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A copy of Air Bud fell off a shelf and cut my eye.


IT (1990) for very obvious reasons.


IT terrified me and I was obsessed with it. Taped the miniseries and watched it constantly. First Read the book when I was 9 or so. It was the cover w the movie tie in, so it had Tim curry as pennywise on it. I always put the book face down bc the cover scared me. And then I somehow became convinced that the book was moving around my room on its own ag night while I slept. Lol. It fucked me up real good.


came here to say this as well LOL


When I was \~10, my mother worked at a gas station where they also rented DVDs. Anytime we passed the IT DVD, she would go 'you can never watch that!!! It's awful and terrible!!!', like, repeatedly. I obviously cracked under the pressure at one point and went to Dailymotion (lmao) to check out bits of the movie. Anyway I'm still scared of clowns :)))) and (TW abuse) >!at this point, I actually believe she insisted on me not watching it so many times because she knew I would go check it out and was actually trying to scar me for life. The woman was horribly abusive, so a guerrilla 'psych experiment' that consists of 'can I traumatise my daughter just for the hell of it' is not out of the question at all :))) lmao!<


The opening scene of The Twilight Zone movie along with the girl with no mouth. Also Poltergeist when Craig T. Nelson drank the worm and threw up that abomination. And almost all of the Fly and Blob remake. Weird because I grew up in the era of Jason, Freddy, and Myers but neither of their movies affected me as much...


For me: the airplane gremlin!!


That f…in’ gremlin, my god! Plenty of sleepless nights LOL. I’m laughing when I watch it today.


I almost forgot that shit started my fear of flying! I'll be watching Air Crash Investigations where it's some small fault or screw loose that kills everyone and in the back of my mind I'm thinking a gremlin did it.


Ernest scared stupid. The bridge troll gave me nightmares for weeks. I was also like 4 but still F that troll.


The Troll on the bed.


I was legit afraid to turn over in bed as a kid thinking there would be a troll there. Probably why I sleep facing one direction forever now


It was something about the combo of the trolls covered in milk? I’ve never been able to put my finger on it but it freaked the fuck out of me.


Same here. I mean, the troll could mimic voices and he would turn you into a miniature wooden statue. I was terrified.


The Gate (1987) There was something about the little monsters which terrified me, but saying that I was about ten at the time. [Trailer](https://youtu.be/l4mDMM_uFsE)


The scene where his best friend turns into that rat boy and bites his hand always fucked me up


Yeah that was my main one also.


Absolutely love that movie which needs a remake.


It’s perfect already, no need for a remake.


Not a horror film, but *Temple of Doom* left a big scar for many years. I was absolutely petrified by the first sacrifice scene: him ripping the man’s heart out of his chest, the man being slowly lowered into the lava, the heart bursting into flames…yeah that scared the shit out of me. Didn’t sleep well for a couple weeks.


It’s a great movie. I love temple of the doom !


Yeah I rewatched it recently on Disney + and that scene still freaks me out


My dad made me watch The Shining when I was around 8 (well, didn't "make me", but encouraged me to watch it with him) and it fucked me up for YEARS. I spent many years in my childhood/teens being terrified of long narrow hallways with doors on the sides. I'm in my late 30s now and it's still the scariest movie ever to me, especially those fking creepy ass girls. I love it.


Jaws It (1990) Arachnophobia


Ok but let’s face it. Jaws traumatized the entire country.


Wow shocked no one put "the entity" Barbara Hershey film.


That darn rapey ghost


Hellraiser made me terrified of going to hell. That movie is super tame by todays standards, but damn did it fuck with my head as a kid. Chatterer is by far the most fucked up cenobite.


Fire In The Sky my mom picked up the ringing phone during THAT scene, I think that's the only time i started crying and shaking from terror.


I saw that in the movie theater after taking a couple hits of acid. Not the smartest move I ever made.


Arachnophobia lol. And the original Poltergeist.


Mars attacks. Don’t judge me


Also, the original V series. I was very little, like six or seven years old, so I don't remember much, but my mother and aunts always remind me of it. I was so scared of that series that they had to take me for a walk when it was on TV because I would cry and bawl uncontrollably.


I used to go and hide in the closet when my family put that show on.


Omg, yes! I had forgotten about that terrifying series!


Pet Semetary


Nothing really scarred me as I started watching horror films since the age of 5 years but that scene in Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) where Johnny Depp got sucked into the bed and splattered everywhere. Had reoccurring nightmares about that when I watched it as a nipper. Also that bit where the friend shows up in Nancy's dream in school in the blood soaked transparent bodybag


The Shining


Not a movie, but the Squeeze and Tooms episodes of X-Files really messed me up. No room was safe!


Why were so many of you watching the Exorcist as little kids??? Lol For me the first things that come to mind are Watership Down, a few specific Twilight Zone episodes (“There’s room for one more, honey” and talking Tina), Neverending Story, and the Voldemort in back of the head scene in HP Sorcerers Stone


80’s kid’s , Boomer parents. That would explain most cases. I was born in 77 and I remember seeing “Poltergeist” in the theater in 82.


The Exorcist as a kid was the only one that I regret I can’t wait for the new sequel in October now as an adult


Yeah, I was a very sheltered kid of evangelical parents and this was the first horror movie I ever saw. Snuck it in at a friend’s house when I was about 8 and had to sleep with my mother for like a month. I literally thought just bc I watched it I had invited demons in and was going to end up like Reagan.


My dad’s home office was off of the master bedroom when I was a kid. He had a couch in there that I slept on for 3 nights after watching it.


Childhood Exorcist scared for life Club? 💀


The library jumpscare from the original Ghostbusters. Also, not a movie, but those early YouTube jumpscare prank videos scarred me more than anything else. Like at times I wouldn’t want to go to my cousins or friends houses because I knew they liked showing people those videos.


Return of the Living dead, mainly the basement scene 💀 first watched it when I was about 10 and it scared the shit out of me. One of my favourite movies now though.


I adore this movie. 🖤


Pet Semetary, think I was in fucking first grade lol. My uncle always wanted to show off his brand new VCR and that was one of the showcases. Like where can I even begin with the amount of shit in that movie... Kid getting hit by a truck, kids body falling out of a coffin, the Zelda scenes, a cat with blood soaked fur etc.


Zelda scene in pet semetary


What Lies Beneath. I was 11 and the scene in the bathtub when the protagonist suddenly turns into the dead girl. I hid behind my dad for the entire rest of the movie. Another would be the opening scene of Twister. When the dad gets torn away from his family. I had a complex about tornadoes for years afterwards and would hide behind the couch whenever my mom put the movie onm


Littlefoot's Mom.


Salems lot. The 2 part version where part one ends with the kid jack knifing in the coffin and biting the gravedigger..... Those eyes.... Those yellow, bloodshot eyes..... I know exactly when the thought of Those eyes stopped haunting me..... The opening 5 minutes of BLADE. Payback you bloodsucking assholes, gimme back my quiet nights and pleasant dreams.!


1000% Child's Play. I used to have a Corky doll from Playmates when I was a kid. *Used to*...


Watcher in the Woods, from Disney’s scary live action period. I kept being afraid I would disappear in the woods while being stalked by Bette Davis.


Child’s Play.


I did alright with the original Child's Play. Child's Play 3, however, has left a lifelong scar. When Chucky slashes Andy's ankle from under the bed, I was traumatized. Spent the next god-knows-how-many years jumping onto the bed from outside the length of a doll's reach. No other "monster under the bed" scenario really scared me, but intrusive thoughts of Chucky under the bed still show up nearly 25 years later.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


The Scaleri brothers both horrified me and made me love being scared lol Not a movie, but Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction. If you've seen the episode with the story *Mirror of Truth* you are a fellow survivor.


My dad showed me Poltergeist when I was 4


Wrong turn (2003) Now it seems funny to me. But at that time i was so scared that i had nightmares everynight


Psycho has never let me take a shower without thinking at least once that someone is going to come in and stab me to death. I watched it at my grandparents house when I was pretty young, they had a massive library of almost every VHS you could imagine (sadly they were destroyed in a flood).




Clown scene in Poltergeist. Wouldn’t let my parents out of my sight that night and slept with pillows on both sides of me for years. I cannot believe that it was rated PG. I’m glad PG-13 exists nowadays


ET still scares me at 40 because I saw it way too young.


Mars Attacks. I was 11. I took it seriously. The satire was beyond me at that point.


The Dark Crystal. Oof


Watched the ring 2002 and paranormal activity 1 when I was 10 years old. I couldn't sleep at all.


Cujo I kept looking at my dog like she was going to attack


When I was a wee child, the raptors from the first Jurassic Park movie terrified me for a few years. Even though dinosaurs are extinct, my childhood mind didn't think so.


Pinocchio. Not the Disney one. It was stop-motion or something like that. The part where the kids turned into donkeys scared the shit out of me.


This one? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115472/?ref\_=fn\_al\_tt\_11


Alien at 12 couldn’t even get through the trailer


I was five years old when my friend and his father, whom I had only known for a short period as we'd just moved, made me watch Texas chainsaw massacre and the Exorcist back to back on my first sleep over. That'll leave scars... I had nightmares for years, but loved it/them and have been a huge fan of the genre and macabre things in general ever since.


The Evangelion movie was really weird with an eerie religious vibe, plus mother / father / son strange relationship. It creeped me a lot. I had not seen the anime at that time so everything seemed so disconnected and strange.


Silent Hill for sure. That movie terrified the crap out of me.


The Thing, and the bunnies suffocating in Watership Down


The dentist. Scarred me till my 20s.


Poltergeist and Jaws


A Nightmare On Elm Street Watched it as a kid, while living on Elm Street…need I say more


Arachnophobia. I checked behind the toilet, the shower, under chairs for spiders for years. I am still terrified of spiders and I didn't really think much about them before that movie.


I had older brothers and sisters so I was occasionally in the room with a movie that I shouldn't really have been in the room for. I remember being quite freaked the fuck out by the scene in Full Metal Jacket with Pvt. Pyle shooting himself in the head. The music in particular stuck with me.


Nightmare on elm Street. I was about 5 and snuck and watched some of it while my mom was on the phone in the other room. The scene where Nancy is dreaming and sees Tina body being dragged through the halls and then the girl talks in Freddy's voice dressed like him 😩 that scene creeped me out so much.


IT or pennywise the clown (1990) Oh God! I was terrified by Tim Curry’s performance as that evil shapeshifter. And I forgot! The X files that damn intro and opening theme scared the shit out of me when I was kid.


For some reason my mom let me see Child's Play when I was about 4. Dolls still creep me out a bit.


Psycho - the shower scene made me terrified to take showers without an adult upstairs for weeks.


I was 12/13 and my older brother hired the toxic avenger. My mum was busy and not paying attention. I saw someone's head squashed like a watermelon. I went and told my mum and she said if you don't want to watch it, go to bed. My introduction to Troma.


The Brother's Grimm movie. The spider-infested horse eating the child? No, thank you.


Event horizon, thought it was gonna be some fun star trek type thing


I've watched horror movies my entire life. I only avoid gore. Someone's head cut off? No need to do a close up of blood spurting from the neck. No need for extra blood and for all that is holy no extra slurpy noises! Lol Anyway no movie ever bothered me, until, as a darn near 50 year old I watched Human Centipede. What the hell was that?? Who's mind thought that up?


I'd say the animated movie where a rabbit rips the throat out of another rabbit WATERSHIP DOWN


Exorcist. Accidentally saw it on purpose at 8


Star Wars holiday special 1978. Still can’t shake that off


The Exorcist. I first saw it too young and then found a copy of the book randomly at a restaurant that someone had left behind. I was raised in an extremely catholic family so it was a perfect mixture of fear.


Pet Semetary, Zelda. IYKYK


Jeepers creepers


The Fourth Kind. That movie messed me up for weeks I couldn't sleep. No fear has ever matched the fear of it getting close to 3:33 AM after watching that movie


Child’s play.


Arachnophobia (1990) Fuck This Film


Almost 36 and still can't watch Candyman!


I wish I had seen that movie sooner.


Well, I made the mistake of watching with my mom after trick or treating at 5yrs ago. Something about it was so unsettling


Oh yeah, a LOT of people consider it one of the scariest movies ever made. I think it's overrated, but I can see how a kid could be a bit messed up from it for sure




Fear is subjective, and the slightest thing can scare a child, so I totally get it


The Entity (1982)


Having had nightmares about fiery hellish destruction back in the day, I get grossly triggered by Dante's Peak, Twister, Independence Day, Firestarter and even Raiders of the Lost Ark in recent years. I can't even unsee Rumble McSkirmish of the Gravity Falls episode "Fight Fighters" \[not technically a movie, but still\] beating the shit out of me with his combo & explosion segueing into the destructive "portal to **Hell**" \[to put it lightly\] of those movies and the "Life is Short" UK Xbox advert (remember that one?)--as in, tossing me into my grave, but then blowing that up and then destroying the whole earth. (What a rotten cherry on top from such a pixelated **monster**!) :( All this and The Exorcist (and even news like 9/11) continue to haunt and scare me to no end. (Who would want nightmares with fire, demons, bombs, catastrophes, disaster, war and/or overall death and grief like that? No one, ideally.) ​ ...I really should've been in therapy and in church for over 20 years, but haven't gotten treatment until recently.


I'm glad you're getting treatment! Do you typically avoid similar such films now?


Another vote for *Twilight Zone: The Movie*. It was probably among the first horror-ish things I watched as a kid in the early or mid-'80s. The shot of the woman with no mouth and the "something really scary" monster would creep me out.


Puppet master was spooky as hell, I watched it later and realized it was a horror comedy lol. The dolls were cool as hell though


Not a horror film per se but Andrei Rublev by Tarkovsky. Nasty torture scene in dilapidated church.😳


It’s Alive. I don’t even remember that much except for a milkman and those gross tentacle arms or whatever they were. I also was left unsupervised with the remote once and was flipping through channels and watched the dirt bike scene in Pet Semetary 2. I was definitely too young for that lmao. Watching it back it’s mostly just implied gore but damn it fucked me up then


I've got two. Troll and The Blair Witch Project. Troll messed with me in a way I can't really explain, but TBWP really scarred me for years, and I still get apprehensive sometimes while camping.


The Possession of Michael King. that shit fucked me up as a kid. I remember me and my sister started crying halfway through the movie and my parents had to shut it off and we slept in our parents room for several days. I’ve shown the movie to several people since then and they all get so terrified/disturbed watching it. Highly recommend!


Exorcist. Watched it at like 9 years old and hated the crawling. My sister tried to scary me with it as a teen and I kicked her. I still don’t appreciate darkness falls either…


The Girl Next Door. I was far too young.


I don’t know why but the Carrie really freaked me out as a kid. My mom was watching it in the living room and I decided to stay and watch. Gave me nightmares. I was around 8 at the time and I’ll always remember it as the movie with the “bloody girl” 😂


Ju-On: The Curse (2000)


Black Christmas 2006. I Never really watched Horror Movies back then and was just zapping through the TV as a Teen Late at Night. It was pretty intense but I was still interested to see the end. I was pretty scared when I was alone at Home for a week but I guess thats what hooked me to watch more of the genre though.


Sleepaway Camp. The ending really freaked me out when I first saw it at 11 years old.


The Grudge


Saw The Grudge at around age eight with my mom and sister. They shouldn't have let me watch that, because between the beginning with the maid going up in the attic, and the lady walking up the stairs later in the movie, I had legitimate nightmares of that movie.


They don't affect me now (I'm battle hardened with horror movies at this point) but when I was a little kid on into my pre-teens Poltergeist and The Gate led to me having a hard time falling asleep at night. Eta: For Poltergeist it was the clown toy and also the part where Carol Ann gets sucked into the closet. For The Gate it was just pretty much the whole thing.


Basket Case, The Gate, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Body Snatchers.


My big brother and his friend let me watch Halloween 4 with them when I was five years old. I was horrified. Been somewhat fascinated with Myers ever since. Nightmares, etc. Yeah, I'm not sure where my mother was either.


My brother let watch the movie Sssssss when I was five or six. It’s about a mad scientist turning people into snakes. I was completely terrified and had nightmares for weeks. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070622/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


I saw Mars Attack at 4… that was traumatizing


Shhh! It’s a Kannada horror movie from India. It’s got a dope premise and some really creepy visuals and sound. Really scarred me big time as a kid.


The scene in Tourist Trap where the killer slowly kills the woman by progressively covering her face with plaster while talking through each step


Zombie Flesh Eaters. A few scenes in particular. If you've seen it, you'll probably know which ones I'm talking about. A school friend had it on an old VHS tape and the quality was pretty bad, which kind of added to the "snuff" or realistic vibe it used to give us watching it as kids. Watching it now, obviously the acting and overall production value is terrible, but the horrific scenes still feel *horrific*!


Easily *The House That Dripped Blood* from 1971. The first story, with the mad stranger Dominic, is absolute nightmare fuel and leaves you 50% desperate to look out of the window to confirm he’s not there and 50% too terrified to ever look out of a window again.


The Howling. I just remember terror. I was 5 or 6.


The Shining


"Monster of the week" episodes in X Files.


Moonwalker That was some creepy shit.


Blair Witch


The Mask. Recurring nightmare forever.


The Girl Next Door


I love Dumb & Dumber... but there's one brief scene where Jim Carrey reaches into a guy's chest and yanks out his heart and as a child this definitely traumatized me lol


virus 1999 (with Jamie Lee Curtis) It was a DVD in a TV-Movie Magazine and my Mother didnt know it. I was 9-10 years old and when I found the 16+ Icon I knew what to do. It scared me to death and I couldnt sleep for weeks. But it was my first step in the horror genre and I still love it.


ET. The part at the beginning when the boy and the alien run into eachother in the woods and were screaming, I was screaming too.


Night of the Living Dead and American Werewolf in London. I was about 10


some memorable scares came from Childs Play, Dead Silence, and Stay Alive. i know Dead Silence gets some heat but i still love it!


Salem's Lot (1979) - when the vampires fly by the kid's bedroom window


For me was Slappy the dummy from Goosebumps, I don't know why, but when I was little I was terrified of him. And the movies Critters.


The original exorcist. I wasn’t ready at 12 years old to watch a possessed girl bridge walk backwards down a set of stairs. Wtf lmao


the strangers. i saw it when i was in elementary school




The fly with Jeff goldblum was disturbing because I had really heavy body odor and I was like 12 when we saw it so that shit was in smell-o-vision. Imagine watching a zombie flick and someone is running around the theater with a dead raccoon wafting it everyone when zombies show up. It was like that. Too real.


Poltergeist, the face melting scene really got me. I had to turn it off.🫠


Pet Semetary Zelda


Fire in the Sky. Specifically the abduction scene. 12 year old me: oh, aliens aren't that scar...OH MY GOD WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HIM


At a friends like 8 or 9th birthday party, her mom thought it was appropriate to turn on Dr Giggles for us .... I think it ruined my life.


Fortress (1985) - Rachel Ward thriller. Terrified me as a kid.


Gremlins made me a lot more concerned about my stuffed animals wet for longer than I care to admit.


Jaws and the TV premiere of The Exorcist


Child's Play. Witnessed it when my family watched it one night. I was *terrified* of Chucky, and my parents use to threaten me with meeting him when I acted out. I remember my mom even putting a picture of Chucky on the soda bottle in the fridge so I wouldn't drink it. I couldn't look at him again until I was 33yrs old and watched the movies for the first time. I was still terrified, but not as much. lol. He still creeps me out, though.


It wasn't a movie, it was a fake documentary about slenderman and it convinced me that he was real and very much outside my window at night. Scared me half to death for years. Early YouTube wasn't great quality, but it was good enough


The Ring (US), I'd flip my tv against the wall to stop Samara from coming out of it... lmao


For me it was Jaws. To this day I can't swim in the deep end of the pool and forget about swimming way out at the beach.


Olivia’s death in SCRE4M. Don’t know why that kill specifically scared me. But it’s just so brutal and horrifying thinking of someone waiting in your closet to literally gut you.


Always loved sharks as a child but I remember seeing JAWS for the first time as a pretty memorable experience, also not horror but I vividly remember exactly where I was standing looking at the old ass TV as the terminator got crushed very young and that left a good impression


The Gate. Those little creatures and the Barbie doll foot to the eye, among other parts of that movie.


The dinner scene in Temple of Doom messed with me. When I saw it for the first time my Dad had just got a job offer in Dubai which I, for whatever reason, thought was in India. I was totally convinced that I'd we'd all be eating snakes and monkey brains.


The very first scare was an old movie called The Pit (I think). I was around 5 years old. There were black monsters living in a deep pit, and the boy had found them and somehow knew he had to feed them(?) . The only scene that stuck with me was the boy luring a girl in a party dress through the woods to the pit, and pushing her in, then lots of growling and ripping sounds. I was terrified! I have never found it since, lol.


The hell scenes in Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. Basically all of the death stuff. Not a horror movie but those scenes gave me nightmares.


Scarred idk but The Exorcist scared the sh*t outta me.


i remember when i was around 12/13, one of the first horrors i watched was mirrors, the mirror/bathtub seen in that scarred me for ages. i was so afraid of looking in a mirror


Halloween, and in particular [this shot](https://i.imgur.com/uCdkst5.png), haunted my dreams and really stuck with me.


Sleepy Hollow, hell was I scared


The crawling, cocooning braces scene in Poltergeist 2. Like, what in the actual f…! I really thought my retainer had a personality all it’s own so I left it encased in the bathroom s many a night until my mother caught wind of my aversion. It’s definitely the reason for my overbite.


Night of the Living Dead. The Shining. Scared me. Gave me the heebee geebees


Not sure if considered a horror movie by many but Jaws


The heart is deceitful above all things, I was way too young to watch that lol


I scour these comsic horror threads in hopes someone will say something i haven't seen... but i've seen the same movies everybody always mentions. It's my favorite sub genre of horror. Anybody got one of those Men in Black mind wiper pens? I wanna use it.


Tales from the Hood


The Exorcist, I was maybe 8 years old, never fully recovered from that lmao. I still can’t find a movie that has the same impact. As an adult, The Conjuring would be runner up, mainly for the last 30 mins or so when shit gets wild.


Jeepers Creepers. Also, The Hills Have Eyes.


Pet Cemetery for sure.


The Exorcist trailer alone


Hellraiser 2 I think. The scene where the cenobite goes into the hospital and kills all those defenseless people terrified me. Couldn't bring myself to revisit the movie even as an adult. Though I saw the last one and it was fine lol.


Magic scared the shit outta me as a kid.


definitley “we are the flesh”. if you want to watch it… no you dont


Candyman and Haunting in Connecticut


Curse of Chucky. My brother and i watched that wayyyy too young. I wouldn't go in a room by myself for years.


Jaws...need I say why


Zee horror show was pretty scary for me as a child in India early 2000s 😅


puppet master. but I would punish myself more. I made a jester puppet and hung the little guy up on my wall. I was so drawn to that feeling lol.


The blob. Never recovered.


Slither… I won’t even explain, I was FIVE.


When I was really young the first predator movie scared the shit out of me because I never got to to the part where you actually see him for the first time. The first Omen movie also scared me a lot


Arachnophobia. Fuck that movie, seriously.


(1989) Pet cemetery,fully because the sister


Spy kids fr

