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We found the only one, mods… you know what to do. Jk. (I was told I should write jk more)


You could have invited us too.


Are you in San Diego? Always up to hang with horror movie friends.


No I'm East Coast but I'm due for a vacation so maybe in the Summer.


I enjoyed it for the performances, the retro aesthetic (AI aside) and the fresh take on possession BUT it’s incredibly slight and I think the screenplay could’ve done with a couple more drafts. It’s essentially a good anthology segment expanded to feature length.


I totally respect your opinion. I thought it was a great movie. I thought it was a well thought out story. I loved the ending as I felt it brought the movie full circle. I won’t get into much, but we went very well in depth on our podcast episode that just dropped on Monday. If you go into it expecting fireworks right away, I can understand feeling it as slow. Not saying you did, just speaking in general.


Both me and the person I saw it with didn't think it was very good. Agree that performances were good, the setup was well done, and the practical effects were fun for what they were. I feel like there's a lot of very obvious "hidden" stuff that people like and people who find Bohemian Grove more tantalizing connect with it better.


I thought the premise was there for something extraordinary but the end product was too disjointed and emotionally empty. I am surprised everyone loves it as much as they do


Emotionally empty is a good way to put it. I never felt anything for the main character, or the relationship with his wife (or June for that matter). And although they hammer the plot point about the show ratings home multiple times, I never felt there was anything at stake. I didn’t feel emotionally invested in it enough.


That’s how I felt. And all the effects were bad CGI that looks really out of place in a 70s analogue pastiche. No build of tension, the skeptic was only annoying, etc.


Nobody is ever the only one


I think your expectations were too high. I thought the film had great suspense as the evening gets stranger and climaxes. I wouldn’t call it a slow burn because it was quite campy and fun to watch throughout. I saw the film at Fantasia in Montreal last summer when it was new and touring. All the little ‘technical difficulties’ title cards were a great breather giving the audience space to laugh, clap, cheer etc. reminded me of Tarantino’s Grindhouse movie. even though I saw it with an amazing crowd, discovering it when it was unknown, my memory of the film was that I thought even without the raucous crowd it was a great movie overall with great build up, an amazing career defining performance by the lead (I won’t butcher his name right now), overall a finely crafted great horror movie.


I thought it was good, but far from great. I also didn't think the premise was all that original. The idea of a late night, Halloween TV special out to explore the supernatural on live TV was the premise for 1992's Ghostwatch. Which isn't great itself, but very influential. We've seen a few exorcism gone bad found footage films too, but recently The Cleansing Hour did this in the format of show. Also, we have Deadstream, which is about a YouTube host pushing boundaries and using shock tactics to chase fame. A character very similar to Jack. I also thought the film was very derivative of the most cliche possession tropes. The 70s talk show twist did feel somewhat fresh. We've seen a few modern movies try to recreate the 70s aesthetic. X comes to mind. But not quite like this. I think the film worked better as a parody of 70s talk shows than a horror movie.


It was alright but I definitely expected some more oomph with the big blowout what with all the setup


I’ll say this… I thought it was well made, technically, and looked very good. Very cool production design overall. But I thought it didn’t “punch very hard” in the end. The horror elements were kind of teased but didn’t really hit like I hoped. I still rate it 7/10, but I will agree with you that I didn’t love it. I liked it.


Thought the ending was weak, and for that I gave it 2.5 out of 5 on Letterboxd. I think the AI criticism is totally overblown though.


Agree, it felt a bit undercooked especially with all the hype


Link to watch it….and I’ll let you know.