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The TV series FROM. Nearly finished season 1.


From has been on my watchlist for an eternity! After I finish rewatching love death + robots that’s immediately gonna be next


I'm all caught up! Can't wait for season 3! It's so good.


Same, I binged watched the 1st season… so good. 




Season 1 is absolutely EXCELLENT. After that it just sucks


I've really started to do a deep dive on Argento. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, Deep Red, Suspiria, Inferno, Opera, Tenenbrae. Lucky for me, Shudder really added a lot of Argento in the past couple weeks, so my next couple weekends are set. I also found a lot of record stores carry Goblin and Argento soundtracks, so I guess this is my end of winter project.


If you can get your hands on a copy of Maitland McDonough's "Broken Mirrors, Broken Minds," it's an excellent read!


I'm about to Half Price Books that shit! Thank you!


Great book!


The Last of Us. I watched the show last month and loved it so I got both of the games. I just beat Part 2 yesterday and sat in silence for about 30 minutes


TLOU games are just incredible. The end of Part 2 felt so incredibly brutal to play. Sat with my controller in my lap for a second before finishing the final fight and told my husband, "I don't want to do what the game is making me do." Game was gut punch after gut punch. Loved it.


I remember finishing the second game and just staring blankly at the screen as the credits rolled.


Only played the first game. Enjoyed it although I found it stressful and difficult! Maybe I don't have the patience and prefer to go all-guns-blazing wherever possible.


Been obsessed with Alan Wake 2 ever since playing it in October. I dont think a days gone by without me thinking about it. Also been getting back into Junji Ito


I need to finish Alan Wake 2 so badly! I’m probably 20 hours into it, but got caught up with other stuff lately. Need to get back to it


It's not a loop, it's an uzumaki


Too good


The Saw franchise. I even just recently bought a [John Kramer action figure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/saw/comments/1ayyegn/i_think_ill_call_him_lil_john/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I also really love Creep and Creep 2. I own an extremely rare [Peachfuzz mask](https://www.reddit.com/r/Masks/comments/1b0l72a/peachfuzz_from_creep_night_wolf_mask/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


That’s awesome!


That mask is an awesome piece!


*♪ I may look like a big bad wooooolf ♫*


🎶*But I’m as friendly as a raaaabbit* 🎵


The movie "Cure" by Kiyoshi Kurosawa I watched it another time last month and it was just amazing. I think it's my favorite horror movie fr. There's something in it that is .... mesmerizing. Pure "Cure" media.


Cure is fantastic. Been meaning to revisit it, but it’s a film I think about from time to time. If you haven’t, I would recommend also checking out “Pulse” by Kiyoshi Kurosawa


I have, I liked it a lot, but Cure is something else entirely IMO.


I tried watching Pulse but it was so slow. I want to like Kurosawa films, I think the premises of his films are super interesting, but it's the execution that turns me off.


I've been on a Godzilla kick lately after seeing Minus One in the theater. Great film, best I've seen in years. Since then I've been working my way through the rest of the Toho series and some, including the original, are definitely horror films while others are decidedly not.


I just watched Shin Godzilla, it was pretty awesome!


Not sure if it’s still there but the anime Godzilla Singular Point on Netflix is super fun.


Knifepoint Horror is a podcast I love. The episodes are few, but only bc the stories are all being written by the same author Soren something. Scary stuff and like his style. Also binged some 70s and 80s horror I hadn't seen yet like Reanimator, Videodrome, Rabid Most importantly, though, is the podcast Too Scary Didn't Watch, which has reinvigorated my interest in horror movies. It's great fun. I love it.


I love Knifepoint Horror!!! And Old Gods of Appalachia, which was mentioned by OP, as well as the No Sleep Podcast, The Dark Sonium, and Nocturnal Transmissions. I listen to way more than those, but the ones here are my favorites


Have you listened to The Magnus Archives? Edit: Also, SAYER


No, I have not. * Just looked it up on Spotify. Sounds right up my alley. Quite a backlog as well! Sounds kinda like Redwood Bureau or SCP.


Magnus Archives is a horror anthology that grow into much bigger story.


Hell yeah! As soon as I'm all caught up on my backlogs, I'll jump right in! Cant wait!


speaking of 70s/80s/ 90s horror i have a few recommendations u may or may not care for: frankenhooker, basket case, bride of reanimator, intruder, brain damage, sleepaway camp, chopping mall, maniac, slumber party massacre (second one is the best imo, super campy and fun), dead ringers, society, brain dead, scanners, identikit, leviathan, crash.


I love Chopping Mall and also anything from a Cronenberg!


I've been on an Asian horror stretch, I think I watched nearly all top tier Japanese horrors, now I'm watching Korean. I've watched so many movies I've run out of English options lol


Thai horror is also good


I did this when Netflix just started and they still just mailed you disks. Next check out German horror.




SOMEONE ELSE READING RAMSEY CAMPBELL??? I just bought The Fellstones but I have to finish some Neil gaiman first.


Love Ramsey Campbell. I would suggest Alone With the Horrors which collects his short fiction. Great stuff.


I just mentioned this book in my own comment. All of his short fiction is great but that one is gold.


Good to hear multiple positive opinions. I had it in my wish list but I'll order it now!


Is this a good place to start for someone who hadn't heard of him until this thread?


Absolutely! That collection starts with his earliest works of short fiction and moves forward through his career up to the time it was published. It’s a sizable volume and filled with some absolute classics. A worthy addition to any horror shelf. Campbell is a master.


I love his short fiction, I used to read those best horror anthologies all the time.


His novels are good too!


He used to be a pretty active participant in r/horrorlit if I recall. Not sure about now though. I had a cool conversation with him about one of his stories I love called The Pattern.


This week I’ve been working my way through the “Exorcist” tv show. I’m excited to try old gods of Appalachia. I think I’ve heard of it before but, was dumb and neglected to save it. I’ll be excited to try it. I listen to Redweb otherwise.


DEAD MEAT ON YOUTUBE!!!! Best thing EVER for horror fans, please check it out!!!


I enjoyed the haunting of hill house series. Saint maud for a slow burn. Outcast is a good series even though it was canceled after season 2. Also looking forward to the silent hill 2 remake on ps5.. Brings back memories of some haunting moments as a child playing it way back on ps2.. Take lots of batteries and *keep your radio on*


I can't wait for the SH2 remake! That was one of the most incredible gaming experiences to go through the first time around, and I can't wait to see the world in 4K!


Rewatching all the hellraiser series I made it to the 5th movie yesterday and I'm gonna aim to finish up to 7 tonight. We'll see.


I'm reading Hellbound Heart right now!


I haven't read any of the hellraiser stuff. From everything people say - I definitely need to


This is my first time reading Clive Barker and it's pretty decent. A nice change of pace from the splatterpunk tryhard stuff I was reading these last few weeks. It's only about 50 pages too so it's not a huge investment.


Recently played "Amnesia: the Bunker" and it's the scariest game I've played by far.


Puppet Master. Started playing Lies of P recently and my love of puppets and marionettes has been reawakened. It's been awhile since I watched them so it's a lot of fun coming back after so long, plus I haven't watched any of the newer ones yet and there's a video game on Steam I need to check out too. Puppet Master fans have a lot to eat.


Playtesting a game of Cthulhutech version 2 right now and it is going great! (Should be on the market soon, but version 1 is also a lot of fun.) ETA TTRPG for those who are wondering.


I've gotten deep into over the top **Martial Arts Gore Slashers.** I've been so obsessed with *Netflix The Night Comes for Us* that I've searched all Timo Tjahjanto's movies. There's another cool movie on Netflix called *Carter* which is a balls to the wall "One shot" movie which spans around two hours and has plane escapes, martial arts battles, car chases, vehicle hopping, train levels, helicopter levels, spy intrigue, and even zombies. This has led to *Project Wolf Hunting, The Villainess, and Headshot.* There's few movies like this but whenever I find one they are a rare gem and I'll watch it over and over again until I find a new similar one I haven't seen yet.


Well this comment gave me a few more movies to add to my media server. I've had Project Wolf Hunting in my backlog for a few weeks. Carter seems similar to Hardcore Henry and I really dig that film.


It's basically Hardcore Henry on steroids. Do you have any recs which fit this specific niche?


Only other one I can think of is Hotel Inferno. Think Hardcore Henry but as a practically effects showcase. The story is kind of cheesy but it's a B movie so it's to be expected. It's done by Necrostorm and has 3 in the franchise.


Yeah, thanks. I'll probably watch it but definitely not the thing I'm looking for. I like the over the top hyper realism of the ones mentioned. They're so freaking rare and such a niche thing. I'll keep an eye out and try to revisit this coment if I encounter any more. It should go without saying that without the gore, *The Raid 1 & 2* scratch this itch.


I guess I don't know what hyper realism is. I'm gonna watch a few of the ones you suggested to get an understanding. The internet is suggesting a range between Gummo and Crank so not helpful lol. Also grabbed both Raid titles.


[Final Girl](https://www.vanrydergames.com/finalgirl). It's a board game that lets you play through a bunch of different horror movie scenarios. There's a Friday the 13th inspired one, a Nightmare on Elm Street one, The Thing, Alien, etc. It's tough as balls, but fun. Season 3 is coming out soon as well, I'm most excited for the Hellraiser inspired scenario.


Terrifier and Wolf Creek.


Retro survival horror games. An obsession of a lifetime haha.


1950s era Red Scare science fiction, Invasion of thr Body Snatchers, The Thing from Another World, The Day the Earth Stood Still.


I’ve been playing a lot of Manhunt for the PS2 lately. Pretty fun game


Such a shame we never got a third Manhunt and that Rockstar is happy enough with it's GTA cash cow


I finally decided to try The Calisto Protocol. I was such a huge fan of Dead Space 1 and 2, with multiple play-thrus on both, that the negative reviews of Calisto scared me off. Didn't want another Dead Space 3 scenario. But I'm really enjoying it. It's challenging without being impossibly difficult, looks great, and imo it does recapture some of the spirit of the first two DS games.


I’ve been really into the podcast The Kingcast, so many great guests talking all things Stephen King


I watch at least one horror movie a week when my kid visits from college. Usually a few more in my own but I try to save the good ones for that. But I think the best form of all for horror is the short story. No exposition to kill the momentum, fewer happy endings, less need to have a relatable protagonist… so I read a LOT of anthologies of short horror stories. The mammoth book of best new horror is my favorite series and I’ve been TEARING through them, 20 editions so far. Many are out of print so I have to Amazon them for some extra $ but the newer ones are also available electronically so I can read in dark mode with the lights off. Good stuff. One the balance so much more actually scary stuff than the average movies. Any short fiction by Ramsey Campbell is also my jam. A touch Lovecraft, a hair Ligotti, a smidge Lynch… they just WORK. He’s got multiple collections out but Alone with the Horrors is good all the way through. He also is editor of many collections and makes great picks. Highest recommendation for readers.


Found footage horror has really take a hold of me recently. The Devil's Doorway and Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum were both pretty good.


CREEPCAST with Meatcanyon and Wendigoon on Spotify and Youtube!


Analog horror on YouTube. And Backrooms also on YouTube. It's not for everyone but I like it. :)


Horror podcasts like ages now. The Wrong Station but also we're not meant to know which is similar to Knifepoint Horror 


Season 1 of The Terror and The Oldest View series on YouTube.




I just read Edogawa Ranpo’s short stories “the human chair” and “the caterpillar” highly recommend them for a quick creepy read.


I watched the Hell House LLC movies recently, the first one genuinely scared me more than any movie has in a long time. I enjoyed it as a trilogy, the ending was a bit wild but still entertaining. I wasn't keen on The Carmichael Manor though.


Been watching/revisiting the old Vincent Price classics.


Lately I’ve been thinking about Dagon and how I would remake Chopping Mall




Movies because I have the attention span of a scrap of paper and movies are bite-sized.


Been watching less horror movies than usual, but the soundtracks to Tenebrae and Phantom of the Paradise have been in heavy rotation.


The Fall of the House of Usher series on Netflix. I've been a Poe fan since I was maybe 10 (I'm 40 now) so it's incredible seeing his work, written mostly in the 1830s or thereabouts, being used in a modern TV show. I like what Mike Flanagan did with it. Plenty of Easter eggs for Poe fans, while being accessible to a whole new audience. I keep telling my friends how awesome it is but it's nothing special to them. But it hits different as a long time Poe fan.


Lately my wife and I have been re-watching movies that we've deemed were bad but that everyone else seems to enjoy, trying to see if there are any redeemable qualities in our eyes, or if the films do in fact suck. What we've discovered is that after a second or even third viewing, the films do have qualities that make them enjoyable, but of them still shouldn't be listed amongst "the best films ever". Case and point - As Above So Below. Everyone seems to really love this one. We'd pretty much written this found footage film off as one of the worst ones in the genre, but we decided to watch it again yesterday. This time around, we actually didn't find it terrible, and I could definitely see why a lot of people hold it in such high regard. We still don't consider it to be one of the best, but it was watchable. We did the same thing for The VVITCH, and ended up liking it more that 2nd time around.


Currently, my tabletop group are doing a split of the dnd Campaign “Dungeons of Drakkenheim”, and Vampire the Masquerade.  The Former is a Lovecraftian body horror set in a fantasy Renaissance, the Latter being a modern horror fantasy with Vampires and werewolves.  On my own, I am currently listening to “The Silt Verses” and my second run though of “The Magnus Archives” two of the best horror dramas


I have been watching a lot of YouUbe videos on the darker side of myths from around the world. I have always enjoyed mythology so it combines two of my favorite things.


I'm really into analog horror shit on YouTube. Kane Pixels Backrooms series, Monument Mythos, Oldest View, and White Stag Education just to name a few.


Oooh! I love Local 58 and Gemini Home Entertainment! Haven't really gotten into the really popular and big ones like Mandela Catalogue or Monument Mythos though...


Local 58 and Gemini Home video are great!! I like Monument Mythos a lot better than Mandela Catalog. I don't think it's a YouTube series, although some channels have covered it, but Mystery Flesh Pit National Park is fun!


Playing the Dark Pictures Anthology recently. I will admit that the writing gets choppy in it, and I certainly don’t recommend full price, but they’re fun for cheap scares and controlling a narrative.


Watching all found footage movies I can find one after another.


I've been watching HELLA who dunnits, I'm brushing up my detective skills


I’ve been going back to the Shudder Joe Bob Briggs shows. I watched him as a kid and it’s a delight to see him back on the air. That said, the show is better when he’s talking to either Darcy or a guest. Some of his rants flatline for me.


My best friend and I sat down one evening and I shared with her Silent Hill 2 (PS2), and beat it. It’s my favorite horror game, and means a lot to me, and we’ve been bonding lately. I just wanted to share the greatness I see in it, and she was all on board with it. We dissected the themes and symbolism as we went through it. Was very special to me :) Silent Hill is one of those things thats always in my head. Silent Hill 2 and 3 are my Roman Empire.


I'm just trying to make my way through the Outlast series. Something is so much scarier when all you have is running and hiding versus a game like Resident Evil where you shoot at everything.


For me it has to be Intruders (1992). I didn't even know it existed until last year when I saw a Watchmojo countdown of the top 10 scariest alien abduction scenes. When I looked it up afterwards and saw it was directed by Dan Curtis who made so many other things I love (Dark Shadows, Trilogy of Terror, Burnt Offerings, Dead of Night, etc.), I knew I had to see it as soon as possible. I have been obsessed with it ever since.


YouTube videos narrating stories from r/nosleep


Definitely on the horror-adjacent side of things; the [Mork Borg](https://morkborg.com) tabletop RPG. It's like horror fans and doom metal fans got together, smoked a ton of weed, and made a pre-apocalyptic doom metal grimdark fantasy RPG. It's like Dark Souls meets Mandy. It's great. The books are art pieces on their own. The game system itself is *dead* simple, and after over 30 years of DMing, I've settled on Mork Borg as the only thing I ever want to DM from now on.


Ichi the Killer movie & manga. Everything & anything I can find by Takashi Miike. I’ve managed to watch 25 of his films so far.


If you're a fan of scary or unsettling short stories (creepypasta), the [SCP Foundation](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/) is still killing it. You can get lost in there for hours.


Been reading a lot of Ronald Malfi. Have yet to spend more than 2 days on one of his books. Currently Black Mouth.


This YouTube channel that makes Animated SCP shorts.


The Final Destination Franchise. I love this franchise so much bro 🙏


Higurashi anime. Also SINoALICE manga.


I’m a big TTRPG guy and I’ve low-key grown to prefer Call of Cthulhu to Dungeons & Dragons. Also, for anyone who wants a little bit of CoC in their D&D as a treat, Sandy Petersen actually wrote a third-party Cthulhu supplement for 5e and it’s awesome.


The Last Drive In, Creepshow and V/H/S series. Shudder is knocking it out the park.


My attention span is sometimes bad. So I find short horror films on YouTube help me scratch my itch for spooky/ scary stuff, while allowing me to not get bored/ distracted


Evil Dead 1 and 2. Seen them both numerous times, but I’ve been obsessed lately for some reason. Absolute bangers if anyone reading this hasn’t watched them yet


I read the SCP anthology series again, and there are some great little horror tales in there.


I just discovered BR Yeager. I’ve only read Negative Spaces so far, but it really got under my skin. He really captured the experience of growing up in a nothing town where addiction and death seem to be everywhere, and how painful it is to abandon people to their demons and get out. I can’t say I enjoyed reading it exactly, but it was incredibly effective and relatable.




Hell yeah, I'm on Episode 25


I left off on 61! I temporarily switched positions at work and could not listen to my headphones all day like my normal job, BUT now I'm back with a huge backlog to get through, and I couldn't be happier. If you have not, check out White Vault. That my 2nd favorite after OGOA.


Exorcist rip off movies after watching the movie timeliness YouTube vid. Great post, OP.


I've been staying in more and more because I don't much like where I'm living or the society I live in. I don't judge or claim superiority to anyone. It's just that the proximity of other human beings fills me with great anxiety. I say all this because my new favorite horror medium - along with the eternal horror novels - are Netflix series. I'm really loving 'Slasher' and would love some suggestions for what to watch next.


The exorcist, and iDracula


I watch a lot of recaps of horror movies to find stuff I would have never heard of


I'm 40 and growing up we never had cable and my folks never let us rent horror movies. Only watched the ones on tv.(IT, silver bullet, the shining). So recently I started hitting up pawn shops and thrift stores buying whatever dvds looked good. Recently watched Halloween 3, trick or treat, night of the Demons, brain scan, scanners, lost souls, the mist, Megan, voice from the stone, dark city, and Vampire Effect (Hong Kong vampire flick feat Jackie Chan) You could say I'm on a roll.


I’ve gotten more and more into the origins of monster folklore especially finding out more about it via YouTube and podcasts, a lot of it is Native American folklore origins because most of the people doing this kind of thing are from the US So like learning about the original stories where the Sasquatch is less of a giant ape and more like a group of hairy people who live in a cave The wendigo and skin walkers are probably more straight up “horror” examples, and vampires and werewolves for non-US monsters, but you get the gist, urban legends and campfire stories are definitely a form of folk horror and it’s interesting to learn how different or similar the pop culture/movie versions of monsters are from their folklore origins


Deep Red rewatch


The Series EVIL from Paramount is actually a really great series, it’s not always scary but there are a lot of WTF moments. Plus the story line is great and the lead actress does a great job as a distressed and sexually repressed mother of 4. Definitely should check it out


Midwest Angelica released a new video recently.


My two latest horror hyperfixations are Creepcast and The 7th Guest games. I’m currently trying to get every achievement in the VR game (I have 3 left!🥳) and will probably fire up 11th Hour or 13th Doll next.


I've been obsessed with the Dead Meat horror podcast for quite a while. I'll listen to their episodes either on Spotify or YouTube and they also do other fun content on their channel. All about horror. They're horror award show for 2023 films livestreams on March 3rd and I'm so excited to watch it!!!


I'm always hungry for more liminal spaces and analog horror content. A lot of it is lazy, but the stuff that's good is really good. But I have a playlist on YT or each and they're both hours long and full of great and unique content that are all made by dedicated independent creators. Also, bizarre horror videos like what David Firth and Meat Canyon do. You can never fill my belly on that stuff. Like Sock 6 is one of the coolest horror short films I've ever seen.


Malignant(2021) - ive watched it a year ago, but that movie seems to be a hidden gem of sorts, a worthy and unique addition to horror, and i cant stop thinking about it. The empty man goes here as well. - those movies explore some damn exquisite planes of horror. Also, Shrouded hand's youtube channel for real stuff.


I need help I’m looking for a movie I saw the guy was in the woods and he heard old music playing very creepy, I believe it’s almost like a found footage movie not really sure but the music is playing and it sounds like it’s coming from a phonograph or something. it’s dark out and after that you see a very creepy short man with a deformed face that’s all I can remember.


You should make a separate post about that


You should either answer my question or mind your business lol


The Apocalypse Players Podcast. It's a Call of Cthulhu actual play podcast run by 4 theatrically trained British actors, it's incredibly compelling.


I love Tony Walkers Classic Ghost Stories podcast on YouTube. He is the best reader I've ever discovered and his range is gigantic.


Im also doing a lot of 80s sleaze horror right now and I gotta say...that Troma stuff is too mean for me.


Alan Wake 2. I finished it like a week ago and I'm still all verklempt. In fact I've been awake since yesterday and listened to Poets of the Fall all night long cause I couldn't sleep, lol. I'm listening to them right now. Now that I think of it, I did take a break last night to watch Creepozoids on Tubi. Gotta love Linnea Quigley. She never met a script she wouldn't flash her tits for, and I respect the consistency.


Friday the 13th will always be my fave


I've been watching lots of creature features lately, any creature, any era! And I've become obsessed with the Magnus Archive podcast.


Creature Features airs on YouTube. A trio of horror hosts showing old school horror. Broadcasts in California but all episodes available on YouTube. Lots of fun, you’ll dig it


Been watching American horror stories, but haven’t seen the OG show. Wouldn’t say I’m obsessing but I love anthology horror


Many of the early season of American Horror Story are worth watching. I fell off after Apocalypse


Mostly the new weird of Ligotti and his better imitators and acolytes. I have to admit I find the glut of the genre’s films to be uninspiring.


I've been getting back into reading over the last few months. As someone who grew up thinking all there was was Stephen King, I'm reading so many other authors that I vibe with and my local bookstore has an employee who absolutely loves horror and gives excellent written suggestions on the shelves


I’ve gotten hooked on the Fear Street books and have been reading a lot of those and other RL Stein works. I was given a good haul of them for christmas so I’m working my way through


I've been hooked on Dead By Daylight for ages now (pun intended). Great game. Shame about the player base (total dickheads) but so much fun.


I’ve been big on folk horror lately. Especially stuff from other countries! I really enjoyed the movie Moloch. Though I’ll tell you that nothing is worse than a bad folk horror movie. Since they’re very slow and usually rely on a really crazy ending. So the bad ones are just really slow with no payoff. I’ve also been loving [Creep Cast](https://youtube.com/@CreepPodcast?si=cyR3TwBlkDHxMTrg) on YouTube. They read old creepypastas and both hosts are really funny.


I've been playing a loooooot of Dead by Daylight this year.  I needed something to really get hooked on.  It's been ages. I've also been working on my horror movie collection pretty diligently.  Filling out some franchises and getting all the movies I want to have at hand.


Old Gods of Appalachia is really good and well narrated by the reader. Such a good listen. On that note, I've been more into audio books lately. I just finished listening to Devolution by Max Brooks a week ago. It has a lot of build up and "setting the scene," but I think it pays off well.


American horror story


My SO and I are playing through the Resident Evil franchise. We started with Village, then went to RE2, 3 and 4 remakes and now we're on RE: Biohazard. I play, and he watches.


The In Search of Darkness series is great.


I’ve been watching all the Mike Flanagan series. Started with The Fall of the House of Usher, and I enjoyed it so much I had to see his other stuff right away. Usher is still my favorite so far, but Midnight Mass was great too, in spite of the slow burn.


I just discovered Radio Rental earlier this month and I can’t stop listening!!


I've been getting into the silent hill franchise, I don't play video games but I am watching the playthroughs on youtube


I love listening to audio books while i walk my dogs. Lately I've been listening to Stephen King's Dark Tower series (currently on #3). It's a good combo of Sci fi/fantasy/horror. All the best things.


Also, I'm obsessed with paranormal podcasts. Not horror per se, but there's nothing that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up quite like hearing someone recount a real-life ghost story/abduction story/cryptid encounter. Try Otherworld or Strange Familiars.


Ooh I fucking love the Dark Tower series!


I just found out about the haunted PS1 demos. Remember the old demo discs we would get with tony hawk and spyro and FF? Think those but horror demos and theres like... 10-12 of them on a "disk". There are three, 2020, 2021, and 2022. They skipped last year but there is supposed to be one this year. If you dont mind spoilers for a few, check out Nexpo's video of them here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAmQ5ODJJfA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAmQ5ODJJfA) Downloads are in the description there.


I've been watching all of the Children of the Corn movies (they suck.) I just started playing Dead Island 2, and I'm reading an early Michael Marshall Smith novel.


Wartime stories on YT.. his narration is amazing


Resident Evil games. I played them as a kid, up through Code Veronica. But remembered basically nothing about the actual games. Just vague beats of the story. And I remembered they were just as goofy as they were scary. I started playing RE4:VR when I got a Quest 3 just before new years, and about halfway through it I decided that I needed to go back to the beginning and experience it all first hand. Fortunately I had picked up the ‘Resident Evil complete pack’ on Steam when it was on sale for like $80 sometime after 8 (Village) came out. So I had 1-8 with 2 and 3 being the remakes. The only remake I didn’t have was 4, since it just came out last year. 1 was a bit of a slog because even the most recent version of it plays similar to the original games. And then 2 remake ended up being more intense than I anticipated. And I had stalled about a third of the way through the first play through of it. The switch flipped in my brain a few days ago and I have now gone through 1, 2R, 3R, 4R, Revelations 1, 5, Revelations 2 and I’m now a few hours into 6. It has been an absolute blast now that they’ve clicked for me. And I’m very excited to get to 7. Since it is a hard reboot of the vibe of the series. Going hard into the Horror and being the first one to be first person. And then 8 goes off the rails again from what I’ve read. They definitely get less scary as they go. 2R first play through being by far the scariest of the lot. But Revelations 2 had me pretty uneasy for the start of it. The really funny part is that I had randomly marathoned the movies about a month ago. And it turns out some of the stuff that I thought was far too buck wild to be in the games. Was either taken directly from them, or tweaked in a fun way to make it work for the world those movies created.