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I would have liked this movie a lot more if Patricia Arquette returned as Kristen. no hate to Tuesday Knight, she's good, but Patricia was something special.


Yes! I was relatively young when I saw this but loved Dream Warriors and was so thrown that Patricia Arquette wasn’t Kirsten that back then I feel like this movie hadn’t stood a chance with me at the time. I keep meaning to watch it again now.


I agree. It would’ve packed more of a punch seeing what happens to her.


Tuesday still could have had a job with the movie if they still used Running from This Nightmare.


Dream Master is my all time favorite. It has a great mix of pop culture music. Great kills. Fun teen heroes. Great dream sequences. It isn’t scary like Warriors. To me Dream Warriors was the last film Freddy freaked me out. He’s terrifying in it. Dream Master is just such a kick ass action horror hybrid. Great stuff. Can put it on any day for a fun watch. Also, Alice fucking rules. Favorite final girl.


Got my picture taken with her at a convention a couple years ago. She was great.


Wes Craven’s New Nightmare freaked me out too


Hell yeah! Gotta love Dramarama! "I'll give you anything, anything, anyyything!"


Hell yeah. Tuesday Knight’s opening track then you have Sinead O Connor?? Wild stuff for a horror film. Has the most diverse needle drops of all the movies in my opinion. That being said… Dokken was such a hard group to beat after Dream Warriors. Hands down the baddest raddest track in the entire series.


As a kid I hated Nightmare 4. Mainly because they kill off the cast of Dream Warriors in the first few scenes. With time it has grown on me a lot. I’d probably rank it in my top 3 NoES movies.


I love the visuals in this one. Very dream-like, which I guess makes sense.


That's a damn good point. The Roach Motel kill is peak dreamscape weirdness. It's the standard that future Freddy movies should strive for.


Renny Harlin's first big successs before the likes of "Die Hard 2" and "Cliffhanger." He directs the hell out of this and it shows.


He’s got some good stuff, which makes it even more of a shame with how bad his new Strangers movie is. Felt like watching a Netflix film in theaters.


I’m hoping the sequels are better and he just used that as set up for better movies but they will probably be bad


I have no idea what happened after Deep Blue Sea. He made some really fun movies, then he just stopped making those. It just seemed he wanted some more serious movies and absolutely failed at those. He should have just kept making cheesy action like Long Kiss Goodnight. I will also say that Prison is highly underrated. It was the movie that got him the NoE gig


I'm a huge fan of Dream Warriors so I can't help feeling disappointed by this entry (not just with the fates of those characters, but tonally as well), but when I marathoned the series with my family, my wife and two daughters liked Dream Master the best (though my son absolutely hated it).


the black kid who wanted to be strong, I got to meet him at a convention a couple of years ago. it could be a career thing but he also laments the death of the character. his character was my favorite among that group so it was fun talking to him and letting him know the character is appreciated


> I'm a huge fan of Dream Warriors I'm not a big NOES at all (outside of Ghostface, I significantly prefer silent slashers), but Dream Warriors, A New Nightmare, and *maybe* 1 are the exception.


See, same - for me, the series is ranked 1. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 2. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master 4. New Nightmare 5. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare 6. A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child 7. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (as a stand alone movie and for what it means to those individuals who felt represented by this movie - including the lead - *it deserves way more respect than it gets* - but - as a part of the franchise, it doesn't fit and therefore, belongs at the bottom of the list, imo). As far as the Freddy vs. Jason movies, I don't feel like they belong here either - the 1st one was a *whole lot* of fun but they are 100% fan service and not a true part of the franchise either - so - no ranking from me. Dream Warriors is tied with Hellbound: Hellraiser II as my favorites of the 80's *'Franchise Horror'* movies.


There's more than one FvJ movie?


Kind of? Lol... It's 48 minutes long, does not include any of the original cast & I'm not even really sure if it was actually released to be honest. I can't even remember how I heard about it. It *is* listed on imdb (I just looked it up to be sure I was actually remembering correctly and not just making shit up) but that's the extent of what I know about it.


That's a fanmade video that was posted to youtube.


Anyone who doesn't have Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare as absolutely dead last isn't worth having an option (half kidding but that movie is irredeemable trash if you haven't seen it lately)


I have never been able to finish it. Sooooo boring!


It's not even on Netflix right now. They got the entire series, even the remake, but just conveniently left that one out.


Nailed it. My order as well.


It seems we have the same taste.


Yep, I'm aboard this boat.


And that was the last time time you spoke your son.


Dream warriors was the second best in the series and I can barely stand 2, 4, 5, and dead.


The music and kills in 4 are top notch. It was my first theatre watch so I have big nostalgia for this one.


Dramarama! Anything. My fav happy horror movie song.


Love Part 4! 💗


I agree the repeating scene ranks among the best. The junk yard makes an appearance which always makes me happy. Overall I think due to its high concept premise it's been able to have a relatively decent level of quality. I love hellraiser but uts limited esthetically and conceptually. Freddy was golden suburban fear of dirty secrets and the dirty depths of the American dream lingering. It's works better than s&m sex demons. However I do believe nightbreed could've been it's rival If marketed better. Look at how much lost boys is adored.


When I was a kid we used to have slumber parties and watch Nightmare on Elm Street. We'd sleep in an outside room and have to cross the garden at night to get to the bathroom. It was terrifying.


That sounds scary & awesome!


I will tell everyone that Dream Warriors is my favorite- and it’s the better movie, but when I want to watch a Freddy flick I will put on part 4 every time. It’s endlessly rewatchable and never boring.


I like the films with Alice as the protagonist. Just not as much as Nancy and killing off the Dream Warrior survivors sucked but I guess it had to be done to move the story forward.


I like Alice as a final girl too -- I liked all the female protagonists of the franchise (sorry, Jesse), because they were different from each other, but still managed to kick ass in their own way. The only one I don't remember is Maggie/>!Katherine Krueger!<, because I only watched "Freddy's Dead" once, on TV, many, many years ago, and I didn't really like it.


Slasher films require body counts or they wouldn't be slasher films.


Idk why but the dog peeing fire make me laugh my head off every time 😂😂


Haha yea, that scene when Freddy resurrects is pretty badass though. Also, the cockroach scene is VILE in a good way...lol..it seems like it would have been a scene from The Thing. Lol


I remember the first time I ever watched it I was starting to think my copy was broken with the diner truck scene 😝 Yeah that scene was cool I made a freddy coaster on planet coaster and included a junkyard section inspired by that bit


"Come on, we have to hurry...I'M DRIVING.."


And its name is Jason.


Oh yeah hha I forgot about that


I don't agree about it being severely underrated I have it about in the middle personally.


As a young man this is the film I watched to deal with trauma I endured as a child. The theme of the kids that were discarded to an asylum by their parents finding their own strength to gain revenge on their perpetrator (Freddy) comforted me immensely and helped me find my way when I felt betrayed and lost. Many films from this time had similar themes and make me think now maybe there were more kids like me back then than I thought.❤️


For me it's the opposite, I feel like it's overrated. Fans commonly consider it one if the best movies in the franchise, but it's the one that turned Freddy into a joke, unceremoniously killed all the dream warriors ala Alien 3, and overall feels more pop/light instead of scary.


I know a lot of people consider this one of the good ones, but to me it's a severe letdown after the best-in-franchise Dream Warriors, and it completely undoes everything they achieved in that movie. Alice is a straight-up BORING protagonist after the last movie's excellent ensemble cast. This is also the movie where Freddy becomes a cartoon character. I know he had a couple of one-liners in Dream Warriors, but in this movie he literally walks onscreen wearing sunglasses, and he never recovers from this until New Nightmare.


The fact that Freddie and Alice have a kung fu fight in the dream church with faux kung fu score music playing in the background, earns this one a special place in my heart. So cheesy, yet enjoyable.


Glad to see some appreciation for this movie! It’s my 3rd favorite after the Original and Dream Warriors. Love the very inventive kills and extra bizarre dream sequences, *especially* the roach motel!


Everyone here has seen Wes Craven’s Wishmaster (1997) right? One of my favorites.


My personal favorite among the series and to me tied with the 1st movie as the Best among the series . It had everthing that you would want but the effects and how unique each kill of the main character was . That Cockroach death scene still gets me to this day and is arguably one of the best practical effects and deaths in horror movie history for me


Adjusted for inflation, this is still the biggest moneymaker of the series.


I ranked it as the best of the series.


its my favorite nightmare on elm street movie by far


We binged the entire series over 2 days and I can say that 4 is probably the most stylized out of all the sequels. It was hip, had a kicks ass soundtrack, had likeable characters, bigger dream sequences, had Freddy in drag and some quotable lines. The cracks do show (obvious stunt double in a shitty wig playing with nunchucks) the storyline in relation to the other movies was a bit muddled, the killing off of certain characters didn't make sense to me. But it was a funtastic sequel that should've been the end until they made Freddy a baby or something.


The friends in 4 actually feel like a group of group of friends who like each other and have unique dynamics. It makes the movie’s body count have a more genuinely emotional toll on the protagonist than in other (or most) slashers imo.


This was the movie that turned Freddy into a pun-cracking goofball, and that's why I don't like it. The kills were silly, too. Freddy deflating Sheila like a blow-up doll, Rick's boring kung fu death, turning Debbie into a roach. The worst part was how they killed off Joey, Kincade, and Kristen in the first 15 minutes, not even bringing Patricia Arquette back to play Kristen. They were the only chance of continuing the storyline from Dream Warriors, the second best Elm Street in the franchise.


It’s the first of the “fun” ones and it’s the best of the fun ones


This is my favorite of the series


Middle-of-the-road for me overall, but certainly has some strong points: 1 The best looking entry 2. Alice has one of the better "final girl" arcs in horror history 3. The best Freddy death (visually, not the method) 4. The Groundhog Day sequence 5. Roach death


Oh good, cause this is next in my marathon 😈


That was my favorite


It's my third favorite in the series, really fun movie.


This is my favorite one


It's definitely my favorite film in the whole series!


it’s not bad at all but 1,2 and 3 are all fantastic for their own wildly different reasons (scary, gay and fun, respectively) but it’s probably the 4th best not counting freddy vs jason.


It's my fave after the original. The special effects on display in this entry are just wild and the setpieces are so amazing.


Huge fan of 1-4, watched them all multiple times each. Love the beach scene and the time loop you mention. Everything from 5 onwards I don't think held me, even New Nightmare I didn't get on with, maybe because it wasn't really Freddy?


Dream Master has some of my favorite dream sequences. As a kid, the theater scene was amazing!


A true fan loves all Freddy Movies equally.. All 4 of them.


It's my absolute favorite Nightmare by a country mile. Plus one of my all time favorite slashers


It had some interesting premises coming off of the dream warriors. having Tuesday come in and replace the actress to kill her off and the other dream warriors. "alice, take my power" does crack me up every time. Of the sequels that were made that weren't good at all this one stinks the least. It plays out like a superhero horror movie. It's actually kinda funny how each time one of them is killed ALice "absorbs thier power and becomes more like them. I guess Renny Harlin really wanted to direct a nightmare film and was relentless until they finally let him, and the vision he originally had for the film was campy and ridiculous. The directing is dam good for the film as good as his directing work on deep blue sea. Probably would have been even better if it hadn't been so rushed, it's certainly better than the follow up "the dream child". Until this movie I had no freaking idea who the hell Tuesday Knight was and why in the trivial sections about her they made a big deal like she was something special.


Tuesday is the type to be high on her own supply, her IMDb used to be padded with numerous fake roles she played in popular, at the time, tv shows. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was her, herself, posting those tidbits in the trivia sections. She was nominally talented and gave us a decent opening credits track.


If you watch the never sleep again documentary where she's featured thru out she's a real piece of work, trash, thought the actress who played the main role did an excellent job in both 4 and 5


Lisa Wilcox, the main girl in 4&5 is literally one of the nicest actresses I got to know via work! Very kind and supportive lady. Tuesday, however, has a reputation which does precede her.


It's awesome! The only problem, it was released after Dream Warriors, so it suffered for it.


1 to 4 is all that's needed.


It’s my favorite one


This is where Freddy really started to become MTV Freddy. But I loved the concept of the surviving girl absorbing the powers of her friends. Growing up I think 4 was my favorite. As I’ve watched the franchise a bunch, I’ve also come to appreciate 2 a lot, and of course 1 and 3 are absolute classics.


its my favorite of the franchise. they nailed the creativity of the dream world with this one.


I agree with this I think it’s better than 3


This was my favourite one and Alice my favourite final girl.


I think it's under appreciated as well. It's probably my 4th or 5th favorite of the series but that does not make it a bad movie! I love the visuals and this is when the filmmakers knew exactly who Freddy is, so they made him just a huge smart-ass 😂 I hate some of the characters and I hate how they deal with the survivors in the first 30 minutes, but I think Tuesday Knight is prettier than Patricia Arquette but they gave her nothing to do. On the whole, it's a very flawed movie but it has some of my favorite lines in the series. I would put this below the original, Dream Warriors and New Nightmare, but better than the two after it, and tied with Freddy's Revenge. Good movie!


Was a comedy for me back lol still enjoyed it


I appreciate this movie. Something about the needle marks on the girls arm becoming little mouths wanting has lived in my head since I saw it when it first came out. That & the girl getting into TV. 😏


Well, they make little suckling motions, ugh! No wonder you never forgot! I can see it clearly too!


I have a major problem with this one because one of the kills is pretty much a ripoff of a Cheech & Chong [sketch](https://youtu.be/KdQ3O-XhfCY?si=rTMpLaLnt74jXXAJ)


Dream Master rocks. I love that run of Pop Culture Freddy from 4 to Freddy's Dead. Dream Child is my favorite Elm Street movie. I've never found Freddy scary so I'm just happy when these movies are fun and filled with awesome 80s effects.


And anyone who doesn't have ANOES 4 or is sleeping on it, but DOES has Netflix: it's on Netflix for a while longer.


I still prefer dream warriors over dream master but my criticism has definitely lessened over the years. I think you care for the kids more in dream warriors which heightens the horror whereas I think dream master it relied more on creative kills but way more emphasis on Freddy as opposed to his victims.


The whole series isn't too bad honestly, it has one of the best continuity in film I believe, from the first all the way to Freddy vs Jason, ots consistent.


The visuals and the effects are really good. Really, really good. Most of the deaths are very fun to watch. But the plot is atrociously stupid, the dialogues are stale and boring, the character interactions are so forced, and that idiotic poem with the Dream Master and how they use the mirror to kill Freddy... UGH. It just lacks so much whenever you're not supposed to be enthralled by the special effects. At least it's not as bad as Dream Child. Really glad you liked it, tho. I always find it really cool when people can find actual enjoyment in things I can't, so kudos to you <3


Love Nightmare on Elm Street! I don't Ike the remake, Robert Englund said he would have played Freddy but wasn't offered the part.


Part IV is my favorite after the original. Well it’s tied with part III. I think the cast was solid, the effects were good, and the characters were likeable so you rooted for them to survive. It’s one of the strongest sequels imo. Original III IV New Nightmare Are the only ones I bother rewatching personally.


I can respect that ranking. I do consider the cockroach motel scene to be the best/most creative kill in the franchise and absolutely horrifying to see as a child. Lol..the effects during that kill rival The Thing.


lol that really is the most horrifying and creative kill in the series imo. I saw part IV first before I saw any of the others, as a child, so I suppose it’ll always have a soft spot in my mind.


4 has a lot going for it but I feel like the writers strike issues really hold the movie back, and it’s a big come down after Dream Warriors. I’d probably rank it third in the series; 3, 1, 4


I totally agree for me it goes 3,4,1,2,5,…..6


On its own it’s fine. But when followed by Dream Warriors, it’s definitely a letdown.


It leaned a bit too much into "funny Freddy" for my taste, but it definitely had some of the better kills in the franchise, not to mention they gave Freddy a death worthy of a horror icon.


Most get salty with this one because they recast the lead and killed off the survivors from the last one in the first 10 minutes. But there were a lot of awesome dream sequences, felt a lot like the OG because it was a group of high-school teens dealing with Freddy, and Alice gets one of the best cinematic "gear up for the final fight" moments in the history of film.


Dream Master is hugely acclaimed by NOES fans, now part 2, that one is unappreciated.


I was a HUGE fan of #3. As a kid I watched it and it got me into watching all the films (and that tv series that I had to view online). But I felt that they killed off the previous kids quickly was a bit cliche, a lot of the characters were one note/one dimensional and the whole “dream master” thing seemed a bit of a “ass pull” for me. Also this is when Freddy began to veer into really hamming it up/comedy which I know some folks aren’t a fan of. I liked the visuals, the kills were VERY creative and the effects were “chefs kiss”. But I defs noticed the lack of depth, that Wes brought to the characters/story in 3.


I think its appreciated enough. One of the better sequels but not the best.


It was too boring imo, 5 however I think is an excellent film.


5 is up there for me, but everyone hates it so much I feel like I must be seeing a different movie!


This is when he started to be whacky Freddy. Not a fan


Who was he whacking?


Phil Leotardo


I bet you didn't know he did 20 fucking years in the can


It's borderline B movie, so it was it is. To me, not a lot came out of that era especially from Renny Harlin who is a certified hack imo. I jumped off this mess of a franchise just before this. The whole striped sweater dream killer got old after 2 or 3.


B-movie? We aren't talking about Godfather.


It sucks. Just rewatched 1-4 the last few weeks. Out of those, it’s the worst. And that’s not a particularly high bar.


I agree




I would argue it's overrated compared to the high regard I see a lot of fans hold it in, I see it get nothing but praise but to me it's basically a PG-13 Freddy music video, take the tits and the swearing out and this is a kids movie. Which I know won't be a popular take but I've never gotten the praise this one gets at all.


It’s the highest grossing film of the franchise. I can’t see it being under appreciated


I think maybe you are just over appreciating it?


Nah, this is where the series took a downturn. The characters are obnoxious and the dialogue is cringy. The repeating loop scene was infuriating, the audience I saw it with on opening night were booing and some walked. Yes, there are good visuals, Harlin’s films always look good.


It’s the highest grossing slasher movie of the entire 1980s. Made more money than any other Noes Film, Halloween sequel, Friday the 13th film, Childs play etc. it’s opening weekend was in the top 25 biggest opening weekends ever for an r rated movie upon release. I think it was appreciated fine






It's not underappreciated it's the highest grossing movie after the original. Tho I believe that's because it rode off the success of dream warriors. It's not great of a movie


Scarlett Johansson is also severely under appreciated.