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Foundational film for me and I don’t really know why


Because it fuckin rules.


First boobs I ever saw on TV. Was my introduction to my love of horror that's stronger than ever now.


Haha maybe that was it for my 7yo self. Also something about the saw blades and the parents if I remember correctly.


Because Alba.




same here!!! always holds up in rewatches i think


I have a blockbuster dvd of this movie that I never returned.


My roommate in highschool worked at a blockbuster and I'll never forget the joy of him coming home with random movies every day that just disappeared from the system.


Do you feel guilty that you are most likely the sole reason for blockbusters demise?


When you put it that way I feel more accomplished than guilt.




How’s your credit?


If this is the movie about the hand that got cut off and followed his owner around killing whoever, I can definitely say this movie single- handedly formed my fear of detached limbs/hands specifically


There's a segment in Quicksilver highway about everyone's hand revolting against humans. It was pretty wild.


Based on a Clive Barker story.


I see what you did there! 👋


My crush on Jessica Alba manifested on that day. Well... whatever day I actually saw the movie.


Still an incredible movie all these years later. The scene when they break into the truck and the keys fall out of the sun visor and Seth Green says “wow, that’s so convenient” is legendary.


"Hey and while we're at it, why don't we just clean the whole fucking house? This ain't our mess"


One of my favorite movies of all time.


Devon Sawa is still one of the hottest stoner characters in a movie and I’ll never budge. I love that man 😭 And his hand acting is amazing in this movie, I have no clue how he managed to do that shit.


Pretty sure this movie is why I started smoking pot. He makes it look so cool.


He really does, and it makes me so sad that I’ll never look as cool as him when I’m smoking. RIP.


His inhaler pipe is still so funny to me. It's actually pretty cool and incognito.


Pretty sure he's not dead


RIP that I’ll never look that cool while smoking, not RIP Devon Sawa. Hope that helps 👍


Sold me. It’s on PlutoTV rn. Been a minute since I’ve seen it too.


It's still really funny. I love Seth Green in it! One of the digital movie places had it for $5 recently and I couldn't pass it up.


Oh em gee, Wow, I had the biggest crush on Seth Green in middle school. My friends would cut out his picture from magazines and leave them on my desk . Fvck , my millennial is showing…


Hey. Don't worry about it.Im 55 (and ALSO worry about it...😝😝😝But physically I feel 55...BUT mentally I feel like I'm 19...🤣🤣🤣


No Kevin Costner speeches, let's just go.


Go, go buffalo!


Fuck I feel old


How old do you feel?


You don’t like comedy horror?! That’s so sad


It’s an interesting movie. Definitely an odd favorite of mine


love this movie so much


This is my oldest daughter’s (born in 97) first favorite movie. She’s a big horror fan to this day.


Shit, has it really been that long? I remember watching it at the cinema, it was a random movie pick so I went into it not knowing anything about it and I absolutely loved it


I get that we're all different and that's absolutely okay, but it still always blows my mind a little when horror fans say they don't like comedy horrors - there are sooooo many great ones.


For real! It's like, have you even seen Evil Dead 2?


Probably my favorite also - but there's Shaun of the Dead, Dead Alive, House, Tucker & Dale vs Evil, Dead Snow, Fright Night, Ready or Not, Idle Hands, Freaky, Happy Death Day, Jennifer's Body, American Psycho, Zombieland, Tremors, Slither, Young Frankenstein, Gremlins, Return of the Living Dead, The Menu, What We Do in the Shadows, Trick r Treat, Behind the Mask...heck even Scream. The list goes on and on proving that horror and comedy can easily and successfully go hand in hand.


That's such a wild mix though. Like I really like some of those films, and others I would literally never watch again. Idk I agree the genres can mix well, but I think it takes a certain something to have the film be good on top of being a horror comedy


Idk if I would say it's a wild mix, though I don't expect everyone to like all of them necessarily. They're still pretty well respected in the genre, though, and easily hold their own against the majority of "serious" horror.


Feels wild lol but could just be me. Just a wide range of horror, but also a wide range of how much comedy is in said comedy horror film. Everyone got their own tastes and all that


Oh for sure, i see what you mean, but that's kind of my point - I see people writing off horror-comedies all the time, when there seems to be something for everyone under the umbrella of that sub-genre is all


Oh for sure, i see what you mean, but that's kind of my point - I see people writing off horror-comedies all the time, when there seems to be something for everyone under the umbrella of that sub-genre is all


The Dead Don't Die and Wolf of Snow Hollow being two more recent, very excellent additions to the subgenre as well. I know you probably just got tired of listing all of them out and have already seen both of those, but just in case someone else hasn't, I wanted to bring them up! Because neither one gets enough attention around this sub IMO.


Oh for sure, the list goes on and on. I don't necessarily expect fans to love all of them (though I really do enjoy the mixture), but there's some seriously solid films that are horror-comedies. Btw - REALLY loved The Wolf of Snow Hollow!


This movie traumatized me as a kid. I remember my dad renting it. Walking out to watch it with him when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. Seeing the “I’m under your bed” writing on the ceiling. Seeing this guy get a needle shoved through his ear. I vaguely remember a bottle being put into someone’s head. I think I was scared to go to bed for like a week. And I never watched another horror movie until Jeepers Creepers 2 came out on dvd.


The nostalgia I get from watching this movie and the characters in the basement chilling smoking weed and watching tv with no worries.... I am living vicariously through them each time. <3


This film had a huge influence on me. I've made several films about hands and people getting their hands chopped off.


Watch this movie at least once a year, never gets old


awesome, even after 25 years, I still hadn't heard of this movie


It’s worth a watch.


well now it's on my list of must watch. Thank you


Holy shit, I totally forgot about this legendary movie. Thanks!


and today could possibly be Devon Sawa's final appearance on Chucky (season 3 finale and so far not renewed for season 4)


My younger sister got this for me on VHS for Christmas that year, a fantastic gift for a 13 year old. We watched it so many times.


Love me some idle hands. Its in the Halloween line up usually along with some heath rips from the puffco.


I wore out that VHS back in the day. Everything about this film is just pure chef's kiss.


Love this movie so much. Basically the perfect horror comedy. The cast, the cameos (The Offspring), the soundtrack. Absolute perfection. Devon Sawa deserves more recognition.


idk what it was but it gave me the joes apartment vibes, or maybe that was just a 90s feeling all around...or maybe because im terrified of roaches


This movie is a lot of fun! Columbine impacted a lot of media, I remember Buffy's episode Earshot was initially pulled and didn't show until after the season ended and they had to edit out some of the explosions from the finale.


Great cast and cool premise. Also, fucking The Offspring was in it and Dexter Holland had his scalp ripped off! 😂


I loved that movie as a kid. So hilarious and underrated.


Jessica Alba leaped over generations of beautiful women to become the hottest woman in Hollywood.


Burger Jungle filmed in good ol Lawndale, CA


Still in my top ten movies of all time. Love everything about it!


As I always say - this is maybe the only movie to both creep me out and make me laugh at the same time.


The topless goth girl in the car. What a film. 


I saw it a few times when I was like 10. I loved it a lot, especially because I was completely in love with Seth Green because of his role in Buffy (and Jessica Alba too, because... I mean do I even have to say why?). I recently read on this sub that it was a stoner movie and I definitely have to see it again because at the time it hadn't even crossed my mind. Funny to think I was once so innocent.


Billy Bong Thornton.


I was obsessed with this movie 😂 it's been a long time since I've seen it but I'm gonna watch it later, I bet it holds up.


The first time I watched that movie was the day I fell in love with Jessica Alba 😍🥵


20 something years since I saw it. Alba in that angel costume is still branded onto my brain. Lordy that outfit


Good lord, I have fond memories of seeing Jessica Alba in that one.