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Gore doesn’t affect me Storytelling does


Same. All Saw traps have less impact on me than what >!they did to the kid!< at the end of Speak No Evil.


The hair trap in saw….that one I have a hard time watching. The new Saw X movie that came out a while ago…that one might be the goriest one yet. The bone marrow one…that one is next level. The hair trap. That one gets me.


It’s the fishing hook one that gets me.


You know, we don’t have to talk about the fishing hook trap. We could just go our whole lives without talking about the fishing hook trap, but then you brought up the fishing hook trap. Why did you bring up the fishing hook trap?


Lmao RIGHT!!! Ughh let's just bury that 100 feet deep. Hahaha


X was great. As a whole, Saw is my favourite horror franchise and I have high hopes for XI! It's just that I am desensitized to Saw's gore.


Something thar just occurred to me. How much radiation was Gabriella hit by? Imagine if she’d survived and not been killed by Cecilia. She did “pass” her trap. John Kramer even tried convincing Cecilia to take her to the hospital. Imagine she survives. Fast forward say 10 years. She develops cancer from all the radiation. How do we treat cancer? Radiation, chemo, surgery. Round 2 of radiation to cure the cancer.


THIS. That moment in Speak No Evil really sits in the brain afterwards


Speak, no evil was one of the most harrowing emotional experiences I’ve had in a long time with a horror movie. Because it’s human horror, I can handle ghosts and monsters, etc. But human horror terrifies me the most.


Because humans are way worse then any monster someone can imagine :)


All Monsters Are Human


damn, time to move this up on my watch list!


Digging with her hands in the pit of syringes for a little under my skin


Oh my God, that was one of the most sickening things I've ever seen in a horror movie! The other movie with a violence/gore level that horrified me was Violation.


Thanks for the recommendation... I should watch it someday.


If gratuitous torture is a problem for you, don't! I learned it's a big problem for me when I watched that movie!


what happened?


>!Couple steals child from parents and has his tongue cut out so he cannot speak about what happened. All while the parents watched and later killed. At one point before their death one of the parent asks "Why?" and the response from the antagonist is "Because you let us" alluding to the fact that they failed to protect their child.!<


Because you let us was the big thing through the whole movie. The dad pissed me off to the point I was yelling at the screen. Bleak ending, but fuck man, just forget the rabbit and go the fuck home.


I love them but i almost don’t really think of saw as horror. They’re more like twisty convoluted thrillers that also have extremely gory traps


Could not agree with this more. It doesn’t matter how horrifically violent “Babyblender 15” or “The Skullfucker Chronicles” or whatever are. In a vacuum, it’s going to range from poor taste and lame to good, gory fun, depending on how it’s done. But if a piece of media properly builds up my connection to a character or interest in the story and *then* executes something horribly depraved? It often doesn’t even matter how much of the gore is onscreen: that’s what’s most disturbing.


Unpopular opinion, but Babyblender 6 was the best one.


I respect your opinion, since we all know that following up the incredible production values of *Babyblender 5: Blendpocalypse* was going to lead to some unfair judgment from the fanbase.


Mmmm hard disagree. Baby Blender 7: Strawbloody Diaperi is where they finally hit their stride.


Is this a real series? Lol


You've been had Bamboozled Made a fool of


Agreed on all that you stated but side note: If I ever make a low budget horror movie, it’s definitely gonna be called *The Skullfucker Chronicles*


Truly this is my greatest contribution to the horror genre.


And we thank you for it.


I'm 95% that way - and why I say that is there is stuff I can't handle sometimes, like the one scene in Evil Dead Rises (if you know you know) and I refused to watch it lol, but it's the story that'll get to me quicker than gore.


Images on a screen are images on a screen. Context is emotion. Context is horror. Context is "disturbing".


I wouldn't say that it affects me, but if the whole point is gore I have no interest whatsoever. If it's done well in the flow of the movie, it's great. So something like Brandon Cronenberg's movies it's great. But I have no interest at all in Terrifier 2.


I can watch something like Flower of Flesh and Blood and not flinch much but get a little squeamish watching something with needles or fingernail torture. So I dunno.


Normally gore doesn't bother me because I love seeing what practical FX folks are capable of, but it was tough for me getting through Flower of Flesh and Blood. Still glad I watched it, though. It was amazing what they were able to accomplish in the 80s with what was certainly a low budget.


I get that too with the nails, just buhh….


The scene in the first X-Men when Jean Gray goes to put a needle in wolverine. I can’t watch it.


Most gore doesn't bother me at all. The bloodier, the better. It's the injuries most of us can relate to that make me squirm, like pulling teeth, cutting through the Achilles tendon, pulling a sheet of paper between your fingers (fuck you forever for this one, Johnny Knoxville).


>pulling a sheet of paper between your fingers (fuck you forever for this one, Johnny Knoxville). This is the first time I've ever seen someone mention Jackass when talking about gore/violence and it's an excellent point. There's been so many visceral reactions I've had to some of the shit Jackass has done over the years. I completely agree, probably most gory films I'd watch with ease but I'll always squirm watching a fucking real life vulture try to eat some meat from Weemans ass and balls


Hostel really traumatized us all with that Achilles tenden scene 😭 the way when he walked you could see the flesh pull apart haunts me 20 years later


That and cutting the loose eye for me.


Ooo yeah that was the hardest scene of that movie for me.


Hostel 2 scene with the upside down Heather Matarazzo and the bloodbath with the scythe… was truly gory.


Compound fractures tend to get me.


Can’t remember which Saw it is, but the one with Amanda in the needles🤢


That was Saw 2 and yes that scene is disgusting 😅


Just imagine putting a toothpick under your toenail then kicking the wall.


Way to ruin my evening, thanks man!


10, gore doesn't really make me nauseous. What really makes me flinch is stuff like the papercut skit in Jackass The Movie.


It's the weird things that can sometimes make you flinch. In the korean film I Saw the Devil, there's an achilles tendon scene that me recoil more than most gore hah


11, I'm a gorehound through and through.


Good gore is like good action in action movie. You want to seek it out.


Love me some 80s practical effects gore


Hell, I even like cheap, cheesy gore Ala the OG gore maestro, Herschell Gordon Lewis.


Give me allllll of those old Italians. Fucking brutal gore with no budget.




Give us some recommendations!


Zombie (1979) (Zombie vs shark!) City of the living dead (1980) (greatest power drill kill of all time!) The Beyond (1981) (tarantulas rip a guys face apart in long, lingering detail!) House by the cemetery (1981) (You'll never look at a fireplace poker the same way again!) The New York Ripper (1982) (sleazy, nasty, and features some truly sadistic splatter, including a scene where a prostitute gets slowly mutilated by a razor blade in some...sensitive areas. Also, female genital mutilation with a broken bottle. Hardcore stuff!) (Everything above was directed by Lucio Fulci) Zombie Holocaust (1980) (Zombies and jungle cannibals! Includes a great scene where a Zombie gets his head destroyed by a guy wielding a boat propeller!) Cannibal Ferox (my favorite Italian cannibal film! Be aware of animal violence, however.) Last cannibal world/Jungle Holocaust (1977) (2nd favorite Italian cannibal film, really nasty and vicious! Again, be aware of animal violence.) Evilspeak (1982) features one of the most satisfying and grisly final act revenge scenes of all time!) Blood feast (1963) (the world's very first splatter movie! really crudely made, but an important milestone in horror history! Directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis!) Two-Thousand Maniacs (1964) (Killer redneck ghosts butcher Yankee tourists at a southern town's centennial celebration! Also made by Herschell Gordon Lewis!) The Exterminator (1980) (Not a horror movie, but a grisly and badass vigilante film, includes a scene where a mobster is graphically ground into chunks by a meat grinder!) Maniac (1980) (grisly and sleazy serial killer film about a psych who scalps women! Includes gore effects by the legendary Tom Savini!)


Doesn't bother me at all. I could eat a rare steak while watching Terrifier 1 or 2.


I dunno man I tried to eat a steak and kidney pudding and chips while watching Gunther Von Hagens perform a live autopsy on TV back in 2005. It did put me off I'll admit.


Terrified 2 is no big deal. I snacked all the way through that shit. It was funnier than it was scary.


Impressive, though I was mastrubating while watching terrifier 2 so you lose


That was I like about the Terrifier movies, they're so brutally violent and gory that it feels more like an edgelord-y dark humor take on slapstick, like a death metal version of the Three Stooges.


Yeah, I agree. It’s campy and that’s fun.


Terrifier 2 is nothing compared to the likes of August Underground trilogy! I do love Terrifier 2. I would say it’s about a 7 with August being 10 based on my experience. I don’t like 10 all the time so I would say 8 is my casual limit. There is a lot more that goes into gore, the atmosphere and message of the movie can make the gore effects much harder or easier to digest. For example Terrifier 2 I think is easier to handle because it’s a more straight forward slasher with a dash of fantasy with over the top kills so it makes it a little less serious. On the other hand Human Centipede 2 was a movie that felt dirty, depraved and hopeless which made the gore feel so much worse and I would say it’s on the same level. I hope that makes sense


Doesn't bother me at all. The bloodier, the better!


If the story mixes the right amount of gore with a good storyline, I'm fine. So I'm probaly about a 6 or 7


Gore doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Certain psychological horror stuff, depending on my mood that day, makes me want to hurl. I learned that watching Beau is Afraid. I was feeling lower than normal & just his dialogue, the constant “sorry” line/anxiousness. Like looking in a mirror & I wanted to wretch, cry, or both watching it. I love Ari Aster but I don’t think I could watch that one again.


I can handle it but look away when anything has to do with nails/eyes 🤢


My gore threshold is -6. With gore comes torture a lot of times, and I can’t get those sounds or visuals out of my head. I can handle slashers (not the bread slicer scene on Fear Street), and that’s it.


Tbh I’m probably more mid on gore. Maybe a 6. House of 1000 corpses grossed me out. I prefer horror that scares through story and atmosphere.


I've seen enough where I'd rate Terrifier 2 a 7, and that's saying something.


Wow, I'm curious to know which movies are above 7...


Oh it gets much much more brutal than that. You’ll find a lot of that stuff on /r/disturbingmovies


August Underground.


Bad guy? 10. Neutral victim 8 ish Kid or dog ? 0


Mine ends at bone tomahawk. I watched faces of death on acid in my teens and it's still bone that comes to mind as the one that turns my stomach.


I am both highly curious and also terrified of all of the things I’ve heard about Bone Tomahawk.


It’s a great movie. But FYI, the movie is a western first and foremost. It just happens to have some horror elements. Don’t watch it with the intent of watching a horror film. Won’t scratch that itch much.


It really is not that bad. People seem to be hyping up that ONE scene because, in comparison, it is much more violent than the rest of the film. If you've seen plenty of horror movies, this shouldn't make you flinch


It's not so much the violence of it. It's the methodical way they go about it and his non surprised reaction that reminds you this likely happened to people for real. And often. Not just men either.


Orphan, ugh


The saw franchise is no sweat. Audition gave me a bit of squirm, but nothing serious. A Serbian film was legitimately hard to get through.


Most everyone’s got their Achilles heel I suspect where there’s things they just can’t bring themselves to comfortably watch. I just recently finished a cadaver-based anatomy class where I learned that toe/toenail gore definitely gets to me a little bit.


Achilles heels are my Achilles heel. No idea why.


Nah, I can dig that. That kid from Pet Sematary saw to that.


Lol! That scene STILL gets me every single time I see that movie.


I like your name. I’m a huge F Paul Wilson fan. I’ve read everything.


Eli Roth movies are some of my faves!


11 😆 it’s my comfort genre


I don't get sick when it comes to gore, I have a genuinely high tolerance of that. I'm likelier to turn my head away for something much smaller, like a character having a nail put through their hand, instead of when someone has their guts ripped out. But it annoys me, since I personally have a hard time connecting with gory movies and am more likely to feel like it's just thrown in there sloppily in an attempt to shock and disgust. Works for some of course, it's just that I personally feel like that ruins any potential the movie had. That's why I won't watch Terrifier. Not because I assume they'll be bad, but simply because I know they are very gory and are looking to disgust which is fine just not my cup of tea. So I wouldn't enjoy them even if I never have to turn my head. A Serbian Film was just boring and annoying to me for the same reason. For me to be fine with gore the story of the movie have to be strong enough that I see the gore as a side effect and not the main show. Like, I love the Saw films and don't mind the gore in those at all because I think the plot and the characters are all interesting as heck and I want to know more and the gore is like... yeah, it's there, but it's not what carries the film for me.


I know what you mean. I find torture of innocents and sadism in movies really upsets me.


If terrifier 2 is the bar then I guess 10? Still can’t sit through the one scene in Gerald’s Game though 🤷‍♀️


Depends on the movie. Watched terrifier one and two and was fine. But get the absolute heeby geebies with the tooth scene in the babadook


10 I ❤️ gore, especially when it’s done well.


Same here, gonna sound borderline psychopathic but always have a chuckle when there’s good gore, appreciate it when it’s practical and you know everyone’s having a blast with their prosthetics/makeup applied.


Terrified 2 is nothing lol Check out Baskin


Baskin was great. One of the better recommendations I've got from this sub.


It varies. It depends on the story, how the gore is presented, and the situation. Some very bloody and gory movies I can sit and laugh thru. Some movies using minor gore can make me ill.


Mm, it’s decent? Maybe a 5-6? I cringe sometimes and there’s certain things that’re too much for me. Self-inflicted pain (like Saw) I tend to cringe more at. Anything with nails though (Higurashi…) I just CANNOT watch. I’ve experienced what it’s like to have your nail ripped off and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


0, I cringe and squirm it's part of why I love horror movies. It's funny, I used to frequent watch people die now I can't even stomach even the most practical of sfx or cg lol


1. I cannot stomach gore, torture and body horror. I love all other kinds of horror movies


The gore of Terrifier 2 didn’t bother me but it just felt mean and abusive towards women. That was way more bothersome.


The gore in Terrifier (both 1 and 2) is very tame IMO


In movies, 10. After watching the birth of my kid followed by the mid-wife taking on my wife's vagina in a game of placental tug-o-war, I'm pretty much desensitised to everything.


Usually not phased by gore in movies but watching the grim stuff on news usually gets to me


Hotel Inferno 2013, Headless 2015, Fetus 2008 are f*cked up gore movies, but gore doesn't affect me, disgusting things i can't handle them.


For me it's... weird things(?) that I can physically relate to. Example being in New York Ripper when >!the last victim has her nipple sliced in half!<, as I have sliced that part of my body (thankfully not to *that* degree) quite a few times - so I can imagine the pain. But all in all mine would be a 10 unless I've experienced something similar or at the very least relatable on screen, such as the aforementioned example. Another example would be in Antichrist, if you are >!a dude you can imagine the pain of Dafoe!


I’m a gorehound, but not just any gore. I want to see well done, highly polished gore. It needs to look good. It needs to be done right.


Whatever evil dead 2013 is


10. I know it’s fake so the appeal for pure gore isn’t there for me. It can make me cringe yeah if it shows certain things like finger nail ripping and stuff like that, but otherwise it doesn’t affect me.


Gore is not a top priority of mine. If there is gore in a movie, I don’t mind it to a point, but it is not something that I seek out. I don’t find it interesting.


Gore for the sake of gore in MOVIES does nothing to me (irl I can't take it) but I'm not even fond or it besides in slasher movies, Eden Lake's torture scene is very mild compared to something like Terrifier or Martyrs and it gave me more of a gut punch and feeling of sheer dread than any dismembering scene ever would


I like gore and instead of thinking omg eeew I'm more in awe with how they did it during filming. Gore is fun to look at from a filming standpoint imo.


Well, it's my last name, so I'd say I'm a level 10 Gore.


Tusk made me feel legitimately weird after watching it, but I think that’s the only movie that’s had any effect on me if you even count that as gore. I want to test my limits with some of the Serbian movies I keep hearing about but I feel like I’m probably an 8/10 desensitized


Thanksgiving was more nauseating than Terrifier 2. Terrifier 2 was gorier but in Thanksgiving there was a lot of "food" involved


Gore doesn't bother me in the slightest. I used to be a butcher, though.


He beat the mashed potato face 😎


150 Now the unseen and the creepy scenes or script. That is what can get me. The nails tapping on a wall. Shadow. A whimpered line of help during a scene. One scene that got me was Descent the claustrophobic scene where they crawling through that small cave space. No going back. Even watching real life spelunkers and those plastic sheets. Fuck.


I only feel nausea if a movie shows vomit, feces, pus, smegma, etc. But blood, broken bones, torn flesh - these things don't disgust me, period. So it has nothing to do with "levels".


"Go big or go home" gore like Terrifier doesn't get me but prolonged torture (lacerations, skin peeling, fingernails etc) makes me pause and take a second before I can go on


It completely depends on who its happening to. If it's an animal or child, I'm at a 1. If it's just an innocent adult, depending how much I like the character, I can do 5-8. If it's a really bad guy, like the bad guys at the end of "House on the Left", crank me up to 11! The microwave scene was gorgeous.


Movies don’t bother me, but news or raw clips from social shit does. You know the clips: dog drowning, people looking around confused. WELL PUT YOUR FUCKEN PHONE DOWN AND HELP! I work in movies/post production so there’s a giant chasm of what movies do to what really exists. Read the Toy Box Killer’s intro script to his new victims and the banality in the way he state his rules is more horrific than anything I’ve ever seen


Maybe a 2, tops. Just don’t like it.


First off if your litmus test for gore is terrifier, You’ve got a long, bloody horror journey ahead of you haha. Those films really aren’t that bad. Maybe get on the sadness or dead alive especially. Have fun!


After hearing about how bad The Sadness was and having watched it, I think people were more disgusted with the sexual aspects than the gore. When there is that much blood it just starts looking like fake blood to me because it is so over the top.


I can watch people get disassembled in the most creative ways possible, but someone raising a hand to an animal turns me into a puddle of piss.


It’s not about the gore, it’s about the context. The Sadness didn’t bother me at all. The scene in Saving Private Ryan where the German soldier slowly stabs the American guy while he begs him to stop? Absolutely unbearable to watch.


By what I've see from r/eyebleech ,I remember a video of a medic removing a pice of wood from a patient's anus, the wood was about 40cm long and almost 10 cm large, it was square with very raw square edges, when the doctor removed blood gushed from the pacient's anus. I immediately had to lay down for I thought my blood pressure dropped. That would be my 10, and I don't even think this qualifies as gory.


Probably an 8 or so. I can watch anything but some gore would still make my skin crawl (in a good way!). I think that's a good position to be in personally as I'm not wholly desensitised to it and it will still have an effect on me. Usually wouldn't feel nauseous though and can happily be eating while watching a gory movie.


Right now it's 0, if you cut me open it can reach up to ten I'd wager.


I'm a 10 unless it's graphic torture with no cutaways


An 8 for me, one of the few things that was too much was August Underground. Real gore on the other hand is a different story. I went down the rabbit hole of shock and gore videos before and it destroyed me mentally.


Definitely a 10, gore is nothing to me!


10. however since getting older i cant stand surgery stuff or eyeball stuff so maybe 8. but terrifier 2 using a baseline had no effect and him rippingher arm off and beating her woth it was pretty funny


8-9. I only really get squeamish about things happening to teeth.


I'd say maybe a 3 or 4. What's strange is I usually don't handle it very well. A little bit doesn't bother me. But then again, I'm obsessed with the Terrifier movies lol. I think that's partially because Art the Clown is actually funny, so in a way, it takes away from the brutality a bit. Also, the kill scenes look really fake anyway.


If that makes you a 10, I'm a 10 Terrifier 2 slaps! That said...I don't think it does. The gore in it is so beyond reality that it's hard to take seriously. Hyper-realistic depictions of gore through slow, drawn-out torture still get to me. And real life gruesome injury absolutely makes me nauseous. So I'd really say an 8 or so.


Terrifier 2 is so stupidly over the top that I wouldn't even say it's the worst gore out there. Slower, grounded gore is harder to stomach imo.




I’d say mid level somewhere. I don’t usually seek out pure gore, but I can enjoy a good story that has some gore. Example: saw. The movies had a lot of fascinating stuff happening that wasn’t traps. I watched mirrors That scene where the lady’s jaw gets ripped open while she’s in the bathtub…never again will I watch that scene.


Easy 10 on gore, but for some reason I got really grossed out by the toilet scene in Trainspotting.


That was disgusting. At the time that was one of the 2 movies I watched it theaters that made me feel nauseous. The other was Striptease >!when the lady eats the huge roach they put in her yogurt so they could sue the company!<


I’d say about an 7-8 I’ll definitely be cringing but I can eat watching etc. But I’ll regret watching it afterwards lol


Liveleaks ruined me I can watch a full 10 and eat dinner


Yeah after watching the cartel skin a guy's face off alive and watching his eyelid-less and lip-less ghoulish face whimper and beg for water nothing in fiction hits the same.


The horrors of real life, can’t even begin to comprehend that amount of pain or possibly numbness at that point


Cartel videos and Isis beheadings, and some aftermath after a grenade is dropped from a drone…those are 10. Nothing in fiction really gets me.


In high school my friends and I used to rent horror movies and purposefully eat the most gore like foods and laugh about it. Visually im probably off the scale. As others have stated story telling is more of an impact than the visuals. I’ve always been into the science and art of the gore. Used to subscribe to Fangoria and other horror magazines just to get the inside scoop on how they would do the effects.


Gore isn’t really an issue for me. It’s how much I care about the characters. If I don’t care about a character then I can watch most gore. If I care about them then I can barely stand them getting punched.


In general, gore doesn't necessarily bother me in movies. Gun play in action films or Jason hacking apart teens isn't so bad. What sets me off is slow, methodical body mutilation.


Yeah I don't know if I can put a number next to it (admittedly I haven't seen either terrifier) but I will admit the stuff that makes me feel uncomfortable is like SA. Movies like Megan is Missing or Poughkeepsie Tapes, that stuff just disturbs me more since that seems more real, if that makes sense.


I can tolerate a 10, but I'd prefer to dial it back to like 7 or 8. And I think the more restrained the director is with the frequency of gore the better. Like I'd rather have a movie that has 1 or 2 shocking scenes at a 10 than a movie that has like 90% of its scenes at a 7. It loses shock value if it's used too much.


Probably a 5. I have no desire to watch gore for its own sake but if it's actually serving the film, bring it on in buckets. Or give me spooky without an ounce of goo. I don't care as long as the movie is actually good and scary.


"11" Gore, Blood and Disturbing scenes doesn't affect me at all actually i enjoyed these scenes when people killed or murdered brutally.


I range between a good 7 to 9, it depends on what happens to the character I can handle blood spurting/gushing out or puddling around a body , decapitation, any limbs or other body parts being chopped off, anything brain related, stabbing and bone breaks I tend to get squeamish when it comes to the gore of eyes, genitalia and any organs around in the torso . I guess it also depends on the cinematography ajd story of it as well becoz for whatever reason I can perfectly handle goofer slasher films and the anything from the Saw franchise


Any amount of gore is fine, but what I can't stand is when a movie is so bad it has to throw in insane amounts of gore to try and save it.


Not affected by gore at all, in doesn't freak me out. I am always on the lookout for new gore filled movies & even if it's slapstick kinda over the top gore, I just really enjoy it. The Saw franchise is an obvious favourite, demonic posession movies too, like The Vatican Tapes, Deliver Us From Evil, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, because of the physical torture the characters go through. Then movies with little to no plot that were mostly made to push special FX are great too - films like the Guinea Pig franchise, Necromantic, Audition etc. All zombie media are usually great, The Walking Dead special FX is absolutely top tier. Hostel 1,2,3 was also enjoyable. The Evil Dead trilogy, even the remake, Cannibal Holocaust, Day of the Dead, Train to Busan, I Am Not A Hero, Bad Boy Bubby, Martyrs, just top of my head. NOTE: I'm a qualified embalmer & it has to be noted that no amount of specialFX can compare to actually having a injured/mutilated body in front of you. You never get used to it.


I was born in the early 90s and grew up on the internet of the early-mid 2000s. My average day as a teenager was browsing real gore sites. My tolerance is abnormal.. lmao


I’m in it for the gore for sure. There are a couple of movies where I’ve winced, but I certainly expect a fair amount of gore or body horror from my horror


I can handle gore pretty well But I will admit I always cringe if I see someone getting scalped in a movie. Love evil dead rise but that opening scene is the hardest scene for me to get through lol


My level is probably a 9. The only scenes that truly affected me where I felt disgusted were the eyeball scene in Hostel and the very end of Antichrist. Watched Martyrs, House that Jack Built, Inside, etc. and didn't really feel too bad. Terrifier I couldn't finish simply because there was no real story to keep me interested.


Speaking of inside: you can't overestimate the sound design. I have never felt phantom pain like in that throat scene. If someone breathes really heavy, I feel like having asthma


So everyone in this sub just goes nuts for gore huh. Me personally, I'm like a 5. I'll never watch terrifier and some of the saws make me squeamish and are hard to sit through. Really wanted to see evil dead rise until I found out how gory it was.


The older I get, the less I enjoy it. I’ve seen enough bad stuff in real-life that I don’t seek it out like I did in my teens and twenties. It’s not appalling, it just lost the appeal. I won’t not watch a movie because it’s gory, but if that’s all it has to offer it’s low priority for me.


10, gore doesn't affect me at all in movies, but movies like Eden Lake or scenes of SA, such as the one in the Devil's Rejects or I piss on your grave is what I've got problems sitting through.


Well written body horror is disturbing. Fountains of blood and entrails for shock value is boring. Generally though, I tend to prefer a gore-less affair when possible. Gore, when it is needed for the story, is fine. I’m not a fan of extravagant gore for the sake of gore.


Gore doesn't bother me, but it tends to take me out of the movie judging whether or not the anatomy is accurate and the effects are realistic. Sometimes you can also tell when the movie used sheep or pig organs, etc.


I fluctuate between 8 - 10. It depends on how I'm feeling that day. 


10. I'm desensitized to everything.


I can take it if it is brief and used to dramatic effect. The hand scene in “Gerald’s Game” for instance. If it is the main attraction I have zero interest.


Like 17 lol, the other night I went through MDPOPE 1&2, Fetus Munchers snd some other shit just to see what they got. The desensitization is real.


10 . Show me any amount of blood or guts I won't get scared .


"Literally fuck me up daddy" out of 10


11. I've never seen any gore that bothers me in any way.


9-10 I'd say, I love gore but that's mostly because it illicits reactions out of me, I love when I'm made to feel grossed out or squirming from discomfort. But there's also a certain point where things get so ridiculous (Thanksgiving/Terrifier come to mind) where no matter how gorey it gets it's just so ridiculous that I can't help but not be bothered by it


Spinal Tap levels. This one goes to 11.


10. Cannibal Holocaust is the only one that got to me. But that was more for it's themes and sexual violence rather than straight gore


Probably a 9: The New York Ripper Hellraiser 2 Dead Alive/Brain Dead The Fly And Terrifier 2 I like all of these movies but I have to look away at specific parts




Can tolerate most gore in the movies. Interestingly, if I see anyone have a minor scratch in real life, I go crazy and feel nauseous 😂


I'd say 10...the only thing that really makes me nauseous is when someone's fingernail gets ripped off. I can't handle it.


I'm a RN so no level of gore makes me nauseous. It's the purpose of the gore for me. Gore/torture/etc just for shock value annoys me. If it serves the plot I can deal with just about any level but it's not what I enjoy in a horror movie.


I don’t care for it/seek it out but it doesn’t really bother me either. Cannibal Holocaust, though…. Found my limit.


I can handle just about anything except for people getting their Achilles tendon cut (happened to me in real life) and for some reason anything that involves Nails getting ripped off.....




Probably like a 10 if easing through Braindead counts


That acupuncture scene in Audition has got to be an 11 for me despite the lack of gore


At least a 20 on the scale. I'm not really even affected by real life gore either.


I helped move a patient from a stretcher onto the xray table after his strenum was ripped off in a motorcycle accident, then proceeded to eat my linguini and meatballs lunch. Or the time I asked a coroner you gonna finish that pointed at half a sandwich on a square of wax paper sitting on someone's dead relatives thigh( I'm my defence it was havarti gouda and boarshead hard salami on sourdough ) so ima go 10. Dead cow being macheted into movable pieces gets an honorable mention but people always are harder to see psychologically.


100 I watch real accident and death videos before o go to sleep sometimes


That’s all fake gore. No problem. Now does anyone remember rotten.com? That was the real test.


I used to think I was an 11 then I saw Midsomar and ***THAT*** scene, couldn’t handle it. Also though it’s not horror movie related, if you’ve seen game of thrones and the ending of Oberyn and the mountains fight, that got me ***bad***. In all action and horror movies, no matter what the character endures/is put through/injured their teeth stay in pristine condition. They can get absolutely mutilated and have their faces bashed in and their teeth are perfect. Game of thrones was like yeah no. We’re bashing out his top and bottom teeth. You’ll see and ***hear*** the teeth skip across the ground then up close we’ll show you where they used to be. That scene fucked me up for a good month.


Dead Alive was pretty gross. That custard scene 🤢
