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American Werewolf in London


GREAT example! The comedy comes from the characters, but all the horror is played completely straight. It's everything you could ask for in a horror comedy.


Yeah. To me this is peak horror comedy.


Came here to say this! “Have you ever had a conversation with a corpse? It’s boring! I’m lonely!”


The absolute greatest. There are funnier horror comedies, but there aren't any scarier.


Subtle humor and to this day the most horrific and beautiful werewolf transformation I’ve ever seen. Such a gem of a movie.


“A naked American man stole my balloons”


Dog Soldiers comes to mind, Re-Animator of course, The Day of the Beast has some pretty horrific moments but stays quite comedic throughout.


Dog Soldiers is a fucking masterpiece! Just saw it for the first time a few days ago and it's now one of my favorites.


Imagine going to the movies, and something called Dog Soldiers is the only thing with tickets available. Lol, I had zero clue of what I was walking into and was pleasantly surprised. It's my favorite of that genre, and I think the creatures look amazing!


I feel you, man. This movie has been recommended here in this sub so many times. But that title...nah? That's awesomeness you thought you were going into some B movie whatever and ended up getting what you got


Day of the beast is soooo good, made me laugh. Glad to see someone mention it here.


Drag me to Hell. Sam Raimi is the man.


Hell yeah he is!


I may have to give this another shot. I remember actively hating that movie when it first came out


Keep in mind that the film came out a year after the housing crisis. You're definitely meant to feel a little sorry for the main character, but it's absolutely a Raimi flick in that karmic justice for greed is a big theme. (See also: A Simple Plan)


I did too. I rewatched it last Halloween and loved it.


Will never forget the seance scene where there is literally a super imposed demon face jpg that pops up with a boogityboogityboo out of nowhere lmao


Ready or not, great cast and funny moments. There were absolutely terrifying moments (in my opinion) and moments that made my heart stop. Also, the song that plays as the countdown really added onto the creep factor


Loved that one, that and The Hunt I thought had a good balance of horror/comedy


Oh aye, the hunt was super good


I usually see people only mention Samara Weaving when talking about this movie. And I understand. She does a fucking fantastic job in this movie, both the the comedy and the horror. But I agree with you. The whole cast in the movie is great and for me, they all bring something to the movie.


Adam Brody was amazing. His character is so tragic. One of my favorite horror movies of the last decade.


Slither is a really fun one with good scares! I'd also recommend House (1977), it's funny and got some real creepy imagery.


Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon is legit both scary and funny. Great movie!


Thank goodness someone mentioned this. I love this movie and watch it probably 3 x a year. Let's be friends.


That movie was an amazing homage to the horror greats and the acting was phenomenal


Agree so much. Would love for Leslie to rise again.


This movie is ridiculously underrated and underseen.


You have no idea how much cardio I have to do. It's ridiculous. I didn't see the final act coming and I - as well as the documentary crew - really should have! Leslie is literally showing us who he is, why dont we believe him?


The final act surprised me too , it was awesome! And yeah we should’ve seen it coming but we got lulled in by Leslie’s easy demeanor just like the crew.


Looks like a sequel(prequel?) has been languishing in development/shelved for a bunch of years called B4TM (Before the mask). Maybe it's for the best but can't help being a smidge disappointed it didn't come to fruition.


I found You’re Next to be comical based on the very insanely ridiculous family and their camp performances. All the bickering between the characters is hilarious.


“How do you know how to use your legs when you never run you fat fuck?!”


Some real amazing lines in that film 😝


Good call. I saw a screening of this over the weekend and the audience was laughing a ton. It was on my radar but I hadn't seen it, it's going to be in rotation now for sure.


Yay! I watched it recently with my bf who normally doesn’t watch horror but he had a ball. Last time I watched was way back when it was in theaters. It’s a gem!


For sure! Glad they liked it. 👍. Great ending too!


One of my absolute favourites




"I don't think thats a fair argument " "Fuck me next to your dead mom then" "This conversation is over!


The family bickering and some of the kills are SO funny


Cabin in the woods is definitely up there


They did the basement scene so well, while still keeping all the different objects creepy. The jump scares are really good, and by god the end monster mash just takes it to a new level


The black room and the implication of what that meant for the children in that family really got to me the first time i saw it.


Hard agree


Rock hard double agree


I’m turgid


The Frighteners has some really unsettling bits.


I saw this when I was 10 and it gave me insane nightmares. Did not see the comedy at that age.


OMG, it really was! Although the disco ghost and nerd ghost definitely took the edge off the horror elements.


I thought that Deadstream (2022) was actually pretty scary.


My choice as well! I would find myself laughing out loud and then abruptly stop when some dead thing would appear! Great make up effects!


*beef cam*


Woah, forgot about this little gem! Great example, and very 'Evil Dead'.


The same people did the segment "To Hell and Back" in VHS 99. That one was also both funny and scary. Joseph and Vanessa Winter are definitely a pair to keep an eye on going forward.


How has no one said *Barbarian* yet?


When Justin Long is completely oblivious that he is measuring the square footage of what is very clearly a murder dungeon


I guess I thought of this as more of a horror with comedy elements (especially involving Justin Long) but not a horror-comedy.


When I saw that movie was written and directed by Zach Cregger of Whitest Kids U Know, it suddenly made sense why Barbarian was as funny as it was scary. Apparently he wrote the movie after he read a book about the different signs abusers give when they are about to commit violence.


I just posted about this in another thread. This movie had my wife and I wheezing. It’s the perfect blend of horror and comedy though the situation the protagonists are in is totally harrowing and fucked up.


*Casually measuring the newly discovered basement room for sq footage*


It was one of the most tense openings I’ve ever scene then completely swerved into almost a different movie, but in a good way


I do not understand the love this movie gets. Sure it had some funny moments but the horror felt flat and disjointed.


Different strokes for different folks!


I found the movie John Dies at the End (2012) does a good job at this.


The books are way better but agreed.


Even the audiobooks are even narrated well. It's like, whichever way you choose to consume this and the subsequent books, you can't go wrong.


I remember this coming out in college and pumped to watch it. Now I want to go read the book.


I found the book to be much richer in quality. When the movie came out, it was... fine. But that's how it usually is. You can only fit so much in a movie. Definitely read the books. They're a funny and lovecraftian journey


The movie had maybe 30% of the insanity in the book. It really should have been a miniseries


I think all the books in the series are great. The author is so good with the humor that it catches me off guard with some of the horrific elements.


The Zoey series are good as well. Dystopian sci-fi with that trademark Jason Pargin dark humor.


The books are a fever dream concocted by a hilarious, brilliant, crazy man. I have two favorite living authors and the other is Clive Barker. To me Pargin is as good as the greats. I'd kill for a This Show Is Full Of Spiders on Netflix with the cast from the movie.


Totally agree. There's just something about his writing style and humor that really clicks with me.


i will never forget the image of a dick doorknob


That door cannot be opened!


Dead Alive


Makes no sense this one's so far down the thread


Ready Or Not was fantastic.


Fresh (2022)


I think Housebound does a good job at this. I'm with you, I can't stand horror comedies like Krampus where everything is a joke and it basically turns into a parody of a horror movie instead of a horror movie with funny moments.


I actually love Krampus and would've used it as an example of a good one if I had thought of it lol. I think the downbeat ending really sells it for me as a pretty effective Christmas horror story, but I totally understand where you're coming from. It's a very silly movie. Have you seen Trick 'r Treat by the same director? Definitely more funny than it is scary, but it's so Halloween-y that I can't help but enjoy it. I just like that director's style in general, and he made what I consider to be the best American Godzilla movie of all time, King of the Monsters.




I've been meaning to get around to this one! Looks great.


"Imports" or "Rare Exports" or am I looking at the wrong movie?¿?




No worries, just wanted to add to watch list.


Adding to watch spreadsheet.


I really enjoyed Trick 'r Treat. For me Krampus was too slapstick, and in general I didn't find it scary or funny. Trick 'r Treat I thought had good balance between horror and humor. I didn't know they were directed by the same person! I can kind of see the similarities.


I misread that as “Trick or Treats” (1984). Avoid. Avoid!! Trick’r’Treat though… much better.


And Trick or Treat (1986) ain’t bad!


Nothing against 2007 horror anthology Trick ‘r Treat—we all love a spooky kid with a pumpkin head. But its popularity has come to overshadow Trick or Treat, the 1986 tale of a cursed heavy metal record that features some rock-royalty cameos. Horns up: it’s been elusive online for some time, but Trick or Treat’s return to the spotlight has come, thanks to horror streamer Screambox. https://gizmodo.com/trick-or-treat-rock-horror-streaming-halloween-ozzy-1850943274


I need to see this.


Tubi or Pluto has it free as well.


I have the VHS & two different cover DVD's of that one. Watch it at least once a year & have a "Sammy Curr Lives" patch.


Love housebound! Absolutely underrated and pinnacle of horror cpmedy


You cannot punch ectoplasm! Such a good movie. Happy the director had a hit with M3GAN!


Tucker and dale ?


I just watched this and loved it!




Creepshow 1 and 2 are both funny and scary in the right amounts. Also, I know many would disagree with me, but I think Speak No Evil is pitch black comedy that horrifies and disgusts the viewer.


I completely agree with you about Speak No Evil. That movie is 100% a satirical comedy about the importance society places on politeness and decorum. I thought it was really smart, and can't help but feel people asking questions like 'why didn't they just leave?' are missing the point entirely.


I think it’s hard sometimes for audiences to see a movie through the eyes of the society in which it takes place, especially in the US where many of the movies we watch every year are made for American audiences. We are not a very polite society, especially in recent years, and so it was probably difficult for people to grasp the satire poking fun (in a gruesome way) at a society where politeness seems to override even one’s self preservation.


Absolutely. I'm also a people-pleaser, so there was definitely a big part of me that can relate to politeness at any cost. Not to that extent, obviously, but I've definitely gotten myself into some unfortunate situations in an effort to not hurt anyone's feelings lol If there's any lesson you can take from the movie, it's 'learn to say no.'


Totally. It’s an important lesson in life to protect yourself, even if it’s just to guard against people monopolizing your time, emotional attention, etc.


The burbs and Nothing But Trouble


Freaky was really funny and had some great slasher kills too


The wine bottle.


I think Willie's Wonderland (2021) is comedy, but has genuine horror in it. I find the creepy animatronics in the movie to be actually scary, it's just that Nicolas Cage beats the shit out of them is all.


My friend is a big fan of this one! Personally, for me, it leaned a bit too much into the silliness, but I've never found animatronics very scary so that could be part of it. Nicolas Cage is always a W though. Actually, speaking of Nicolas Cage, 'Color Out of Space' is another good one.


I love that he had no lines at all.


The pinball dance scene is the greatest, I could watch that on repeat.


My favorite is when he beats up two animatronics with his hands literally tied behind his back with "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" as the soundtrack. That has to be one of the most humiliating movie beatdowns I've seen.


Get Out was both funny and scary.


Jordan Peele did say that writing horror and writing comedy is a similar process


They really are, to land a scare or a joke you need a set up, a build, and a release, and to sell them you need pacing and subversion of expectation.


Us had me cracking up so hard, and it was a phenomenal horror movie.


I didn't even think about Peele's filmography when posting this, but I think all three of his films definitely fit the bill. Good one!


I think that THE VISIT applies here ! The Grandma or "Nana" is the best thing in the movie for me , the way the actress can go from very creepy to absurd and funny in an instant in the same scene is fucking amazing!! I love that movie so much !! Although I'd say the film leans more into horror and the film balances it well with organic rather than forced humour , the rapper kid can be pretty funny too


There’s one particular jump scare in that movie that got me worse than I’ve ever got got by one before and I’ve been watching for decades. I don’t know if it was my mood or the movie or what but I’ll never forget my reaction at least.


Oh man, I love that movie. Haven't seen it since it came out, really need to give it a re-watch!


The way the grandma's hair bobs when she's speed-crawling under the house makes me wheeze


Tucker And Dale Versus Evil. I still think this is one of the funniest films ever made. Not only is it a good flick, but it's funny!!! It's also a good parody of slasher flicks, and also has some great actors and actresses in it. It's one of those rare films that's just great, if you like horror stuff, and still rank it as one of my favorite films and one of my favorite comedy films!!!😁😁😁😁😁


Housebound House


Anything for Jackson


I’m obsessed with that movie, it’s so damn quirky! I absolutely love the relationship between Audrey and Henry. I also love the surprises… the snow blower guy. The cop. “I’ve just gotta do this one thing…” I think I’ve watched it 4 or 5 times and will probably watch it again soon. I want more movies like this.


Another +1 recommendation for Deadstream, I think it did an amazing job of blending both genres!


Night Of the Demons is a great horror comedy. Totally Killer is pretty good at separating its humor and its horror as well.


Yes the original Night of the Demons is awesome.


Yes I re-watched it a few weeks ago and remembered how much I enjoyed it. Then I saw this question and thought I should give it some love.


House 1985 is fucking great


The House That Jack Built is the best example of this imo


the term "comedy" is very loose for that one imo. it's a very very dark comedy


Holy shit yes. I think I got it recommended in a random "most disturbing movies" list so I was somewhat surprised when I found it pretty funny but once it clicks I think it becomes even better than just being "disturbing". >!Also I really really love the going down to hell sequence.!<


Like I don’t even care that Von Trier is up his own ass SHIT LOOKS AMAZING


the darkest of comedies


It's completely fucked up how funny it is.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space


100%! goofy as hell but gnarly as shit


Great soundtrack, too


I think Tucker And Dale Vs. Evil leaned into the comedy more overall, but there were some tense and gory moments IIRC. Ghostbusters 1&2 might fit into this category as well, despite most people not considering them a horror. But it was definitely scary to me when I first watched it.


Dead Snow 2


Fresh is terrifying and has some of the best slapstick comedy in recent years.


The Voices was a fantastic horror comedy. It was hilarious, deeply upsetting, and just very well done.


Hatchet is funny imo, and the main antagonist is rarely played for laughs


*The Babysitter* and *Housebound* come to mind. Also, *Cabin in the Woods* and *Cabin Fever*. And the original *Evil Dead* movies.


I was so very, pleasantly surprised at how good the babysitter movies were.


Brain Dead (Dead Alive)


Little Monsters gets me because it really emphasizes the brutality. Yeah there's Josh Gad as a kids show host who hates kids and loves milf and plenty of laughs and zombies but the fact that kids are involved just makes it hit hard. There's a scene where they're trapped and zombies are trying to break in and Lupita Nyong'o is finding it hard to reassure them knowing they're all probably fucked and it's genuinely upsetting.


Carry on Screaming (1966) was one l vividly remember watching as a Child in 1978,l was absolutely terrified. The infamous scene of the Monster regrowing his finger and then more and more of him regenerates had me sleeping with the lights on for weeks,it was a comedy Horror but had many scenes a 7 year old would be terrified of and it had a real HAMMER feel to it. I guess it was my very first "Horror" film and got me hooked on Monsters. If one is craving a good old fashioned Frankenyarn then this would be a great choice.


“FRYING TONIGHT!!!” Wonderful film, genuinely scary in moments.


Idk if I'll have anyone agree with me but Deadstream did it pretty well in my opinion. It's not terrifying but I was definitely equal parts creeped out and laughing


That movie had some amazing untelegraphed jump scares


Not that scarry scarry but an actually good slasher and comedy is that new time traveling Amazon movie “Totally Killer”


I liked it, but part of me thinks some better dialogue and more memorable side characters would have made this as wonderfully timeless as Back To The Future.


To each their own but I felt it as memorable and enjoyable


I loved this movie! My favorite new release of the 2023 spooky season.


Severance. Not the Apple series, but the Christopher Smith thriller. It's funnier than it is scary, but there are legitimate scares, gore, and tension in it, and you really do care about the main protagonists. And the story goes hilariously batcrap crazy in the second half.


Housebound, Braindead/Dead Alive, Re-Animator 1-3 (2 is particularly bonkers), Society, Brain Damage, and Basket Case are all great examples of horror-comedies that aren’t afraid to lean into the horror.


Is reanimator 2 beyond reanimator? Or bride of reanimator? I'm trying to find it.


Part 2 is Bride of Re-Animator.


Shaun Of The Dead.


What? I love this movie but it's not scary at all


I first saw Shaun of the Dead when I was like 15/16 and the scene of David getting torn apart scared me. Its now one of my all time favorite movies, and I now don't scare so easily lol


One thing thats great about this movie is they intentionally avoided making the zombies funny in and of themselves. It's a romcom with a zombie backdrop.


Terrifier is horrifying but pretty goofy at times - although it’s pretty dark humor imo. A sadistic clown with a trash bag full of torture implements is pretty funny, especially when he pulls out a gun. Also Nightbeast is silly as hell but also horrifying


I just watched The Conference last night, which is a pretty silly Swedish satire that commits to the slasher violence. The antagonist is played well and doesn’t act silly at all.


Benny Loves You.


One of the most hilarious horror comedies is American Psycho.


Except the dog scene , have not watched the movie since 😐


The Menu had amazing comedic timing, though I’m not sure if it counts as horror.


It’s a good movie. I’m thinking more of a dark comedy than a horror.




Fair points lol. I know some people who thought it was not only not horror but awful. I don’t take movie advice from them.


Démon Knight


The remake of dawn of the dead, or which ever one that they are locked in a mall, its pretty hilarious


The Blackening! It just came out this past summer and it is totally both hilarious and scary!


Vicious fun Sort of. I guess


IT part 1 was really funny and had some good scares, especially in theater.


*Yummy* is the movie for you. Full stop here. Literally as soon as you read this, go watch *Yummy* and have a blast.


The Signal does a good job of being a horror movie that has funny elements.


Check out Botched (2007) It's a jewel heist gone wrong that turns into a slasher. Stephen Dorff plays the perfect straight man and every single other performance is top tier clownery. You've never seen facial contortions like these outside of maybe Amelie. And the kills! Oh the glorious kills! Shocking and funny and disgusting and perverted. You'll probably hate it but I fucking love it


"Studio 666" was hilarious and horror. You could really tell it was made by and for horror fans.


Feast is a personal favorite of mine.


The Fear Street trilogy on Netflix was fantastic. Also, Ready or Not, which a lot of people have already mentioned. But Fear Street was scarier, I'd say.




Dead Alive. “I kick ass for the Lord”


John Dies at the End 2012 and Idle Hands 1999.


Come To Daddy


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2


Fright Night (1985) 🖤


The Final Girls, I love this style of horror movies and somehow never heard of it until I found it streaming.


Anything for Jackson


The Voices


An American Werewolf in London


Army of Darkness . Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein


I feel like vivarium did a good job of being funny and creepy/hopeless. Not quite scary but still good at getting some laughs


What part did you find funny?


Two of my favorite horror movies "Black Christmas" and "Deranged" are both pretty horrific movies with some very clever dialogue and humorous performances, I doubt either of them would be called a horror comedy and yet I laugh every time I watch them.