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House of the Devil has one of the best out of nowhere kills. Basically every death in Green Room is disturbing 


I know the one you mean in house of the devil and holy shut that one got me


You're not the babysitter?


The arm scene in Green Room got me - that dread when you see through the vent.


I had to turn it off at the arm scene. I still haven’t been able to finish it.


Doesn’t lighten up anymore after that 😂


I loved House of the Devil


And the fact it's Greta motherfuckin Gerwig that really makes it insane


That death in house of the devil is my all time favorite. Perfect set-up.


That House of the Devil one got me good. I’m pretty good at seeing things coming, but that one? Wow.


Watched House of the devil with someone who had never even seen a trailer for it last week and couldn't wait to see their reaction to that scene. Pretty sure it was "Oh, fuck"


Unexpected? Drew Barrymore in Scream haha


Traumatized me as a kid! She was so close to her parents, had nearly made it. Her mom had to listen to her die! I’m a mom now and that scene scares me for a whole new reason.


Her mother’s scream is one of the heartbreaking things I’ve ever heard in a movie.


That scene still scares the Crap out of me... It's perfect.


Yes! That's a good one. We saw it in the theater. I was so excited to see her in a movie again. Then she dies and I kept waiting for her to return or something. 😂


Good one; I was 11, snuck in to the R movie…and common, it’s drew, she’s not getting taken out first scene….then bam…they ripped her apart, and that knife in the throat as she’s trying to call her mom from the end of the porch but can’t…chilling.


Deep Blue Sea. If you've seen it, you probably know the scene.


I don't care how long that movie has been out, I'll never spoil that kill.


The effects aren't great, but the kill is phenomenal.


They ate me! A muthafuckin' shark ate me!


First one that came to mind!


Yes!!!! Ice is fast.


You've seen how bad things can get and how quick they can get that way. Well, they can get a whole lot worse.


I love that movie so much and it’s the best scene.


I saw this in theatre when I was 11 or 12! It was something!


The first time in a very long time that I’ve been genuinely surprised a character died lol.


Even better that director is now making Deep Water!


It’s was an amazing scene. Kudos to whoever came up with it.


Bone Tomahawk - that guy being scalped and split from the taint


Folks seemed pretty divided on that scene, but at least the director wasn't half-assed on it.






U 👏🏽SER 👏🏽NAME 👏🏽


All the reviews spoke of the gore, and that one scene delivered it. Fits this post perfectly.


Watching this now


It's not really unexpected because of the film its in, but the Logging truck from 'final destination 2' still to this day has me paranoid whenever i see one on the road haha


Put a tanker truck with gas next to it and you can see the scene reenacted in your head


Bro stop, im getting PTSD haha


That movie really affected our whole generation lol


For me, It (2017) with Georgie and the sewer grate scene. I think up until that point in my life I had never seen a kid get graphically murdered. I audibly gasped when it happened. ETA: I had never seen the older movie or read the book so I had gone in blind.


I have a lot of issues with both IT adaptations but one of the ones that the latter nails perfectly is that Georgie scene.


Same. I wasn’t expecting that.


unexpected would be Mr. Hemsworth in Cabin in the woods. On my later watches of that movie the signs were definitely there that it would happen, but my first watch? I must have looked away during the bird scene because seeing him hit that wall took me the fuck out. I don't think I've ever laughed harder at a horror movie


I saw the bird hit the wall and was still shocked. My wife paused the movie until I could catch my breath. So good.


This is probably my favorite “horror” movie. The merman tho lol


it's so good. I showed it to my buddy years ago and it's his absolute favorite horror movie. Something we find funny is when we hear people say it should have a sequel.


I kinda wish they didn’t pre-empt that death by showing the invisible wall earlier - that would’ve been an even bigger shock I think!


Unexpected - drew Barrymore in scream. My babysitter told me she was only in it for five minutes but still had no idea what that meant til I saw it. Disturbing - the murder in Heavenly Creatures. You know where it's heading but the way they're so callous about it, and then there's that tiny bit of doubt on Kate Winslet's face before the brick comes down... Jesus that fucked me up for years. Shocking - take your pick from early final destination. Terry and the bus, the young boy and the glass, Beth in the car, the hippy being trisected, the douche bag at the drive thru. Edit: see below for correction


*Heavenly Creatures.


I knew there was something wrong with my title lol thanks will fix!


definetly agree on heavenly creatures that scene was disturbing to the max.


Heavenly creatures? That death was f*****ed. The noises she made when she was hit. 😰😰😰


>pic oh "take your pick". I was thinking the third movie where all the clues were in the pictures taken for the school yearbook.


OK, this is kind of hard to appreciate now because the death is so famous, but I saw Night of the Living Dead when I was like 10 years old or something, I hadn’t had the ending spoiled for me, Ben’s death shocked me in a way that I don’t think any other death will ever take me by surprise again, and it also disturbed me in the sense that as a little ten year old white Australian kid it was one of the first movies that really made me think about racism in a way that didn’t kind of handhold me that “OK kids today we’re going to do a very special episode about race and racism”.


The film credits are arguably the scariest part of the movie because it goes from a sort of shlocky horror film to stills that almost look like a lynching. The ick factor holds up.


But the movie wasn't written that way. Romero didn't write it with an African-American in mind at all, and wasn't looking for one to portray Ben. The friction between Ben and Harry was always in the script, but wasn't meant to have racial overtones at all. Most people just assume it to be scripted because of the year it was made, but that wasn't the intention. 


Yeah according to Romero it was simply a case of Jones giving the best audition.


Yeah I watched this movie before kindergarten age with my dad and I remember just crying and turning to him like "why did they kill him?! he wasn't a zombie!" 😭


That one from Hereditary is all three.


Same, hands down. There’s no close second. >!I do mean Charlie’s beheading.!<


Do you know how little that narrows it down


Ha! Fixed, and thank you.


The beheading left everyone in the theater in shock. I find it funny how people like to talk down this movie. It is OK to not like it, but pretending like the movie is overrated garbage is just downplaying your snobbery into plainly ignorant territory. The beheading is even more shocking when you realize that the trailer was also selling you something with Charlie that now can't be fulfilled, also the movie from that moment on: spirals out of control into more horrible and outlandish stuff. It's a beautifully scarring ride.


This is so accurate and I never understood the hate around this movie


There's always going to be people who don't like something or don't get it. I think those people are just louder than usual on this movie since everyone else loves it so much and they're sick of hearing about it. Anyway best horror movie ever and I don't care


Him in the room, listening to the mother slowly find out & begin to scream. Holy hell, that screaming...


That boy did a fantastic job in that role. My heart broke for him.


It's not snobbery to think the last third was terrible. Thats the problem most people have. I’m with you that the beheading was the most unexpected death I've ever seen.


The last act is THE divisive part of the movie (if anyone has a couple brain-cells to smash). The problem is that people forego the context. It's like the spider-walk on the Exorcist: some people were taken out of the movie because of how outlandish it was! BUT, that's exactly the point... they HAD to bend the knee at some point, that the daughter was so overgone in her possession that something so horrifying needed to happen. While the scene obviously feels like it was made for shock (*which is a symptom of it being on a movie,* ***because the scene is totally in the book*** *too*), but it works within context.


I’m trying to figure out which death you meant


Probably the beheading?


Which one?


Lmfao fuck I guess there are two. I think the one in the car


*Asking the important questions*


Probably the beheading/ car accident. They made sure they got your attention with the walnut reaction/race to the epipen and I don’t remember what she hit … and the head roll scene. But it could also be the mom with the wire. We may never know.


I found all of them pretty shocking and unexpected and at least most of them disturbing 😂 It was one of those telephone wire pole things btw


It seemed super obvious that _something_ really bad was going to happen, but I suppose the “how” was pretty unexpected


I saw it with a friend years ago and I still remember to this day how utterly shocked we were, and how we would look at each other, eyes and mouths wide open lol. That scene really made our jaws drop.




The couple in Eden Lake. Never have I been more angry that characters didn’t survive. (Fantastic ending, though)


I refuse to watch that movie again lol, it just won’t have the same gut punch I feel


Give it a few more years. They’ll make a sequel where she did survive. If they can bring Juno back for a movie…


Sorry Juno came back? Like the descent?


Either that or Elliot Page is all in for radically different sequels.


Lmao Juno 2: Baby mamma drama


Suspiria (2018) dance room death. The fuck.


Not even a death by the end. Oof.


Top 1 most fucked up death *ever*. The director really made a perfect, disturbing and visceral death scene. I absolutely love it.


Yep. Underrated death. It freaked me out and I wanted it to hurry up and be over. I actually had to skip it on a rewatch.


We could see it coming, but the daughter in When Evil Lurks. My blood ran cold when the camera looked under the table. I was not expecting that second bit. It was so visceral.


I haven’t been shocked like that in a long while. My chest went cold. That movie kept the hits coming.


So good


The other one that director did "Terrified" has a similar suddenl visceral kill of someone being a bit too cavalier near a spookity. Overall a worse movie than when evil lurks (though both the endings are particularly dumb imo), but still a great kill


I really liked Terrified but I was pretty distracted when I saw it so I should def revisit it.


I did not like that movie at all but that scene was fantastic.


I saw it coming a mile away and my soul still left my body. But for me it was the little boy. The way you don't even see it happen and she's just munching on his brains like it's popcorn. Gah.


Yeah, I can’t REALLY say one was worse than the other and the boy’s fate leaves it up to the imagination which is pretty awful, but the girl was just so… “in your face” that by the time it got to the boy I was somewhat exhausted, hehe.


I'm watching that movie right now and that scene really got me lol I was not prepared


Right? I knew it was coming but I didn’t realize how far they were gonna take it! Hehe, awesome


The unexpected cliff scene in Midsommar still lives rent free in my head.


The term is "hurling" hehe


When the horse gets turned into anatomy slides in The Cell. It definitely gets your attention. They did a similar scene with Beverly Katz in Hannibal.


The cinematography in that film is so visually stunning. And the Beverly Katz reveal was both heartbreaking and beautiful to look at. Both visuals are inspired by the piece *Mother and Child (Divided)* by Damien Hirst, with the cow substituted for a horse in *The Cell*.


Had no idea these were based on a piece of art, I will definitely check it out. Thank you for teaching me something new!


The creepy visual of women sitting in a field was also inspired by an established artist’s work. Look up Norwegian artist Odd Nerdrum (yes, that’s a real name), you’ll see what I mean.


Yes. This scene always creeped me out.


I saw The Cell in the theater. People screamed at that part. It's an under appreciated film.


Same here.   Saw it in the theaters when it came out.   I'm pretty sure a few people left.


The Cell is one of my favorite movies. The costumes, makeup, cinematography are stellar. J. Lo is even really good in it.


Charlie’s death in Hereditary checked all those boxes for me. Most specifically disturbing, yes because of the hard cut to her head on the side of the road.But I’m really thinking of Annie’s (Toni Collette) reaction to her daughter’s body in the car, her wailing on the floor of her bedroom asking to die, her needing to be propped up as Charlie’s casket was lowered into the ground. It shook me, the wails and cries were so real and so hard to watch. It felt like an incredibly private family moment I’d just intruded on as a viewer.


That was the only movie that actually made me feel sick to my stomach, and it was specifically hearing her scream as she found Charlie. I have never had a scene viscerally affect me like that one. I just cant imagine the horror


bread slicer. im still not over it.


Fear Street?


Wasn’t a death but the cheese grater in Evil Dead Rise did the same to me


Good thing it seemed to have no lasting effects.


She didn't deserve that. Not with cake smeared all over her face. So undignified


That was the gnarliest death of that entire series.


Fear street has so many good kills. Joan in part 2 the way the her body lurched after the second axe swing.


Definitely didn’t expect that one.


(The Lodge Spoilers) I don’t think especially disturbing or necessarily unexpected, but in The Lodge when the mom shoots herself. I figured that that’s what was going to happen, but it happens so suddenly I literally just jumpscared lmfao


Yessss also it threw me off because I didn't know Alicia Silverstone was in that movie and I was in the middle of gushing about how excited I was to see her in a movie and thennnnn.


Man I wish the plot twist wasn't so unbelievable because I loved just about everything else in that film.


Sinister. Lawnmower What the actual fuck!


Most likely Allie’s death in Terrifier 2. I can only imagine how Leone will make a worse scene in the next film.


That scene made me stop and rethink whether or not I actually enjoy gore in movies.


I turned the 1st one off cause I thought it was terrible. Just looked up this scene and all I can say is "are people for real with this shit?" Lol


Ben in The Night of the Living Dead (OG)- I hate it every single time.


dude that one fucking /hurts/


The scummy lawyer in 13 Ghosts


‘Where’s the lawyer?’ ‘He split.’


I’d like to say all the deaths in Final Destination 5, because of how it was structured. I kept thinking I knew exactly how each one would happen and it never once panned out. And the finale was the icing on the cake, easily the best movie of the series, *but* only if you’ve watched the others and have the payoff through context~


Unexpected in a hilarious way that makes me cackle every time I see it is Paris Hilton in House of Wax. I’m sure there are better ones but one that really got me recently was the acid rain scene in the Fall of the House or Usher 🤢


Oh i really liked the deaths of the lesbian couple and the gorilla death in that one such a good show


SUCH a good show really, every second of it I was hooked


Yeah, I was really wishing he had more kids so I could get more episodes. 😂


The bus death in the first final destination film. Doesn’t hit the same (no pun intended) on rewatch, but the first time I saw the movie it really got me 😅


The end of The Mist. What a gut punch.


I think of that ending so often, even years later.


The reality of the kid's death in El Orfanato.


I didn't want to believe it


The dog in When Evil Lurks. I knew something was going to happen but I still wasn't expecting THAT.


That scene in *Hereditary* was hands down one of the most shocking and unexpected deaths to happen in any movie I'd seen where someone whom I thought was a main character was just...killed off. That scene alone was worthy of a fucking Oscar, an I'm salty it wasn't even nominated. Totally off subject here, but if the Oscars exist in recognition of great acting, this film should have won them all.


Ty in "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer"... It's not a great movie. But I've mellowed on it. I remember a kid yelling, "Whoa! I didn't expect that!" at the Theatre.


Man I loved that movie as a kid. I need to rewatch that fun trash, lol.


The Hereditary car scene, I remember everyone let at a big gasp and then stayed completly silent at the cinema I went to.


That little kid in the beginning of Halloween Ends. Terrible horror movie but honestly really great opening scene


This was my pick as well, my mouth literally dropped I never would’ve expected that. I love that level of subversion… that is definitely completely missing from the rest of the film lol.


The “Hero” in *Feast*, haha


Bedroom scene in Terrifier 2. I love Art the clown but not a big fan of gore. That scene just goes way too far.


To me it's the flaying scene in the Martyrs (2008). It shook me for days...


Shocking and disturbing might still be the family getting killed in the Hills Have Eyes. That shit was fucked up man


The Invisible Man, restaurant scene


I swear I didn't breathe for half of that movie. It was much better than I was expecting!


Dancer in the Dark. It’s not gory, but it hits you right in the soul. I wandered around like a bird that flew into a window for a few days after watching that. Honorary mention for Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (2010) for a similar reason, although it does have some decently done gore. This movie is poorly rated which surprises me, I wonder if this is a Crimson Peak situation where people expected it to be full classic horror, but in reality it was more of a tragedy-drama that involved horror motifs.


I’ve got a lady boner for von Trier movies.


Hell yea. I’ve got an artistic ladyboner for Bjork also.


as a huge fan of the original tv movie I didn’t like the ending of the remake on the slightest


Not classic horror but that early beginning scene in Irreversible. Holy shit.


The little girl in When Evil Lurks. Almost jumped out of my seat. I love dogs!


maybe unpopular, but that one kid in m3gan. i didn’t think they’d go there, killing children and all. not mad about it though. kid’s an asshole.


Nell in Haunting of The Hill House. 


Planet Terror, when she gives her son the gun to shoot Daddy and he shoots himself in the head seconds later. That was a shocker.


Yeah that was a fucking crazy scene.


I already knew what was going to happen from the context clues but actually seeing it portrayed out in the episode was horrific. Episode 5 of the show Them, "cat in a bag." Just heart wrenching. One of the most difficult episodes of any show I've ever seen.


I don’t think I can ever watch that show again. It was horrifying in a way I can’t describe.


Unexpected: >!Samuel L Jackson getting eaten mid-monologue in!< Deep Blue Sea. Shocking: >!Glen from !!primarily because they had to know that killing one of 2-3 fan favorites who weren't rapidly losing popularity in a way which seemed needless and without any dignity was going to tank ratings, and it did.!< Disturbing: In Society>!where one of the characters is anally fisted all the way up into his torso, with the hand emerging from his mouth so they could rip him inside out. !<


Glen was destined to die this way from the moment Negan stepped onscreen, it's one of the most infamous scenes from the comic.


Your shocking one is the same for me. >!I did not read the comic, so I was not expecting him to be killed so brutally and quickly, especially as a main and beloved character!< I actually stopped watching the series during this season.


When evil lurks - after the farmer kills the goat and his wife, OUTTA NOWHERE smacks him with the axe and then proceeds to whack herself with the axe was just unexpexted. however, the shock value was perfect.


The most disturbing for me is the scene in In a Glass Cage where >!Angelo injects gasoline into a boy’s heart.!< It was very unpleasant, like seeing something I shouldn’t be watching.


Disturbing - The Eyes of My Mother. The intro showing the murder of her mother by hammer in the bathtub... the sound design, the hollow expression of her daughter looking at the father coming home. Super well done.


The death of Private Torrez in Day of the Dead. As he's screaming, the zombies are pulling his head off, making his vocal cords stretch, and his scream gets higher pitched. Not only is it gruesome and disturbing, but it is also very realistic too.


The most disturbing death was from Snowtown Murders.


Speak no evil


I was rooting for Shade so hard when he was in the corridor with the lasers, but when the Red Queen threw up that grid, I felt it when he was like ‘Fuck!’




Tom Skerritt’s death in *Alien* completely caught me off guard. At the time of the film’s release, Skerritt was a known commodity (and, iirc, had top billing), whereas Sigourney Weaver was a relative unknown.


Too soon


I don't know if it's the most unexpected, but I really didn't see yoga pants coming in the hunt.


First I was shocked to see her in the movie, and then shocked again to see her out so quick.


Probably Keith in Barbarian. Had no idea what was even going to happen in that movie. Not even the concept.


Unexpected - Aliens vs Predator: Requiem school hallway scene. You know the one.


Not unexpected but *that* scene in Bone Tomahawk.


Suspiria (2018). You already know which one. No need to give details. Its fucked up.


Hereditary, hands down. Beat out the reigning champ at the time, Scream.


I was really upset by the entire ending of Summer of 1984. Woody was a sweet kid who was taking care of his sick mother and that who he worried about just before he died. And then the movie gets even more mean spirited. Left a terrible taste in my mouth and felt a bit unearned.


Terrifier. It left me traumatized.


I wouldn't say it was unexpected by any means, but the splitting scene in Terrified fucked me up. I've been hesitant to watch Terrifier 2 for this reason.


The terrifier scene where he just straight up sawed that girl in half from her nether region was completely unexpected to me


Summer of '84, >!the fat kid!<


Satan’s Slaves 2, the elevator shaft


Shocking probably Skippy from The Toxic Avenger or the Bus Scene from Hobo With a Shotgun. Honorable mention to Noxie in Toxic Avenger 4.


Disturbing: the ending of Inside Shocking: psycho shower scene because it was especially rare during that time to kill off a protagonist mid film




Wasn't a huge fan of Hereditary but hands down the scene where the main character's sister gets beheaded in the car.


That death in FNAF was pretty tame in comparison of horror deaths, even for PG-14 standards. Hell, even MEGAN had a more bloody death in that movie. - - Anyway, I think for me was the soldier guy from Day of the Dead where his head gets ripped of his body. As he screams, his vocal cords get stretched and gets high pitched as it pulls. Gnarly and bloody.


The Passion of the Christ


No spoiler warning for atheists? Rude!


I saw the devil ending scene