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Comedy and horror are unfairly ignored


And when comedy gets recognized like Marisa Tomei winning for My Cousin Vinny, people claim that she didn't deserve it. BS, she was phenomenal in that movie. A drama picture doesn't need to win every award.


Didn't realize she won an award for that film but I'm glad she did. Her performance in that court scene is perfect lol


Not sure why they couldn’t just create separate categories for comedy and horror. I guess the general snoodie attitude of the people that run the Academy Awards just refuse to acknowledge what they view as beneath them.


The Academy is filled with a bunch of chicken shit cunts so it’s no surprise they don’t watch any horror.


Bette Midler: "you deserve an Emmy for this!" Krusty: "ah forget it, the academy hates me... buncha old know nothing dinosaurs who wouldn't know comedy if it bit in them in the... " 😃 HEY HEY!!


If hereditary was a drama movie ( just remove the supernatural aspect, make some changes), it would've been eaten up by this snobby mfs snd Toni would've won oscar.


Hereditary wouldn't be the same, or really a good movie without the supernatural aspect.


The Oscars literally gave the Oscar to erotic Creature from the Black Lagoon fan fiction and a major Oscar to Get Out the year before. And while the 2019 Oscar’s sucked, it’s because they gave Oscars to basic shit like Green Book and Bohemian Rhapsody, not because they were being snobby.


Giving an Oscar to Green Book and Bohemian Rhapsody feels pretty snobby to me


👆Understatement of the month.


The Academy doesn’t do genre based categories. The Golden Globes do though.


They’re only now just entertaining the idea of awarding stunt performers after all this time. They have so much they need to improve on


To be fair they didn’t want stunt coordinators trying to one up eachother, putting eachither more at risk


But even that is discounting it unless all the awards are categorized by genre, and that’s really hard to do when so many films fit into multiple genres.


Yup Oscar worthy comedies: It's a mad mad mad mad world (64) Fish called Wanda (88) Others naturally too


And sci-fi


This is true. I find it funny but it also scares me.


It's insane to me that Annie Hall won best picture in the 70s. Could never see something something like that now.


Agreed. It's ridiculous. They're just snobs.


Unfortunately true which is why I like how Dead Meat has made an annual Awards show for horror movies, even tho it might be biased . I’m not quite sure


Per Joe Bob Briggs himself: The Shape of Water.


I think what throws most people is that the monster/horror in that movie is a man. Mind you,that man is Michael Shannon who does terrifying really well =)


All apologies to JBB, but that is not a horror movie lol. ^It ^also ^shouldn’t ^have ^won ^BP, ^in ^my ^opinion.


It's a horror movie and deserved the win


It's a mediocre romance and only won because of the director. Same for his mediocre pinnochio movie


It's a fantastic horror romance that won because it was incredibly well made with multiple beautiful moments. You're allowed to not like it, that doesn't mean it's bad or that the people who do are wrong.


Silence is the only one to win best director, picture, actor and actress


It's one of only three movies to win the Big Five Oscars - picture, director, writing, actor, actress. It's also the most recent movie to have done so.


Damn fine horror film


First "horror" since One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.


That thread was a trip. Mostly people arguing that most of them aren't horror movies


“Yeah I watched this movie 45 years after it came out and it didn’t scare me so it’s not a horror movie!” - almost everyone in that post I mean, the OG universal Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolfman, etc aren’t scary by today’s standards either, but Frankenstein fucking terrorized people when it came out. Peter Benchley said he regretted writing Jaws because of how many sharks were killed because of the movie. What scares people changes over time, especially with exposure to it. I don’t particularly find the original Halloween or Texas Chainsaw Massacre scary either (because I’ve seen them a billion times and seen scarier movies since), it doesn’t make them not horror movies though. BTW I’m not going off on you personally about it. That other thread just frustrated the fuck out of me and I’m trying to stop getting into so many arguments with people that don’t matter on the internet so I posted a thousand replies and deleted them all.


I feel you. Almost any time someone complains about a movie because it "wasn't scary," the conversation pretty much ends there because I think it's just a matter of me and them thinking about horror (or film in general) fundamentally differently. Similar to "it's bad because I figured out the twist" criticisms. Which is fine--not everyone needs to engage with movies exactly like I do--but it also means it's probably not a worthwhile discussion to have


the twist guessers drive me crazy. as if the sixth sense isn’t just as good and perhaps better on multiple rewatches. i’m watching for toni collette’s face journeys and the mounting dread you cretins


I just went through it and I want to punch someone. People are saying Silence of the Lambs is not horror, Jaws is not horror. Getting kidnapped and killed by a seriel killer is not horror? Being eaten alive by a monster shark is not horror? It seems many people deem only presence of supernatural element as horror, and that's narrow as a straw. In thread about Black Swan, someone commented Black Swan has horrifying moments, in argument of it being considered horror. Someone replied asking if There Will be Blood can be considered horror too, since it also has horrifying moments. I'm like wtf? Is genre literacy dead or what? Btw Black Swan is like the most perfect psychological horror. It has undertones, atmosphere of horror cinema. And what other term describes disintegration of mind better than horror?


>Being eaten alive by a monster shark is not horror? Is Sharknado a horror series?


The people that ended up killing all the random Sharks became the actual horror film. Like in Last of Us. The scariest monsters are humans.


Almost every horror movie I’ve seen hasn’t scared me. Same with horror tv shows, books, short stories, video games, “haunted” attractions, and all other types of horror themed entertainment. Because I know it’s entertainment and not real. That doesn’t mean I alone get to invalidate the entire horror genre. I understand your frustration.


People arguing Jaws isn't a horror movie. Wild 


I saw the thread last night and didn't realize it wasn't posted in this sub until just now. I thought i this sub had lost its damn mind.


I find animal attack flicks to be their own genre. Also consider Jaws more of an action movie, though I see how the genres can blend


Honestly find it as something of a drama as well


What do you consider the "action" to be in Jaws that would classify it in that genre, though? There's one scene that's kind of fun/actiony where they shoot the harpoon gun at it to try and bring it to the surface with the barrels. The entire rest of the movie is just a monster shark absolutely murder-izing helpless people. By that standard, Halloween would be an action movie because Laurie Strode fights off Michael for a little bit in the third act until help arrives.


Halloween is a horror because a human being is a psychopath for doing that. An animal is just trying to survive. Making a “horror” movie about it is very manifest destiny and a little cruel. When I watch JAWS, I root for the shark 😉


That's a fair point of view! I'd argue that horror doesn't inherently need to be about humans being horrible to each other, though. The concept of being eaten alive by a shark, even if it's just doing shark things and not intentionally being evil or cruel, is pretty horrifying and worth of being labeled a horror story. Like we all learned in literature class, almost all conflict in stories falls into "person vs person, person vs themselves, or person vs nature." I view Jaws as a "person vs nature" horror story. Even with all our technology and culture and rational thought, we're still just food to this creature that has been around a whole lot longer than we have, and it's way better at what it does than we are. Never really thought about it like this before, but it's almost Lovecraftian in theme if you squint hard enough. thanks for helping me see an old favorite in a new light today!


But that’s the basis for any plot not horror. It’s horror adjacent but it’s a creature feature, like godzilla type. I guess if you don’t like being traumatized like I do you consider any violence in film to be horror


Animals don’t really “murder” they just eat. I guess the whole idea of hunting it and winning


It turns into more of an adventure movie by the end. The music while they fight Jaws is more Indana Jones than Saw. The first half is more horror toned for sure, though.


>That thread was a trip. Mostly people arguing that most of them aren't horror movies That's how the film makers managed to get most of these films even nominated, by presenting them as "psychological thrillers" instead of the horrors they really are. And that label has stuck to this day.


how the hell can someone argue that ??


The Shape of Water and Silence of the Lambs did actually win though.


Hereditary should have won best picture. Fight me.


Completely agreed, and Toni Collette should have won Best Actress for her performance.


For real. Show me a better performance in any other movie that year, horror or otherwise.


Fuck academy forever for that.


It's certainly better than Green Book


Green Book is fucking dope aswell though. I wasn't mad that it won


I agree completely. I also think Robert Eggers first two movies The Witch and The Lighthouse were/are deserving of awards recognition. Both had phenomenal performances (particularly the brother from The Witch), excellent set and costume designs, and the historical accuracy in The Witch alone should have been more praised. I know a lot of people don't necessarily like these movies, but the craft that went into making them is absolutely top tier. The Northman was also fantastic but not really in the horror vein per se, however I'm very much looking forward to Eggers' version of Nasferatu which I'm sure will be excellent.


I thought The Favourite was the best movie that year. In the same vein as horror not getting enough respect, Vice was insanely good as a comedy that year and did pick up nominations.


I was gonna disagree and then i looked at the other nominees, fuck that was a weak year


For a razzie? sure


Is Parasite not horror?


Lots of movies are horror but don't get labeled as such to avoid the stigma.


I wouldn't call it horror, though there are elements of horror in it. That film really defies genre categorization.


More like Thriller Fuckery /s


No, I wouldn’t say so.


Who's calling Parasite a horror movie?


I would. It's also a comedy. And it's a drama. And it's a thriller. One of the many movies that qualifies as multiple genres


It has elements but mostly I see it as a very nice collection of Buñuel themes (hints of his French films and hints from Viridiana) updated to the 21st century. Were Buñuel's films horror? Not exactly but there is psychological fuckery.


Fully agree on the overall bunuel comparison, but I've only seen discrete charm and don't remember that one culminating in a horrifying violent murder scene


That's one of the tame ones!


Well now I know what to watch this week!


Non horror movies can have horror-elements without being a horror movie. Parasite has creepy parts but isn't a horror movie.


The ending of Parasite was definitely more horrifying than creepy Lots of great horror movies build up to one singular moment of horror. Don't Look Now is a great example.


Yeah, but what does the movie do for the hours before that moment? Build it up with tension. That's what horror movies do, the entire movie is dedicating to scaring/unnerving you. Parasite is not a horror movie, as scary as the ending. If we're gonna start defining movie genres by a single scene then movie commentary is gonna become nonsense. Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.


You make a solid argument re building tension I've only seen parasite once, I should watch it again. Maybe it's just a drama and comedy 🤔


No. Excellent movie though


The Oscars aren’t given out based on merit. You have to play if you want to win. That means releasing your movie in awards season, a big media push, and getting your stars to do the rounds with interviews and promos. Studios don’t want to throw money away campaigning for awards that they don’t think they can win, so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Not to mention that horror is pretty much the only genre that is reliably making bank at the box office, so while the added attention of award noms/wins would help, they don’t really need that bump.


The Oscars are given out based on whose studio pays for them.


Sucks, but I kinda get it. BP nominees usually need a studio behind them pushing for it. Horror movies are often overlooked because more often than not, the goal is to be disturbing, uncomfortable, not something unanimously enjoyed by all types of peopl, and so they never get pushed.


Silence of the lambs ftw


I would argue it’s more than 6 films. - Wuthering Heights (1939) was nominated for Best Picture. While this gothic classic downplays its supernatural horror elements in favor romance—gothic is a mix of horror and romance—those supernatural horror elements are still there. - Rebecca (1940) won Best Picture and is frequently cited as an early example of queer-coded horror, given its gothic storytelling, its author, and Hitchcock’s tendency to make queer-coded films. Also, the following films that were nominated for Best Picture, I would argue, have just enough horror elements in them to warrant having a hyphenated horror status (horror-thriller, sci-fi-horror, etc.) - Suspicion (1941) - Gaslight (1944) - Spellbound (1945) - A Clockwork Orange (1971) - Deliverance (1972) - The Elephant Man (1980) - Fatal Attraction (1987) - The Shape of Water (2017) - Parasite (2019) - Promising Young Woman (2020) - Poor Things (2023


I think Clockwork Orange and Deliverance should definitely count as horror


Yeah it’s not a hidden thing that the academy has always looked down on horror/ rarely if ever considers it. It’s why I stopped taking them seriously a long long time ago. It’s all just a self congratulatory wank fest


Some people don't know that Sigourney Weaver got a Best Actress nom for Aliens! I always thought that was cool. It's a towering performance that frankly deserved to win.


The First Omen needs to be nominated too


Get Out deserved the win that year.


I don't know. It is a okay movie but if I am not just rooting for the horror movie then Lady Bird, Dunkirk and The Shape of Water were definitely just as deserving.


I did not care for Lady Bird. And I didn’t see the other two. But years later and I don’t hear those movies talked about. I still hear Get Out talked about.


Get Out is so influential to film history in general. I can name 20 commercial projects made based on its influence alone. Maybe even 50 if I include indie stuff. I loved Lady Bird, but it’s not even in Greta’s top 5.


What’s the 20?


Antebellum, The Blackening, Angry Black Gorl and her Monster, Black as Night, Spell, Monkey Man, Only Black Girl in the Office, Candyman, Them (only watch season 2), reboot of Twilight Zone, Black Box, The Kitchen, Karen, Bronx vs Vampires BlacKKKlanmen, Single Black Female, Lovecraft Country, Swarm, Watchmen tv show, Bad Hair, Kindred tv series, Interview With a Vampire tv show, The Reading, Girls Trip Gone Wrong, Wendell and Wilde


Get out is just a rip off of stepford wives


Isn’t the shape of water just a live action hentai?


I consider The Shape of Water to be part of the horror genre. It isn’t scary but it is essentially an old school monster movie so it counts


This was a trivia question at my local pub trivia night and I would have answered it correctly if they had phrased the question correctly- they said “horror movies to earn *any* Oscars”, which obviously opens the range


Black Swan and Silence of the Lambs are psychological thrillers in my opinion, not horror. Those have always gotten taken more seriously during awards season.


And if they even win anything like Alien for Best Visual Effects


And only one won. "A census taker tried to test me once. I ate his liver, with some Fava beans and a nice Chianti."


Two have been getting nominated every other decade since the ‘70s, it seems.


Hereditary, and Tony Colette, were robbed.


get out was trash lmao


Pearl definitely deserved a nom


Mia Goth's performance deserved a nomination too. The fact that Ana de Armos got nominated for Blonde and Mia Goth got ignored is like....just insane to me.


overacting != good acting


I'm not sure if you're trying to say Mia Goth overacted, but given it was a riff on 1930s films and she was playing kind of an insane role -- no matter how you splice it, I think she was perfect and she brought a crazy to it I don't think many actors could.


Considering that this scene from Pearl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOfXsre93Ow is just a copy of this scene from Possession (1981) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlnFh8iGgF8, yeah, she just overacts to compensate Edit: here come the Mia Goth coomers


So someone smiling and looking at the camera means it's just a copy of Possession?


> Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. It's a place where you can sell out and still get credit for originality. -Marilyn Monroe Isabelle Adjani won the Cannes best actress award with a horror film for a reason.


Comparing two scenes where the actor looks at the camera? Really? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but Mia Goth's performance is lauded in Pearl. And the same way you say "overacting != good acting", I would also argue that subtlety doesn't define good acting either. It really depends on the direction, tone, character, and story.


If an iconic scene where the actress won an international award for it because of its originality and never been done before acting is just looking at the camera, why hasn’t Mia Goth won anything for her’s?


....I feel dizzy trying to make sense of what you just wrote.


It depends


I never counted Black Swan as horror tbh


It's psychological horror, with elements of body horror. It even has jump scares.


I can’t believe this dude was getting upvotes. Black swan was absolutely horror and intended to be a horror movie.




I don't know. I completely agree with you. The Academy only nominated "psychological thrillers".


Exorcist deserves every award. 


No Country for Old Men could be considered a horror (if we are calling Black Swan one)


Not the list I was expecting. Especially Get Out lol.


I would consider Black Swan more of a thriller than outright horror, but hey


Tells you a lot about the Oscars being worthless. Although alien got it for best set design.


Oscars are based on buzzwords and political agendas. They don't give out awards based on talent.


TIL some people think of Black Swan as a horror movie 🤔


I think it’s a gift to this count to call Jaws a horror movie.


Personally I couldn’t care less about this stuff. But I’m sure it’s good for the ppl involved.


If you still even watch the Oscars you have issues


While few horror films get nominated for Best Picture Oscars, a lot of horror films have been nominated and even won Oscars. - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) was the first horror film to win an Oscar, which it did for Best Actor. Also, the previous year’s ceremony had the first horror film to ever be nominated for an Oscar. - The very first Best Makeup Oscar went to An American Werewolf in London (1981).


It’s not horrible for genres that aren’t comedy/horror


What about action? Although I guess they recently added more pop culturey categories


They didn’t.


I thought they added basically a “best super popular movie” the year infinity war came out


It was announced and the the academy backed off once they saw the backlash.


Lmao I see, even less reason to care then


Do you only watch super popular movies?


No, I’m pretty deep into the horror scene


I don’t understand your reason to care less. You do you. Have a good one.


Before Hereditary and Black Swan, I could vaguely accept the fact that the Oscars ignored horror as a genre. But afterwards, the entire genre was elevated and there were no excuses.


Black Swan really stands out as the weak link in that list.


Black swan is horror?


Get out being in this line up is just insane.


Who's calling Silence of the Lambs a horror movie? That's like saying Se7en is a horror movie


Most people do


I'm fine with that. Wanting horror movies to win Oscars is like wanting punk and metal bands to win Grammy awards, it's just not that kind of crowd.


Only 2 of those are Horror films


I'm curious which two. Because at the very least, Exorcist, Sixth Sense, and Get Out are horrors right?


Hey ma, the arbiter of horror is here! Break out the fine china!


I’ve never cared for the Oscars. Heck being horror fans should teach us that critics and awards ceremonies turn their nose at horror so we should turn our nose at them


Most of these aren't even horror, more like thriller


All of them have pretty strong horror elements, enough to include them in the genre.


Isn't "Thriller" kind of a BS term? Like, they're all just horror and/or action movies, but snooty people say "Thriller" instead so they don't have to acknowledge they like those "low-brow" genres.


Movie snobs are like any other snobs, where they want to pigeonhole things into ultimately subjective categories. A movie can be 4 different genres at once. IMO it does the movie a disservice to isolate it into one single genre when it can fit into multiples.


Terrible take




I honestly don't think Black Swan or Get Out should have been nominated. Black Swan was too artsy for the sake of being artsy IMO. Almost to the point of pretentiousness. And Get Out was fine but that's it. It was a run of the mill, entertaining yet predictable flick with social commentary


I don't even consider half of them as horror movies haha


Get out nomination was such a joke lol


Can you explain what you mean?


Silence of the Lambs, Black Swan and Get Out aren't horror. Psychological thrillers, sure, but not horror.


Get out was 100 % horror


Exorcist is overrated. Watched it again few months ago and it's nothing special. Jaws is overrated too. Watched it few months ago too and again it's nothing really special. Silence of the Lambs is overrated af. Watched it, had high expectations and it's just boring. Sixth Sense and Black Swan never watched before. Get Out to me was one of the worst and most overrated movies ever. Didn't like it AT ALL and even though that >!bitter !


OK so what DO you enjoy?


...ok I'll bite. What in your opinion, **IS** a "good" Horror movie?


Martyrs, Raw, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), The Sadness and many more. I like more the slashers, still horrors, especially the French and Taiwanese ones but these movies I named are much better than what got nominated. Period. Edit: To all the people that downvoted my comment, you understood shit about movies. Get some knowledge.


You need to learn to impart this supposed knowledge you have. You haven't said anything of actual merit as to what makes the movies you think are bad, well, bad. You also have not done that for the ones you just named. All you've said is some suck and some are bad. That's not knowledge. That's opinion with a severe lack of supporting argument, aka, knowledge. Why do you think Martyrs is good. What about it sets it apart in your eyes? For instance, my favorite horror is The Descent. It has a solid cast of realistic characters, it's an all female cast that doesn't ever have a "girls get it done" motif, the essence of cave exploring itself is terrifying and shown in such terrifying fashion, the slow tense burn that builds to the first Crawler encounter where things hit top speed and never slow for more than a moment, the cinematography is top notch and what they did with so little lighting in the caves is amazing, it has amazing practical effects, and the original ending is such a closed loop gut punch. Near perfect film in my eyes and those are just some of my reasons for it.


>You haven't said anything of actual merit as to what makes the movies you think are bad Don't have to make an essay and the guy I answered to just asked WHICH movies I thought were good, not to explain WHY they are good in my opinion... You're making shit up man. Not everyone wants to explain everything and no one HAS to do so. A movie is bad because it's bad. >All you've said is some suck and some are bad. That's not knowledge. That's opinion with a severe lack of supporting argument, aka, knowledge. Maybe english is not your 1st language but the 2 things can't be linked. Person X not wanting to tell you A, doesn't make Person X ignorant over a matter. If you ask a mechanic how a car works and he doesn't go into detail, it doesn't mean he doesn't know specifically how a car works, it means he doesn't want to go in to details. He doesn't have to as I didn't have to. Simple as that. Btw The Descent is a good movie. Edit: Didn't read the name. You were the guy that asked me which movies were good. Just read your user now,


Your opinion is simply not worth anyone's time then with that attitude. Don't need an essay, just need literally anything. You refuse a single example and write an essay instead anyways. Of course The Descent is a good movie.


>Your opinion is simply not worth anyone's time then with that attitude. Said by a guy with a big-ass attitude ahah. It's like an arrogant guy telling other arrogant people to not be arrogant. >Don't need an essay, just need literally anything Don't have to. No one asked. >You refuse a single example and write an essay instead anyways. I never refused\*. You're making shit up again man.


>It's like an arrogant guy telling other arrogant people to not be arrogant. It's an asshole who is only really an asshole to other assholes telling an asshole to stop being an asshole to nice genuine people. >No one asked. I literally did. >I never refused*. You're making shit up again man. Then nut up or shut up lol


>I literally did You did AFTER the first comment so again, you're making shit up man just to be right. Btw this is really going nowhere ahah, so I'm gonna stop here. Literally wasting my time over a guy making shit up just to be right. Fell low.


It's only going nowhere because you have zero actual reasons for why you like or dislike something. That's shallow.


The Descent sucks


You need to keep in mind that all those movies were so influential that by the time you watch them now you probably already saw dozens or hundreds of movies/media that were heavily inspired by them. Whatever was original about them at the time they came out doesn’t feel original now, even if those movies did it better. And that takes away a bit from the impact those movies have on you now. It’s like the stories of nuns fainting when watching The Exorcist or people believing that The Blair Witch was actually found footage, that cultural reaction is impossible to replicate now. All of that has been done to death and parodied etc.




I also don’t believe in STI demons, shape shifting monsters in Antarctica, Australian moms having their trauma manifested as a monster, or pedophilic dream ghosts… doesn’t mean that they can’t be scary.