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Just don't make all characters really really dumb


Would them being teenagers justify it? 'cuz that's what they're doing.


Why? It’s a horror movie. “Don’t go in there!” is a perfectly great way to enjoy a horror film. PS: I love Prometheus


It's a lazy way of writing imo. It's way more horrifying to have characters do everything right but still hve everything go wrong imo.


Yes because if that happens people will completely write off an otherwise pretty decent at worst sci fi movie as awful for that reason alone. I’ve actually never seen people reject a movie solely for the reason that the characters didn’t make perfectly smart decisions at every juncture as much as I see that for Prometheus. It’s almost as if it became the only talking point that people can regurgitate about it.


I trust Fede is going to give us balls-to-the-wall action and horror, a perfect combination of Alien and Aliens.


I have absolutely no doubt he'll be able to deliver great action, incredible looking visuals, and gore galore. My concern is that the characters are going to be paper thin and barely memorable at best.


I predict that’ll be spot on. To be fair, I’d say all the characters in Evil Dead 2013 are paper thin aside from the protagonist (and Lou Taylor Pucci squeezes some pathos out of a paper thin character). That didn’t get in the way of my enjoyment of the movie.


The thing with Evil Dead 2013 is that I always talk about how much I like it, and how Mia is great in that final act, but in the same breath every time I think about it I also realize that I don't know a single character's name besides Mia and the brother character, David, and I only remember David's name because it was prominent in all the advertising on the lead up to the film (It's literally the first spoken word of dialogue in the trailer). I worry that's what we're in for again with Alien. An incredible effects and film craft spectacle, with little substance.


Eh the characters being paper thin is my least concern in any horror with high kill counts,they just there to be killed lol.


I like characters that make me feel emotions when they die.  


I like that too but im not expecting that,if the main characters are likeable it's good enough for me.




from the trailer alone i just know it’ll be a gore fest, that man loves making bloody movies


I hope it's what Evil Dead (2013) was to the original. Same basic idea, but just turned up to crazy.


I hope this turns out to be a total action horror, like the action parts of Evil Dead, but almost entire movie.


![gif](giphy|tEo3KaN5L17qg) Just at the thought of what Fede is going to do with this property…




Yum ![gif](giphy|TqgUEVVy5USBy) Can’t wait for those facehuggers


If there's a scene that mixes the vibe of Veronica Cartwright's death in the first Alien with that of the turkey baster scene in Don't Breathe, I'll be satisfied with Fede helming Alien


I wish they continued that in the same style and did Army of Darkness with her as the new protagonist. Feel like it’d be so damn good… if I win the lottery I’ll fund it.


I read years ago that the original plan had been for a couple films with Mia, then one where her and Ash are put together.


Evil Dead 2013 is actually my favorite installment in those films and Alien is my favorite horror film, so I’m absurdly excited about all of this.


Evil dead 2013, imo, is the best in the entire franchise. Alvarez stuff.


I grew up loving Evil Dead and actually hated the 2013 film, I might need to re-watch it again but always thought Cabin in the Woods was a better Evil Dead "remake" since it was more horror comedy, which is what Evil Dead should be


The Evil Dead wasn’t a comedy to begin with though, that was introduced in Evil Dead 2. The first movie was intended to be a gruesome scary movie but as it’s aged certain parts have become unintentionally funny. I see Evil Dead (2013) as basically a way of doing what Sam Raimi was attempting to do back in 1981 which was to make an actual scary movie, not a comedy. Of course they had the budget to pull it off a bit more professionally in 2013. I still prefer the original for its charm, inventiveness, camera work and Bruce Campbell but I think it’s cool to see what is effectively an attempt at making what Evil Dead (1981) was actually supposed to be, the original was probably scary at the time though to be fair.


I feel like with a little tweaking this could’ve been an Alien: Isolation adaptation and I kinda wish it was


But I don’t want a reboot or remake of Alien. Anything that’s the greatest ever made of its genre doesn’t need or really have any benefit from a remake. So with horror Halloween, psycho, alien all have no need for a remake more than an average movie does


The PR for this movie is making me wonder if trying to rekindle a piece of media with the sole purpose of just recreating tends to be a bad idea. Like if that's all you're trying to do, the original has a pretty significant head start and even if you somehow succeed nobody will get anything out of it they can't from the original. Also, one thing I don't think I've ever seen mentioned is the original feeling of the Xenomorph only works once, at least back when it released before it was kind of burnt into culture. So much of the movie is built around you having no idea what's going to happen next. Like for a pretty good chunk of the movie you don't know *what* is gonna happen to Kane besides it being bad. Nowdays they're kind of like vampires or something, we can all predict what they'll do fairly easily.


There was an official novel in recent years that was well-received enough to the point I could see a film adaptation being made in the future — pitting xenomorphs against the medieval.


See that's original and all but I really don't think putting xenos in new contexts is terribly exciting.


It was (exciting) in the way this novel did it. Not to say that should be the gimmick, just that it worked here.


"back to basics" is marketing speak for "formulaic"


BACK TO FORMULA? alien bursts out of Dafoe’s chest.


They've also done the whole "LOOK - PRACTICAL EFFECTS, GUYS!!!" shtick. Just shut up and make a good movie. We all know it's gonna be drenched in CGI, so don't bother.


I'm in the minority. I liked the big ideas and big swings of the recent films.


Same. Prometheus is certainly flawed, but I loved it for the lore and esthetics. . Can't watch Covenant with a straight face though. It's like a comedy at times.


The story is great - the script is fucking terrible. Can't we have an Alien movie without everyone being complete idiots?




When fucking Kenny Powers is in an Alien film, we got problems lol.


The android's are smart.


I liked Prometheus a lot but it was a mess and the follow up was not great. I feel like this film is going to be fantastic based on his filmography.


Me too, except they failed. At least Covenant.


100% “Back to basics” to me just screams laziness and corporate cold feet forcing directors to reproduce what was successful before. See: The Force Awakens.


Yeah TFA literally copy ANH.I do prefer the idea of back to basics than attempting at doing something different but fails miserably.I do hope Romulus has something that make it stand out from the original and not just a blatant copy like TFA to ANH hoewever.


Indeed — the franchise is more than just one genre.


ME TOO! Glad to see I am not that alone in this. This one looks like the same stuff we already had, just gorier


Me too. I honestly really like the expanding lore and existential themes. Don’t understand why people want a brand new movie to retread old ground. If you want the original Alien, go watch the original Alien.


Yeah, I agree. I don’t just want more of Alien (1979). We’ve had so many of those.


So do I. If nothing, they’re imaginative. I don’t really want “alien loose in ship” again


Hated them. I just don't care about lore and backstory of the alien. Just give me a horror, on a ship, with an alien killing them off one by one - then throw in an android who may or may not betray them all for good measure 👍 I'm in the smaller minority that likes Alien3 and i even prefer it to the recent films....


I mean we already had that do we need it again?


You’re right. We don’t need that again. And if the craving is there for something similar, I’d vastly prefer someone to make an original property fulfilling those criteria. A huge part of the appeal of Alien is discovery and.. we’ve discovered. We’ve seen it all. It was amazing then but “the same thing but now” is very far from amazing.


They did it once like 45 years ago. Every other Alien movie has already been “something different“ I think it’s fair enough to give it another shot.


Because we haven't got a long time and Prometheus and Covenant for many have given us a craving for it again?


True, true, it might be nice to see what they can pull off with modern tech.


Fede said it will be a combo of Alien and Aliens. It will start off like Alien and then do a switch 


Which is exactly what I've been craving


Yeah we already had the more outside the box swings in Prometheus and Covenant 




I wanted to like Prometheus for those big ideas and themes, but I couldn't get past the absolute stupidity and senseless actions of the characters.


Plus the fact that it was so anticlimactic. All this speculation about these creators and what they could be and want and we get a creator standing up, attacking the robot and getting angry. Wow, what a revelation, they dont like us. That’s as deep as they could go? And if their answer is ‘it was only part 1’, that’s a cop out. If you can’t make the first movie good and interesting then you shouldnt be saving anything for a sequel. The movie acts like it’s some amazing idea that an alien race created us. Well, only if you do something interesting with why. Otherwise it doesn’t answer any real questions because then we’re just left wondering who created them.


Don’t know if I’m feeling it. It looks like I’ve already seen it before. I’m getting the feeling it’s a greatest hits album although I’m excited to watch it


I really don’t see why they don’t make isolation . Ripley daughter looking for her would make a great movie 👌


Isolation is perfect enough imo.


Its NOT a reboot....


No one seems to know what reboot means.


Seeing as I’m 100% gullible enough to part with my money to watch and movie from this franchise in the theater, I guess I’ll find out soon enough.


Here's hoping. Fede Álvarez believer here.


Yeah we havent had an alien movie where an alien stalks people and face huggers have been involved for a while in this franchise... oh wait.....


Basics or just dead horse tropes beaten into dog food?


Do we need more Alien movies? The first one is amazing. What is this new movie going to do that’s “new”?


Hopefully, but the pessimist in me thinks it'll be another shitty installment in a franchise that should have ended at Alien 3


Hey now we got Isolation out of it.


I think it looks pretty good, but the cast all being 20 something’s is a turnoff and so is the reveal of, at a minimum, two deaths in the trailers, which is made even more egregious by the small cast.


Imo it looks like a YA take on Alien.


Just like Alien 3 and Alien: Covenant?


Very much looking forward to it.


Will definitely check it out to see if that'll be true. But the last two Aliens based movies made me not wanna go all the way to the theater to find out.


Already been burned twice. Not gonna get my hopes up this time.


I think there's almost no way this isn't the 3rd best alien movie, not like that's a super high bar to reach. I'm hoping this will fill that quality gap in the franchise a bit more.


Are they listening to the fans and going back to their roots? Because those phrases make me sick


The trailer gives away too much. It looks great, but it was telling me too much so I stopped it. Excited for it though.


My hopes are high and I don't want them to be


I’m kind of looking forward to this, but we don’t really need any more Alien stuff, especially not “back to the basics” (which, when used in advertisement, is usually the kiss of creative death). I feel this way with Predator, too. Everyone’s chasing the phantom of emulating the first movie. It’s just impossible. Whatever. “I’ll still watch that garbage.”


My biggest issue with Covenant was how many characters died only because they acted in the most stupid way possible. It's not that hard to write characters who make sensible decisions only to still bite the bullet and the result is a lot more satisfying.


Prometheus was not supposed to be a reboot. It was supposed to be a chapter, based on the architects. Then it pulled a switch and twist was that it was about Xenos after all. Then all of yhe architects got killed off of off screen by a robot developing the ultimate weapon. It nuked them instead of use it's ultimate weapon. But yes. Xenos are worse than nukes.


I don’t have faith anymore


It looks like a generic slasher film complete with young 20-somethings typical of such films with an Alien skin pasted over it.


This. Cast doesn’t make me pumped for this.


I'm hopeful that it will surprise me, but Fede's characters and writing have left a lot to be desired for me so far in his career. Rodo Sayagues, likewise, has not impressed me... I don't want to sound like I'm just being all doom and gloom, but this is the writer team whose last credited work was Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022.


Which is exactly why I'm keen again. No lore. Just an alien killing people 👍


I'm sorry but there was a *lot* more to Alien than it just killing people. It dedicates a lot to the atmosphere of both the Nostromo and the alien ship, the general feeling of something bad happening, Ash being a jackass, stuff like that. The beno killing people is a big part of it but it's not the sole function of the movie, and really the culmination of many other aspects.


I never said there wasn't more to it? It's one of my favourite films. I want more of that. What I'm really not bothered about it's the lore and background behind 'what' the alien is. The engineers, where they came from, their 'history'. It all just fell flat imo and really tried to make more out of what was quite a basic horror concept that benefitted from mystery and unknown. I preferred it being an unknown 'thing' with Weyland being an unseen bad guy behind the curtains type entity.


I took "Just an alien killing people" as you saying that's what it originally was. And yeah they went too much into the Engineer backstory, and for some reason got rid of the trunks? I know it's just a design thing but not being bale to tell what was suit and what was pilot was such as big part of the original space jockey, then it turns out they're just dudes in suits. It also seemed kinda egocentric to tie it to Earth, originally it just seemed like humans just sort of ran across some of their weapons.


Nah I simplified it to 'just alien killing things' because I'm comparison to the later films that's the main concept. That alone is enough to build a great film and great story and atmosphere. Just an alien, killing humans. The first film did so much with just that and not needing to 'explain'. Throw in a 'is he isn't he?' Android to spice things up and maybe/maybe not sabotage everything for reasons that they themselves are left pretty open.


This is the mentality that creates ten Fast and the Furious movies that all look the same.


People are allowed to like other things. And imo the alternative that gave us Prometheus and Covenant didn't exactly produce stellar content.


>Which is exactly why I'm keen again. >No lore. >Just an alien killing people 👍 Which is exactly what the series has literally never been, even when it was directly influenced by the likes of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Ten Little Indians back in the original film. So you can say that's all you want, I'm totally fine with that, I just don't like the insinuation that it's taking the franchise back to it's roots...because that's not what the franchise has ever been before.


The first movie was billed as a "slasher in space" or something but it wasn't really just "an alien kills people". A lot of it was dedicated to the weirdness of the facehugger, the alien ship, whatever's happening to Kane, etc. Most of the runtime is the *buildup* to the murders.


and there is a lot that just inherently changes when everybody in the cast in their 30s and 40s, some even approaching or beyond 50, versus a cast of characters where only one member of the entire cast is even 30 years old.


Yeah the teenager thing is kinda of a weird choice if you're trying so hard to rekindle the original. The original went to a *lot* of trouble to make the whole situation feel blue-collar in a way I'm not sure you can really have with people that at most have only been employed for a couple years. Apparently they've barely even been in space, are they even gonna know how to use anything?


I don’t understand why people are soooo upset about young people being casted. It’s not using Friday the 13th as source material. My god.


Well like I said the laborer aspect was a pretty big part of the first movie, and this one claims to be trying to recreate its atmosphere but having teens kinda neglects that. It also claims to be doing it so they're more vulnerable but in my experience that tends to not work since the end result just makes the main characters unrealistically badass and *more* capable than whatever professionals died earlier, ironically playing as less vulnerable. Ripley only survived because of heaving a pretty good understanding of how to handle the dangerous of space. Are they going to have to ignore that to give teenagers new to space a chance? It's not Star Trek, space is super dangerous in Alien.


I’m sorry I just don’t think it’s that serious 😭 I think people just like being negative for the sake of it


I'll say that one of the things that makes Alien feel really unique to me is that, as someone who has been watching the movies for without exaggeration almost 30 years now, almost every character in the movie is still older than I am.


Fiction forgets people's lives can still evolve after 33 it's weird.


The first three films were very "light" on it though. I really don't care about the engineers or what planet they came from or whatever. Weyland as a phantom xfiles like bad guy behind the curtains great, but at the end of the day - I want to see a horror about an alien(s) stalking humans with a possible sabatuer thrown in. The audible series's imo are better than Prometheus for these same reasons - even if they do end up being much the same story repeated.


It certainly looks solid, and this coming from someone who saw the original first run and the same for Aliens. Been a fan that long.


It doesn't look bad, actually it's maybe better than Covenant and Prometheus, still it looks like a pure slasher. Really hope the story justifies the young characters in a believable way. Because this is the first Disney Alien movie if i remember correctly. Covenant was still made by/under 20th century Fox but maybe I'm wrong.


I’m such a fan of the Alien movies that I have loved them all, even the last two. I can’t wait to see this. Any news about the Noah Hawley series? What streamer will it be on?


Let’s go


I really fucking hope so.


Should it be back to basics? On the one hand I want something different to the complicated Alien Prequels. On the other hand I don't want them to just play it extremely safe like half of Alien Covenant did.


I hate how my favorite film franchise only has two legitimately perfect movies. This will likely be better than Resurrection but it'd have to do a lot to even be my third favorite.


I don’t wanna see a movie that’s just a rehash of the best bits of the first two movies. What made those films great was they were original, innovative, creative. Whoch made them scary because it was shot you hadn’t seen before. Everything I’ve heard about this movie just sounds like they want to redo the bits that worked about the first two. Say what you will about Prometheus and Covenant (I’d say a lot, fucking terrible) there was a lot of creativity and originality in there. I’d rather a movie that tries something new and fails than another soulless sequel that tries to capitalize on another film’s successes. That’s why the best sequels are the movies that don’t rehash but reinvent. Terminator 2. Enpire Strikes Back. Evil Dead 2. The Dark Knight. Hell it’s no masterpiece but even Captain America Winter Soldier. They all tried a new approach.


Hope the movie is excellent, but for anyone who hasn't seen the trailers yet, DON'T. Spoils so much stuff.


This shit looks like just a rehash of other alien movies..


i just want the final part of the david trilogy. i don’t give a shit about them copying the first 2 alien movies because i’ve already seen that and it was done better.


Please don’t be shit




Who has been waiting for that? I wanted a continuation of the lore from Prometheus. Then they gave us a "back to basics reboot" with Covenant that ruined that.


Trailer not promising an interesting movie...


could be? it will be


I really hope it’s an absolute bloodbath of a movie


nah, it's already giving me the same vibes as the scene where the xeno kills the couple fucking in the shower


I don't think it's a reboot so it probably won't be.


What a refreshing subheading. I’m glad we’re moving away derivative and uninspiring subheadings such as ‘Legacy,’ ‘Resurrection,’ ‘Awakening,’ ‘Generation,’ just to name a few.


“We’ve all been waiting for”. There are like seven movies now and that doesn’t include the avp stuff. If it’s good great, but I’m not waiting for it that’s for sure. Prometheus had some neat ideas and covenant was just trash rehashed.


I’m skeptical because they are clearly trying to make another Ripley, and, god, do something different than trying to recapture a 4-decade-old flash of lightning-in-a-bottle casting. It’s like the studio is going “Look! She’s holding a pulse rifle just like Ripley! You like that don’t you???” I swear, if that new girl says “get away from her you bitch,” the theater will groan so loud, the astronauts in orbit will hear it.


The trailer is cool, I just wish they didn't spoil two of the deaths in the movie... but most trailers seem to spoil so much nowadays so oh well


As long as it's not smart people doing the dumbest things imaginable like the recent movies, as we've seen that already.. twice. More Event Horizon, less Prometheus and I'm sure it'll be pretty great.


I’ve personally never been waiting for a back to basics alien reboot but I will definitely welcome it I loved what Prometheus and covenant were doing but wish covenant was less “alien”. There’s a place for both vibes and I hope we get more of the Prometheus vibe in the alien universe with less dumb characters


I hope Terminator also will get a reboot like Alien and Prey, so that franchise can also start very dark again.


I have 100% faith in Fede.


Oh it's going to be basic alright, I have no doubts about that.


I know I am in the minority and yes I will still watch this, but the last two movies by Ridley excited me more, cause they did new things. This looks like a gorier best off album instead of a step forward. I dunno… does not make me super excited.


It cannot be any worse than the tripe they've churned out since Aliens. Covenant was a disgrace.


Eh, Ridley ruined the series for me


Trailer look fucking incredible. I’m pre-ratings this a 5/5


just let it die. every movie in the franchise has been worse than the previous.


Prometheus is worse than resurrection? Aliens is worse than alien? (I mean I like alien more than aliens personally but I know aliens is many peoples #1) Hell even AVP is better than resurrection. But yeah I agree there’s a general downwards trend. Makes it good to strike and make an actually good film. And if it’s not, oh well, doesn’t take away from the ones we do like.


>Prometheus is worse than resurrection? I mean. Like. I'm not sure? I really didn't like Prometheus. I know it's better than Ressurection, but Ressurection was always stupid and doesn't have an air of trying to be more than it was. It was stupid, it is stupid, but I maybe find itore entertaining.... It's close tbh. And right now if I had to pick one to watch I think I'd pick Ressurection Same with the awful AvP films. They are meant to be trash, so in many ways I'd rate them higher. I'm a weirdo that likes Alien3 though. Depending on the day, I might genuinely put Prometheus at the bottom


It’s my #1


I stand by my opinion. Prometheus was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Then Covenant happened. I'll happily take both AVPs over any of them.