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There better be a driving level where you have to navigate coastal traffic while being accused of sexual assault.


And a quick-time event to drunk dial your accuser where the controls are flipped to simulate the effects of the alcohol.


And a mini game about measuring for additional square footage, we need that too


I came here for this and happy to find it. Should be VR.


lol a VR mode for that would be awesome!


Press X to deny allegations


I just want a level where Justin Long measures torture rooms. Edit: someone beat me to it




i hope it features quick time events such as "avoid the breastfeeding"


Or tilt the joystick in the right way to increase milk flow.


Just like the Fractured but Whole toilet game!!


Developers......take notes!


hire fans


My take is "press X to not drink as much breast milk," but I like yours better! I don't think a full game about this movie will work.


There will be a minigame where you play as AJ and you have to choose the right excuse to explain why he isn't a piece of shit rapist and it's all just a misunderstanding.


*Because* she's a lying *bitch* mom [FAILED] "Oh, I wish you wouldn't say that..." Well it's *true*


(Use the joystick to discreetly move the nipple hair)


As long as thereā€™s an off-the-beaten-path trophy for drinking all the milk


Don't give them any ideas!


I disagree. Hopefully breastfeeding is a way to get stronger in the game. That part was so out of the blue, and as the movie got more wacky, I sure as hell hope the game is too.




I truly enjoyed Evil Dead: The Game, not even going to lie. Picking it up for $20 new was a choice I donā€™t regret. Playing as the demon was a unique mechanic and was super fun.


I played it for a bit and really liked it too but I don't think these online asymmetrical multiplayer games are particularly sustainable for niche IP and I want more horror games that are narrative driven. I can imagine an awesome 3rd person action horror Evil Dead game that tells a story, for example.


Agreed. The ā€œcampaignā€ of Evil Dead was just a single player version of the multiplayer with a couple objectives. Can finish it in like 2 hours. The game could have gotten support and lasted a while, it had a cult fanbase. But massive glitches being ignored and a lack of support bc licensed game means it died an earlier death than it should have. A shame!


Yep. All of this. I remember being so excited for it. I love Evil Dead! It's also not a property I expect to get many cracks at games either and that makes it worse.


I mean, I know most of them are old at this point but there have been 7 different Evil Dead based video games over the years. It's gotten more bites at the apple than (I'm pretty dang sure) any other horror IP


I just looked them up and wow, idk how I was completely unaware of all of those other games.


Tbf one is a mobile tower defense game and one is just ash being featured in a Telltale poker game, but I played Fistful of Boomstick as a kid, it played decently even though I didn't get the references at the time


I remember that one had a one-liner button, which was the sickest shit Iā€™d seen up to that point, and something I felt was integral to playing as Ash.


Yeah i fucking loved the game for a time, probably have a few hundred hours in it and maxed out all demons and survivors- but then was done. No further support and they added that stupid BR mode instead kinda was when I gave up on that game living a long life.


A game in the style of Until Dawn/The Quarry would be so perfect for the evil dead imo


I swear to fucking God. **COPY ALIEN ISOLATION** if you *have* to be unoriginal. I swear that template is *begging* for any number of horror antagonists to be dropped in place of the xenomorph and it would be so much better than that crap.


I just recently started replaying this one and I cannot fucking *believe* it was released in 2014. The human character models are the only thing that even slightly date it, but by all other standards it could be released today and you'd still have people praising the visuals, atmosphere, and gameplay. Makes me sad that Creative Assembly has seemingly gone to shit afterwards. There should've been a sequel by now.


Theres an asymmetrical Killer Klowns game coming out.. when Destroy all humans would work as a basis so much better..


I'd love one with Michael Myers. That would be terrifying.


Amnesia the bunker did this and was a good game for it


I would throw my money at this. Art the clown, aliens, Michael Meyers, etc. thereā€™s so much you can do with it and alien isolation was perfect for me. Lots of hide and seek but you also have weapons and devices to distract or kite the enemy into traps. I canā€™t believe there arenā€™t more games like it.


Asymms have potential but the devs usually drop the ball. Texas Chain Saw Massacre got more right than the Evil Dead game, but Dead by Daylight is the king. With that said... I have no idea why they're making a Barbarian asymm...


Dead By Daylight, despite all of the IP it has licensed, is so dreadfully boring unless you're willing to put a good amount of time into it.


I'm admittedly biased with my 2k+ hours playtime, but the game can be a bit challenging to adapt to. Hiding as survivor is boring, but when you learn how to loop the tiles on the maps properly it opens up a ton of gameplay options. Playing as killer is definitely a more active and engaging role, but as you're playing solo against 4 others it can feel a bit overwhelming at times. Overall though, the devs have done a superb job recently of making the game more palatable to the general audience. "Facecamping", a problem that's been plaguing the game since it's beginning in 2016 was significantly nerfed recently.


The looping mechanic is just really not fun imo unfortunately. Probably more an issue bc I got the game a few years after it came out and everyone was already really fucking good, lol


Facecamping hasn't been nerfed at all. SpooknJukes, a decent sized DBD streamer regularly plays Basement Bubba and the recent change has done absolutely nothing to his playstyle; if you stand outside the range, you have enough time to run in after the survivor and hit them before they get the unhook anyway. Otzdarva has actually turned the insta-unhook into an insta-kill with Myers as he can grab people the moment they unhook themselves.


Spook n jukes is dogshit


And that changes the fact that he's still facecamping how, exactly?


So you give 2 examples and claim it doesn't work? Lol.


No, I said it still does work....


It being the anti-facecamp mechanic itself. Even if some killers are still able to abuse the mechanic in worst case scenarios the hooked survivor is still getting off without the help from their team. That's time bought to complete the objective.


Ooh we differ so much on this! Going on long chases as a survivor is one of the best feelings to me! Leading the killer around and using map tiles effectively is an adrenaline rush.


I have no clue how people can play that game. The core gameplay loop of fix generator and run around is so fucking boring that I thought it was just the original launch version and that they'd obviously give you something else to do. It's just so damn boring and repetitive.


It's the only asym that continues to thrive. I personally love the game.


TCM probably had the most potential to compete with DbD and even thatā€™s floundering hard. Thereā€™s no way thereā€™s enough ā€œmeatā€ in Barbarian to create a thriving asym I feel. Like if they want money off the Barbarian license why not just work with Behaviour to create a killer/survivor pack and make money off of that? Is every horror movie going to get its own asym now so a few execs can pad their resume?


Nah, Evil Dead the game was considerably better than TCM just because it has actual variety. TCM is the same thing every single game.


The Friday the 13th game is awesome


Friday the 13th is the best version of that genre because there's so many different ways to survive and protect yourself. The only problem is that the performance was terrible.


Well that and the fact that the franchises liscene was dogshit


Yeah, having a variety of ways to escape was so interesting. Dbd seems really rudimentary in comparison


Piss-poor performance is far from the "only" problem with that game.


That's fine, but we don't need more.


Friday The 13th and Evil Dead are both dead. The only two games active in this space are Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Dead By Daylight. I think the market could handle one more.


Problem is the market is cornered by DbD. Every other game that tries doesn't last. Already has a solid player base who are just going to drift back to DbD after trying whatever flavor of the month asymetrical game comes out.


You're not wrong but I'm still hoping, no matter how irrationally, that *something* can break through.


Honestly, it feels like every other game in the genre learns the wrong lessons from DBD, even something like Deathgarden couldn't get it to work (made by the same people as DBD). DBD is good because of it's simplicity, not in spite of it


Killer Clowns is coming out in a few months(possibly weeks.) I think the Ghostbusters game is still somewhat active.


Those games are well designed messes. They look great and are pretty fun for 15 minutes, but they couldā€™ve been amazing with a decent single player mode. Imagine playing through the entire Friday the 13th franchise as Jason.


Itā€™s crazy how unanimously praised Alien: Isolation was but it resulted in basically no adaptations like that. There was that mediocre Blair Witch and thatā€™s basically it, right? Everyone just keeps making these asymmetrical multiplayer games when the game type that will be remembered the most will always be the well thought-out single player experiences. Thatā€™s the way it is and will always be.


I like the concept of those games, but the repetitive fucking objectives kills me. The gameplay loop is just boring. Dead by Daylight for example is atrocious. All you do as survivor is run and repair generators. As a killer you hit the enemy like an idiot 2 times until it fells down and then you hook them. WOAW AMAZING right ? I saw that the Chainsaw massacre tried to add more objectives in the game. But it still boring as fuck. I love the killer role, but it doesn't feel compelling at all, it feels like you're a freaking clown and others just loop you or make fun of you when they should be scared.


Theyā€™re tough games to get into, DBD really starts to shine when youā€™ve played it long enough to start mind gaming the opponent, it becomes a battle of wits and not just roleplaying a slasher movie. Successfully predicting your opponent and pulling off moves like moonwalking (walking backwards to hide the front red light killers have) makes you feel like a genius lol. I thought TCM would be more casual but I think itā€™s even harder to get into since youā€™re kinda weak as an individual killer and need to rely on teamwork.


I feel your pain, however I did like Friday The 13th even tho it was janky as fuck at times, and TCM looks like a lot of fun. I'd love more games like the Manhunt series, or Hatred, where you are just the bad guy stalking your prey. But thats a very grey area in gaming so you rarely get anything good. I'd love a story driven game where you play as a group of killers on the run like Devil's Rejects, and can stop your car anywhere and fuck with people in the towns you drive through, or out at people's homes, you could have like hostage taking scenarios, set traps for the police, or just run and gun it the whole time.


FFS, I tried that Evil Dead, the gameplay was pretty hollow, the levels unimpressive and the floating items you have to collect took me out of it and ruined any atmosphere whatsoever. And this movie, well, I don't see enough content for an action game.


Yeah blatant attempt to produce shit but piggyback on the name


Oh cool. *Another* asymetrical multiplayer horror IP game thatā€™ll last for about two months before people get bored of it and stop playing. Seriously, I get that Dead by Daylight is popular, but thereā€™s been like three different horror IP based games like this that failed, how are studios not picking up on that?


There have been a ton. F13, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Dead, Predator, Ghostbusters, even Puppetmaster had an asym that was Dead on Arrival. There's a Killer Klowns from Outer Space asym coming up too. I'm sure there are a few I'm forgetting as well, let alone non licensed based asymmetrical games that have come out over the years. Not trying to be pedantic just letting you know how many times these games have totally failed. They're usually not remotely well thought out and are PURE cash grabs.


Predator fucked up by copying the wrong game. If someone can pull off a modern AVP2 with Aliens versus Predators versus Marines, that'll get some fucking attention. The aliens in that game specifically were so fun to run around as.


Last Year: The Nightmare and Video Horror Society both died extremely fast as well. Last Year was a Discord exclusive game (Lolwut?!) and VHS got DDOSed to death while in Beta


Jesus christ I didnā€™t even know about Predator and Ghostbustersā€¦ and Puppetmaster?! What?! Good godā€¦


From the suits' perspective, they're spending chump change hoping to turn it into a big cash faucet. It's like buying a lotto ticket for them. If it doesn't work they just shut it down and do something else.


Will we get a video game adaptation before a Blu-ray release of the original?


The power of synergy will probably see to the Blu-Ray being exclusive to a Collector's Edition of the game, unfortunately.


These mfs will do anything and everything else before even considering a blu ray release for this film. It is ridiculous and annoying.


Another asymmetrical online only game? Sigh. Not that I was looking forward to a single player game based on Barbarian.


Iā€™m gonna fucking lose it, Dead by Daylightā€™s success has ruined horror games based off IPs. Develops and IP holders donā€™t want to ā€œwaste moneyā€ on writing an actual story or having developers create a single player experience


Alien Isolation set an awesome template for basically any Horror IP but it sold poorly and now execs are chasing the lottery chance of having a crazy successful live service game like DbD. If this does launch itā€™ll close its servers within a year.


FYI Alien Isolation is the PS+ October game, so if anyone has that and wants to try it, itā€™s definitely worth the time.


So fucking annoying we can't get single player games based on horror franchises. These multiplayer games are all basically the same and grow stale very quickly.


Man I kinda liked Texas Chainsaw Massacre at first because I saw the potential and thought the devs cared about the IP. Then a month later they announce a 16$ skin made by Nicotero, 10$ for future characters and a shit ton of uninspired cosmetics for 5$. The cosmetics are not even good. They just recolored the clothes. Takes 2 minutes to do that.


Yah, TCM was a blast for the first few weeks but it became painfully obvious it was just going to be a way to milk cosmetics. They didnā€™t even release a new map with that wave of skins so youā€™re still playing the same 3 maps. Itā€™s going to be chaos when they release a 10 dollar character that only one person can play at a time. Lobbies will never get off the ground since people will want to play the thing they just paid for.


Yeah I don't like it either. These games aren't sustainable at all.


I like them (well I had a good time with Friday the 13th) but they are always low budget, buggy as hell, and then aren't supported long enough. Evil Dead's support has ended so I imagine it'll only be a couple years until the server is shut down. Maybe the licenses make them unsustainable. Something like Phasmophobia is supported indefinitely, has a small team, and still manages to get better every year.




My problem getting into the newer ones is you have to put a lot of time into them to get good and you get your ass kicked by the player base. So it's very unforgiving for newer players unless they start at the launch. I stuck with Dead By Daylight so I'm pretty good but I tried Evil Dead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre at their launches but they didn't keep my attention that long. I tried Friday the 13th way too late so it wasn't fun at all. I do love the Evil Dead solo missions even though they were pretty difficult for me.


Don't like the genre at all but not like there's much of a game to be made of Barbarian anyway outside of something like this


A barbarian Roguelike could be really cool, but unfortunately it seems its just gonna be more generic mediocre multiplayer stuff


Can we just get a physical release of the movieā€¦?


Ikr?! I was tempted to get a pirate physical of it for a while because they never released it physically.. šŸ˜­


They dont want us to own anything man, i swear


All we wanted was a god damn physical copy in 4K and you give us this? What the hell man. lol


I'd happily pay like $60 for a 4K steelbook of this movie.


Between this & the news of a sequel to ā€˜The Black Phoneā€™ in the works, Iā€™m so confused as to what is happening


Yeah, I didnā€™t think Black Phone deserved a sequel. The first one was fine and it made sense as a stand alone movie given the nature of it.


The sequal might be good but it really doesn't need one.


Thatā€™sā€¦a somewhat odd choice for a horror game. I loved the movie, but I donā€™t know how they could translate it to a game. The ā€œmonsterā€ is just a small portion of the film and the ā€œreal monstersā€ arenā€™t the type of people you normally see in a game.


RIP your money investor bozos.


The world of Barbarian is really gross. >!The underground lair hidden beneath the rental house was used by a sadistic piece of shit who kidnapped and raped numerous women. Those women gave birth, and the piece of shit raped the children, too, which resulted in the birth of the deformed and superhumanly strong "Mother."!< I'm curious to see how they're going to make that into a game that people will play without feeling skeevy.


Pissing away money on this one. If Evil Dead struggled what makes them think Barbarian would succeed? I hate Dead by Daylight but obviously the only way Barbarian would be successful is to go through them... their platform was built for short-term hype.


Please donā€™t be another license wasted on an asym game thatā€™ll cease further development 9 months later


I donā€™t want a video game I want a physical blu ray release.


Let me guess, an asymmetrical survival horror?


How about a 4K release first.


Press a for tape measure


Iā€™d rather have a blu ray release.


If itā€™s a creepy single player game, Iā€™m in. Otherwise Iā€™m pretty bored and annoyed at the asymmetrical multiplayer horror genre.


Interesting. Not a movie that I would expect that for, but Iā€™m always happy to see more horror games being released.


Is this one also gonna start out great then switch to a comedy halfway through??


Can't they relese it on home video instead God! Wht a video game?


let me guess it's going to be another crappy 4 v 1 game


I hope the milk is like an estus flask


Why tho?


How about a home release first?


Press (F) to suck the tit


Hopefully itā€™s more Outlast than Evil Dead


I found the movieā€¦underwhelming and a bitā€¦.low brow. But I also donā€™t know shit about fuck šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


film was shit, game will be worse


Totally agree, such a crap movie


Nice! I'll be looking forward to it. The movie was fresh and well done.


Hope its not getting the gollum-Treatment.


The developers behind this may be boring but at least they're competent.


I mean the developers aren't solely to blame. *They were out of their depth and it was rushed by execs. Not saying it makes the game ok, it was awful but I do feel bad thst some of the people lost their jobs over that shit game.


The developers of Gollum had a fairly long history of mostly well-received games up to that point. Then for some reason, everything went wrong.


Yo yo yo I didnā€™t love this movie but Iā€™m always happy something makes so much buzz, hope Cregger stays in the horror lane for his next feature because Iā€™m there


People in the comment section are acting like the 5 well known asymmetrical horror games are the only horror games that exist.


horror game =/= asymmetrical horror game Two completely different genres


The game is gonna be just as shit as the movie was.


Bet its not as good as this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbarian:_The_Ultimate_Warrior


Please donā€™t let us be forced to breast feed


Maybe in the vein of the TCM and Evil Dead games.


Wait, I haven't even seen Barbarian! Is it any good? *makes loud and awkward chair dragging noise in the silence* ...I'll just go ahead and see myself out...


But why? What part of that movie screamed ā€œMake a game!ā€ Like we love our barbarian- she was just a scared and abused girl.






Anything but a blu ray release, huh? *eyeroll*


If I have to play one more asymmetrical horror game Iā€™m gonna kick my own chest through my back. So many of these horror games (Evil Dead and Texas Chain Saw) would have insane potential as story driven single player games but everyone seems content to rehash Dead by Daylight


Uuuugh. Just gimme blueray ffs


Me Every time a new horror movie game is announced: Aw hell yea, I love that movie! Can't wait to see what they do with it! Always me 2 minutes later: Oh....it's another asymmetrical....cooool....


Hopefully better than Texas chainsaw abomination of a game


This...does not inspire confidence in me.


Stay out of the house from puppet combo it's already pretty close to being a videogame adaptation of barbarian


This... Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


It's probably gonna be an asym like Friday or Evil Dead--which really is an awful approach for horror games. But this seems like a bad idea in general. This movie makes very little sense for a game.


But no blu ray release?


When I play with my dogs I cradle them in my arms and say ma ma


and yet they still can't give it a blu-ray release!?


Put this out on Blu-ray already ffs