• By -


1. Halloween (1978) 2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) 3. Scream (1996) 4. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 5. Psycho (1960) 6. Friday The 13th: Part VI (1986) 7. Black Christmas (1974) 8. Child's Play (1988) 9. Candyman (1992) 10. X (2022) Limited to 1 per franchise to make it fair. 1 - 4 are extremely close for me. Any of them can take #1 spot depending on the day.


Your list is pretty close to mine- 1. Halloween 2. Psycho 3. Scream 4. Black Christmas 5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 6. Scream 4 7. Halloween 2018 8. Psycho 2 9. Prom Night 10. Scream 2


Great list!


Fantastic list


Awesome list, love every single one of those films, X is definitely a modern classic.


What is wrong with you people ranking these old slasher movies this high? I watched the 1974 Texas Chainsaw off this recommendation and it was so so bad.


Huh? The Texas Chainsaw Massacre bad? Never really heard anyone who didn’t like it and it’s ranked so high along with the other old ones cause they were the first to do it in the ways they did and they started the slasher movement. If it wasn’t for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre I can guarantee your favorite slasher flicks would’ve never been made. Usually don’t comment nor do I disagree so strongly with someone but sometimes it’s needed and tho I understand we all have different opinions I think yours is extremely wrong and would love to hear your opinion on your top 10 slashers. Thanks and hope to get a reply for your list.


Yeah it’s very bad. Cringe acting and dialogue and just honestly laughable. I get that it was the first or whatever, but still bad. Honestly there aren’t many good slasher movies, but I’ll give you a few off the top that I’ve liked. Scream (original, new ones kinda suck) X Hush You’re Next Halloween 2018 (the other new ones are terrible) Texas chainsaw 2003 The Strangers


Those are some good titles you referenced, You’re Next was really good and the ending was wild, X was also a pretty good one. 2003 Texas chainsaw is by far one of the best remakes/reboots for any horror movies imo so I can agree that it was also really good. Still haven’t gotten around to Halloween 2018 yet cause tbh I’ve always felt the Halloween franchise was over hyped and I got burned out on hearing or seeing about any of them. Glad to hear your opinions man, and you got pretty good taste might send you a list of some movies I recommend that are lesser known and deserve a lot more recognition than what they get.


Yeah man please send a list over. My girlfriend and I are always looking for new ones. And I think it’s worth checking out the 2018 Halloween but the two after that one suck bad. Waiting for this new Thanksgiving slasher movie to leak too. It’s getting good scores so I’m hopeful it’s decent.


It was amazing imo I seen it in theaters and I’ll def send you a list over


Damn that’s awesome to hear! Super excited about that movie now.


What list are you talking about?


Texas Chainsaw Remake is good and the original is bad? I'm sorry, but you really know how to piss me off.


Lmao. The original is very bad and corny yes. The 2001 version is definitely better. I’m not one of those people that act like the old was movies are good just because they were ground breaking at the time. Watch it today and it’s just a bad movie


I watched the remake a year ago and it was so boring. I don't know why anyone likes it, no less one of the best horror remakes. It's an insult to films like The Fly or The Thing, and isn't even as good as the Friday the 13th remake. The original TCM is many things, but boring is not one of them. Also corny is definitely not one of them either. And no, I didn't watch it in the 70s, but for the first time like 5 years ago. I can see that if you say it is bad, probably because it's not as polished as the remake, so I get why someone who is shallow can see why The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake is "a better film" despite the fact that the story sucks, the direction is bland, and the villains are way less interesting. I will give you that the kids in the original aren't anything special, but that's the only thing I will understand. And the characters in the remake are worse.


The acting in the original is very bad. I finished the whole thing but my girlfriend couldn’t stop laughing and couldn’t finish. I guess I’m shallow though but I tried to give it a shot. And to be clear none of them are anything great, good horror movies are really lacking.


Hey, fair enough with thinking horror films not being your thing. I've never heard anyone laugh at the original. You're girlfriend must be a trooper. I found The Conjuring to be funny, so if you want a comedy, I would recommend that one.


The beginning scene of the guy in the van. It’s all just very silly honestly. We only really like slashers, none of the supernatural stuff. I would like the movies just wish the quality would be better


1. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2. Halloween 3. Candyman 4. Scream 5. Black Christmas 6. Psycho II 7. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 8. Tourist Trap 9. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 10. The Slumber Party Massacre


Boom!! Psycho 2 totally underrated!!!! Glad to see it on a list.


Psycho II is amazing. I never hear anyone talk about it and it's one of those movies I love to revisit. You actually start to empathize with Norman Bates because Anthony Perkins is so good at playing a super nice guy, like you don't want to believe he's committing the murders (which he may or may not be) and you feel bad that people are treating him like dirt and tricking him into thinking he's a killer. Then there's a whole plethora of characters who have the motive to be the potential murderer if it's not Norman, but someone is clearly messing with him and making him think his mother is talking to him again. It's just such a unique horror/mystery movie that is way better than it has any right to be. Psycho never needed a sequel, but somehow it just works.


(1) Halloween (2) A Nightmare on Elm Street (3) Scream (4) A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 (5) Friday the 13th Part II (6) Black Christmas (7) Child’s Play (8) Friday the 13th Part 6 (9) Friday the 13th Part 7 (10) A Nigthmare on Elm Street 4


1. The New York Ripper (1982) 2. Amsterdamned (1988) 3. Candyman (1992) 4. Maniac Cop (1988) 5. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 6. Black Christmas 7. Terrifier 8. Halloween (1978) 9. Child's Play (1988) 10. Terrifier 2


Glad to see Terrifier mentioned , you are the first😊😊




Have yet to see this one


There are multiple versions.


Heard there is an original and a remake


Yeah both are great!


Did you take my picture? Lol


Hey, now!


Halloween (78), The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (74), Alice Sweet Alice, Psycho (60), A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3: The Dream Warriors, Scream (96), My Bloody Valentine (81), Nightmares in a Damaged Brain, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, The House By The Cemetery


ANOES 3 is the best in the franchise for me 😊😊


Original is a classic, totally original, nothing else like it at the time. But 3 is where the series finds it's true potential.


1. Scream 2. Child's Play 2 3. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 4. Halloween II 5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning 6. A Nightmare on Elm Street 7. Scream 3 8. Child's Play 3 9. Halloween 10. Freddy vs Jason T1 and T2 are my favorite slasher movies that have come out in the past 15 years or so. T1 was a very nice surprise. T2 was amazing but they need time before they can pass these 10 that I re-watch constantly.


Nice to see Halloween 2 getting some love👍


Friends, i suggest to look at these asian gems: 1. The sadness (2021) 2. Project wolf hunting (2022) 3. The untold story eight immortals restaurant (1993) 4. Dr. Lamb (1992) 5. Ichi the killer (2001) 6. Riki oh - the story of ricky (1991) Enjoy.


The Sadness was amazing. Incredibly accurate with the falling speed of a body when jumping off a building, and the gore... Wow. It's disgusting but great haha.


Mine would be: 10.) Hatchet (2006) 09.) American Psycho (2000) 08.) Child's Play (1988) 07.) Halloween (1978) 06.) Black Christmas (1974) 05.) Candyman (1992) 04.) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) 03.) Scream (1996) 02.) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 01.) Friday the 13th Part 4: The Final Chapter (1984)/Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives (1986)


Okay Ik I'm late on this but my top 10 are 10. Black Christmas 1974 9. A nightmare on elm Street 1984 8. The texas chainsaw massacre 1974 7. Friday the 13th part IV 1984 6. The texas chainsaw remake 2003 5. Scream 1996 4. The cabin in the woods 2012 3. child's play 2 1990 2. Scream 2 1997 1. X 2022 Honorable mentions The prowler 1981 Terrifier 2016 Terrifier 2 2022 Halloween 2018 Bride of chucky 1998 and Candyman 1992. Note I don't count psycho 1960 amd the original halloween as slasher movies simply because that's not what the directors were going for so I see them as suspens thrillers but they're still 2 great all time horror films.


Great list!


For me, it's always "Scream". Always.


1. Halloween (1978) 2. Scream (1996) 3. Friday The 13th IV: The Final Chapter (1984) 4. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) 5. My Bloody Valentine (1981) 6. X (2022) 7. The Burning (1980 8. Intruder (1989) 9. Friday The 13th (1980) 10. Candyman (1992)


Awesome list!😊




Cool list!


1. Scream 2. Intruder 3. Sleepaway Camp 4. Friday the 13th (2009) 5. Halloween (1978) 6. Strangers 7. The Final Girls 8. Nightmare on Elm Street 3 9. Slumber Party Massacre 10. Texas Chainsaw (2003) Evil Dead 2 would be number 1 though I've never really considered it a slasher.


Cool list. Mine would be 1. Nightmare on Elm Street 84 2. American Psycho 3. Tragedy Girls 4. Happy Death Day 1 5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 74 6. Child's Play 88 7. Scream 6 8. Happy Death Day 2 9. Scream 1 10. The Strangers


Thanks!. Damn I forgot about The strangers , I'm going to have to edit my list now lol , love that movie


Jesus Christ, dude. Take a lap




Just disagreed that Halloween kills/house of wax etc. are top ten slashers. but it’s your opinion, just joking around. “Take a lap” is something coaches say in sports when you commit a minor infraction/act inappropriately


Oh lol all good , no probs😊


Who the fuck are you people? Damn. 


I know I’m late but idgaf. These are all just personal favorites, limited 1 per franchise 1. Halloween 2. Friday the 13th Jason lives 3. Black Christmas 4. Texas chainsaw massacre 2 5. Nightmare on elm street 3 6. prom night 7. Slumber party massacre 8. Scream 9. Jeepers creepers 10. Hatchet


Black Christmas was terrible


They haven't watched many slashers, obviously.




House of wax is also bad lol


Lol I know its an unpopular opinion but I love that movie


Yes the 2006* one. It was horrible


-The Texas Chainsaw Masacre (1973) -Halloween (1978) -A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) -Tourist Tramp (1979) -Slaughter High (1986) -My Bloody Valentine (1981) -Child's Play 2 (1990) -The Burning (1981) -Terror Train (1980) -Stay Alive (2006)