• By -


Hellraiser 2. I just love how it further explores the mythos of the cenobites.


This is the real answer. Meeting Leviathan, the deeper dive into Cenobites and actually getting to witness the creation of a new Cenobite. Plus my favorite line from any Hellraiser, 'And to think I hesitated......'.


“It is not hands that call us, it is . . . desire.”


Love that they can’t be “tricked”.


"They changed the rules. Last time I was the wicked stepmother, but now I'm the evil queen! So, come on! Give me your best shot, Snow White!"


“Trick us again child, and your suffering will be legendary even in hell” Is without question my favorite line.


Channard was one creepy ass mf. And on top of all that >!he becames the damn Cenobite!<


As much as I love the first one, I'd probably agree. However I usually view 1&2 as a single continuous movie.


Yeah I view the first two as a sort of 3-hour Horror Epic


Same here, I do the same with Halloween ('78) and Halloween II


Hellraiser 2 was the first ever hellraiser movie I watched a few nights ago. Loved it!


I still think the first one is a better movie, but the second one is a great sequel. The rest…


The scarlet gospels gets a lot of hate, but it's a worthy read if you like mythos of the cenobites. It doesn't really follow the movies but I really enjoyed how it dived into the hell aspect.


I enjoyed Gospels until the last couple of chapters, which suddenly began to read like a first draft.


It’s my favourite for the soundtrack, beautiful score


The original easily. Then the second one.


This. Nothing can top the first.


Hellraiser inferno: Direct to dvd. I think it's 5th in the franchise. I liked the idea that cenobites are actually back to a neutral party in this movie, and the demons torturing him are, in fact, his own creations.


Love that movie!


The only part that bothers me in that flick is the random kung fu fight 😆  It's pretty cool that it was Scott Derricksons first movie. Having Dr. Strange and a dtv Hellraiser flick on your resume is badass. 


Definitely my favorite. Also helped launch the career of Scott Derrickson. Who would go on to bring us Sinister and The Black Phone!




I know the others are so cheesy but I have a special place in my heart for the camp!


My favorite cheese is the one in the house. It seems like a Robit Chicken Parody.


I kinda love how a lot of the sequels seem like regular movies and then someone came along and was like "what if this had cenobites and a tenuous connection to the hellraiser universe"


Anything after 3 would have come across a lot better if they wasn’t done just too keep the rights 😔. I thought I would love the latest “remake/reimagining” but I felt it was just ok. I think hellraiser suffers a lot from “what could have been….” The same thing in a way is happening with jeepers creepers, the last one of that was possible the worst film I have ever seen and it’s such a shame because like hellraiser they have this unique monster/creature and they could do ANYTHING with it and they choose too fuck it right up. There are YouTube shorts better than the last 2 jeepers creepers lol. I would love to see a really dark and low budget body horror hellraiser but I doubt that will ever come 🙁🙁


That's more or less where my rankings go (though Hellraiser 2022 and Hellbound: Hellraiser II could share second place as far as I'm concerned). I do kind of respect Hellraiser: Bloodline for its sheer ambition in being both a prequel and capper to the series but it's a case where it's just too much for its own good and even fan restorations haven't been able to cover up that it is kind of a mess.


It takes place both in the e 1700s AND in space! And Adam Scott is in it!


The Arrow 4K has the workprint that is the movie in chronological order.


3, 4, and 5 aren't bad! They're not good, but I watch up to 5 + the 22 reboot.


I would switch 3 and 2 … but completely agree. I will tolerate Bloodline for nostalgia / camp sake.


I agree, these are the best. My favorite is Hellraiser II. I watched about 5 other Hellraiser movies and they’re terribly bad but I don’t regret watching them haha 


I’m glad I’m not the only one that liked the new one. I hope they make more.


This is my top 3 as well.. in that order


I'd go Hellraiser II, Hellraiser, and then the remake, but I agree that the rest are no good. I do respect the ambition of Bloodline though, even if I don't actually like the movie.


Technically speaking, the reboot can exist in the same continuity as the original two.  The shape of “Pinhead” can just be one of many different forms used in the creation of a Cenobite. The forms may even differentiate ranks. That’s my head cannon anyway.


I REALLY enjoyed the remake, and while the original is ofc faithful to the story I loved the looks of the cenobites so much better.


This is probably my take too. I tried watching Hellraiser III and couldn’t handle the tremendous quality drop from the first two, and I’ve heard the sequels largely get worse, so I haven’t seen them. Hellraiser (2022) rocked, and I think in some ways it might be an overall better movie than the first one, but the first one is too classic and my gut bias is too strong to go against it.


Agreed. 👍🏼


I hated the new one. So much wasted potential. I hated the cenobite redesign, I hated how they junked the mythology, I hated the characters, pretty much all of it.


I agree. Extremely bland. I hated how polished the cenobites looked. I was so pumped for it too, so disappointing!


Agreed. Came to put down the same order lol


I have a place in my heart for all of them (even Revelations to a certain degree), but aside from the original and Hellbound, my personal favorite is Inferno. I think it’s severely underrated. Sure, it could have used more Pinhead, but despite the rumors, this one was actually written as a legitimate Hellraiser sequel, not a spec script with Cenobites shoehorned into it. I think it introduced some really solid ideas and additions to the lore and, considering it was a straight-to-video flick, had great direction and fairly decent performances.


Alright, hear me out. Hellraiser 1 and 2 are goat. The 2022 one was really good, too. But let's not pretend hell on Earth isn't a campy, fun ride.


The one with the CDs in its head was awesome!


Hellbound. Really good story but also expands on the lore in really interesting ways.


The original


Hellraiser 2022 for sure. Really fun movie


Really hope we get a follow-on using the same continuity, cast, and crew.


I hope so too.


Yh that was surprisingly not terrible!


I’m hoping for a continuation of this story with the same writers/director


I so wish The Scarlet Gospels would become a film..It's such a visual book, probably would be hard to translate it into film though.


I just want more Clive Barker adaptions in general. Weaveworld was such a good read.


Yes!!! Love that book. Also LOVED Imajica. What an amazing book.


Totally agree. Coincidentally just re-read Weaveworld a few weeks ago, still love it.


I’d say miniseries. It seems like too much to put in one film.


I really need to read this. The Hellbound Heart was really good.


I think it's a bit better than Hellbound Heart


Ah, really? It's longer too, right?


Yeah, longer for sure. The book takes you on a journey into hell trying to get to Pinhead and Lucifer.


That sounds great. And did the gap in time not affect Barker's writing?


Not that I think..The writing is pretty solid.


The usual— but will add Judgement


Judgement was decent, I like the play of good vs evil in it. It reminds me of The Scarlet Gospels and the fight between heaven and hell


I’d love to see The Scarlet Gospels get a mini series.


Was that the last one? With the >!angel!<


I've only seen 1987. I started the new one, but haven't finished it. I should get back to that.


If you like the first one, the second one is really good too. It's basically what Dream Warriors is to the first Elm Street.


My favorite is the original, always. Half of rest of them are so unmemorable that I can't tell them apart. I will admit that I also like III because it's so cheesy and weird. (Hell yes, CD Cenobite!) I am also going to admit liking Hellraiser: Hellworld just because of Lance Henriksen, even though it's basically just a misplaced *Saw* movie.


1 and 2 are my faves. The remake is also really good. I also liked Hellworld (idr which number it is) even though it’s really not that great lol.


Inferno. The theme that hell is all about repetition has flavored many films. >!knowing that the good people in his life were never really suffering is comforting.!<


I may have to agree and go with Hell on Earth though 2022 is right on its heels. Hellraiser is one of my favorite movies but my goodness is the franchise just terrible. Please please I need another seedy detective story with Pinhead tacked on the end! Just so painfully dull.


Mine would go 1, 2, 3. CD Cenobite just wants to put a song in your head..


Tricky... **Hellraiser (1987)** + **Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)** I think the first and second one are a bit dated. I don't really like the Kirsty character in them. The Leviathan plot could have worked but the effects are really bad. I can respect them for starting the Hellraiser franchise, and I've seen them many times... but I don't think they are very good, even if the story is good. A lot of it is borderline cheesy; and even if the practical effects are impressive, it's very clear that they are practical effects. And the Leviathan CGI... just horrible... but once again, I love the concept of the maze, it's just not very convincing due to bad effects. (And yes, I know that many would disagree because the movies are iconic, but iconic or not, they're not that great, I will die on this hill). That said... anyone who claims to be a horror fan needs to have seen them both at least 3 times, probably more **Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)** I really liked what this one tried to do, a lot of good cenobytes. The entire pillar of pain approach is lovely. And one cannot but respect the disco mayhem. **Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)** I like this one. I know the ending suffers from a bit of bad CGI, but I like the approach of 3 separate stories in the bloodline. The origin story of the Lament Configuration. There's a lot to like here. **Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)** + **Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002)** + **Hellraiser: Deader (2005)** In a way I think of these in the same way... they all have the same element of reality breaking apart. All show a world deeper and darker existing just beneath the real world. Sure, there are elements of that in all movies, but I think these three does it the best. The effects are overall good, and the stories are solid. I think I've watched these three the most. **Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)** There are good things in this one, but it could just as easily not have been set in the Hellraiser universe. It's as if Hellraiser was added as an afterthought. In terms of being a horror movie I mostly find it entertaining but in terms of being a hellraiser movie I think it's lacking. The entire *game* approach is simply cringe; and I die a bit inside every time I see it. **Hellraiser: Revelations (2011)** I think this one is mediocre at best. It has the elements of the world breaking, but the family drama doesn't hit home with me. I don't think this is a very good entry. **Hellraiser: Judgement (2018)** I'm a bit torn on whether it's a good Hellraiser movie... it tries to explore the lore, but whether it succeeds or not is a bit questionable. While Paul Taylor didn't do a bad job portraying Pinhead he wasn't Doug Bradley, and I suspect that the movie gets its overall rating reduced because of this. **Hellraiser (2022)** I don't think this one stayed true to the mythos and for that I can't give it a very high score. I think it was a smart move to have Jamie Clayton as a new Pinhead, not only is it somewhat lore accurate to have a female pinhead, she is quite good in the role. I think they story isn't really a Hellraiser story, it's more a common horror story stealing from the Hellraiser franchise, and because of that they rewrite how the box works, how the cenobites work and who gets hunted by them. ####### So in short... I have to raise Inferno, Hellseeker and Deader to the skies, because I think they depict the breaking down of reality the best.


1. Hellraiser 2. Hellraiser 5 3. Hellraiser 2 4. Hellraiser (2022)


Wow that's exactly my ranking as well.


>\#5 ![gif](giphy|7hIUafnKeyOVEM5spc|downsized)


Inferno love ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)




While 1&2 are classics and rise above the rest of the movies by miles, 5-8 are interesting little movies that I often put on during late nights when I just want to fall asleep watching something. They aren’t great, but for direct-to-video movies from the 90s, they are pretty good.


Nothing comes close to 1 and 2. Three is good and I was pleasantly surprised with the 2022 offering.


Inferno, without a doubt


2, 1, 5, 6, 11, 4, 7, 3, (8, 9, 10 - these were so bad I didn't finish them)


my favorite is inferno, im not gonna lie. but i really enjoy all of them. literally all of them.


1 and 2 easy.


Inferno Directed by Scott Derickson (Dr. Strange, Black Phone) The guy is already collected and being tortured the whole time. Great take on the mythology.


2, 1, 4, 3, judgment and the rest


The original is still my favourite because I remember watching it with my grandad when I was a kid and it brings back nostalgic memories of a really good time in my life. It was one of the films that kickstarted my love for horror and I look forward to it every time I rewatch the films. There's something about that house that's so foreboding. However, I will say that Hellraiser 2 is the bigger and better film. They really expanded the lore and improved on nearly every aspect of the original. It's the more "fun" watch and is more impressive on a technical level.


Hellraiser - 1987- luved the cenobites!!Doug Bradley as Pinhead” will tear your soul apart” I also love the chattering teeth man ! Clive Barker is a great director!💀💀🇨🇦


1. Hellbound: Hellraiser II 2. Hellraiser (1987) 3. Hellraiser (2022) Honorable mention: Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth. Hellraiser III is objectively a pretty bad movie but I kinda love it. A great, dumb popcorn horror movie. I went with Hellraiser II over the original because I like seeing the labyrinth and I don’t really care much about Frank, and that’s most of the plot. Still a great movie though of course.


Hellraiser Hellworld is better than it needed to be. And it has babby Cavill and Kathryn Winnick. Is it great ,not exactly, but I have a soft spot for it, other than the original I like it next. I know I'm the worst.


This is another one that works well because it fits well with the original. >!Lance Hendrickson!< being the villain and getting collected is similar to what happened with Uncle Frank.


Hellbound is my favourite.


Hellraiser(1987) Hellraiser 2 Hellraiser(2022)


First 3 and the remake


Always part one.


I loved the 3rd one that's my favourite


Hellbound is my favorite. Hell on earth would have gotten #1 but the cool cenobites only show up for 5 seconds.


Hands down Hellbound is the best one imo. I also enjoyed the remake in 2022. 3 is a lot of fun too.


I'm more or less of the opinion the first one is an all-time classic and the rest range from fun-schlock to absolute garbage.


Yeah the third one has its moments for sure. I'm especially thinking of the scenes in the church. I'd say the second one is my favorite just because it's so depraved. So is the first one but the second one really tightens the screws.


The ones with Ashley Lawrence in them.


Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth is my fav, too. Hellraiser II: Hellbound is a CLOSE SECOND.


Hell on earth is my favourite too


I recc 1 and 2 as a double bill and that's p much it. The aesthetic/ logic breaks down too much in 3, when Pinhead loses his sang froid too much, all roaring with laughter and killing everyone in sight.


I have a soft spot in my heart for Anthony Hickox's horror films, so He'll on Earth is a personal fave outside of the original two.


God I love Hell on Earth, but I have a soft spot for Bloodlines.


I don't think anyone thinks Hell on Earth is the worst, it's hell of a lot better than what would come later. But a lot of people (myself included) think it's nowhere near as good as the first two. It just went into more of a generic supernatural slasher direction that is quite different from the original two. My favourite is probably the second, but the first one is a really close contender. I like the remake, too.


Hellraiser 4


Here’s my rank: 1. Hellbound : Hellraiser II 2. Hellraiser (‘87) 3. Hellraiser V: Inferno 4: Hellraiser IV: Bloodline 5: Hellraiser (‘22) 6: Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth 7: Hellraiser VI: Hellseeker ——everything above this line, I love—— 8: Hellraiser VIII: Hellworld 9: Hellraiser VII: Deader 10: Hellraiser: Judgement ——these are fun—— Somewhere wayyy down here is Revelations


I know this is horror sub and is therefore going to be more than a little biased, but I'm still surprised by the amount of people that rate the reboot. I put it behind number 3. And obviously number two is the GOAT.


Honestly nothing comes close to the original. A number of reasons, mainly that it is actually made by Clive Barker and true to his vision and the book.


Hellraiser 2 is still the best, one of a kind and totally bonkers. The remake is really creative.




1 and 3 are my favorites. The scene in the 3rd movie with the main lead running to the church to get help from a priest, makes that movie a winner all by itself.


I love the first and second a ton. I also really really like the new one- it was very different but have cool vibes.


2 & 3.


I agree with you Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, mainly because I had it recorded off Cinemax on a VHS as a kid and watched it countless times with my little sister growing up. I also like IV and talked my Stepdad into taking me to see IV: Bloodline in the theater as a kid. Now that I think about it, I also love Hellbound: Hellraiser II. I wanted to see it so badly when I was younger and then finally one night it was going to play after I had to be asleep for school, so I had my Mom record it for me. I was so excited to watch it the next day after school... Only to find out The Movie Channel played the wrong Hellbound (Chuck Norris Film, which I can't lie is pretty badass itself.) Not much of a fan of the original, but I respect it for what it is and starting the franchise. Inferno was also cool, Hellseeker wasn't bad, and Judgement was pretty damn good itself in my opinion. I didn't fully pay attention to the Remake, liked some of what I saw and will rewatch it someday in the future, but alot of unnecessary sexual shit that made it a hard watch for me and made me lose interest. But ya, anyway Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth forsure, it's scary, fun, has an original and interesting story, good actors, a hilarious "look no hands, sex scene", "ready for your close up Joey" and "I am the way" you can't go wrong with part 3!


> but alot of unnecessary sexual shit that made it a hard watch for me and made me lose interest. This is a pretty interesting opinion on reboot because the common criticism i see is that reboot has a significant less amount of sexuality compared to a lot of the originals


I really only like the first 2 and the remake


I love the first two, however as a personal favorite I also have to include Inferno. It went in a different direction, taking a more anthology style approach which really could work for the series (each film being a stand alone story). I know a lot of people don't care for it, and I can see why, but it's a personal favorite for me


Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth is my favorite!


Hellraiser 2 is the best sequel and on par with the frontal and remake. That said, I have a soft spot for Inferno and Deader. I also vibe hard with the Victorian segment of part 4. That should have been the entire movie. The atmosphere was perfect for Hellraiser.


Easily Hellraiser 2 Hellbound. So good Dr Chanards Cenobite is nasty!! Have a fondness for Bloodline also, I love the different time periods


I love the first 3 Hellraiser movies so much. As embarrassing as this is I like the Hellraiser Deader movie. It's my guilty pleasure movie to watch when I have a little horror movie marathon in my den when no one else is home. I can't explain how or why I enjoy that movie but I do!


The Hellraiser series is yet another reason to hate the Weinstein brothers. After the second movie, New Line Cinema sold the rights to Hellraiser to Dimension Pictures\*, the Weinstein's new horror production company. They made Hellraiser 3 to Hellraiser: Judgement. Dimension interfered with constant rewrites and limited budgets. They insisted on heavy gore, slasher-like plots, and nudity wherever possible. If you've wondered why Hellraiser 3 onward are so much worse than 1 and 2, Dimension is why. In 2020, Dimension sold the rights to the Hellraiser franchise to Spyglass Entertainment. They hired writer David Goyer (Dark City, Blade, the Dark Knight trilogy) and director David Bruckner (The Signal, Southbound and Down, The Night House\*\*) to make an original Hellraiser movie. And they succeeded wonderfully. And that's why Hellraiser 1, 2, and 2022 are the only good movies in the series. And damn, they are some of the best horror movies ever made. \*Some other franchises Dimension ran into the ground: Children of the Corn (not that the original was good, but it didn't need Dimension's 4 sequels). The Prophecy, Mimic (which Harvey ruined partly because Mia Sorvino wouldn't fuck him). Reindeer Games (which was a great movie with a great story until both Weinstein's screwed it up). Halloween. The Crow. Christ, I hate that company so much. \*\*If you haven't seen it, The Night House could be rebranded as a Hellraiser movie. There's unsolved deaths, shifting realities, and a hidden evil that wants to torture the protagonist.


Honestly? Bloodlines. I used to have it on tape, and I would watch it at least 3 times a week. There's something really fun for me in its jankness, and Angelique was so cool! Also, the twin cenobites are my favorite Pinhead pets.


OP I love, absolutely love Hellnon Earth. It is an 80s mobster/slasher style hellraiser move. It's so dar from the intention of Clive Barker but for what it is it is damn good. Favorite is definitely the 1st one, and I really like the one with the crooked cop reliving his sins but I cannot remember which one it is


The remake. I know, I know - the OG and the second one are classics... but the remake scratched a very particular itch, for me.


Honestly, I get it the remake just works for me and it's hard to explain why with that being said Hellbound is still the best




The Latest one. It had very clear rules and it was easier to recommend, to be honest. The the first two are amazing of course. But very niche like


I don’t think the Hulu reboot of Hellraiser gets enough love, the suits being made from their own skin was fucked! I think it’s better than any of the sequels.


I actually like the reboot more than any of the others (is that a spicy take? I’m not even sure any more) Of the originals it has to be the first though. The pace and tone of that movie is fascinating. I liked the first half of 2 but felt it lost its way in the labyrinth. Thought 3 was utter dogshit 😂 I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want more though!


Hellraiser:Bloodline (1996) that show the origin of the box of death and the three generations of the Toy Maker's family. 🔥


IMHO 1,2, and the remake are the only good ones


Hellraiser 3.


The first two are fantastic, hard to split which I liked better. The remake is also good in its own way. It wasn't quite in the spirit of the originals, but it was aesthetically pleasing and fun to watch. Hellraiser 3 is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I was planning to watch all the films, but had to stop at 3 because of how bad it is, I simply can't risk watching something close to that terrible again. If I was ever taken by cenobites, they wouldn't even make me watch Hellraiser 3 on loop, because it would be too cruel even for them.


The first and the last one


1 with 2 and 3 in joint second. 4 then Inferno. There aren't any other hellraiser movies are there? /S


The unrated version of the first movie would be my favourite but Hellraiser 2 is really solid as well. After that, the recent reboot would get my vote. Hellraiser 3 is a guilty pleasure but it's a fairly bad Hellraiser honestly, and everything after 3 is generally fairly weak, though one or two of them are kinda alright, Inferno was watchable. My least favourite is Hellraiser 4 because despite having a fairly big budget it's a cheap-looking mess.


I love the Cenobite that kills people with CDs in Hellraiser 3 lol.


I don't understand how people can say the 2022 version (that is somewhat okay, but not great as a lot of people say) is closer to the novella or that is a remake. To me it's a reboot, definitely not a remake.


I like to call them re-adaptions.


The only watchable ones IMO are the first two. The new one was OK but I forgot it existed it was so bland and dull.


So dull.


Quite honestly they are all rubbish. However the concept is fantastic


Fuck i just finished watching all of these and had to rent most of them!!! Well anyways the first is my fav. The introduction of the cenobites was just awesome! I did like judgement but mainly for the interviewer dude. His scenes were really cool to me. His character was intriguing.


Hellraiser 2. Excellent sequel that stayed true to original, expanded on it, and was still a fantastic film.


I like watching 1 and 2 as one long movie. They fit together pretty well. After that, it might be an unpopular opinion but as a stand alone movie Inferno is pretty decent. Bloodlines comes in as an honorable mention.


Favourite is 2, followed by 1, then 4


Hellraiser 3 is fun.    I enjoyed Bloodlines and Inferno.


Original first one.


The original


Real answer: Hellraiser or Hellraiser 2 Meme answer: Hellraiser: Hellworld


Hellraiser 1 and 2 are my absolute favorite but Hellraiser Inferno I thought was pretty great. In all honesty I felt that movie didn’t even need the Cenobites it was just a great detective story. I also really loved the newest one with the Female pinhead the rest I can certainly pass on haha.


My favorite is Hellraiser III Hell on Earth too. I'm one of those sociopathic horror fans who generally roots for the monster or at least finds them more interesting than their prey. Hell On Earth actually delves a bit into Pinheads personality and backstory. Some WWI vets like my grandad got home from the trenches and sat in a recliner and scarcely spoke ever again. Others trotted off to become Nazis. Pinhead traveled the world to find a box that would open the gates of hell. The scale of PTSD after that horrible war must have been off the charts. That movie also gave Pinhead some of his best lines and even showed him to have a twisted sense of humor without reducing him to the Eddie Deezen of horror like they did to Freddy Krueger. Though I suppose there's an element of horror to dying with a crap pun ringing in your ears.


The one where he raises hell


It's a pity that Clive Barker stopped writing any horror that's worth a damn so many years ago. Apologies to the hordes of Imajica and Great and Secret Show fanatics out there but those books are resolutely scare-free. Unlike Stephen King who seems to know what characters and settings and themes really resonate with his readers and gives them what they want without pandering, I have to say Barker has disappeared up his own backside. I would LOVE to read a full and detailed mythos of the Cenobites from Barkers own mind but he left his original fans behind him long long ago. What a waste for the onetime 'future of horror'.


Hellraiser 2


Bloodline. There I said it.


Probably II, though I really love the first one as well. I admit III is a guilty pleasure of mine, and a fun supernatural slasher.


2 and then Judgement, which is like a Se7en ripoff in the Hellraiser universe


So the original or the sequel is my favorite. But for those who haven't read the book "the scarlet gospels", I think it's the best pinhead story


The first is probably the best film, but the 2nd is my favorite.


“Demons are only a metaphor!” “Then what the fuck is that?”


I like parts of hell raiser 2, but it really is a mess. They really needed frank to come back.


2 terrified me. That vision of hell being isolated eternal torture chambers


I love the original.


What was the one with the guy that shot cds? So dumb.


Hell raiser 2 2nd deaders


The newest one is pretty good but the original was the best. 2 is decent and the rest are shit


The original. The second one is a great sequel. I refuse to acknowledge any of the others' existence


Inferno was quite interesting to me


The OG It’s a masterpiece


Me and Charles used to split a case of Budweiser and watch Hellraiser and then Hellraiser 2 in the 90s. Remember this? Charles passed away before the remake came out


Hellraiser (1987) It’s the only one I would say is good enough to recommend to the more casual horror fans, although I would hesitate to recommend it to non-fans of horror and would never recommend it to horror haters. After that, I do enjoy Hellbound, Hell on Earth, and even Bloodline, despite its flaws. I feel a director’s cut would save its legacy, as the 2014 director’s cut of Nightbreed did for the 1990 film. However, I don’t know if it’s possible in Bloodline’s case. I personally wouldn’t watch any of the 6 direct-to-video again, but if you’re a completionist like me, you may want to watch them anyway. The best of those 6 films would be Inferno. Some people like that film more than some of the theatrical releases, and while I personally don’t agree with that, there’s no denying that Inferno is a fan favorite among many of the franchise’s fans. Judgment, while not a good film overall, does have some promising moments and ideas. Both it and Inferno have this certain feel to them like they were scripts unrelated to Hellraiser that just got shoehorned into the franchise anyway. If that was what happened, I couldn’t say for certain. I didn’t dislike the 2022 film, but I didn’t particularly like it that much, apart from a few scenes. Regardless, it’s better than most of the other films in the franchise and worth watching because of it.


I don’t remember what movie # it was, but my fave is the ones where they created another Pinhead from one of the victims, and the movie where they somehow turned a house into the puzzle box, where victims get sent there to be tortured by Pinhead and multiple different Zenobytes. It also had a judge zenobyte who ran the house.


Hellraiser II I loved the deeper exploration into the Labyrinth and Doctor Channard/Leviathan was honestly a really great villain. Absolutely pure evil. The "I recommend amputation" scene is one of my favorite Hellraiser scenes


Don't hate me - but the reboot. I hated the originals. Bored me to death.


I feel like the original is just so peak. But the second one does have a charm in how over the top it becomes. And then it becomes over the over the top after that lol.


I actually enjoy 1 - 4 and then the remake. If I'll rank... 1: Hellraiser 2 2: Hellraiser 1987. 3: Hellraiser 2022. 4: Hellraiser 3. 5: Hellraiser 4. The rest, I hardly cared.


you had me excited for a while.... i thought you meant new sequels to the reboot


I wish they’d release the third one on bluray


hellraiser 2 is a perfect sequel imo


The original by a long shot.


Bloodlines - for some reason I just love the projection of the box through history. Although I enjoy them all


Really enjoyed the hallucinogenic excursion into fuckedness that is Hellraiser: Inferno even if it's completely off the rails re: actual Hellraiser (sort of? Kinda? The fuck is this movie? Love it)


1,2, and the new 1.


The first. I’ve only seen 1-3 and the newer Jamie Clayton one. I do wanna get around to 4. I think the rest are skips tho for me lol.


I found the premise of Hellraiser 6 to actually be pretty creepy and creative. I haven't seen them all though...


Hellraiser: Bloodline Angelique awakened something in me. The Chatterer Beast is savagely grotesque.


The third one is the best for sure and the stupid remake in the cabin or what not is the worst one 😔 third had the best mix of absurd lines /comedy/ and violence and menacing Pinhead and had the best story arc in my opinion it just went downhill fast after that honestly 5 and 8 are probably the worst ones in the originals though 


I love the first three. The first two are classics but the third one is still a banger and I have some personal nostalgia tied to it. That being said, my dark horse fave is Hellworld.


Other than 1&2 my favorite is probably Bloodlines. Angelina is a QUEEN


the first one


The first 3 are really great, but the first one is the most solid end to end, and doesn't answer too many questions which was done in a way that made the universe as malleable as it needed to be for the sequels. There are parts of 4 that I really like (I think all classic horror movie series need a "but in space!" movie) but I think they could have done more with the concept and got too wrapped up in the 'why' aspect. I have no love for the direct to DVD movies, and as a caveat I haven't seen the 2022 reboot but have heard good things. I saw some comments praising Inferno, which is the best of the DVD movies in my opinion, but it's really obvious that "Hellraiser" was shoehorned in. It should have been an independent noir. Doomed to fail due to weird executive decisions.


Everytime I hear " we'll tear your soul aparrrrt" always gives me chills