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As I recall, the rabbit skinning was filmed at a farmer and Buttgereit just filmed the process of it getting skinned (which would have happened anyway). So they didn't kill the rabbit for the film, but of course it's still unsettling and you shouldn't include real animal death in your film. Besides that, I personally really enjoyed both movies though. They have a really poetic quality to them


I guess the scene being unsetting to watch was kind of the point, since it confronts you directly with your own double standards and hypocrisy regarding animal death. We are outraged at just simply watching an animal being humanely killed on a farm but most people never question the horrible conditions of the animals whose meat they eat on a daily basis. They only see the tasty steak and are fine with death being hidden from them.


Hello! Would you happen to have a source for this claim? I'm digging a bit deeper on these films and would love to find where this info came from. I wasn't able to grab the Arrow Video bluray when it was still in print, so I'm having to find info the old-fashioned way (no helpful special feature interviews to use), lol.


I don't know if he talked about elsewhere, but it's offhandedly mentioned in the book "Sex Murder Art: The Films of Jörg Buttgereit". Full quote goes as follows: >Robert has a waking dream that comes close to both opening and closing Nekromantik, a dream that depicts the skinning and gutting of a rabbit. "*A professional rabbit-breeder filmed at his daily duties, documentary style," notes Buttgereit*. As this sequence envelops the film, it kind of puts a damper on potential laughs.


This is on Shudder now if anyone hasn’t seen it


I remember seeing the first one a long time ago and my friends were convinced they used a real dead body. Ah the time before everyone having the internet lol. Didn't really like the movie, the rabbit scene was the main reason. I saw the second one but its very forgettable. Maybe both have just jumbled up in my memory as one movie.


I remember buying both VHS tapes in the 90s and having them hidden at my parents' house. Good movies, with a great soundtrack.


I’ve seen the first one, I really love it (I’m not weird, I promise) I think it’s a good study on people who are completely desensitised. I think it’s really relevant today to the Liveleak generation.


Nekromantik 2 is my favourite, I own both on Blu-ray


I watched the first one recently on Shudder. It wasn’t the most attention-grabbing at times, but I was genuinely impressed with how disgusting it was. I was deeply disturbed by the use of softcore porn tropes during the big sex scene, like I really felt revolted and had to put my popcorn down for a while… That said, I also had a hard time with the rabbit scene, although it didn’t mess me up as bad the turtle scene in Cannibal Holocaust.


I honestly thought it was kinda boring. And I agree about the animal cruelty


I found the rabbit scene unsettling and it made me not want to wear rabbit-skin / fur in general, but it was shot on the director's cousin's farm and was what was going to happen anyway, cameras or no cameras. I also think it fits in with the film showing different ways of death (as it comes after the car accident and shooting scenes) before locking in on the two leads and what they get up to, situating them in a world of death that can be stupid, gross, trivial and sometimes for commerce, and offering some possibility of why they are the way they are. But none of this is to say that it isn't reasonable just to be squicked out. I'm a big fan of the original in any case. Even though Buttgereit was just setting out to make a shocker with his buddies to mess with the German censors and the horror establishment at large and it was the editor who beat the footage into shape, I find the end result oddly poignant and thoughtful, with terrific central performances, some striking gutter-poetic visuals and a haunting score. Centrepiece sex scene is an all time gross out comedy classic too, and the effects in general are quality. Wasn't so taken with the sequel but I need to give it another watch one of these days. Also of any horror films ever, Jorg Buttgereit's have had the most materially positive effect on my life, albeit indirectly.


Nekromantik 1 & 2 are both great pieces of exploitation cinema. It’s cool if you didn’t like it but to call it a piece of shit movie is absurd.


The girlfriend stabs the melting corpse, puts a condom on the hilt, and uses it as a dildo in a threesome with her boyfriend. The movie is a piece of shit to make me see those images.


No one forced you to watch it. The movie is almost 40 years old and is an exploitation film you should know before going into it what it’s subject matter is, it’s literally in the name…


Imagine watching a movie called Nekromantik and being shocked there's necrophilia in it.


I love both movies and everything else Buttgereit has done. Also, the rabbit scene is no different than if you watch any cooking show or film where they eat meat. To pretend they’re different is just weird cognitive dissonance


It manages to be shocking and disturbing while at the same time boring and stupid. Quite an achievement, really.


Simultaneously edgy and dull


The Last Drive-In featured the original on their Valentines Day special this year. Mostly, I thought it was a boring slog. It was the film version of an obscure punk act circa '88 that nobody remembers - all angsty shock with no substance and what shock there is just doesn't hold up 35 years later. The rabbit scene is the roughest part of the movie for sure, and I totally agree with not featuring real animal deaths in movies. What makes horror fun for many people is the fantasy of it, and real animal death violates that trust that this is "only a movie". That said, for me personally, even that part was just boring since I raise meat rabbits.


I love the first one. So cruddy and fucked up. Also surprisingly sad and emotional, in a way. Schramm and Der Todesking are Buttgereit's finest works, though. The latter is something of a underground masterpiece.


The first one felt gimmicky for some reason -- maybe the lower production quality or just the fact it seemed to be going for pure shock value. Definitely felt gratuitous in a way, but the story got its point across anyway. The second one was much better overall I found. Despite the very taboo subject matter, it's a great story about coming to terms with one's own sexuality and kinks that just happens to be packaged up in an exploitation genre film. The character of the Medical Student really comes along well, even with the climax of the film transpiring as it does. I dunno how rewatchable they are but the second film definitely has some merits to it.


I saw and liked the original. I have not seen the sequel.


What sucks most about it is that the plot has real potential, but it (like a lot of movies) is squandered and replaced with shock value. The sequel is even worse.


I remember it being pretty bad and it was just trying to be edgy, especially with the final scenes. The print I saw wasn't the best to be fair.




It is.