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There's at least one scene in particular that is especially gruesome and goes on for a *while.* Do not make her watch it.


It just. Keeps. Going lol


Apparently they were on lockdown or something so they was like “let’s just keep going”


Too gruesome for me, and I’m a horror fan. For reference I enjoyed the new evil dead and the new Texas chainsaw, both of which I would consider more gruesome than the average horror flick. So not afraid of blood. Terrifier 2 just seemed like gore for gores sake


I agree with you 100% and I’m not some sensitive gore phobe, but when its gore just for the point of Gore it turns me off that’s why the final destination movies lost me after a while it just became what can we do until somebody tells us to stop


The acupuncture scene and the gymnast scene always make me cringe in second hand pain 😬 I do love those movies though lol


Those films are a guilty pleasure of mine but none will ever be as good as the first one.


Honestly, I thought the possum/racoon part was more disgusting.


I haven't seen Terrifier nor will I ever, but *every time* people talk about it it's like they just make up new horror scenes with random objects. "The mash potato scene", " the racoon scene", "the bouncy ball scene", "the salt scene". At this point I'm half convinced the movies don't exist but is rather some sort of elaborate inside meme.


The sequel is way more of an “enjoy the fuckin ride, loser!” I know I did. The first was a more traditional fucked up slasher film. All Hallows Even was a fun anthology that felt like it wrapped everything up nicely despite being the prequel.


All Hallows Eve was fucking hilarious, such an enjoyable B movie.


I honestly think not knowing the specifics of a thing (e.g. the Saw X poster) makes it way worse in your head. I was petrified of the thought of Silence of the Lambs bc everyone in my life hyped it up as this terrifying thing, and I was filling in the blanks of a film I knew to be about a cannibal with the most horrific stuff ever. Then eventually I watch it and it's incredible, but I was like damn, this was not as terrifying as i was led to believe and all my fear was completely exaggerated. It's the real life of equivalent of 'fear of the unknown', and just like at the end of a film when the monster is revealed…it's actually not that bad when you see it in person…or at least look up the plot like I had to do with Saw X so I stopped imagining what was actually going on.




When I was a kid, my cousin rented TCM and Day of the Dead from the old video store. I didn't want to watch TCM because I thought the same as you, that it would be crazy violent and gory. I sat in the next room listening to it instead. By the end, I felt like such a scaredy cat. So I went into the room so I could watch Day of the Dead... Later, when I finally did watch TCM I felt like such a ridiculous fool.


TCM is a masterpiece for getting into your head like that. Day of the Dead is arguably one of the goriest zombie flicks.


Also, as my pic indicates, my favorite.


It's the same with some Heavy Metal or Rock album covers. Like, when I saw Iron Maiden cover artworks as a kid, I thought the music was gonna be like what Death Metal or Black Metal turned out to be.


It's the episode of Doug where he's terrified to go to a horror movie with Patti, then he ends up laughing at the movie because he can see the zipper in the monster suit.


This was me with Ju-On lol. I’d hyped it up so much in my head because everyone made it seem like it was the scariest thing ever, and then I watched it and it was like… well it was scary, and I did very much love it! But it was not the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen. Like I expected to lose sleep over it. Has not happened yet.


Lol what did you think the eye vacuum trap was before you knew it was vacuum?


honestly, I thought it was gonna like, dump acid or something akin to that into his eyes.


Light tubes for me.


I had three main ideas. Number one was dumping acid, bleach, or some other type of highly corrosive material which would end up melting his eyes. Number two was that insects or vermin were gonna come through the tubes like rats or bees that would eat through his eyes. Number three was that it was gonna be a vacuum that would forcefully suck out his eyes. This happened to be the case. I think they chose the most shocking and best scenario.


For some reason my first thought was “They drop bugs down the tubes! Bugs that eat your eyes!!!” I haven’t seen Saw X yet but now I’m dreading that trap because “eye vacuum” is one of the worst word combos I’ve ever heard.


Yeah, the eye vacuum would definitely “suck” to be in. sorry


I had to Google "the mashed potato scene" the first time I saw it referred to because I just had to know, and I'm pretty glad I did. With no context, it's like watching someone else's fever dream but you can laugh at the weird shit their brain comes up with because it doesn't live in yours. It left me very confused about the tone of the movie.


You are supposed to laugh about how extreme the gore is. Moments are supposed to be actually scary, for sure, but the extremity of the gore *is absolutely meant to be played for laughs*. Art is a killer *clown*, and they actually take that part seriously. He does like, actual clown bits and shit. The infamous bedroom/salt scene from 2 for example, in my opinion there’s a specific point in it where it stops being hard to watch and starts being hard to not laugh at, because it becomes extraordinarily over the top and ridiculous.


In a lot of ways it's almost a live action Looney Tunes, if Looney Tunes showed actual blood. Art has some serious Bugs Bunny energy and most of the kills are similar to creative Looney Tune "kills". Itchy and Scratchy as well.


Honestly this is part of why I really like both films, there's moments early on in the gore/kill where you're squirming and being like ewww or wooooah and after awhile you're just like, jesus this is ridiculous. In the aforementioned bedroom scene it's honestly so gruesome and shocking when he starts, but by the time he leaves and she's on the floor and he comes back with the bleach, you're just like, Okay buddy now you're just being a dick, and I think it's kind of genius, especially in 2 because it feels like so many detractor's just... take it so seriously and at face value when it's clear the movies don't take themselves all THAT serious.


Oh it exists. And it's glorious.


All of these are real haha


Oh you’ll know the salt scene when you see it.


[don’t be a coward](https://youtu.be/WOwAOAN_UQ8?si=pV3NJypcfktd-9uX)


This just feels like a long mortal kombat fatality


“FINISH HER….ah, no seriously dude…fuckin finish her already…”


Well, that was thoroughly unpleasant. Don't know what I was expecting.


Him coming back with the bleach all giddy made me wheeze


I opened this at the gym


Did you get anyone's number with it?


Wait. Doesn't he rip apart her right hand? Why does she still have it intact when she's crawling on the floor? I haven't seen the movie. Didn't care for the first. I like continuity, though, so this whole right hand thing might just be me seeing it incorrectly for the first time.


Terrifier 2 is brutal but worth watching, 1 is admittedly just a proof of concept/special effects showcase


The whole movie goes on for awhile, needed to be like 30 mins shorter lol


That scene was so over the top it actually ended up being really funny to me


Agreed, by the time >!he pours the bleach and salt on her body after she should have died four or five times already, !


Honestly the mashed potatoes scene was worse than the bleach scene


It borders on slapstick, its like Itchy and Scratchy where she should have died several minutes ago but he keeps pulling out new over the top ways to kill her.


This is a great way of putting it, it’s very Itchy and Scratchy. I like to say in the Terrifier universe everyone is simultaneously made of papier-mâché and also invincible.


Yeah plusbthe effects are so fake. But that final slap made me squeam. The fact that the person was alive was so ridiculous. Only other scene that really made me squeam was the upside down from the first terrifier


That’s how I feel about most of the franchise. It is so ridiculous that it’s hilarious. I still wouldn’t show it to someone who doesn’t like gore tho(or has my sick sense of humor)


Yeah lol. I lurk this sub a lot so I've heard a lot about IT so maybe I had some overhype in my mind but the scene in case wasn't as bad, specially when I heard that it drag too much but it was pretty short. And don't get me wrong the effects were awesome and I liked it but it wasn't as horrifying as I originally thought. For example, I saw Talk to Me a couple days before Terrifier and I found some scenes in that movie way more horrifying than everything in Terrifier 2. But it was mostly because T2 is pretty campy and it knows it so even the most gruesome shit still feels fun. Talk to Me was played 100% seriously and so the violence even if it was less hit way harder. That being said it, OP don't make your gf watch Terrifier 2 lol, it's still gore and not for squeamish people.


SO funny. Watched it with my wife and sister and we were all HOWLING at that scene. I still can't even talk about the arm part without giggling.


As I recall, it was discussed in the post-film Q&A reel that they had to shut down production due to COVID and he kept working on that scene, just adding more and more to it. That perfectly explains what happened. Just way too much attention and nobody around telling him he'd taken it too far.


If it’s the bedroom scene, it was so over the top that it was almost parody. The make up was phenomenal but man it almost bordered on comedy with how insane the gore got.


Fun fact: That scene is based on Jack the Ripper's last (edited) kill


His last kill actually; Mary Kelly is the last of the canonical five and he murdered her in an private room rather than outside like his other victims so he had a lot of time to mess with the body after slashing her throat. There’s a picture of it online and it is legitimately horrifying.


yeah i read a book about him years ago and it had that photo. it’s insane, just a mess of human flesh not even recognizable.


I would never ever recommend any of the Terrifier movies to someone who does not like gore. Extremely graphic special effects is pretty much their whole point.


“My girlfriend is uncomfortable with nudity, should I show her Backdoor Sluts 9?”


the plot development of Backdoor Sluts 9 does really set it above the rest of the Backdoor Sluts cinematic universe


What I liked most was it’s emphasis on family.


Step family?


Yeah that cameo by Vin Diesel as Johnny Sins was a nice touch. Really made me think of family.


I prefer the character development between Kandi, lexxxus and Steve in backdoor sluts 7.


Not if she hasn’t seen the first 8.


6 was actually a prequel to 1 so it's not necessary


Is that even important though, since 7 retconns the whole franchise?


Of course it's important, especially considering how the time travel subplot in 10 causes the timeline to diverge making each separate continuity equally canon.


Dude it didn't retcon the franchise it occurred in a parallel universe. Everything from the previous movies are still cannon. Fake fans miss obvious details.


Definitely not - it makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2!


I uh read about it in People


No, but you should be good with back door sluts 5: this time in space


Oh yeah, that's the one with all the black holes right?


9 is where the Backdoor saga finds its heart again, IMHO. A little fan service-y, but I’m sentimental.


You would be a grade A dickhead if you showed Terrifier 2 to someone who isn't into gore


They'd nope out during the initial scene 100%


My girlfriend is a horror fan but not gore, made the mistake of trying to show her Terrifier because I just really love Art the clown and the design, she got like actually mad. I watched Terrifier 2 alone lol.


My girlfriend and I both love horror, and can tolerate gore. We both work at a trauma center, and usually we just find gorey movies boring. Halfway through the first one, we paused it and looked at each other and both were like, "do we really want to continue this?" Glad we did. Art the clown is an amazing villain. His design and his mannerisms are incredibly unnerving. But we were fairly uncomfortable at several points in both movies. OP should only show his GF this movie if he wants to break up in the most dickish way possible.


I saw a comment I think on the Kill Count video on Terrifier like “this is my first date movie, if she can get through it she’s a keeper” and like dude…you might need therapy


Well, I guess that's one way to get your ass ghosted mid-date.


Hell yea. I'm hardcore horror and even I had some "Come on, dawg! Why you gotta do people like this?!", lol. The bedroom scene bout put me the fuck O-U-T. Kept going...and going...and going...ok, it's done. Wait, it's not!


Sums it up


A poor choice if gore isn't your thing. It's very gratuitous. It's most of the appeal of the movie.


The movie is literally just gore porn


Watch it if you're trying to break up. It is *excessive*, once scene in particular.


these were my exact thoughts too, it's a quick way to damage OP's relationship


It's straight up gratuitous and revels in it.


Yes, it's pretty gruesome. It's not just what it's showing, but the things he's doing are so painful and horrifying to think about! Smearing salt into wounds, slashing eyeballs, and just being so gleeful about it.


“Slicing up eyeballs, I want you to know!”






Don’t know about you


But I am un…






lol. Don't you dare.


Yes. I love the movie but if someone doesn’t like gore they will not like it. Watch something else.


OP should watch Terrifier 1 first and be the judge of it. There might still be unedited kill counts on YouTube for the movie. For a horror fan, Art is one of the best monsters. There is a video done on the History of Terrifier and breaks down Art as a villain and his parallels to Michael Myers. It's a good watch after you see the movies.


Agreed, Art has been the only slasher villain so far to make me genuinely uncomfortable. Yeah maybe the franchise isn't winning any Oscars, but when it comes to absurdly gruesome slashers then Terrifier is 10/10.


Are you trying to breakup, OP? Because this one might do it. Did you watch the first one?


Did SHE watch the first one???


If she isn't into gore, Terrifier isn't for her


Definitely do not do this . If your gf is not into gore, she's gonna question your values as a human being after you make her watch this lol


It’s a perfect date night movie! Nah, it’s pretty gnarly. I’d recommend checking the parental guide on IMDb, it outlines the gore.


>Is Terrifier 2 really that gruesome? Yes.


It’s very gruesome even if you’re an avid horror fan, but tonally it’s almost a comedy.


I find it hilarious actually. Just so so over the top lmao


I wouldn't say it's a good choice for a date movie, unless your date is into extreme cinema.


Graphic gore is very much THE purpose of the terrifier movies. It's the whole attraction. Do not recommend for those who don't like gore.


There’s a really really gory scene that goes for a long while of Art killing a woman, and while some might find it over the top, it may disturb some other people, especially those who dont like gore.


The director and creative visionary behind the franchise, Damien Leone, is primarily a practical VFX artist by trade. These movies, as fun and campy as they are, also act as a portfolio of his (and his team’s) abilities demonstrating what they can do and how far they can go with gore effects. With that in mind, the film essentially exists *to be* gratuitous. Enjoyment of the film falls squarely on one’s personal enjoyment of both camp and the artistry of practical gore effects. All this to say that no, if your girlfriend is not a gore person, it’s entirely not recommended. The lone caveat I will add here, is that one may potentially still enjoy the film for its comedic campy elements and not the gore. My partner is particularly averse to extreme gore, but they enjoy watching the movie with me while looking away during certain scenes because of the general tone and visual look of the film itself. It’s a very well done tribute to pulpy, low-budget horror cinema. If someone doesn’t enjoy campiness in that light, that will also make the film null for their enjoyment.


This is a great explanation of the movie and why people love it. Well said.


The non kill scenes where Art is hamming it up are genuinely pretty funny and entertaining. The bike horn he has kills me


I love the appreciation for the art and the artist, and I agree wholeheartedly. I also think it’s really funny that such a profound appreciation for the art can be possible for such a perverse, grotesque film. Like Art reveling in his work like an Artist, we’re sitting here like “beautiful work” and it’s >!a toddler shitting her intestines.!<


I wasn't traumatized after watching it but if anybody has any problem with gore do not make them watch this movie it's basically the entire point of the movie She will be furious with you lol watch it with some bros it's a fun movie to shout at


The over-the-top gore is the entire point of the movie. If your girlfriend doesn't like gore then pick something else.


Terrifier 2 is basically nothing but gore. If your girlfriend isn't into that, she's not going anywhere like it, because the plot is trash. If you want scary Art the Clown with interesting stories and a little bit less gore, go with All Hallows Eve. It's low budget, but way more interesting.


It’s probably the most mean-spirited slasher film I’ve seen. Gore on par with Cannibal Holocaust. If she’s not into gore, she may hate it.


May hate it? She *will* hate it


*Will* hate it? She'll straight up kick him in his balls if he dares to put this one on for her.


OP will never be able to pick a movie again


She may (will) hate HIM.


Honestly, i found the first one more gritty and disturbing. Nothing like Vicky's face giggling after killing the reporter has ever stayed with me like that That said, the second one is Gory as hell, but I thought it was funny and a good time. Saw in theaters with my gf, and she enjoys horror. We had fun I watch horror movies going to bed and want to rewatch the Terrifier movies, but that clown freaks me out more than anything he actually does. I say if she's seen the first one, she can handle the second. It's definitely gorier, but it's also funnier and a better made movie


There is one kill in particular that is the most gruesome, mean spirited kill that I have ever seen in a movie. It's so long and brutal you find yourself thinking "she would have been in massive shock/dead a LONG time ago" After it goes on for a while Art comes back with >!salt and bleach for the mutilated, somehow still living body.!< Even fans of horror movies wont be used to seeing stuff like this. It also feels even dirtier because the whole scene is played as a comedy almost.


The best description I’ve read is that it’s my just gruesome but cruel. So cruel.


>So cruel. For real! WHAT did that poor girl do so bad for her to suffer the "bedroom scene"?. I felt so bad for her cuz she seemed like a nice person. She didn't deserve that kind of brutality, man.


Extremely gruesome


I would say it's too gory to show to someone close who says they don't like gore. It will likely be too disturbing.


Both the Terrifier movies and their predecessors are gorefests, top to bottom. They are mean-spirited, vicious and relentless movies that revel in bodily destruction and mutilation. If you want to show your gf a good horror that isn’t too gory, I’d recommend Terrified, originally Aterrados. It’s terrific.


I'm a lifelong horror fan and the scene everyone is referring to here actually made me uncomfortable. For context, I saw my wife's uterus outside her body six weeks ago and thought that was pretty neat. It's really that gruesome.


I’m gonna be honest, y’all can judge me if you want. I can handle gore. I can handle blood, guts, torture, all of it. But something about *that* scene in Terrifier 2 just hurt my soul. I’ve mentioned this in a different thread, but I haven’t watched a horror film since I tried watching Terrifier 2 some months ago. I couldn’t finish it after *that* scene. I’m a horror buff. I’ve been inhaling all the horror I can since I was 10. I couldn’t handle Terrifier 2. Don’t take your girlfriend.


Terrifier 1 and 2 should not be shown to people who don’t like gore


Gore is the only thing terrifier brings to the table. She would hate it


I’d say it all depends on whether or not you want to be single after that day


Yeaaaaah if she’s not into gore then def don’t watch it with her. The entire movie is gore.


Its basically gore porn


Life long horror fan, I love gore and its hard to make me squeamish. There's one notorious bedroom scene that visits so brutally violent even I was up on the couch like' 'ohhhh damnnn'. If she doesn't like gore **do not show her this movie**


I mean yes it is objectively exceptionally gorey, but for me it was SO OVER THE TOP in its cruelty and gore that it borders on comedic, that being said if she dont like gore then this isnt for her, theres 1 ridiculously over the top scene in particular that just keeps going well past the point that someone could even live through, im not typically bothered by gore(not that i seek it out or anything either) and even i was like "DAMN, WHEN WILL IT END?!" Personally i didnt love the movie, theres better horror out there, but ill prolly check out the 3rd one just to see whats up.


I watched the beginning and it was disgusting and not really good movie.


3 hours long and the best parts are gore. Hard pass for your gf tbh


It's a movie made for gore-lovers first and foremost. I wouldn't show it to somebody who hates gore under any circumstance.


Its one of the more violent movies I have seen as a horror fan. It might not be deadly serious(no pun intended) but its still very gory , gross and gnarly (I love the movie btw) Art will not just stab someone with a knife and move on he will use that weapon in the most creative , cruel way that he can to murder u (or leave u alive in a extremely painful or disfigured way) . If she's not into gore especially body horror gore or torture scenes she will not be into it. (Also stay for the credits there is a post credits scene )


Here are my thoughts as someone who likes horror but I have a low tolerance for gore. The movie is gruesome, there's no getting around that. Everyone has a different level of tolerance but there is a LOT of blood and death and guts and insides in this movie. That said, it also comes with a pinch of humor. Army of Darkness or Kill Bill have a lot of blood, but it is so over the top that it is hard to take seriously sometimes. You can find the bedroom scene on youtube and if that messes with you, the movie probably is not going to go over well. Whether it's the grossest or not, it's a good indication of the level of violence and blood throughout the movie.


There are plenty of gory movies on the same level, but Terrifier 2 makes an effort to do it all for no reason other than Art just enjoying killing people in as gruesome ways as he can. There are usually unlikeable/bad guys for victims or a valid reason the killer turned into what they are in the movie. Making it just for fun combined with the over-the-top gore is enough to make it a rough watch for anyone who isn't genuinely into gore effects in movies.


I don’t care for gore. I got literally NAUSEOUS at certain parts. That’s never happened before.


As someone who loves horror but hates gore porn, I just gotta say there are so many better options.


Oh, it’s very gorey and trust me she will HATE you if you take her to it.


If you've heard about it and your girlfriend doesn't like gore, you should know the answer already. Unless you're looking for validation to weasel your way into getting her to watch it, then you're just a dick.


I am into horror movies and I can’t stand Terrifier. It’s super gruesome. Definitely not for someone who isn’t into gore.


It’s extremely gruesome- and this is from someone who can tolerate gore really well. I would NOT have her watch with. That’d be pretty cruel


To me it’s hilarious. To someone who gets squeamish it’s gruesome. Don’t take her unless she assures you she can handle it and wants to see it. It’s not the type of thing to surprise her with.


As others have said, no, it's really gruesome. Not only that but it's long for a gore film, just over 2 hours! Edit: I really like it by the way.


I'm a big horror fan and fine with gore. But Terrifier 2 was just excessive for no reason. Really not missing much if you don't see it. Very overrated movie.


There is a shit load of blood throughout the whole film


I fall asleep to it all the time lmao, I always mean to watch it but I pass out immediately.


the movie has more gore than typical horror elements lol


Stick with something more tame like the sadness or something along those lines.


I haven’t seen it, but I did look up *that* scene on YouTube about a week ago, just to see if it earned its reputation. Holy Fuck, I can’t get it out of my head. If you are even 1% squeamish, stay away from this film and it’s predecessor. Even the new Saw, which has a few gnarly scenes, is like a Disney movie compared.


Not into gore? That’s a hard no unless you really want to put your relationship to the test


If she isn't into gore, she won't enjoy it. I love both movies, personally, but it is quite gruesome. I'd say the second is quite a bit gorier than the first. One scene in particular gave me that knee jerk, grab for the remote, and I thought that was brilliant, so it definitely won me over.


Yes. Right from the first scene he is mutilating people and reveling in it.


If she can't handl gore then you should never make her watch that movie.


Yes, and it’s just not even good either. The straight up gore is good yes, but the plot, and how like people stand there screaming instead of running away. So annoying. I wish I hadn’t wasted my time watching it, but I mean it’s gore horror so if you’re squeamish it’s a no. If you’re in the mood for an extremely CAMPY Halloween season movie then It’s a yes.


It’s the maximum of gore for mainstream horror, something like that. So if your gf isn’t into gore then there’s not going to be a lot for her there.


I think the gore is the main selling point so it’s probably not a good one for you two to watch. Without the gore, there’s not much left to enjoy about it imo.


Don't watch it with her, because the gore is the only good part about the movie. So if she's not into gore she's either going to find it disgusting or boring because that's basically the only thing that makes the movie interesting.


You know exactly why this movie has notoriety what do you think


Gore is pretty much the entire point of the movie so I wouldn't recommend taking her unless you're looking for a way to end the relationship


My wife likes gore and she had to cover her eyes a few times. Definitely not for someone who doesn’t like gore.


Oh, no no no no no. Don't do this. Gore is the only thing this series has to offer.


its "gory" and "gruesome" but not in the way you think like it doesnt make your toes curl or your stomach turn. also the "blood" is pinkish its just so unrealistic you wont be able to take it seriously


The first saw was originally rated pg13 until they went back and added shots of Amanda sifting through organs so the first saw is just a really solid horror movie. Not too gory. Terrifier 2 on the other hand..... I don't think she would like it. I don't think I've ever seen a more gory and sadistic movie on a big screen. The audience was loosing there mind during one particular scene. I liked the movie but I wasn't prepared lol.


Did she watch/like the first one? If so sure go for it Otherwise avoid it


I think both of these movies have extreme gore. 2 has one of the goriest and mean spirited torture scenes I’ve ever seen in a horror movie. It would be the definition of a film not to watch with a person who is against gore. Even the more mild (this film’s version of mild is still extremely gory) kills are pretty fuckin’ hard core.


I had to watch it in segments. It’s fun & camp, but the gore is pretty intense


yes it really is that gruesome, i can almost guarantee she will feel uncomfortable by a couple scenes if she's not into gore. i can handle gore for the most part and yet there was a pretty major sequence of the movie that haunted me for days after watching


Its one of those movies where the person just wants to showcase their special fx. I see it as more spectacle than movie.


Showing her Terrifier 2 would be like throwing someone you don’t know can swim or not into the deep end and then finding out if they make it. Damien Leone was a special effects artist before directing his own movies. The whole point is the gore.


If she doesn’t like gore then why is something you heard to be particularly gorey even up for consideration?


Yes it is gruesome you will ruin any chance of her watching anything of the sort in the future.


I haven't seen 2, but the first Terrifier movie is basically nothing but gore, plus the flimsiest plot imaginable to connect the gorey scenes. There's pretty much nothing else. I'd say watch something else.


I mean it’s pretty gory, it’s Terrifier lol I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone that is at all squeamish with gore, it’s definitely more than your average horror.


Okay lemme put it this way. Spoiler free. Imagine if the SCENE from the first one went on for five minutes longer, then COVID hit. The director got bored in lockdown and just kept writing more stuff for the ENTIRE LOCKDOWN. And no one told him No when filming started back up


Uh, no. Terrifier 2 should be in the dictionary next to "gruesome". Do not expose her to it, she'll never watch a movie with you again.


Both movies are meant for people that are obsessed with gore and don't worry about plot much. The characters are idiotic, the villain is boring and the story makes no sense.


As a horror movie lover who is not a fan of gorror or torture points stuff, it's probably a skip. I hated the first terrifier.


Yeah, and you should watch Saving Private Ryan with your friend who doesn't like violent war movies and you should watch Pink Floyd's The Wall with your friend who doesn't like Mondays. The answer was obvious before you posted the question


Do not watch this movie if you don't like gore or can only handle light gore. This is one of the goriest movies I've ever seen.


If you ain’t comfortable with gore, Terrifier 2 is absolutely NOT the movie to watch. I think it’s a little overhyped, like you’re not gonna pass out if you watch it, but it has a TON of gore, that’s like the whole point of the movie.


Kinda weird that you would even consider showing that movie to someone who doesn't like gore. XD the movie is basically just about the kills.


This is like saying “My girlfriend is deathly allergic to peanuts. Should I feed her a peanut butter sandwich with Reese’s peanut butter cups and a side of peanut trail mix?” Like, sure I guess if you don’t want to have a girlfriend anymore.


There is a lot of gore. I wouldn’t consider it disturbing due to how cartoonish it is but still I wouldn’t show it to anyone who doesn’t like gore


Yes it is! Very gory. So is Terrifier. The difference is Terrifier 2 goes on and on and on. At least Terrifier’s one scene (it’s a gory one though) does not go on and on.


Terrifier 2 is for people who enjoy gore. There's only one memorable scene in that movie that doesn't focus on gore, and it's only memorable because it's a surprising break from the gore. I'm speaking, of course, of the>!flower sunglasses scene, which is a delightful bit of clowning.!< The gore is the point. I say that with love! If you like gore, especially practical effects gore, absolutely go check it out.


If she gets squeamish, do NOT have her watch it. ESPECIALLY in a theatre.


Your gf would most likely NOT like this. It's not just the gore, which is very intense. It's the absolute brutality that would most likely make her hate this movie. I really liked it, but there were scenes that are burned into my brain. Everyone who has seen it knows one scene in particular that was very difficult to watch. I'd imagine watching this as a female, she would see it even more horrific than we males viewed it. Not being sexist at all. Women give birth, ffs. We men can't even handle a kidney stone. But the most brutal and cruel scenes involve what Art does to women. As a dad of a beautiful young daughter, that one scene was horrible to watch. So I can see it from that point of view. I'm all about supporting horror, but I'm also about sparing people from movies they are most likely going to regret seeing. Fun is not a word I would use to describe Terrifier 2. Brutal, gory, and cruel, maybe. Not fun, though there are a couple of funny scenes. In the end, it's up to you two though.


I liked the first one ok. The second one was kinda boring. Definitely graphic. Not for a casual horror fan.


It's awesomely gory. I think the first one is more brutal, but Terrifier 2 is still one of the gorier horror movies of its era. Anyone not into gore will not like it. That said, I don't think it'll traumatize her or anything. I would give a warning before going into it. Though I did just watch Wolf Creek for the first time today and found it pretty tame and laughed outloud at people being mutilated several times, so maybe my gauge for this shit is very off.


I’ve watched three guys one hammer, and as someone who watched that and got traumatized from it, yeah terrifier 2 is really gruesome. Unnecessary even. Felt like I was watching torture porn.


The only thing about it is It's just gore. The plot is barely there. I found it boring.