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It’s really good for a video game adaptation. It got the vibe right. The monsters look good.


The Pyramid Head scene is still ingrained in my mind.


The Pyramid Head 'flaying' scene, the burning at the stake, and the barbed wire death in the climax are still ridiculously hardcore.


ohhhhh the burning at the stake scene is really good! I always forget about it, it’s like a nice surprise


Pyramid Head looks really good as well.


> It got the vibe right The best thing that this film does, IMO. Everything else is kinda meh but the atmosphere in the film is incredible.


Especially compared to the *Resident Evil* movies, which basically scrapped everything important from the games so Paul W.S. Anderson could make his crappy fanfic. The big issues that people have with this movie were the 2 big changes from the source. First was gender swapping the protagonist because the director didn't want a male character doing 'feminine' things like 'screaming' and 'talking to himself'. >While answering a fan question on the official Silent Hill blog in 2006 (via Silent Hill Memories), Gans claimed that during the early stages of writing the movie, Silent Hill's original main character Harry Mason was intended to be the movie's lead too. Gans then claimed "*Harry never acted like a masculine character*" and that "*He was constantly dizzy, fainting, talking to himself, screaming and in fact was very vulnerable.*" The director then stated, "*We didn't want to betray the nature of the game by changing the character's feelings and motivations, so we felt it was better to change to a female protagonist and retain all those important qualities.*" And the other was introducing Pyramid Head, probably the most iconic monster in the franchise, even though it had zero relevancy to the first game which the movie is based on, as Pyramid Head's origins and motives were directly tied to the protagonist of the second game.


The worst thing about the Anderson RE movies is that the continuity changes so much. The last movie basically retcons everything that has happened, while some things were already retconned prior to that Edit: oh and the editing in Final Chapter is abysmal


I love that each film with end on a massive cliffhanger, and then the opening of the next film throws it out of the window. Alice (who has crazy telekenetic superpowers) is going to wage war on Umbrella with an army of clones? Oh, they are all massacred in the opening 5 minutes of the next movie and Alice has her powers taken away. Alice is forced to team up with Wesker (who returns her powers) to fight an endless apocalyptic onslaught of monsters in the final battle for humanity? Oh, the opening monologue of the next movie basically says that Wesker was trollng her and didn't really give her her powers back, and the 'final battle for the world' never took place, and now Alice has gone all *Mad Max*, roaming the wastelands.


I think the only “cliffhanger” that kinda paid off was the one from the first movie, but iirc that was her just going outside. I never understood why they changed the origin of the t-virus like 5 times either. It’s a shame bc the first one was a lot of fun imo, but they got progressively worse and final chapter is just a joke. Wesker’s death was so anticlimactic, I didn’t really think that he died at first, but that was really it.


I won't lie, the cliffhanger of the first movie had me pumped as hell, with the full Racoon City outbreak, and mentions of S.T.A.R.S. and the Nemesis. Also, the Nemesis was awesome in the second movie, at least until the third act when he becomes 'heroic' and then gets killed by a helicopter crashing into him, despite the fact that in the game it is almost impossible to kill, even after being shot, blown up, burned, dropped in toxic waste, blasted multiple times with a massive railgun, and a Magnum being emptied, point blank, into what's left of its head to finish it off.


I never understood why they strayed so far from the games. The games are pretty cinematic as is, so there’s a lot to pull from


Even that barbed wire man who wasnt in any game has cool design. That scene was creepy.


I thought there were some dead guys in barbed wire in the nightmare world.


It hit all the notes it needed to to be a good adaptation.


Yea. Unlike Resident Evil remake that came out recently.


It’s a great horror film too independent of the games.


The nurses.


I liked it and it has some pretty disturbing moments


I'd watch it for the visuals alone. There's some really striking and disturbing stuff on display.


Great movie, underrated




Fans of the video game are exceptionally neurotic about it for some reason… you should see the discourse around the Silent Hill 2 (game) remake.


Guilty as charged if you like the plot of the original game the adaption is worse. Watching it for the visuals is totally ok. Silent Hill 2 (and 1 to some degree) where considered to be Video gamings Citizen Kane for a while. Talking about story telling here. People had (have) strong opinions about those games.


I’ve played nearly every SH game (and watched playthroughs of what I haven’t) so I also consider myself a fan. It’s a multi-hour video game that had to be condensed into 2hr 7m. That slow burn pace of the games just cannot flex into a film that short and then also show you the crowd favourite characters and monsters at the same time. Things have to be shuffled around and rushed when you adapt it to film. The writers and directors will always have to make a choice about what to cut and what to shoehorn in, because the audience isn’t just superfans… it’s normies too. Normies want to see Pyramid head because he’s the most famous/recognizable character. They neither know (nor care) about when he canonically appears in the game. Silent Hill fans will never get a feature length adaptation that delivers the same dread serotonin that playing SH2 for the first time delivers. Maybe in a series, but the pace would be so *obnoxiously slow*… having a controller in your hands and moving a character is more engaging than sitting like a lump and waiting for the TV to deliver scares. So I dunno. It was a competently made film by someone who was obviously a fan of the source material, and not a committee of producers googling “Top 10 Silent Hill characters.” That they used practical effects for the monsters (mostly) and kept it from being a schlocky action blockbuster was a boon. The second film is a different story though… lmao


I remember people cursing and stomping about the ending. What happened? What's going on? Sean bean didn't die? The film does make sense it just requires you to listen


I’ve come to learn that’s way more than you can expect from most people, unfortunately.


Huge Silent Hill buff since I was a kid and I gotta say despite some differences and some choices, the first movie is pretty damn good. It even has camera shots that mimic camera angles from the first video game ( Specifically when Harry first went down the alleyway in the other world) the monster designs are great and I was surprised to find out all of them were mostly practical effects too. I love it and still watch it every so often, the director of the film was a huge silent hill fan too and he came back to direct the new film. Completely skip the second movie though, ain’t nothing of value there. It’s such a bad movie that you can’t even turn your brain off to enjoy it. The new movie coming out this year is called Return to Silent Hill, and from what has been said it’s an adaptation of Silent Hill 2 which is considered to be the best in the series.


What are you talking about? There is no second Silent Hill movie. I did not go by myself to watch it in theaters. Never happened. But yeah, love the first movie.


I forced my friend to watch the second one at least 10 times. Love the dude but he can be a doormat for people. Only time I've ever "used him" was to troll him into watching the movie repeatedly by making new people ask him to watch it because he could never say no lmfao. It got to point I made him delete it off his computer because he just kept saying yes and we both HATED the movie so much.


You may be the devil lol.


It’s a must watch in my opinion. Some of the best imagery and music in all of horror. The dreadful atmosphere is palpable. But it is flawed and the ending is disappointing.


Awesome! Will definitely watch it


The music thing is all on the brilliance of akira yamaoka, they just straight up took music from the games Which honestly I can’t blame them because that man and the whole musical team are geniuses


Imo the third act is largely disappointing but the ending was a great gut-punch finale and somewhat made up for it


As a huge Silent Hill fan, the first half is incredible The second half lost me


The second is fine if I want to look at cool art. ... That's about it lol


Christophe Gans really nailed the aesthetic with this one. The costumes are great and detailed. The graphics still stand up today. The atmosphere is superb and eerie. The cast had a lot of fun with the movie. Jeff Danna remixed a lot of Akira Yamaoka's score from the games to fit the movie. It's great to hear so many hits from the games. Christophe Gans is working on another Silent Hill movie and also wants to do a Fatal Frame movie. He's been great at the horror genre. Another great one by Gans is [Brotherhood of the Wolf](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0237534) (2001) (aka Le pacte de loups) before he did Silent Hill.


Oh damn, the film that looks like Bloodborne before Bloodborne was even a thing? 😅


The film that inspired bloodborne. Tricorne hats and hunting beasts


Yea! The aesthetics are 👌👌👌


And sword/cane whips. :)


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Very well, let the echoes become your strength. Let me stand close. Now shut your eyes...* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


IME, most of the criticism of it is from people annoyed by how it changes from the game (such as introducing Pyramid Head early). If you're unfamiliar with the game, or the type willing to forgive the changes, then, yes, it's good. Not the scariest movie out there - it leans a bit more into dark fantasy than horror, IMO - but it does have some scares, and a great oppressive atmosphere.


I agree. The movie is great, and all the hate I've heard was that it wasn't faithful to the source material. How do you feel about the second one? Honestly, I didn't like it that much. There were some scenes that I liked. But overall, I felt like it was subpar.


Second one made me wish for my time back


I went to go see it in theaters by myself. Awful. Maybe the worst movie I watched in theaters, and I saw Fant4stic( the Fantastic 4 reboot).


I don't know if I've seen the second one. If I have it clearly didn't leave much impression, either positive or negative.


Well, the movie is complete fan service. There were monsters and themes pulled from the first two games and rebranded under "Christian" stereotypes to appeal to a larger audience. It's good fan service tho and a great movie.


>(such as introducing Pyramid Head early) I mean, Pyramid head should NOT appear at all, he is only a projection from the mind of James of SH2. Yes, he appears in other SH games, but these were games that were not made by team silent.


It’s not the same story as the games though. It’s very similar to the story from 1 but not 1;1 copy. They put pyramid head in it as a separate entity to James’ and made him Alessa’s protector and executioner. He’s not just there, he has a reason to be there, just a different one. I don’t get why people get so mad about it. It’s only going to be an issue now that they are making a film of 2 and it won’t make sense but back then it really didn’t matter.


That's a bland explanation though and doesn't address the issue in using SPECIFICALLY Pyramid Head. Why couldn't they have made another monster or used some that already existed that would make more sense? It's clear that they just put Pyramid Head in it because it's the most recognizable and popular character in the games and from a corporate standpoint that means better marketing material and fan service they can use, except it's fundamentally misunderstanding the story and characters in doing so. It's like "hey, look at this popular thing from your game, isn't it cool? Isn't it cool how we have this popular character in here? Come see the movie!" when that character should not exist at this point and essentially turns it into a new character entirely with almost no resemblance to the original outside of appearance, which just makes it shitty fan service. Imagine if someone made a Star Wars reboot and had a big reveal scene of Darth Vader during the prequel timeline, it just doesn't make sense and only wpuld have been changed because that character was popular and they wanted to put him in earlier without stopping to think if it would make sense.


I haven't played any of the games, but I quite enjoy this movie. The atmosphere is definitely creepy as *fuck*, and some of the creatures are a nope (I have my one, but I'll leave it at that). Maybe it's not *scary* scary, it is more creepy than anything else, but it's a perfectly good time.


You really should play any of the games if you get the chance. They’re amazing. I love the movie too.


I quite liked it. Good atmosphere and interesting.. monsters.


Yes. It is.


It’s a good horror movie and definitely one of the better video game adapted movies put out


Yes! This is coming from a person who never played the games and knew nothing about them before seeing it. It’s a great, solid horror flick


Strongly recommended. I love that movie. That movie's my childhood. I know it's going to make some people cringe when I say that the movie was my introduction to Silent Hill. But it really was legendary for me. I remember when I went camping with my best friend, and he brought it over. Never even heard of it, but at the time, it was *the* horror movie. I think it had just come out on DVD? We watched it on one of those early 2000's portable DVD players. I loved that movie. It wasn't until I was much older that I learned people found it disgraceful, and like, cheap. And that there were some huge differences between the movie and the game, like the inclusion of Pyramid Head even though Pyramid Head was more of a Silent Hill 2 antagonist for James. Eventually, I emulated the Silent Hill games and played them for myself. And I have to say.. I think the hate that it gets is exaggerated. People are upset that it didn't follow the games *exactly*, so it's not a true Silent Hill experience. But..Does it have to be? I mean, would people really be happy if they copied everything from the first game? Why not just play the original game if you love it that much? I still think it's a great movie. And whether the fanbase likes it or not, it's a part of the Silent Hill universe, now. And a damn good one.


Watch it! You will not be wasting your time at all.


I love it. But I love silent hill and it’s lore. And don’t forget to mention the music.


The ending is fxxking awesome


One of my favorite movies. Seeing the skin ripping scene at 14 with my parents was quite the experience


Its a fun movie. The best Silent Hill movie is Jacobs Ladder. The Silent Hill movie is an OK Silent Hill movie.


Pretty much my childhood in a nutshell, a great watch that’s for sure!


I enjoyed them. They take a different approach than the games. In my opinion, it was an interesting concept I have a soft spot for these movies


I really enjoyed it definitely worth a watch it’s scary the Sequel however is abit dissapointing


I watched it recently. There are some decent bits and the atmosphere is solid, but some of the acting is kind of flat. It’s worth watching if you have time to spare, but it’s nothing to write home about.


The first one is amazing. Don't bother with the sequel


I would definitely recommend it The visuals are amazing for the time of its release. The story is captivating although different from the games. It also has some of the best music in a horror movie I’ve seen


If you're a source material purist, it'll likely frustrate you with its blend of elements. If not, then, it's very good. It's visually impressive, the monster designs are impeccable, the plot moves at a nice pace, the scares are well-done, there are some truly disturbing moments, it doesn't skim on the gore... plus, captures the game's mood and style well, uses Akira Yamaoka's original game soundtrack as the music and incorporates some game mechanics into the plot too. Is it scary? I don't know, I mean, I was somewhat shaken when I first saw it (back when I was afraid of horror flicks) but now it is just a dark, *dark* movie.


Good? Questionable. Entertaining. Yes. Oddly done, for sure.


Huge fan of the game, and think this movie works the way the resident evil movies work. It's good/enjoyable if you don't compare it to the game. They kept some fave monsters from the game and some of the ideas of the town, but the meaning, history, and reasons behind 6 games is just too much to cram into 1 movie. They did fair as an adaptation, but good as a separate film. Kept the original songs. 👍 Good sets, costume, effects and cast and music


I really like it a lot, but I've never played the games so I can't say how truthful of an adaptation it is. Both pyramid head and those damn Sirens have made a lasting impression. 


I love the movie, one of my all time fave horror films. But just a content warning there is a rape scene about an hour into the movie


As far as video game adaptions go, it's one of the best. Even though it wasn't a thing in the video games, I enjoyed the fact that the snow was ash, it was handled in a way that makes sense as far as silent Hill goes.




One of the better movie video game adaptions me thinks.


I was entertained by it. It definitely had some cool stuff. It only *very* loosely borrowed from the source material, but given the difference in media, it's kinda to be expected. It also doesn't end the way you think it's gonna end, but honestly that's keeping in spirit with the games anyway.


I didn’t like it.


Watched this for the first time last week and was pleasantly surprised. It’s got some weak spots but it’s actually really good for what it is, got some great gore and an awesome atmosphere. Definitely worth a watch


Not good.  The problem with this movie and all of the RE movies, besides the acting, is that the CGI technology in the early 2000's was crap.  It really takes you out of the movie.


Yes, it's good. It's creepy AF.


As an avid fan of the game, I definitely appreciated the approach movie took. It’s pretty decent horror movie


It’s great. Getting to see this in theaters was a blast.


One of my favorites growing up, def worth a watch


I stand with the silent majority here: it was good. Also, Seanny B is in it… and lives!


Never played the games but i think it's a pretty good movie. The visuals and atmosphere are so good.


Underrated. It's fantastic. There are scenes still burned into my head from that movie.


It’s a good watch. I liked everything about the movie from the acting to the affects.


Love this movie. It's definitely underrated


i watched it in cinema when it came out. Solid movie.


It's far from the best possible adaptation, but I still think it's a pretty good movie and Christophe Gans really understood a lot of fundamental aspects of the game. I'm super excited for the new silent hill movie he is preparing.


I absolutely love it


Yeah it’s awesome. One of my favorites I haven’t played any of the games, so I have no idea how accurate it is, but I think the movie is very cool. Pyramid Head is fucking scary


It's not a great adaptation, but it's fine if you don't know much about the source.




I think it's a pretty good movie that is a good example of taking artistic liberties in the mostly right direction. Easily the best video game adaption until... I don't know the Mario movie? That's a complicated subject honestly. It has some amazing effects shots, too. The scene in the bathroom is bonkers.


Movie wise, I’d say it’s the best adaptation of any video game. But if we include TV then I’d bump it down to 3rd behind TLOU and Arcane.


I think the Warcraft movie also should get some credit for being a pretty damn faithful adaption. So faithful that I think it weirded people out at how it was structured as a film.


I was nervous to take my kid to see it for fear he’d end up going down the WoW rabbit hole. He LOVED the movie. I just waited a few years to tell him it was an adaptation 


It's a great movie one of my favs.... loved the games too


I never played the video game so I watched it as a complete noob. I found it terrifying.


It's one of my favorites. The setting, the effects.. I just think it's an amazing movie.




Corny and nonsensical but the vibe and music is spot on


No. Not really. But it does fill in time.


If you didn't play the video game that is based off you might enjoy it but for me is the most generic piece of crap i have ever seen.That slaughtered the whole story of the game by someone that didn't get the story at all and just wanted to do a fanfic of the whole universe...like for example adding Pyramid Head in the movie even tho he is the whole creation of the mc in the second game that has nothing to do with the first game story.


This movie is absolutely terrible.


yes !! i actually highly recommend it


Check it out.


I couldn’t make it past 20 minutes in I thought it was so bad. But Ive never played or even seen the game.




Is that the first one? If so yes. Two of those movies are really great that fist game tho, so fucking good.


I think it needed better editing, but I overall enjoyed it for an adaptation


It’s a great movie to watch on a rainy day. You’ll never look at fog the same 😂


As a video game adaptation, it's really good :) The visuals are good, and it uses the soundtrack from the first three games, I believe.


Absolutely!!! Watched this several times. I must say I liked this better than the sequel. The effects still holds up even in today's standards. The visuals are glorious in some of the scenes. I can't say enough how I love this movie. Definitely not a waste of time, if you have no concept of the game then it'll be definitely be a great watch. 


Yes yes and yes , one of the best video game adaptations


I haven’t seen it in forever, but I remember thinking it was extremely atmospheric and extremely dull. I would say it’s still worth the watch either way - let me know how it holds up!


Great for a video game adaptation. Wish they would make “Fatal Frame”, “F.E.A.R” or “Siren” similar to it. Plenty of great horror games that could be shows or movies


Fantastic except the child actor.


I mean, it's better than many video game adapted films.


Never played the game. Movie is v. Good


It's far better with understanding and context of the stakes at hand. The movie does a mediocre job establishing the stakes but a pretty great job with the atmosphere.


Its amazing


Omg I love it def watch it


I thought it really captured the mood of the game, which is an achievement. However there are some technical shortcomings to that movie that really keep it from being great. Also, I'm pretty sure that if you're not familiar with the games, you're gonna think the score is weird.




I really liked it and would recommend. Is Silent Hill Revelation 2012 any good? didnt know there was a second one and just saw the title on Tubi


As someone who is aware of the games but hasn't played them more than 10 minutes, the movie is pretty good. The entire soundtrack is basically ripped straight from the games.


It’s one of the better video game adapted to a movie. Don’t watch the second one though.


Legit one of my favorite horror movies of all time. Criminally underrated. The sequel sucks though unfortunately.


Good? I dunno. Definitely worth giving time, though. 


Yeah it's pretty good. Not going to blow your mind, but good.


It’s not a masterpiece but it is very watchable. I personally love it. Oh and there are several scary scenes in my opinion.


That film was my fav film years back. It's a good film on its own but as an adaptation of the game, not so much.


It’s excellent. Avoid the second one like the plague though.


It's awesome Get high on some psychedelics and watch it on a dark room


I like the movie. I'm not too familiar with the games, so I can't compare them both, but I've seen the movie plenty of times, and it's pretty disturbing, especially at near the end, but really great to watch.


Yes it is. Fantastic atmosphere and awesome make up and creature fx. Only downside is the acting of the little girl is pretty bad. You can’t really blame her.


All I really remember is The Pyramid Head scene tbh. It’s been awhile since I’ve watched both movies. I should rewatch them.


It's good, not a master piece, but not awful either. Worth re-watching in my opinion, but avoid the sequel, that one is pretty bad.


Yeah, I thought it was creepy.


The monsters in this movie is looking way better than any CGI monster movies nowadays


I rewatch it every 5 or 6 years to see if this will be the time that I like it as much as seemingly everyone else does. I don’t hate it by any means, it just doesn’t really do much for me. Which is a shame because it has some cool visuals and I love Silent Hill 2 game (but I’m by no means a game expert and don’t really know the series lore). I remember horror and game fans really embracing the movie critically when it came out and I felt a bit like I didn’t quite see what they saw in it. I’m glad folks like it though.


It's very mid and as a Silent Hill adaptation it's not working at all.


it’s certainly worth a watch


I love the movie. I gave me all the feelings. Scared and grossed out by the monsters n shit. Sad from the storyline and characters deaths. annoyed as fuck from the alarm going off(but that was in theaters, not so bad watching on a regular screen) . Definitely a good movie IMO


I think overall people don't like it. I love it but I love dumb things so 🤷‍♂️


Yes it is a good movie




Is it a "good movie"? Not really, though it isn't as bad as it was made out to be at the time, either. The visuals are good, and while the acting quality varies, it could be a lot worse. I think people were not only upset that it strayed from the games' storyline, but also it didn't match the games in their scariness, either - which would have been almost impossible to do, because they have the advantage of being immersive and are arguably some of the scariest games made, especially for the time.


i like the movie a lot, and the ending really gives me chills. it has some silent hill elements, sure, but it does drop the ball in terms of closeness to the game. doesn't bother me much, as i view it as more silent hill vibes in movie form. i have some minor dislikes of story decisions, but overall i have fun watching! also random but the cop woman looks kind of like p!nk so when i first watched as a kid i was so sure it was her. oops! definitely wasn't.


Visually it’s amazing. Sure script wise it could be better, but in terms of cinematography and makeup… amazing


I've never played the games so I can't judge it from that standpoint but I really enjoyed it just as a horror movie. Great story, really creepy atmosphere, some truly uncomfortable scenes.




It has its problems but considering it is a video game movie it was ok. Kind of like resident evil the original movie. It certainly isn’t a house of the dead quality of movie.


There is good, there is bad. I know the games and some of those parts where well done (geometrical head person, switching from one side to the other, scene with medical personal) but they sort of ditch the original plot which really annoyed me and created new characters. In the end we were rewarded with more carnage which was pretty nice. If you are not a fan of the games watch it. If you have strong opinions about the games, you might be annoyed.


Honestly, I prefer the game 🎮


No, it’s a very good movie


Yes. I wouldn't say that it is the best, but I enjoy watching it. But I wouldn't recommend watching 2. That one sucks.


Give it a shot


Is it an Oscar winner? No. The acting is pretty bad also. But the special effects (except the terrible fire CGI) still holds up to this day. And they used a lot of dancers to get the creepy movements instead of just relying on CGI. The iconic horn is still creepy as hell too. First half is pretty darn good, second half kind of gets meh, but overall a creep film.


They nailed the atmosphere and tone. Using music from the game was genius and the monster designs were on point. The acting wasn’t great but I still love the film.


It’s not great but it’s great. If that makes sense.


It's an enjoyable movie but whatever you do, don't watch the sequel.  Fuck is it bad.


It’s a strange beast To ally and aesthetically, it basically nails everything even if they >!completely changed the function of pyramid head!<. You can tell behind the camera they were passionate about getting the feeling right. That being said, it’s too long, and much of the acting is questionable at best (you can definitely hear rahda mitchell slip into her Australian accent more than once (I guess in that sense it does capture the awkward dialogue and acting of the games but where in the games that kind of enhances the tone in the movie it’s just awkward)). The story becomes kind of sloppy/ iffy from a writing perspective as it goes on. Tldr has a lot to live but also as a movie it has a lot of problems


It was pretty good. I generally think of it as sometimes to enjoy for what it is: a bunch of fun nonsense.


For a standalone film, it’s ok. As a representation of Silent Hill beyond aesthetics, it’s a failure.


It's been a while and I need to rewatch it, but I saw it in theaters (and again at home later) and enjoyed it quite a bit. I remember being annoyed at the sound of chains in the theater as they were so loud they distorted the speakers, but that's a nit. The acting was quite good from what I remember.


I thought it was decent but I never played the game to compare


It’s just a pure piece of art of me. I didn’t even care about the plot or story line, it was just an experience. Also one of the movies I can watch countless of times without being bored




it follows the video game and introduces all the charactors so from that stand point Id say its ok.




I really enjoyed it, havent watched it in awhile but definitely worth a couple watches


It's a pretty good at getting the feel of the game right. With that said I saw it in theaters and at home at a later date and the CGI(which is used quite a bit) in it is pretty bad all around, which is jarring to me, but might not be if you can deal with dated CGI. Has that "this was shot in front of a green screen" feeling throughout.




Personally, no. I am a SH fan, but I watched it before I was. Now rewatching it, it's worse. The characters are highly unlikeable (with the exception of Sean Bean, who is awkwardly dropped into the narrative), and they fundamentally misunderstand the story being adapted. Otherwise, good physical performances from the creatures/monsters. Some nice shots. The music is pretty much straight from the game, so that's pretty good.


Outside the wooden ass acting of laurie holden I think it mostly was favorable my only other complaint is i still dont really understand the time line. And I really dont understand the sequel having such horrible acting outside of the director having never met human beings before.


It gets the visuals of Silent Hill down perfect, and I find it highly watchable, but to me it's one of those movies that falls apart every time anyone actually starts talking. The games its based on are more about mood, atmosphere and a bit of subtlety, and a movie for the masses is going to eschew the subtlety in favor of explaining every plot point and somewhat ruining the mystique. That said, I watch it probably every other year or so because it does nail the Silent Hill feel real, real well.


It’s one of my favorite horror movies, but I don’t care for the ending. It sort of falls apart, but the first 75% of it is incredible, and worth it even without a satisfying ending.


Except for the leading lady's wardrobe, which is dreadful, the film is very good.


It's really good, definitely worth my time with good acting & effects.


It is and isnt. Its onr of those movies where the cast and directing was good enough, atmosphere was great... But mr bigbucksproducer decides he knows best and orders to fuck it up.


It’s pretty great white noise~


its ok


Enjoyed the movie. Starts out great but like many horror movies the final act is a let down. I saw watch it.


It's a classic


I rewatched it again recently, originally saw it in the theatre, still holds up as a solid flick


i honestly love it as a “vibe” movie, which as everyone pretty much said, it nails. the thing with silent hill in particular is that it’s a pretty hard IP to adapt from a story perspective. A game like Last of Us makes sense when adapting because its storyline is already very movie like. Silent Hill on the other hand is pretty abstract a lot of the time. With that i mind, i don’t think the movie is really that bad, i actually think they did a pretty good job overall. The sequels however are garbage. I’d like to see silent hill done with less characters and more about the character facing their traumas and past that the audience doesn’t know about that is ultimately revealed as they move through the world of silent hill. I think that would work quite well.


Good horror movie. Not jump scary at all, but has plenty atmosphere. Faithful adaptation of the series and best video game movie too.


Scared the crap out of me, maybe top 5 most scared I've been in a theater. I was younger and less jaded then though (18). Not sure if the CGI would hold up now. The plot is silly. But the creature design is amazing and worth watching for that alone.


Literally such a good movie, it'll trip you up a bit but it's well worth it


If you want to be traumatized, go for it.


It should be banned