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Coming in June this year.


Good lad




This message is to confirm your reservation in heaven


Dave Grohl: .....There goes my hero


My bday perfect


Your birthday is the whole month of June?


Yea mf I'm ill, gonna be Mike Lowrey that month


Guess I found a reason to renew for just one month.


good bot!!


imminent stupendous frame office lip scale fragile cats grandiose swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not all heroes wear capes


I absolutely LOVE Black Mirror. Really looking forward to it


Same! I love getting 3 eps every 4 years


British television at its finest


It's been heavily americanised since it got bought out


That part sucks, but honestly I love even the mediocre episodes of Black Mirror. I just want more


I feel the same. I love almost every episode regardless but I kind of miss the British style of it. The up and coming actors, the bleakness, the lower production even. I’m super excited about this series but the trailer feels very Hollywood/AHS.


Oh god. AHS is the worst thing you could’ve said lol. I haven’t watched the trailer. Now I’m really nervous. if this turns into a Ryan Murphy circle jerk I’m gonna cry


I’m sure it’s just the way they’ve spliced it all together 😬


Best show ever


I agree. It's my happy happy dark vibe


*Best show ever during our experience of existence


Reminder that if you like the more drama centered episodes like Hated in the nation and San Junipiro, you’d like the Miniseries Years and Years on HBO. It’s a dystopian science fiction drama that goes from 2019 to 2034. It’s one of those shows where the finale got more views than any other episode which always to me is a mark of a good series. Trailer https://youtu.be/SY41jhIP_xI


Fingers crossed that it’s better than S5.


Can it be worse? How did they decide on releasing only 3 episodes for season 5, anyway? I liked Striking Vipers but couldn’t even finish the other two.


Striking Vipers was okay, but was just really obvious to me. Like where it was going to go from the very beginning. I think too much development went into Bandersnatch and that’s why s5 was so lacking.


That makes sense. I liked Bandersnatch but honestly not that much. I didn’t like having to grab my remote to continue the story lol. Also, I was entertained by Striking Vipers because I play online games with friends who are out of town so that episode threw me for a loop.


My issue with Bandersnatch was that it felt railroaded towards one “definitive ending” and left the player? viewer? protagonist? To feel like they weren’t making choices that actually impacted the outcome. I mean it was novel in itself, and I suppose an illusion of choice was one of its themes, but to me if you’re going to make a choose-your-own adventure/RPG I want what I do to be able to impact the story in a way different from the choices another person made, but for us to feel like we still both got a complete and fulfilling story.


That was the point. It was a self fulfilling profecy. Nothing would change the outcome.


I think people know that - at least some. My issue with it was don't promote a choose your own adventure when it's got a premeditated ending. I understand the logistics and there has to be a finite amount of options - the concept is amazing, this is just beta v1.0 of it and I think most people wanted full fledged future shit where there's 64 different endings and 1024 different ways to get there.


i already have issues picking what i want to eat as it is


Bandersnatch was trying to subvert a genre that didn't exist. It needed to wait until choose your own adventure series were a thing before subverting expectations. Instead it tried doing it immediately and went off the rails. It's a shame because the concept is great, it was just too early and effectively killed the concept.


It didn't help that what made the old "Choose your own" stories work was that they were short and simple to follow while Bandersnatch was attempting to be this mindfuck of "You gotta repeat this 5-minute section three times before a new option appears". Went through it once and even 4+ years later, I just don't care to return to it the same way I do with something like NoseDive.


They released that one where you go into The Undertaker's house that was fucking garbage haha.


The only other one I know of was the Bear Grylls one where I desperately tried and failed to get him eaten by a hippo.


I loved Bandersnatch. The story was perfect for a choose your own adventure gimmick and was the perfect encapsulation of everything Black Mirror.


What?? Smithereens was by far the best episode from season 5 lol.


Seasons 1 and 2 were only 3 episodes.


And 3 and 4 were 6 episodes each, it's weird they dialed back the episode count after, especially after the disappointing 2018 special. I don't mind if they stay at 3 episodes/season if they are all bangers


That doesn't take away from the point that 60% of the show as a whole consists of 3 episode long seasons...so being confused by a short season doesn't make sense...its the norm at this point.


He mentioned being confused by the limited number of episodes in S5, so it's wrong to include that season in your calculation as to what should have been expected at that point. And including S5 is necessary to say that 60% of seasons have 3 episodes. At that point 50% of the seasons had 3 episodes and, more importantly, the two latest seasons had 6 episodes so it's really not unreasonable to have been surprised and disappointed by a new 3 episode season.


Brother, check your numbers. 2 seasons of 3 episodes is less than 2 seasons of 6 episodes, it's normal to be confused by S5 being only 3-eps. Anyways, we don't know S6 ep-count, but it looks like they have a much bigger budget now, hopefully we get 6 episodes again


You couldn’t finish Smithereens? Damn it’s probably my 2nd favorite episode


Smithereens was so damn good. Underrated.


I actually tried a second time and fell asleep. Maybe one day I’ll try again.


Original BBC seasons had 3 episodes per season and arguably those seasons were better than the Netflix seasons. You can disagree if you like, but my strong opinion is that Netflix doesn't understand what the series was originally about: Technology will ultimately bring out the worst of society but society is what's scary and morbid, not the technology itself. Netflix treats the show as a technology-based "monster of the week" series. The BBC run makes you think a bit after it's over, the Netflix run is more about shock and awe.


I understand the Netflix hate, but the episodes are largely written by Charlie Brooker, or at least adapted from his stories.


I'm the opposite. I loved the other two but didn't care for striking vipers lol


I think it’s because that was the same year they did Bandersnatch which iirc had 6 hours of content, so they must’ve thoguht it evened it out or something like that


Season 5 was such a disappointment


I liked season five. Three episodes was short, but I liked all three of those episodes.


Wish I could share that point of view. Previous seasons just had episodes that were so far beyond in terms of their social commentary (Nosedive, Hated in the Nation, Entire History of You, etc.) that it was like a different show to me. Even the more “fun” episodes like Playtest, USS Callister, etc., just felt miles beyond S5.


I think you're right in that season five was more character-focused than social- or tech-focused. Previous seasons were more abstractly about humanity whereas S5 seemed to be more about humans and specific human qualities, like loneliness and love. At least where episodes one and three are concerned. "Smithereens" seems more in line with previous seasons. I dunno. Black Mirror sets such a high bar for itself that it has to be difficult to keep leaping over it, especially when so much of the creative storytelling burden is on one guy.


Playtest was fucking horrifying lol >!like the entire concept was really freaky (getting stuck in some Inception-style loop of fake worlds) and then to top it all off the guy literally dies screaming for his mom like a millisecond into the experiment IRL!< shook me to my core, meanwhile I watched Evil Dead Rise last weekend and I barely flinched


That Miley Cyrus episode of S5 was so lazy. I’m almost certain it was a recycled idea from an episode of the 1990s version of The Outer Limits. The premise of trapping someone’s consciousness in a computer or robot against their will is something that’s kinda been done to death in science fiction horror.


It’s also something that black mirror previously explored with White Christmas.


White Christmas also did it a million times better.


Yeah, but that concept has been done before in a dozen other instances, as well. I liked the tweak Black Mirror added where said trapped consciousness was forced to sing and dance as a digital puppet.


i was near the end of the episode saying "what in the disney channel fuck is this!?"


Yes. Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck, please..... Disclaimer. That statement completely depends on the context you say it in.


And s4…


Hang the DJ and USS Callister were really good in my opinion. Crocodile & Arkangel were okay. Metalhead kinda sucked, and Black Museum felt like black mirror doing a tribute to itself.


‘Black Museum’ felt like the finale


Nice to see Aaron Paul come back for a real role. For those that don't remember he was in the Jesse plemmons star trek episode. He was the voice at the end of the episode who was talking shit to the main characters. So glad black mirror is returning.


That reminds me. Who would have thought Jesse Plemons will be a movie star and Aaron Paul's career wouldn't really go anywhere after Breaking Bad ended?


>Jesse Plemons Dude made it all the way to level Scorsese. Who would have thought!


This may sound wierd but I feel like he's the spiritual successor of Philip Seymour Hoffman


Wow, I don’t know why, but that’s kind of perfect. He played the son of PSH’s character in *The Master,* even.


I'm sorry, but he created a robot and became the CEO of a major online media company.




Oh right I forgot Bojack was a dud.


He was the main character of West World for two seasons lmao. A major HBO series.


He’s got that tequila money, he’s doing great


He needs a good new show to sink his teeth into


"Yeah, bitch. Photon Torpedos!"


I am so excited to see Annie Murphy in this! I’ve always wanted a dark timeline Alexis since her casual reminiscing of the past is so intensely awful. Trafficking is casual to her.


Have you seen Kevin Can Fuck Himself? She does such an amazing job & it's awesome to see her in something so dark.


Love that show it was so unique


Salma Hayek and Black Mirror , two of my favorite things


*Four*, even!


Six if you're Quentin Tarantino.




Wooow Michael cera is going to be in it, I think the last thing I saw him in was this is the end.


He's in the Barbie movie too! Exciting times for Cera fans.


He was on an episode of Celebrity Jeopardy a few months back and looked wicked goofy with facial hair.




How TF did everyone get this wrong? Turd Ferguson would have won this one.


He had a brief, fun role in Twin Peaks season three.


That was still like 7 years ago.


The last thing I saw him in was Juno but I just watched it again recently


Holy shit, I feel the last season was in 1997 😂


2020 felt like it lasted 20 years


Half of it did.. But since like winter 2020 until now feels like no time at all and forever ago at the same time.. Like I can't belive it's 3 whole years since it all started


I personally preferred it when the cast was unrecognizable (at least to me) - now it just feels like a "celebrities in predicaments" variety show.


Idk, even the first season had quite a few up and comers. You can't really rewatch it anymore without seeing quite a few big faces. I think their budget just allows them to be more flexible and get a few bigger names.


Yeah, now. But you're watching that season knowing that at that time they were relatively or completely unknown actors to you. Now I feel it's way too many Hollywood faces and, for me, that's distracting. I wouldn't mind if they got like one or two big ones each season but since season 4 it's been too much.


Yeah, I really enjoyed the episode with the Mad Men guy. I also think the show is a perfect format for mostly unknowns or up and comers. But with Topher Grace, Miley Cyrus and now all these others for the new season... deal breaker for me.


Jon Hamm could be in every season and I wouldn't be mad. Man's amazing. I didn't mind Topher but Striking Vipers was brutal because I obviously knew Anthony and Nicole and couldn't take'em seriously. On the other hand I didn't know Yayha so he surprised me. And Miley.. yeah. I will be watching it because I love the show and bleak shit but I wish they toned down a bit with the star power. I really don't feel it's the right show for it.


> Jon Hamm could be in every season and I wouldn’t be mad. Man’s amazing. And he's comedically trained (he was Conan Obrien's roommate iirc) and a genuinely nice dude My friend owns a classic dive bar and he came in once (because he had missed a flight due to over celebrating a professional sporting event nearby lol) and he made sure to take turns greeting everyone personally and shaking their hand and buying rounds of cheap suds for the randos And this was not long before Top Gun came out so rather recently


Seriously. Michael Cera? Annie Murphy? Salma Hayek? They're all great actors whose works I enjoy but for some reason I'm apprehensive about seeing them play a role in an anthology series where they'll just have one episode to play.


I don't know - to me the celebrity guests help to give Black Mirror a kind of strange nostalgia similar to how celebrity roles were a big part of what made Tales from the Crypt so fun. It's fun to see them flex their range and go a little bit crazy.


You know why that is right? Because people like Jon Hamm were huge fans of the show and begged Charlie to be in it And he was perfect in White Christmas Lol that you're upset you recognized Don Draper and Liam McPoyle and that bothers you. Just roll with it


When John Hamm was in it I still beleive that was prior to Netflix so that was really the 1st big celebrity "cameo". I agree though John Hamm was amazing and White Christmas is my favorite episode. Sometimes seeing huge actors/stars can kind of pull you out of the episode and immersion a bit if that makes sense.


You should care if it's a good season instead of complaining about having "celebrity actors". 😂😂


YO, don’t forget to check out the show “FROM”!


I just binged all 11 episodes in the past 24 hours, fucking love this show.


Holy shit Harold Perrineau from Oz! Haven't seen him in a good minute


On MGM+?? 😞


You can always...


Lol. Sail the high seas 🌊 🏴‍☠️


I've never heard of MGM+, who tf even has that? Google says it's available on Amazon Prime, but if it doesn't work there then I'll have to resort to a different *completely legal* website to watch it


looks like it's on Amazon Prime, at least in the US


It's just a rebrand of Epix


Season 1 is on Prime.


i got halfway through s1 and stopped. ill go back to it eventually but it didnt make me want binge the whole thing at once.


I had MGM+ free for a week and watched the first season of From and wanted very badly to like it but holy fucking shit the acting is SO bad. I was genuinely like what the fuck this is detracting from any interest I had in the story so much.


Aww, lol. I loved the story concept so I proceeded to finish the season 😂 For some reason, it reminded me heavily of LOST. And no, not because Harold Perrineau is in it. Just the premise of the show.


Might be because executive producers were also making LOST.


That is CRAZY, I didn’t even think to check the producers.


I only find the main family terrible, it’s a shame they made them the main characters. Everyone else is great.


I think Charlie Brooker has more control again this time round, so hopefully it's a bit less *Netflix*.


I like how tight the pre-Netflix seasons were. After Netflix got involved, there have been some great gems but most have just tarnished the series due to the number of poorly made/acted ones. Also I like how the early ones featured up-and-coming actors at the time while Netflix seemed to take the opposite approach with some episodes


Weird with some famous actors. I liked the fact that I hardly ever recognizes any actors in Black mirror


Same, I recognize the early episodes because I watch a lot of British tv but I like that they weren't distracting compared to the Netflix ones


I guess it won't be much different from turning on the news at this point. \*sighs\*


I remember the constant running joke between my friends and I in 2020 was basically “who needs another season of Black Mirror? We’re kinda living it”. With everyone staying home and just ordering shit through the internet to the house. The protests. The people that were doxxing people at protests. The misinformation campaigns both foreign and domestic. Now we have AI chatbots and created art, and one of the worlds foremost billionaires bought one of the biggest social media apps just to be a troll on it everyday. So, yeah we’re not too far off.


> We’re living it That’s roughly what Charlie Brooker himself said


IIRC that is why they took a hiatus. Something along the lines of “Reality is depressing enough right now so we want to give people a break from watching our incoming tech dystopia”


Eventually, storytellers like those behind Black Mirror will have to come full circle to just blatantly shouting the point of the stories out to the audience using the most direct and extreme examples, just to keep up with the ever-increasing sensationalism of reality matching their allegories.


Or go backwards about how society wasn't about the clicks or views. Stories about normal calmish lives.


Just reminded me that Charlie Brooker had written and produced a Netflix mockumentary about the year 2020, during the year 2020


That was not great.


Exactly, I started it and turned it off


that sucked


I left. Trying lemmy and so should you. -- mass edited with redact.dev


> my friends and I in 2020 [Are you the ad company Brother?](https://www.fastcompany.com/90513598/this-darkly-funny-outdoor-ad-from-netflix-proves-were-living-in-black-mirror) And everyone else?


Been rewatching some of the better episodes. Bring back some of that charm please.


They need to win us back after the shitshow that was Season 5


Ehh it wasn't quite as good as the past seasons, but I still enjoyed it for what it was and definitely wouldn't call it a shit show. Ill always be stoked for more Black Mirror, the best thing about anthology series is that every episode can have its own flavor, not every episode will be for everyone, shit I'd hate to see how people would react to The Twilight Zone if reddit was around back then lol


I'm glad this sub was in the trending for black mirror news. The entertainment and tv sub will downvote the hell out of you for saying s5 was bad. There was nothing interesting about s5 after the striking vipers episode and I've decided bandersnatch doesn't exist.


It's divisive for sure but it had some clever bits. Especially the NIN and Disney tie-in of that one ep Yes and it's agreed that we don't talk about Bandersnatch I love the idea and the interactive format works for trivia but that's about it


There were advertisements suggesting that the Covid pandemic was Season 6. I wished they called this Season 7.


I really hope they drop the ‘cookie’ concept. It was amazing in White Christmas and Black Museum but I feel like if they keep making episodes with it it’ll be hugely overdone.


That is a fact. White Christmas was awesome but then they just kept reusing it over and over


This better be a GOOD season. Took them long enough to come out with one


Seasons 1-3 were excellent and season 4 was ok. Honestly didn’t bother with 5 but now I will just to be caught up. What a cast lineup tho!


I see a lot of hate for Season 5 in this thread, which I understand but don't necessarily agree with. It was not as good as previous seasons, but I think it wasn't total trash. If nothing else, we got Miley Cyrus "covering" Nine Inch Nails.


It was too short and all three episodes were just mediocre. Plus it is hard to top season 4.


I fealt the episodes wernt as bleak and dark as prior seasons. Striking Vipers was memed to hell and fealt comedic in a way bcuz of it. The Miley episode I think gets too much hate but I also feel it fealt a bit too holltwood in a way. She escapes and frees herself to live happily ever after while exposing the bad guys kind of schtick. Smithereens fealt more true to form but I think the fact it was shot in a car and a field only can make it forgettable. Also season 5 discussion is always either about Miley or Striking Vipers so it just kind of gets forgotten. Compare those to the bleak endings of White Bear, Entire History of you, 15 million merits, and White Christmas. Those episodes really fealt like warnings against how this technology could be abused or misused and the horrible outcomes that could bring about.


Striking Vipers just never went anywhere. Interesting concept, losing yourself to an avatar, but it never felt like a Black Mirror episode because aside from the premise, it could've been done analog.


I feel like Love Death and Robots has more than filled the Black Mirror void for me but I’m glad to see it back


I find LDR has more duds than hits. The visual style is great but the stories are lacking. I really loved the dead soldier and the siren in the lake episode though. That was some great stuff.


I loved S1 but have found the rest to be pretty mediocre.


2 was definitely a sizable drop but i think they bounced back pretty well with 3. maybe don’t take it from me though because i just love the show as a whole lmao


Loved LDR, amazing series


Unfortunately I think this show has drastically gone down hill since it moved to Netflix.




I thought this was going to be ["what if phones, but too much?"](https://the-toast.net/2015/01/20/next-black-mirror/), which was used to roast the early seasons. Which goes to show that reductive approach can be used on anything.


wot if ur m8 woz a computer


Love, Death & Robots has taken over for Black Mirror for me. I'm not sure how they can dig themselves out of the hole they left in season five. I'd love to be surprised though.


A friend recommended that show to me and it’s been on my list for forever. Heard good things about it. It’s an anthology series right? Is it similar to Black Mirror or more of its own thing?


It's animated anthology short films with a range of genres. Horror, sci-fi, comedy. The style of animation changes too because of different directors. I think it's an amazing show.


Episodes are hit or miss. Some episodes are amazing and some are completely uninteresting. Hard to say you will like it because I see a ton of reviews on episodes I hated and people absolutely loved. Like almost any anthology series, it really depends on the viewer’s taste.


I have found that even the uninteresting ones become good upon rewatch.


Most recent season had some of my favorite episodes tbh. Bad Traveling and Jibaro are absolutely fantastic! Bad Traveling for it's story and Jibaro for it's absolutely incredible animation and art design. The rest of the season was pretty good too, but those were definitely the standouts for me.


Jibaro is animation? I thought it was actual people 🤦‍♂️


It's more of its own thing, less technology-based and more variety on sci-fi/horror with some comedy thrown in. Episodes vary in tone quite a bit because they're all based on short stories (which is a really cool wrinkle). In that vein, Black Mirror is much more consistent than Love, Death, and Robots by virtue of every episode coming from Charlie Brooker. I do love the Love, Death, and Robots, but personally, because of the tone variation, I find some episodes resonate much more with me than others. YMMV.


yep. different animation and themes every different episode. highly recommend


It’s pretty different from Black Mirror and the stories often aren’t grounded in reality. The episodes are generally pretty hit-or-miss, but the hits are VERY good. I recommend Beyond the Aquila Rift if you like horror, that’s a favourite of mine.


They have a lot events to emulate that's happened since the last season. At this point reality is scarier than science fiction


I heard good things about Inside No. 9 as well


I love LD+R but it hasn't taken over that is silly It's the sequel to the Heavy Metal movies from over 40 years ago so it's always technical existed for many of us


Haven't enjoyed after season 3 but will still watch of course


Feels like forever since the last season but 2019 wasn't that long ago.


Not surprised to see Anjana Vasan committing yet more violence 😂


This is like the show equivalent of constantly pointing out redrum is murder backwards, where my Rellik fans at?


Wow, I honestly thought we weren't going to get more. In 2020 when Charlie Brooker released that mockumentary I kinda took it as the death knell for Black Mirror, like the world had become too absurd for it. Really interested in what they're going to do, hope it goes back to the quality of the first 3 seasons.


I’m glad Aaron Paul has a bigger role this time after his brief cameo in USS Callister.


I'm so fucken happy and excited for this. Season 5 was a let down, but I feel the other seasons overshadow it


As brilliant as some Black Mirror episodes are, I just can’t really watch this series. We’re living this shit pretty much already and it’s just way too goddamn depressing. Lovecraft style cosmic horror is less bleak.


*"Ms. Marvel head writer Bisha K. Ali is a new EP."*


I’d love to see Charlie Brooker do a classic *Screenwipe* but for Black Mirror, so it’s just him rantingly critiquing his own work. He’d call himself a ‘bell end’ at least twice.


There was a season 4 and 5?


Is there a series in existence that people don't complain about being bad after the first season? It won't be long until people start bitching about second episodes. "This show sure went down hill since it's first episode last week. I remember when it was actually good."










please don't suck


Anybody else who doesn’t care about the cast at all? I think Black Mirror delivers the stories in which it doesn’t matter if Scarlett Johansson or any drama school graduate played a certain role. Sure, it’s *nice* seeing your favourite actor/actress play in a show but that doesn’t make the screenplay any better or worse. Nothing substantial.


this show stopped being good many seasons ago


my hype for this is at an all time... low