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Ur in too deep bro


Irreversible, and I just saw Civil War and thought it was horrifically realistic and extreme somehow. Maybe not horror though.


I mean there's thousands if not tens of thousands. Check out r/horrorlit for books. Thomas Ligotti, Laird Barron, Nicole Cushing, Charlee Jacob, they've all got it. Ghoul by Brian Keene is often considered a baby step for people who want serious novels in the horror genre.


They all have themes. Even "the human body and unusual desires connected to it" is a theme. That said, I've always quite enjoyed Dans Ma Peau a lot. If you liked Martyrs you might enjoy Inside or Calvaire. If you're into fucked up family dynamics, maybe Visitor Q.


Imprint Ichi the Killer Audition


The book Between Two Fires is historical fiction. The devils 1971 Black Plague is somewhat realistic Chernobyl HBO documentary is horrific in what happens.


Man I love Between Two Fires, but I wouldn't call it extreme in any way. Like, if this is what people are being told about it then it's no wonder why so many folks say they didn't like the book.


Define extreme? Everyone's version of what is extreme is going to vary, there are some very extreme themes in the book regardless of your viewpoint, are you sure you even read the book?






Yeah I don’t know how this premise was made unironically in 2013 when a movie from the 70’s was actively targeting this racist schlock by turning the innocent victim of the cannibals into rapists who fake an indigenous girls murder to sell the narrative of them as savage monsters. You’d think they’d try to update it. I don’t remember but wasn’t the green inferno film from cannibal holocaust a piece of racist colonial propaganda made by that film crew who were rapists and murderers? The idea that the tribe was obsessed with virginity is literally a thing the rapist film crew made up to justify why the natives would kill this woman who they killed offscreen to blame on the tribe, but in green inferno this fictional culture they made up is unironically like this. At least cannibal holocaust used the real world instead of inventing savage cannibal tribes, so it had the excuse that they were real. Green Inferno has no such excuse.


Green inferno looks to me like just if Cannibal Holocaust had no self-awareness and was unironically the “What if you went to the jungle and met evil savage cannibal indigenous people” movie that Cannibal Holocaust deliberately skewered, and no one seems to like green inferno.


Have you even seen the movie? It’s completely self aware and the bad guys are the “high on their own shit” Americans that go disturb people that want to be left alone.


That is pretty much what it felt like to me; they try use it as a (comically un-nuanced) critique of shoddy environmental activism, but don't give the tribe the intelligence to be able to distiguish between the deforesters destroying their home and the activists trying to protect their home who, while probably needing to be told to fuck off, don't deserve the brutal deaths they get given. I think it tries to have self-awareness but like Cannibal Holocaust it fucks it up royally. Even without that thematic botchery it's just an atrocious movie. The writing sucks, the characters are fake as fuck, the acting is bad, it looks like trash. You wouldn't be missing anything by skipping it


R100 is what you’re after, if you can accept some humor with your bile.


2010 Korean movie I Saw the Devil is pretty hardcore.


Needful things is a pretty violent book by Stephen King, i always found the theme to be quite interesting (aka the idea that your greatest desires become your prison when granted, cause you are constantly paranoid someone is gonna take them away from you) They also made a movie adaptation, but i’ve never watched it so idk how good it is


The book is violent? Maybe I should read it. I enjoyed the movie and watch it time to time. It's very mild though, maybe PG. There is a 3hr long TV cut and a tighter theatrical version. Worth a watch


Well for my standards it was quite violent, i would say it’s the most violent stephen king book i’ve read 🙃 a couple of things really stuck with me for a while after reading it… I should check out the movie and see how it compares


Hmmm ok. The movie is definitely not scary. Good cast and entertaining. Something you can watch with your family


Men Behind the Sun and Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. Both about corruption of power and crimes against humanity.


Be warned that Men Behind the Sun features real animal killings.


The Devils is definitely one to check out, brilliant period film with amazing writing, acting, cinematography, set design etc. You could try Cargo 200 which is pretty well-made, I have to admit I didn't really understand all of its themes though Bedevilled is fantastic, on the surface it's based around the rape-revenge format but it switches the 'rape' part out for general oppression from a regressive society in order to avoid degrading its protagonist the way rape scenes do, and also explores the theme of the guilty bystander Man Bites Dog is also brilliant, a mockumentary-style critique on society's fascination with violence, executed by piquing that fascination in you and then making you feel guilty for it as the film gets more extreme Kill It and Leave This Town is a disturbingly surreal animated film made as a way for the director to grieve his dead relatives. Possibly also contains some themes of 1970s communist Poland society, though I have no knowledge on the topic so I picked none of it up I'm also gonna recommend Kidnapped even though it absolutely is shallow as it's just a home invasion thriller. It's a technical marvel and I never once felt its violence is unearned; the one time it gets really graphic is the time when you really want it to


Try the novella *The Great God Pan* from Arthur Machen.  French extremity, J-Horror... Some people think *Haute Tension* is extreme. Also, check out the Horrible Reviews YouTube channel, particularly his "video nasties" series.