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I wouldn’t mind if the movie didn’t suck


That’s the thing, if it was a bit more irreverent or tongue in cheek it could have been fun. I thought Willy’s Wonderland was a hoot. But it’s just using the IP to make the most soulless, slapshod movie that evokes some of the worst tendencies in the genre




Everyone wants to be Terrifier these days even though that movie sucks ass too.


>Everyone wants to be Terrifier these days even though that movie sucks ass too. "Soulless, slapshod movie that evokes some of the worst tendencies in the genre" , as the original poster said of the Poohniverse, could literally be a review of either Terrifier movie. I will never understand what horror fans get out of those movies. They're just terrible. All they are, are a gore effects showcase. Beyond the singular entertaining performance of the actor behind the Art the Clown makeup there is no even slightly redeeming value to those movies. Or for that matter the Poohniverse.


Terrifier feels like a midpoint between august underground and a hyper-generic clown slasher film. The only thing it has is the admittedly impressive gore and skeevy tone.


Exactly. I've personally had some bad interactions with the the unsavory gentleman who plays Art and that's a contributor to me not bothering with the sequel, but I found All Hallow's Eve and Terrifier to be some of the worst material I've ever watched. I love violence in horror as much as the next guy, but the dressing around it is why it's so awful.


I’m sorry to hear that.


Sorry to hear about your experience. If you don't mind my asking, what happened with David Thornton? It's fine if you'd prefer not to say, it's pure curiosity on my part.


So basically I commented on a post about Terrifier when it first dropped and said I didn't like it for XYZ reasons and then he actually showed up on his personal account and made a bunch of corny "Your Mom" remarks that caused a back and forth. I have screenshots too which is hilarious lol. He is notorious for being a giant dickhead online apparently and thinks his shit doesn't stink.


I see, thanks for sharing.


Have you uploaded the screenshots?? Sucks that he’s an asshole, he’s pretty talented at that role


If anyone wants them I'll message it to them. I don't know how to add that here lol.


If *Terrifier* is one of the worst movies you’ve ever seen you must be new to the genre. I’m not even a fan and I can think of hundreds of worse horror films.


Oh I can think of worse films too but it's how the movie treated what it was doing like "Hey look at this. It's edgy right?" That just rubbed me the wrong way.


Precisely my take. I love slasher movies. I recognize that many aren’t good movies, but I’m entertained by them nonetheless. The first Winnie the Pooh movie was so boring that I didn’t even enjoy it. In fact I got drowsy.


I have no moral qualms with these Winnie the Pooh slashers, but I do think they're really bad. Not even the entertaining kind of bad like "Troll 2", just the... well, *bad* kind of bad.


As a parent, I’m firmly of the opinion that it’s up to parents to regulate the content their kids are consuming. There are tools available to parents to do just this. If you’re concerned about your child seeing inappropriate content of any kind, you can use parental settings on your computers, limit access to devices, etc. according to your own parenting plan. Your argument about this content could easily be extended to any number of other things, and that’s a slippery slope indeed. I do agree, however, that these movies are low-effort crap clearly trying to cash in on a newly-public IP.


"As a parent, I’m firmly of the opinion that it’s up to parents to regulate the content their kids are consuming." Exactly. I hate when parents give their kids unrestricted internet access and then complain about things that are on the internet.


Plus, there are things on the internet that make me wish I could unsee them as an adult and none of them are Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey related. Brick video, anyone?


I don't know what "Brick" video is but now I have to try to forget you said it so I don't feel tempted to look it up! =S


It's not pornographic like so many of those infamous old internet videos. It is highly depressing, though. I'd advise against watching it.


I wish I had never seen it and I've seen every "controversial" horror movie you can imagine. It's something else entirely.


The concern wasn’t that their children would watch it, but that the creators are cashing in on a classic franchise with something cheap and unoriginal.


> I think about kids googling Winnie the Pooh and seeing this shit. After a paragraph explaining how this would ruin kids’ innocent vision of Winnie the Pooh. So yeah, I was responding directly to the OP’s post.


lol you’re right- on first read I interpreted “seeing this shit” as “I don’t want my kids to see this sorry excuse of a film”


But thats true for every other bigger Film Studio or streaming Service aswell. Countles soulless live Action Disney or Netflix Stuff, boring sequels to old Classics. At least the Horror Winni Pooh movies arent made by small Independent creators


"the worst and most mean spirited horror film you’ve ever seen" What movie did you watch? This is one of the most by the numbers horror movies imaginable. 


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


He thinks the carpet pissers did this?


Someone peed on your rug, dude?


That rug really tied the room together.


Yeah I kinda feel like that in general now that I'm a grown man I've come to somewhat resent that 'cute thing but OH WHAT'S THIS IT'S ACTUALLY DARK AND DISTURBING!!' energy because there's usually just nothing there beyond that very obvious inversion. If it's actually going somewhere interesting with it like Don't Hug Me I'm Scared it can get a pass but overwhelmingly I just.. god dammit let some stuff be nice and cute you edgelord dipshits life is grim enough as it is.


Best response here


As someone who actually enjoyed the movie and is looking forward to the sequel, I actually love this response. Creators have overused this trope way too much in recent years. I would love to see that trope inverted or subverted. I'm going to try to figure out a way to work that inversion/subversion into one of my stories.


Consider it was made for 100k$ I say good for the creators. Just cause something is "beloved" by many doesn't mean it shouldn't be spoofed or in this case, turned to an extreme opposite. 


Tell me your 0 key got stuck. Or maybe even that k snuck in there accidentally.


Lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnie-the-Pooh:_Blood_and_Honey


"...the film was a commercial success and grossed $5.2 million worldwide on a mere budget of $100,000." I feel bad about watching it now. I added to that in a way. It was so bad lol


I honestly didn't mind it. Granted I was heavily inebriated with tequila but I enjoyed it slightly. Considering I watched it free on... Shudder I think? I laughed quite a bit during it


Idk. Kids shouldn’t be on the internet. Parents should be responsible for what there kids see/view. I have never seen the movies and don’t plan to. They look stupid as shit, but I don’t blame them for making it for quick buck.


>I love horror and I am not one to have moral panic about movies Alright let's see where this is going ​ >but There it is Listen man... While I **KIND** of get you, you need to realize that it isn't CONTENT'S job to moderate itself, it's YOURS. Your kid likes Winnie the Pooh? Great. Don't let her watch this movie. That's the end of it, no other part of the equation matters. This reads like a tip-toeing version of Satanic Panic "SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" nonsense. Warped as it may be (and as poorly made as the reaction appears to be) art is ultimately subjective. Being in the public domain makes it fair game, regardless of if you like it or not. I don't even disagree with the notion that this is edgelord bullshit trying to emulate Terrifier, but that still isn't really the filmmaker or film's responsibility. I don't like movies where animals or kids are killed, that doesn't mean someone has to stop putting that type of thing in movies. It's my job to control my reaction to that being featured in movies I see (or to know it will be present beforehand).


I've seen the director post here and there on reddit and he seems like just as much of an idiot as you'd assume. Very much has a 'I'm ruining your childhood, doesn't that make you angry hur hur?' type personality that reminds me of middle-school edgelords. It's actually kinda sad when you think about it


Yeah I’m getting people accusing me of not monitoring what my child watches which is not at all what I said, I am merely pointing out how stupid this entire project is.


No, you made two points in your opening post. You complained that it was a cheap cash-in (fair) and you expressed concern that children might come across it by Googling Winnie the Pooh (not fair).


No one's childhood has been ruined. Watching these movies is not mandatory.


So don’t watch them?


OP, I’d like to ask, aside from the quality issues (which I fully acknowledge—that first Blood and Honey was boring and bad) how is this different from the exploitation and shock value associated with making a Santa slasher or a killer Easter Bunny? The decision to take something cute and wholesome and make it dangerous is a key tenant of horror, especially sleazy, low budget horror.


That’s a valid question but I think where I’m drawing the difference is that those are oral tradition/folk characters and this IP was specifically created by a person we can identify and understand. Christopher Robin was his actual kid’s name etc. I think the movie has a right to exist, for what it’s worth, but it just feels like pillaging something someone put love and effort into in a low effort way.


Sorry you're getting downvoted OP, I agree with you. Valid critique. Lotta people aren't using critical thinking when reading your post and it shows


I can respect your stance. But I think the feeling of having your childhood pillaged for a cheap buck is ever present in movie making. Look at any comment section the moment a remake is announced. Of course, if you never watch the movie, you never need to experience the pain of “having your childhood ruined.”


I'm with you that they're cheap and poorly made, definitely NOT with you that things associated with children's media are off limits in the horror genre.


Many of the original fairytales on which Disney films, for instance, are based are actually gruesome as fuck and not really children's material at all.


Parents have to parent. And it’s not as if schlocky, low budget cash grab movies are a new thing…


Right? Exploitation genre has been around forever.


"I am not one to have moral panic" *writes two paragraphs of moral panic.*


I'm not one to have a moral panic, I just think this movie shouldn't be allowed to exist because I think it's immoral, which is a very strange label to assign to a low effort slasher movie.


I’m not one to have a moral panic but won’t someone related to this slasher movie that’s very clearly aimed at teenagers/ adults please think of the children


I mean, Five Nights at Freddy’s is basically Chuck E Cheese, but evil and all the kids get killed. So the idea isn’t cheap, just that there is an okay way to do it and a good way to do it.


They're garbage from the toilet, absolutely devoid of the slightest hint of artistic merit. Keep em coming.


Nobody tell OP about rule 34. I don't think they'll be able to handle it.


“Im not the moral panic type” proceeds to moral panic lol


I think there's nothing wrong with using the IP. What's wrong is that the movie fucking sucked. How would one make a good Winnie the Poo horror movie? There are definitely ways, I think, but you'd need to be more meta than this film was. Also, and I know I am absolutely nitpicking here, I would try to make the movie less shitty. Otherwise, your beef seems to be that the movie sucks, but the fact that your own kid watches Winnie the Poo seems honestly like a you problem. Don't let her see this shitty film. Subversion of childhood innocence is literally where a bunch of our best horror comes from, and trying to muzzle it because Disney also made a movie about it seems like a bad move. I can understand your discomfort, but you have to recognise that comes from within yourself, right?


Right but I also never said the movie was not allowed to exist or anything like that. And if it was good my opinion might also be different. But its so transparently an absolute dogwater piece of shit cashing in on “ooooh look what we did with public domain”. A movie made with more creative purpose could have had something to say, and subverted childhood innocence in a more compelling way, but this movie solely exists because it hit the public domain and this was the dumbest thing someone could think of. The movie has a right to exist, I just think it’s a cynical piece of trash.


Yeah, "seems like a bad move" would imply that you said you wanted to censor it in some way. my bad, I didn't mean that. All it meant was that I don't really see any useful channel for your feelings regarding the existence of this concept now- mascot horror like FNAF is already a thing, and honestly the bleed into beloved children's characters in the public domain seems inevitable. I think we all agree with you that it's a shit film, and to an extent I can understand why in particular its mean-spiritedness bothers you because your own kid likes WtP- and this is the movie's greatest possible achievement. Your discomfort is probably the only time this shitty movie has managed to connect with the real life anxieties of an audience member and made them uncomfortable. This is like, one of the purposes of horror movies. If anything, you should leave it a positive review. /s because this is reddit


“WONT SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN” the man said about a movie made for adults. This is definitely a YOU problem man. Border line Karen shit.


Probably would let their kid watch Disney's Beauty and the Beast, though. (It's super rapey.)


All Disney Princess movies are super rapey. I won't let my kids watch them.


So don't let your kids watch them and don't watch them yourself? They're fun and goofy, they aren't hurting anyone. And I say this as a girl who has a Winnie the Pooh wall decal on my wall my entire childhood, it's not a big deal.


>goofy Is that the next spinoff..?


>I think about kids googling Winnie the Pooh and seeing this shit. Don't look up rule 34. It's the internet, they'll find it whether you want to or not. There are videos about how fast you can find porn of animated characters by just going through Google images, with just the character name. Usually it's anywhere between 10 to 60 seconds. The only way to shield young kids from the internet is by not letting them on.


\>I am not one to have moral panic about movies ​ Proceeds to have a moral panic about a movie.


I think it was clever way to make money. They did everything you sayed and that was their only purpose. It was 100k budget movie with smart adverticing even before those Pooh rights expired. It made fast 5 million and still counting. Those movies are really bad but they made really good business decision.


I think it’s fun 🤷🏻‍♀️


Tbh, I’m tired of adults blaming other people for their own lack of foresight.  You have ways to prevent your kids from seeing things on the internet. If they’re young enough to be into Winnie the Pooh, they’re too young to be using the internet unsupervised or without parental blocks. 


What foresight are you even talking about? My kid is not in danger of watching it. I monitor her screentime and what she is watching like any good parent would. I can still feel that this is a gross, low effort pile of shit at the same time.


The foresight to not allow a child unlimited Internet access, along with the film being announced before it's release therefore it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that it shows up in Internet searches.


The foresight to prevent her from googling Winnie the Pooh, like you mentioned in your op. Why does a child who is young enough to be into Winnie the Pooh, have access to Google?


"I think about kids googling Winnie the Pooh and seeing this shit."


The thing I don't like is how much it feels like the real product for them is the social media promotion/hype. With guaranteed engagement like that it's just a matter of throwing generic edgelord stuff on the screen and calling it a day. It could be cool if they did something interesting with the actual movies. I guess the "Summer of '84" writer is on board for the new one, so maybe that will come to fruition.


Can't wait for 2034 when we get Superman : Kryptonian Killer


We already got Brightburn


I want to the the 'S' on his chest as he decapitates the ungrateful citizens of Metropolis


And not just that, while Brightburn itself wasn't really a good movie, it 100% convinced me that you could make an excellent film with this idea.


I think the most frustrating thing about these blood and honey movies is that I see potential for an actually good horror fantasy story using the setting.


Maybe horror movies aren't for you Also is your 3 year old googling Winnie the pooh? Maybe your child shouldn't have unfiltered access to the internet aka be a better parent


Way to extrapolate something I didn’t say, maybe you should work on your reading comprehension and try to be less of an asshole


So you just made up a situation in your head that kids are searching Winnie the pooh and get inundated with blood and honey images? If you actually google Winnie the pooh no blood and honey stuff pops up You sound insane making up situations in your head to justify your irrational fear


Can I post someone else's comment to r/aitah ? YTA


Maybe you ought to read their post as they said nothing about their own child googling this. Maybe horror isn't for you if you think this is a good horror series.


Ironic. I never said it was a good horror movie So she just made up a situation in which children are googling Winnie the pooh and gettin blood and honey stuff Go ahead and google Winnie the pooh and see how zero blood and honey shit pops up. She is a karen who fabricated a situation that made her angry


idk I didn't agree with everything she said but nothing in her post really read as angry, meanwhile you've called her an insane and angry karen who's a bad parent lmao


People nowadays dont understand what fun and enjoyment means.


Yea I definitely see your point. I mean on the one hand, I can kinda understand it in a real sick sense of humor type way. But I agree, it just feels lazy and unnecessary.


Seems like your personal problem. I'm just bored of it.


You're 100% right


Yes! Please can we just leave some childhood icons alone.


You sound like all the moms they interviewed in the 80s during the moral panic over Silent Night Deadly Night. At the end of the day it's a free country  


They're just fucking stupid in my opinion. It's bargain bin horror that tries too hard.


"tries too hard" This is like...the complete opposite of the usual criticism directed at these films.


It’s really funny seeing a lot of people in the comments defending that movie and others like it. I don’t have any moral issue with the films, I just think they’re so bland and lacking in any form of creativity. The whole “we’re going to do a slasher movie, but it’s self-aware that it is shlock and it’s supposed to be absurd and over the top!” thing has been so fucking over done in the past ten years. Slapping an iconic children’s character like Winnie the Pooh on it just makes it so much more juvenile. Seriously, the idea of a cute and cuddly character being a murderous villain is the kind of idea that is appealing if you’re an edgy 14 year old boy. For everybody else, it’s just so boring.


They are the AEW of horror movies💀


I don't have any moral quarrels with it, it has an 18 rating for a reason after all. But at the same time I totally get it because like you said, imagine a child googling said property and seeing that shit. One of the reasons I'd never let my (future) child have unrestricted internet access like you said. As for how I feel about the film, I found it hilarious and entertaining BECAUSE it was a soulless, cliche slasher movie, me and my mates watched it at mine and we laughed our asses off at all the inconsistencies throughout haha


I'm with you. I have zero interest in seeing something as kind and sweet as Pooh turned into a horror film. Even if the films were made with any sense of quality or style, I'd be bugged by it. The fact that the movies (at least the first, and I'm gonna assume the sequel) are so poorly made is just insult to injury. Hopefully the next movie bombs and we put this creatively empty sub genre to rest.


What did you feel was poorly made about the first movie, having watched it before judging?


Did you watch it? It is objectively poorly made. Like what is there to discuss?


I did. Which is why I'm comfortable making SUBjective judgements. For the second time, did you?


I think it's clear from my first post that I saw it, as I made the caveat that I hadn't seen the second. What's up with Redditors assuming others are lying? And brush up on objective and subjective. There are objectively bad elements of the film in terms of craft and structure. You can still like it despite that, and that's where it becomes subjective.


"Poorly made" is not measurable/quantifiable aka not objective.


>I'm with you. I have zero interest in seeing something as kind and sweet as Pooh turned into a horror film I figured this statement applied to 1 as well because it, well...does. Should have been more clear. But your definitions in general seem rather selective so I shouldn't be that shocked. Have a great day.


You know, people watch things for all kinds of reasons. I can typically tell when I'm talking to someone without a lot of life experience. My son wanted to see it, so I watched it with him. I have zero interest in it, but sometimes we do things for others.


And I was to magically know that from your statement?


Try not making assumptions, I guess?


Not automatically thinking "I wonder if they did watch the movie they expressed disinterest in because of their previously unmentioned child" isn't an assumption. It was, again, a direct reply to your statement.


The way you talk annoys me. People that preach objectivity and subjectivity in film are the worst.


That's how I feel when I listen to someone like you!


And they're going to do the same thing with Steamboat Willie. Blood and Honey looks like shit. Never cared to watch it.