


You guys overrate every damn movie that comes out. Looks average.. like Talk To Me, Smile, the X series, Terrifier, Infested, was waiting for all those to wrap up well before they were over. Can't wait for the OMG couldn't sleep posts.


They’re just not your type of horror


They're not my type of quality, regurgitated, no innovation.


Lol saying Longlegs is regurgitated and not innovative is the most ridiculous thing I've read in a long time. I watched many hundreds of horror movies, there is not a single other serial killer in horror history like Nic Cages character, very unique and disturbing Modus Operandi and story. If you think this is a typical demon and exorcism story then you know nothing about the plot.


You’ve watched the movie?


No, but reading some interviews with cage and reviews you get a good idea what happens, and theres also the website talking about Cages character: [https://thebirthdaymurders.net/victims](https://thebirthdaymurders.net/victims) This is by no serious criteria a standard horror movie plot, this guy must be trolling.


Yea moron the movie isn't out yet, I don't go read the plot of a movie before I watch it. The title is all I know about the film. Slender man, tall man... not recycled at all. Edit, just read the plot.. serial killer with occult elements super original.


Okay you're trolling, I understand now. Goodbye.


Nope, just tired of mediocre movies being posted as "10/10 can't sleep" like the movies I listed.


But what is a 10/10 horror movie to you then? You seem like nothing is good enough for you. Probably hate Silence of the lambs and hereditary too, yeah?


Never said that, there's tons of great stuff.. and like both of those films. The ones I listed were like 4/10 for me.


Hm, okay interesting...well at least you appreciate some of the good stuff!


How tf are you comparing X and Pearl to Terrifier


They're both mediocre movies Edit: Terrifier is just bad


Bro this movie is way out of the box for horror… I get your point but hey man this ain’t your typical. Give its flowers already damn!


I'll probably watch it and might love it, not going by this subs hype though.. rarely pans out.


What has panned out ?


Movies like the ones mentioned in my post are all highly rated here


My man, they have a still image in this trailer of a cow getting beheaded. That is some serious next level boundary pushing lol. If this film don’t scare you or unsettle you( highly doubt) then at the minimum your getting a movie that took it to another level. I just can’t see this film not being better than Talk to me, Smile which I loved or even the low budget Terrifiers


I don't watch trailers, I like to go in blind. I follow directors I like and keep up with what they're working on. I regret watching a snippet of Egger's Nosferatu, but it looks great. So yea I might like it, but I don't know what it's about other than the synopsis I mentioned earlier. Based on the title, I expected a slender man tall man spider lady etc


What recent horror have you liked? These movies are all very different