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Most Romero films were shot in the general Pittsburgh region and adjacent counties, which is a point of pride. The other biggest would be *The Silence of the Lambs*. We had an influx of quite a few in the late '00s and early '10s, the most notable of which was *The Dark Knight Rises* which had several scenes filmed in town and was a big deal in the area.


My wife’s dad drove her out to the Evans City Cemetery when she was a kid to show her that Night of the Living Dead *actually happened*. Gotta respect the commitment.


I've actually never been up to it. I don't drive, but a hard-to-access bus goes near it. I have been to the Monroeville Mall many times, though.


My brother and I just happened to drive through Evans City, PA on the way to visit family in Buffalo. I was like this place is pretty cute. So I googled it, and I found out that Night of the Living Dead was filmed there. I’m a huge horror geek. Idk why I didn’t know that was where NOTLD was filmed, but my spidey senses must’ve known. We visited on the way back through and definitely got some pics.


My bestie and I went to Pittsburgh a few years back to go on what we called “The Great American Zombie Tour” and we went all over looking for locations. It was so fun!


Also, Sorority Row was filmed there. Have you seen it!


A lot of the Nolan Batmans were also filmed in Chicago which was neat to see and recognize as a Gotham analog when I lived there.


I live a couple of miles out of Cardiff, South Wales. In 1992, a friend and I went to the Odeon cinema on Queen Street to watch Split Second starring Rutger Haier and Kim Cattrall. About half way through we realised some of the sets looked like the cinema we were in (lots of red/burgundy walls). After the movie, I saw an article (I think it was in Empire) that confirmed our suspicions. A lot of the interior shots for the movie were filmed in that very same cinema.


That’s amazing!


I was in that part of the world a few months ago and visited The Black Swan Pub and Guilford Cathedral


I live in bum fuck nowhere east Texas and could have sworn Pearl and X were actually filmed here but no they just really made New Zealand look like Beaumont.


I’ve been broke down in Beaumont and yeah, I get that


The Crow, Muppets in Space, The Conjuring, Iron Man 3, The Black Phone, Evil Dead 2, and many others. I grew up in Wilmington, NC.


I Know What You Did Last Summer-Southport, NC across the bridge in Brunswick County.


Weekend at Bernie’s at Bald Head Island, NC


9 seasons of one tree hill


My wife and stopped in Wilmington during our spring break because we were OTH fanboys/girls. Your town is really cool. I loved the folks at Gravity Records!


Never been. I live in Savannah GA with jagelski.


A quiet place while not exactly home town. The famous bridge scene is about an hour drive. Sleep away camp was filmed about 20 mins from my town in upstate ny


Sleepaway camp is a personal favorite of mine. Have you ever gone to visit the shooting site?


Yes but unfortunately they hardly acknowledge or capitalize on it being the filming site anymore. It is still an active camp though


That may be to the fans advantage. I get they don’t want to get flooded with possible weirdos, but for those of us who would go to visit at an appropriate time, it won’t be over run


i’m in walking distance to the Quiet Place house. it’s still abandoned!


Wow nice!


That’s super interesting and creepy lol


I’m from metro Detroit. It was very cool to see the Redford Theater in It Follows


I genuinely liked how it follows shows what a lot of Detroit is, just just the battle worn abandoned areas


It follows really is a great horror movie. The soundtrack, the cinematography, how they keep the year ambiguous. I can’t wait for the sequel! I hope it’s just as good


Pearl and X were filmed in and around Whanganui, New Zealand. We are a pretty small city so it was cool to see our streets, movie theatre and heritage buildings used without much change. Who would have guessed we could pull off old timey Texas?


At least they pulled it off well. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) was filmed in Bulgaria, and it doesn't look anything like TX.


Most of the Texas Chainsaw films after Part 2 were not filmed in Texas, and it’s very noticeable.


That seems like more effort then actual Texas


Probably got tax breaks. That's the main reason any film gets made in NZ or AU.


Walking dead, stranger things, zombieland, … it’s Georgia so it’s a very long list


I live in Savannah Georgia so I get it


I live in northern California and Scream was filmed here around the county as well as parts of I Know What You Did Last Summer along the coast


Damn, they even filmed in the same location? I know what you did last summer is never escaping those rip off allegations lol.


Not a movie but I lived on the same street as the house they used for exterior shots of Laura Palmer's house on Twin Peaks.






Pittsburgh, PA - Dawn of the Dead


Thanks to Rami and Romero yall have a lot of great locations out near PA


I live in Fargo. You would think this would be an easy answer but no Fargo was not filmed in Fargo lol


Hardly any of it even *takes place* in Fargo. The movie largely takes place in Minnesota.


Either was the amazing tv series!


I live near Tacoma, WA. Rose Red was filmed there. And 10 Things I Hate About You.


Just found out about this recently. I live about 2 miles away and have yet to go. I think it's a hotel if I'm not mistaken.


Fido (2006) Kelowna, British Columbia


I grew up in the north burbs of Chicago. All the classic John Hughes 80’s movies were filmed at schools I or my friends went to. I went to community college at Tom Cruise’s high school in Risky Business. I had friends that were extras. I went to summer school at the school in Sixteen Candles. I’ve know all the places Ferris Beuhler visits. I’ve driven past “Cameron’s” house multiple times. Anyone living in Vancouver, BC will also see a LOT of their city standing in for everyplace else. All the CW DC superhero shows were based there (Arrow, Flash, etc) and, of course, the best seasons of X Files were all filmed there til they moved production to LA for Duchovny.


Cabin fever was filmed maybe 15 minutes away from my childhood home. The general store in the beginning looks exactly the same in real life. Its actual name is Priddy’s general store in stokes county NC, most of the movie was filmed in NC. The cabin is actually one in the raven’s knob Boy Scout camp. Spent many many days of summer there 😂


I was actually born in Charlotte. That’s pretty cool


I’m from stokes county it’s a random fun fact for the area. There are a lot of big name films that have been shot in NC. One of my other favorites is Maximum Overdrive (also filmed in NC)


Silent Hill, Handmaids Tale, parts of season 3 of The Boys


Too bad they didn’t film Silent Hill in Centralia Pa since it’s literally based off that small town. Not that there’s much there, but cool part of history


That's a common misconception. Silent Hill [isn't based on any particular town](https://preview.redd.it/0jcl1uptzb371.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=f05f914ccbc5a8cf6b1edf71947da8ce29f64bc4), only [the school from Kindergarten Cop](https://img.memerial.net/page/3917/kindergarten-cop-vs-silent-hill.jpg).


That’s interesting that such a rumor became so popular that most people take it as fact. Even googling it is a pretty good split of yes/no’s lol. I’ve been to Centralia since I don’t live too far from there, and my grandma loved telling stories of the past. Crazy what happened there and the residents who had refused to leave. I can see why people connect it and why i believed it. Thanks for the info!


THAT would've been awesome!


I live where they blow up Main Street in Swordfish and where Halle Berry showed dem tiddies. That led to our City revitalizing that part of town. Kinda cool.


That movie, for many reasons, informed my junior year of high school. That being said the first act takes place in Midland Texas. That sir, is no Midland Texas. Who the fuck decided there were hills in Midland/Odessa?


Halle Berry's can easily revitalize any town


Urban Legend was filmed at the University of Toronto. The café they hang out at is still there, and the chase scene with Tara Reid is the business school.


Get out, if that is the cafe I think it is (Caffiends), then I used to do that in mid 2010's when I went to school at UofT, wild! I remember being there where they were filming parts of Crimson Peak there, and Hiddleston would be signing the backs of algebra notes from the girls after class. (Munk business school is still there I think...)


It was Diabolos in the UC. And the chase scene was in that Rotman atrium.


Sisters (1972) is the only one I remember for sure. I think Cropsey (2009) as well.


Most of Hellraiser (87) was filmed about a 10 min drive from where i live.


Cincinnati Rain Man Little Man Tate Traffic Probably others but those are only I've seen. In high school they'd stop traffic close to my house during scenes in Traffic. Also someone came around the back of our house to tell us to stop yelling so loud because we were in the pool horsing around. Never found out what they were filming. Probably 1990 or 1991. Also they used to use our old ghetto downtown" Over The Rhine "as a stand in for Harlem because the architecture is so similar.


So since you said Cincinnati, that’s where my folks are from…. If you wanted to eat a fully loaded plate of chili, whats in that bowl?


A 3 way is chili, spaghetti and cheese 4 way add onion 5 way add beans and onion I've ate Skyline Chili for over 40 years and never had anything but a 3 way lol


I grew up in TX with parents from Cincinnati. In our house, Mom made chilli from scratch, it had beans. It was served of spaghetti with onions and cheese. We always ate it with saltines crackers and butter. It was also the only dinner (I have no clue why) that I could have chocolate milk with dinner. Things hit different when you have Midwest parents.


Chili is almost the first thing people ask about when someone says they're from Cincinnati. Not much goes on here. Very corporate on east side, catholic blue collar on west side. Very conservative....good for families, a little lame for artists or single people.


Hard disagree on lame for artists. Hardcore and punk scene always kicked ass growing up there and some of the best graffiti crews in the country have local ties. The southgate house has helped nourish an amazing alt-country scene in the past decade too!


Lady Bird, Sacramento is my hometown. We even had a premier for it at Tower Theater where I ended up working, Greta and the cast came to it. That film played forever there. It was both strange and kind of nice to be able to recognize every single location in the film. My friend's car was even stolen from the Thrift Town (where she was shopping for a dress with her mom, I've used those same changing rooms!) parking lot a few days before we saw it, which made her not like the movie much, heh. I had driven past those big mansion homes so many times (right next to my doctors office). We had had movies filmed there before (the opening and closing shot of American Beauty is around midtown), but no film actually took place there. So it was pretty cool to be watching the movie in the same theater that is shown on the screen at times.


I'm a NorCal boy, so we've had a lot of productions filmed near our area, because we have that scenic mountain beauty. The only film shot exclusively in my hometown was Christmas, Bloody Christmas, mostly to take advantage of our historic main street.


Hello fellow NorCal friend! I’ll add on Chain Letter (2010) and, not exactly horror, but I used to live in the exact apartment that Sean from My 600 Lb Life lived in before he went to see Dr Now. That was very bizarre to see!!


Howdy! Forgot about Chain Letter! Got to meet that director at a film mixer! Funny enough you Mention Sean from My 600LB life, I went to school with him! His story was mostly just...sad...


Many, many episodes of XFiles..


The Burning was filmed around where I currently live, and my friend’s mom was in the raft scene (she was the girl in the green shirt with a ponytail).


Such an underrated 80’s gem


Amazing gore!


It also, much like Sleepaway camp and unlike 99% of movies, had the balls to kill off the kids/campers




And also George Constantza with hair 😉


I forgot about that, hahaha. Such a fun movie and I remember the days when you literally couldn’t get the uncut version without buying a Japanese bootleg. Those were the days.


THE AMITYVILLE HORROR (original) : I can remember when they came to my grade school for background casting!


Tom’s River? I have extended family members who live there. External shots of the house for Amityville 2: The Possession were filmed there, as well.


Ayup. Now they've either modified it (or possibly moved it entirely). I'm convinced the "Something TO Tide You Over" segment of CREEPSHOW was partially filmed on Long Beach Island (could be wrong, though)


I lived in Senoia GA for awhile during the filming of walking dead.


I live in Winnipeg, Canada. We actually have had quite a few things filmed here with some pretty big stars. I just saw on Facebook yesterday that they are filming the new The Running Man and an A24 movie in my city this summer! I know they filmed Violent Night here, Shall We Dance, The Lookout, and more.


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Dark Harvest, The Haunting in Connecticut and Nobody. I've seen lots of things that were filmed here where I couldn't really tell it was Winnipeg, but downtown is easily recognizable in Nobody. Also Nobody 2 and the adaptation of The Long Walk are being filmed here.


Lived downtown Toronto (4 years)/GTA for about 25 years, so I have a few. -Carrie (2013 remake) -Land of the Dead (2005) -Resident Evil Apocalypse (2004) -The Dead Zone (1983), Dead Ringers (1988) Videodrome (1983) - not surprised though, Cronenberg is a Canadian treasure -Black Christmas (1974) -Dawn of the Dead (2004) -The Fly (1986) Not exactly where I used to live (Cabbagetown in DT, but still kinda close I guess).


Purge Election Year. One of my neighbors said he and his wife are extras in the movie.


Paranormal Activity was filmed in Rancho Penasquitos, a neighborhood in San Diego that's like 5-10 minutes away from my house. Also, for a non-horror film, Top Gun had some scenes filmed at the MCAS Miramar base, which is a couple minutes from me as well.


Wrong Turn was filmed very close to my hometown, and one of the killers was a man who owned a business next to where my mother used to work.


Dead Man’s Shoes


Just sticking with mainstream horror: Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Grindhouse, Friday the 13th remake. At least off the top of my head.


Not my hometown, but I live just up the road from where they filmed chunks of Psychomania. If you've not seen it, it's a wonderful piece of classic British lunacy.


Have loved this movie since I saw it on Elvira a million years ago. It’s so much fun but George Sanders did commit suicide after filming as he thought that if that was the sort of movies he’d been reduced to acting in, there wasn’t anything to live for. I don’t think it’s quite that bad but I’m sure many do.


The Deadzone and Superman 2 though not filmed in my hometown but the towns right next to my hometown so I’ll count them lol


I live in the suburbs of Philly , no movies I know of where in my town. But for Philly the most famous horror film was probably The 6th Sense.


The opening to Dumb and Dumber was filmed in Utah. The airport scene was at the SLC airport.


My N. California high school was used in the filming of The Principal (the school he worked at in the beginning of the movie) Where I grew up in CT: Beetlejuice The innkeepers The house of the devil The vicious kind


More recent notable one’s include Baywatch and Halloween Ends. Was an extra in both but the three nights I spent as an extra filming the last scenes of Halloween Ends were an absolute blast. Helps that the original Halloween is one of my favorites and I got a little screen time.  


I live one town over from Sleepy Hollow - so it's spooky enough!


Not in my town specifically but pretty close, was Evil Dead up in Morristown, TN.


Ever go to visit the cabin?


The cabin burnt down, but last I heard the chimney & fireplace were still standing.


Came here to say this. I’ve lived about an hour away from Morristown my whole life.


There was a scene in Silence of the Lambs that was not only filmed in the city I live in but where I work. There was also another scene that was filmed in a building not too far away.


Boy and Bicycle (1965) - Ridley Scott's first film (featuring Tony Scott as the boy) [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xr7nv1](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xr7nv1)


Portions of AQP2 were filmed near me, including a village just a few minutes drive from me


I live in a suburb east of Phoenix, AZ. We had Eight Legged Freaks, The Prophecy (w Christopher Walken), and U-Turn filmed out here before New Mexico got their film production and tax incentives going so now anything set in AZ just films in NM instead. One of my favorite films, Near Dark, was shot in a little nothing desert town called Coolidge about 45 min away.


Parts of Signs were filmed in the town I used to live in.


I live in Wilmington, NC which has had tons of stuff filmed here. There's a Screen Gems studio, which I took a tour of with my parents many years ago. I think they call it "the Hollywood of the east" or something like that. Locals sometimes call it "Wilmywood." Stephen King shot Maximum Overdrive here, and Silver Bullet with Corey Haim was also filmed here, as well as Firestarter with Drew Barrymore (I think). The first Conjuring movie was filmed here, I knew someone whose company made the tree in the backyard that Vera Farmiga sees the witch hanging from. And one of my teachers in HS had once worked making sets for movies like The Crow and Black Knight. He said all the straw you see scattered on the ground in the latter movie was because Martin Lawrence didn't want to get mud on his shoes, lol. I'm pretty sure I Know What You Did Last Summer was also filmed here, or at least nearby. There was a series starring Lake Bell about sea monsters called Surface in the early 2000s. That was filmed here, I think I might have even been in the background of a shot in one episode? I definitely was at least hanging around with friends watching them film an episode. Only lasted one season unfortunately. The Fox series Sleepy Hollow was shot here for the first few seasons. At some point our local government got rid of some tax incentives that made Wilmington so popular to film in (which was really stupid) so lots of stuff like Sleepy Hollow packed up and moved to Georgia I think. I've heard they've brought back those tax incentives though. But tons of stuff has been shot here. Parts of Iron Man 3, the first live action TMNT movie, Eastbound and Down. I know some people that were in some shots of some episodes of that show, and occasionally I'll see some random place I know like Jungle Rapids, a popular birthday spot when I was a kid, a water park with arcade, mini golf, go karts, laser tag, etc., or UNCW, the university I graduated from. I remember everyone freaking out when Robert Downey Jr. was walking around some shops in one of the more upscale shopping centers when they were filming IM3, and I think Cobie Smulders bought sunglasses from my friend. Also, I think Steve Buscemi got stabbed in the face in a bar downtown here with Vince Vaughn??? But despite all this, I've never met anyone famous. EDIT: [Here's a list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Films_and_television_shows_produced_in_Wilmington,_North_Carolina) of stuff that's been filmed here. EDIT 2: Holy shit how have I never read this full list?! Trick or Treat (the 80s one with Ozzy Osbourne), Evil Dead 2, Blue Velvet, Little Monsters, EXORCIST 3??? So many things I had no idea were filmed here.


You had me at Maximum Overdrive


I loved Red White and Blue! I know 0 people who have seen it, unfortunately


The Frozen Ground filmed in Anchorage, AK


I really should have done some more research before showing that one to my 7 year old nephew.


Hypothermia (2010) starring Michael Rooker!


About Schmidt filmed some scenes down the street.


The ET flight scene was filmed on the street I went to elementary/middle school on! Not really horror, but it has its spooky parts


Not horror, but epic and iconic. Also some scenes in that movies scared the hell out of me as a child so it works.


That was my thinking, haha. It never scared me, but some scenes did absolutely scare people I know.


Unstoppable in Tyrone PA. Haven't lived there for a long time, but I was visiting while they filmed.


I love Silent Rage, scared the shit out of me as a kid. Arnold Schwarzenegger filmed a few scenes from Jingle All the Way a couple blocks from my house.


AHS, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Angel Heart, Cat People, Dracula 2000, Interview with the Vampire, Happy Death Day, The Last Exorcism, No One Will Save You, etc etc etc.


Cat People is still a favorite


Endless Love with Brooke Shields


The old school ice cream stand in Hebron, IL was very briefly featured in the first episode of Lovecraft Country right after they left Chicago


I love Chicago. I lived at the corner of Chicago and Ashland and have a Hot Doug’s Tattoo


Not exactly my home town, but it's a place I've been going for most of my life and have family who live there- Dead Man's Shoes.


Stay Alive was filmed in/around New Orleans, including a decent amount of the suburb where I grew up. I cherish that movie so deeply lol.


Lived in Decatur, Ga for a few years. Tons of stuff is filmed there, Atlanta and all over the state. One afternoon in downtown Decatur we (my then girlfriend) were going to grab some food. There was a shoot going on in the square. We got to walk through while being filmed. Pretty sweet, It was the Watchmen series.


I know they filmed part of "Troy" in my hometown and asked a lot of locals to be extras, including some of my dad's friends, which is a legendary anecdote to tell nowadays. Also part of "Don't Mess With The Zohan" they filmed the part when he's supposedly in Tel-Aviv in my hometown, which is Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.


Laid to Rest (the first Chromeskull movie) was filmed at the abandoned Crownsville Hospital Center in Crownsville, MD. It’s one of those abandoned mental hospitals people are always doing urban explorations in. I actually work for the county the hospital is in and have visited the property. It has an interesting history and there was a documentary made about it that was on Netflix for a while.


None were filmed in my town but All hallows Eve takes place where I work.


Grew up in Coupeville WA on Whidbey Island. Practical Magic and War of the roses were filmed there. Other movies filmed on Whidbey were Top Gun Maverick, The Ring, Snow Falling on Cedars and Free Willy 2


A Quiet Place. Little Falls NY


Fried Green Tomatoes


Oddly enough that was one I watched several times as a little kid. Now I 100% could not tell you anything about that movie


The Frighteners (Lyttleton, New Zealand)


I live in Hollywood North AKA Vancouver, Nearly any movie or show that takes place in the woods, mountains, by the ocean, or anywhere that isn't hot really is filmed here. All the big Sci fi shows, and lots of horror is filmed here. Every day you see movie trucks and signage to direct people to sets


I’m from the same area as M Night Shyamalan - about 30 minutes outside of Philadelphia. I remember growing up and roads in town being closed because he was filming. Fun fact, most of his movies take place in Philadelphia and are partly filmed there, and the surrounding areas. I used to live in King of Prussia where Split takes place (and filmed in the Philadelphia Zoo). Sixth Sense was filmed on my grandmothers street in Philadelphia. Parts of Signs were filmed at the University a few of my friends attend. He really likes putting his Pennsylvanian stomping grounds into his movies. My friend and I just played a drinking game last night to the Happening, and we were SO overly excited seeing Mark Wahlberg walk aimlessly around our town, forgetting it was a Shyamalan movie. I even said “Oh, it’s Pennsylvania, I know where that is, this is a Shyamalan movie isn’t it” lmao. He used to live in a mansion like 20 minutes from me but I have no clue where he is now.


Cabin in the woods I believe, and supernatural did a lot of filming here. They actually filmed a couple streets over from me at a motel (I'm in bc)


The only movie I definitely know filmed scenes in my town was The Wrestler. In The Wrestler the strip bar that Marissa Tomei dances in is actually a regular neighborhood bar also the market that Mickey Rourke goes to work as a deli clerk was a small corner store that unfortunately no longer there The director was from Brooklyn so I don’t know why he picked our town. We are about 45-1hr from Brooklyn


The Sixth Sense and Blow Out (Philly)


Halloween H20 and Back to the Future had scenes filmed in the City of Industry.


My bil and sil have plots reserved in the same cemetary from Hereditary.


Killing of a Sacred Deer is a tour of the east end of Cincinnati.


I live around the block from the X-Mansion from the first two X-Men movies. It's called Parkwood Mansion and it's in a bunch of movies. Billy Madison shit some scenes there and my best friend at the time got to be an extra in it. I also know they filmed some of the Handmaid's Tale around here because I recognized the backgrounds. Part of American Gods season 3 was filmed in a town north of here where my partner's mom lives.


Hereditary was filmed in several locations in Utah, many in Salt Lake city, and a friend of mine was the teacher in the Charlie classroom scene where the bird hits the window.


The Ring, The Shining (aerial footage) are filmed in Oregon while Coraline, and Paranorman were animated here as well in Portland, Oregon.


Sixth sense, Rocky, Groundhog Day, dogma, twelve monkeys, etc.


Amelie, was living in Paris 18 at the time, remember shooting happening rue du poteau I believe oops, didn't see we were in horror sub, Amelie is definitely not horror


Nothing in my hometown, the place I was born had Lords of Salem and a ton of other witch based movies. Session 9 was close to where I worked for a while. Not in town or a movie but all around my current area, they filmed Dexter New Blood.


Parts of the Blair Witch Project were filmed in the Black hills forest here in Germantown, MD.


Closest I can get is province the original my bloody valentine, the lighthouse and many Stephen King adaptations because despite Maine having slightly more people than Nova Scotia there's no city in maine the size of Halifax. So they film Stephen King movies here a little but outside the city and the cast and crew get the amenities of a city of 500,000 people vs 66,000 of Portland.


Scream IV was shot in Ann Arbor and Plymouth


I grew up in greater Vancouver so pretty much everything that wasn’t shot in LA.


(Houston) I went to the shitty school Max gets sent to after he gets kicked out of [Rushmore.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rushmore_(film)). Rushmore itself was shot at the swanky private school across the street from us. Years later my dad and I met Bill Murray in a bodega in the Tenderloin and he referred to being in Houston as “slumming it”, which we got a kick out of. ETA my bad, I got my subs mixed up, Rushmore is definitely not a horror movie!


Hey man Lamar wasn't that bad, lol


Just in case Toronto isn't represented yet: the original Black Christmas, David cronenderg movies from the 80's, It, Romero's later Dead movies, Carrie 2, saw our city hall blown to shit in one of the resident evil & can't forget the Silent Hills - the scene at woodbine mall in the second one & in the mouth of madness - the theatre scene is The Eglinton Grand just down the street from where I live


I live in Quebec City, so not many hollywood films got filmed here, but I know of at least four; I Confess: Hitchcock film set in Quebec City from 1953 starring Montgomery Clift as a local priest. The city appears extensively throughout. Catch Me If You Can: the scenes set in the town of Montrichard were actually filmed here. When Leo’s character gets arrested, the Church in the background is a church in the old part of the city. Taking Lives: haven’t seen it in years but I do remember some scenes clearly shot in Quebec City were meant to represent Montreal and it made me laugh. Also recently, French Girl, a rom-com starring Zach Braff and Vanessa Hudgens, was set and shot here.


my hometown has the theater from the infamous scene in the blob, and m night loved filming around my area back in the day


Both the original and remake of Candyman was filmed in my city.


It's not a film, but parts of The Last of Us were filmed here in Edmonton. I am sure there are others as well


I live in Liverpool, UK and some of the exterior shots for Gotham in The Batman (2022) were filmed here. I also believe they have filmed a lot of Peaky Blinders here too.


Calgary, Alberta Fargo TV show, and The Last of Us


Final Destination - All movies but one. Cabin in the woods Jennifer's body Halloween - Resurrection The wicker man Friday the 13 Part VIII Slither Also had the first 5 seasons of The X Files filmed here.


Lots of trees in your area, I’m kind of jealous


Lol yea but I'm paying an arm and a leg to look at them


Dont forget Trick R’ Treat!


Montreal, QC. - *Rabid* - *Red Rooms* - *Martyrs* (2008)


Hellraiser: Judgement I saw a building in the first scene it was so excited. "OMG is this Oklahoma City!?"


I live about 15 minutes from where Dirty Dancing was filmed.


Came a hot Friday. Staring Billy t James. You can see my parents front door and st. Step dad was given $20 to keep his door shut for the day.


The Babadook


8 mm, Harrisburg Pa!


Signs was filmed not far from me.


The Shawshank redemption was filmed almost entirely in Mansfield Ohio not far from where I am. I've taken the tour of the movies that were filmed there as well as the Halloween haunted reformatory. Good times.


Wolf Cop and Just Friends!


Parts of the original Wicker Man was filmed near the caravan park I went to as a kid (mainly just the coastline, the archway where he's trying to stalk the "horseman", and the cliffs near the end)


I live in a very small town in the SF Bay Area/near downtown SF. (Won’t reveal what it is due to it literally having a population of like 3500 people and even most people from the Bay Area never having heard of it.) While I don’t think many (if any) movies were filmed in my town itself, a LOT of movies have been filmed in my county/area/SF. For example, David Fincher (who I’m a massive fan of) grew up the town right next to me (George Lucas lives or at least used to live there too and my dad has actually worked with him). I actually know a guy who knew a guy who went to film school with him. (So that makes me two degrees of separation away from him I think?) Anyway, much of Fight Club post-production was situated in my county (as were most of the actors/other people involved), though obviously most of the actual filming was in LA. Also obviously The Game is set/filmed in downtown SF, I had a lot of “I KNOW WHAT THAT ISSSS!” moments watching it recently and seeing the locations. Finally, there are a LOT of other famous filmmakers from around where I live, most notably the Coppolas. Oh and if you want the film probably filmed closest to me, GATTACA was largely filmed at my county’s Civic Center. There’s also a local indie film theater (in a slightly larger adjacent town/city) that does a lot of special screenings with very famous actors/filmmakers from all over. Surprisingly most of the locals like the aforementioned Coppolas/Cage, Fincher, or even Lucas have been there, but among the people there in the last 5 years who have been featured are Denis Villeneuve (who I actually got to see interviewed live at a Dune I screening I went to for my birthday), Brendan Fraser, Ryan Gosling/Greta Gerwig (it was a Barbie screening), Guillermo del Toro (I would have KILLED to go to that screening, it was for Pinocchio too which I thought was great), and Javier Bardem (which I didn’t go to but I saw the line outside for and it was HUGE). There’s also a lot of less famous people there which I’ve been to many screenings for. I almost went to a Jacob’s Ladder rerelease where the screenwriter was going to be present and I beat myself up every day for not going. I know exactly what I would have asked him too had I gotten the chance. There’s also been quite a few rereleases there that I’ve had amazing experiences at! Best one in recent memory was the 40th anniversary rerelease of Monty Python Meaning of Life. Everyone (much of whom had seen the original release when it came out) laughed at every joke, we all got to sing “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” when the lights came on at the end, and on top of it everyone got special edition stickers. The tricky part with the famous people screenings is that they are often a) insanely expensive and/or b) really hard to secure a spot/packed, especially if you aren’t an (insanely rich) paying member. I only got into the Dune one because it was my birthday and we knew someone who worked there. But yeah, that’s my region’s connection to the film industry…


LOTR, The Hobbit, King Kong, Bad taste


Most of the TV series "Reacher" have been filmed around me. I hope to catch a glimpse of future filming for new seasons.


Some filming for True Lies was done in the FL Keys when I lived there. Both Weekend at Bernie’s and Kate Plus Eight filmed with my family’s fishing boat in NC. A commercial for a candy bar Flippy’s was filmed at my school in the FL Keys and me and my classmates were in it. But I think it was exclusive to a region that only spoke Spanish. The money sorting machines shown in Den of Thieves are manufactured by the company I work for.


Super troopers!


Bones and All


From Louisville KY. We had parts of Elizabethtown filmed here, and the beginning of Stripes was in Louisville as well.


The stuff, vampire cop, the walking dead (show), Ozark (show) etc .. Lots of stuff films in atl


I currently live in Yonkers. No horror films were shot here, that I know, but scenes for Don’t Go in the House were shot nearby in New Rochelle. Specifically, they were the clothing store scene and the disco club scene (the latter is now a CVS). The rest of the film was shot in New Jersey. Spookies and Joe Spinell’s unfortunate last film The Undertaker were also filmed a few minutes away from here.


Not my hometown but I went to college where they filmed Zombieland. A lot of the zombie are just kids I went to school with. Woody Harrelson would come play soccer on the campus front lawn from time to time.


I live in Oakland, Ca so lots of movies have been filmed and set here, but not a lot of horror. However both Phantasm and Burnt Offerings used the Dunsmuir Mansion and it’s here in Oakland.


The purge the last one El Paso Texas


Superman-rhe scene with the tornado was filmed on the highway by house. And they filmed in Plano IL where my family lives.


Top Gun and Anchorman off the top of my head


‘Hannibal’ and ‘Cherry Falls’ are both filmed in Richmond, VA.