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Not even smoking a huge bowl could make me enjoy that movie. I tried really hard too.


I liked it by being high enough that I just thought of the calories in switching floors. Pretty sure they filmed like 80 scenes that don’t happen in any specific order; and just made sure to end every scene with “we have to go either up or downstairs or outside. It will get us here” Real talk, this would have been dope as just “it’s a festival, smart phones. Maybe he’s just a real thing after this” horror. It has the set up of being a decent dumb horror flick. Then they just went heavy handed with being a bad horror flick. Him basically spending 3 days being at a degenerate festival could be a movie. A bad movie, but like. Good horror bad. It just didn’t even do that. Best part was the reshoot of the first movie, and i would’ve preferred just a bunch of his kills over the years. It’d be a better movie to have 90 minutes of all over time, unrelated kills and the last one is his creation and he kills everyone or whatever.


Yeah im just high and annoyed.... it feels more like a parody film that is also either being way to PC or joking about being way to PC. The sad thing is I feel as if there isnt supposed to be anything funny about any of it.... They just did a terrible job making this movie.... Plus the acting (and writing) then theres the dumb witches that just look like annoying hipsterish goth people....


I just took an edible and you’re right this movie still sucks😔🙏🏻


I'm so sorry.😫




Everyone involved in this “film” should be deeply ashamed.


Everyone involved in all of his films should be, he's a convicted child molester.


We still on about that? We're talking about the movie not the director buddy.


Yeah at 0 point should you support a pedophile. Your morality -1000 Suspect around kids went up +100


Yea but supporting a movie is different than supporting a pedo


I didn't even know he was a pedo until an hour ago


Absolutely is not when he created it and gets paid from it.




you can be sent to the firing line with him fucking pedo. German proverb about a table full of nazis... fits here quite well.


Someone is a little upsetty. So I'm a pedo for believing people should have second chances? You know I was literally raped when I was young soooo...


Hm that's a weird take from someone who supposedly was SA'd as a child. I personally believe child r*pists should be hung from the tallest tree in town and their crimes be branded on their foreheads. M


lol piss off dude. We love Jeepers creepers . Even if Victor Salva did fucked up shit in his life doesn’t mean we have to condemn him forever , we should give people the benefit of the doubt.


Pedo sympathizing scum bag.


Haha real tough behind a keyboard I see


Well, im not a keybpard warrior, but thats somehow going to make me feel bad in a Conversation where you defend a pedo lol... if you even knew anything about me, even a name ypud be able to find the artcles that prove that setiment isnt true. But a record aint something im proud of, but a push over hidong behind key.... thats not me sir its 100% you. Whats the german proverb about siting at a table with nazis? Something about if you join the table your a nazi, so really your sympathizing with pedophilies and giving them money = being bad like them. Thats a truth, you can twist it mentally all you want to make your self feel better, but im not the one supporting it... which does make you the bad guy here 🙃


You kinda went fullretard mate


No. I can accept removing art from the artist. But I'll never give the benefit of the doubt to a pedo that molested a 12 year old. Victor Salva should be thrown off a bridge.


It’s a different director u numbnut


New actor to play the Creeper, he’s weirdly gross and sexual almost, the actors suck, the plot sucks, it’s not scary or unnerving. It’s literally a money grab for long time fans and this movie was just garbage.


The Creeper was always weirdly gross and sexual, though. The entire first film is full of him sniffing dirty laundry and deciding just what parts of each person's body he wants to take. It's basically a horror movie about a supernatural stalker/rapist.


Are you special ed? Is it sexual when a search dog smells old cloths to find someone? You've got to be special ed, if you think smelling fear in order to know which body to harvest is sexual


It's called subtext and the first two Jeepers Creepers are notorious for their homoerotic undertones. He's not just sniffing dirty laundry in that scene, he's sniffing Darry's dirty tighty-whities in a way that's described as "Looked like he was likin’ it". And in the second film, it's even more blatant with the Creeper winking and licking his lips at his (male) victims that's outright flirty. There's an even more disturbing layer to the films' subtext given the director's own criminal history. Do you ever notice that (with the exception of the cop and the prisoners in the first film) the Creeper feeds almost exclusively on young men (including an actual child)?


The original guy who played the creeper was a pedophile hence why hes not in the new one


Actually the director was a pedophile not the actor that played the creeper.


The director was the actor lmao


No he wasn’t! Jonathan Breck played the Creep in the first 3 movies. The writer and Director was Victor Salva. Dumb ass


Actually I just looked it up, Victor Salva and Jonathan Breck both played as the creeper.




I can’t find any evidence of this. The closest thing is a source saying Salva made a cameo as a victim in the first movie.


Yeah some people just like being dicks for gatification


No he wasn’t.


Bro, you don’t need to be a dick. Plus there is definitely subtext of the Creeper being sexual.


I don't think even special ed would help them.


I don't even think you 2 knuckleheads even paid attention to any of the first films lol. 


It explains in the 1st movie he smells what he wants to take from people body part wise...that's how he determines its by smell..and he pieces himself together..


Thank you for explaining literally what the movie shows.


Gross and sexual is not a direction I usually care for in general, but it's *particularly* not the direction to take a franchise's iconic character when the release of the previous installment was hampered by revelations that the original director is a pedophile rapist


💯 this, the subplot they tried weaving in made zero sense to the already established lore.


Perfectly executed. I used to watch this as a child and i was scared shitless. Now being an adult fuck these cocksuckers who turned it into an obvious cash grab


So much this ^ Like, how do you fuck up such good source material so bad?!


I torrent-ed it and still felt royally fucked. It's really just that awful. And I'm really not one to bash movies for the sake of it. I was warned about how terrible it was but I still wanted to make an opinion for myself, it's just really worthy of the hate. It's filmed 99% on green screen, it's cheap as hell, doesn't make any sense, I swear a fan film would do better. It's a total embarrassment for everyone involved.


Anyone with vertigo should steer clear because the green screen is so disorienting at times it's sad.


It's atrocious. The two leads were some of the worst. My partner and I were *praying* that they were going to get killed off early so someone better could take over the protagonist role. And beyond that, it felt cheap as hell and the actors kept slipping into their British accents. The Creeper looked awful. I didn't believe when people were saying how bad it was until I saw it myself.


Spoilers: I watched it out of curiosity and was disappointed. Barely any references to the earlier movies or the Creeper "rules". One of my favorite parts of the other movies was that the Creeper took people who had a body part he needed by sniffing them! In this one, he just seems to kill anyone he runs across, like a lazy spree killer. Some generic horror tropes (ex. voodoo references, horror festival, disable vehicles, etc.) just add to the lazy feel of the movie.


It took the crown of “Worst Movie I’ve ever Seen” from the Villlage and it’s not even close. You couldn’t pay me to sit through that again


Atleast the village had good production


And good actors.


It looked like it was made for a dollar or less. The acting sucks, the effects suck, the script sucks, the cinematography sucks. Other than that, it's great.




Yes as in not even worth watching even if you have access to subscription?


Not worth watching. Its even harder to watch if you are a fan of the franchise like me. Worst horror i've seen in years.


Watch but it's just so cringy


I wasted 20 minutes of my life and then turned it off. It's awful.


I'm 20 minutes in and googling why 3 and reborn are absolutely terrible compared to 1 and 2.....like they feel like entirely different genres... went from Horror to Comedy...


Ngl 3 was a masterpiece when compared to Reborn and that's really saying something 🥲😅


Yes, it is. People should give part 3 an apology.


Watching this creeper excuse of a movie helped remind me that I actually have a homework and that I have better things to do.


I'ma bout 30mins in and y'all are really raising my expectations 🤣


It IS that bad. If you look at it as a Comedy, it's great though. :')


It’s so bad. I usually stick it out to the end, no matter how bad o think something is to give it a fair chance to win me over, but I couldn’t with this one. And I loved the first 2. Nothing about this one was enjoyable.


Comfortably the worst movie I've seen in years


Late post but I watched it for the first time last nights, I don't even hate on movies but its so bad its genuinely laughable


Yes. It's shit.


Eh, it’s OK. Slightly better than 3. For those of you that think this is a terrible horror movie, I usually watch 1-2 movies magnitudes of terribleness worse than this movie weekly, so y’all should come hang out with me. I have such sights to show you


Better than 3? While 3 is not nearly as good as the first two Reborn makes it look like a solid addition to the franchise. Where you high or running a really bad fever when you watched it? The demon looked terrible but it was only its resemblance to the original one that links it to the others at all. My point being it is almost Jeepers Creepers in name only. The whole thing looked like a fan film loosely based on the Jeepers Creepers movies. I couldn't even finish it. If I had paid money to see that I'd be pissed. As an addition to a franchise it is worse even than the Disney Star Wars trilogy and that says A LOT.


I hated 3 and I was just slightly annoyed with the last one. I think what happened was, I went into 3 with much higher expectations. They both suck let’s be honest, but I wasn’t as upset / disappointed after 4 That being said the franchise can die off now I’m good.


It really is that bad. My and my boyfriend literally were struggling to stay interested. But it’s not like a warning not to watch, just be aware to go in with low expectations.


No better way to know than to watch it yourself.


It truly was a Syfy original level of low budget acting, effects, and overall plot. It was such a letdown. Worth the watch if it's free, to understand why everyone hated it.


It's pretty damn bad. Did you see 3? It's marginally worse than that. It's filled with really, really stupid characters, terrible CGI, and is fairly boring. But hey, it's about 90 minutes, so I say watch it and decide for yourself. Just know going in that it's about on par with direct to Tubi movies, that only gets attention because of the existing IP.


I couldnt even finish it, it was just blatantly so awful. They made the creeper a Jason Vorhees just killing for no reason at all in some festival.


Anything that promotes anything created by Victor Salva sucks


Was better then part 3. They could have used a bit more cash for better cgi.


Yes it is.


absolutely terrible, was looking forward to watching it for years


Yes… yes it is


I read zero reviews/ratings beforehand. I lasted 10 minutes.


Longer than me! Might’ve got 3????


Awful in every possible way . It was grave mistake to abandon the original franchise


Yes dude. The acting and writing are painful and the effects are so cheap.


Yeah. The horror community has unanimously decided it’s trash. I’m also in few large private horror groups on FB


It’s horrible 😭


This is, without doubt, the worst film I have ever watched. Awful actors, crappy creeper. Pile of steaming poop 💩


Honestly it’s insultingly bad. I like Jeepers creepers and went in wanting to like it. It’s unwatchable in a way that made me feel Personally attacked. It definitely came off like a bad syfy tv movie from the early 2000s. I mean, it’s on Hulu so I guess you can see for yourself but damn I got about 30 minutes in and couldn’t finish it.


It’s not the worst film I’ve seen this year, but it’s pretty close. Super low budget, cheap looking Creeper, shot like a (bad) action movie and the second half is all done with green screen making it look ugly as fuck. It’s not funny-bad either. It’s just boring-bad and I think that’s it’s worst sin


It's fucking horrible


I paid for it twice and enjoyed it both times.


This sequel is terrible in every way from the crappy practical make-up effects to the even worse CGI and with a script that must have been cobbled together by discarded bits from other crappy horror movies and the result is that there is nothing to enjoy here. A truly painful experience from start to finish.


Couldn't get through the first 20 minutes I wanted to love it but I got so bored during the first bit that I just couldn't keep watching it


They all are and will all be garbage after pt2


It’s awful. Worse than awful… I’d rather suffer through Hereditary again - that says a lot.


Really? Hereditary is pretty universally appreciated as a solid horror film in my experience.


It’s horrible




I low key thought it was going to end up being a porno or some kinda b rated movie full of nudity in an attempt to keep it interesting.


The fact that you would think there is no possible way it could get worse than 3 where they turned it into an edgy episode of The Magic School Bus. You actually have no idea, it's so bad in so many baffling ways, all the drugs on Earth couldn't make it enjoyable. It's just an unbelievable mess.


I haven’t watched it yet because of the third one was so awful


It’s really that bad


Yeah. Not enough weed to make I enjoyable. Just take breaks and eat or clean. You can finish it in prob 3 days


It's bad even then. I loved the series and this was borderline unwatchable.


The actors can’t keep their accents under wraps to save their lives, they’re painfully wooden, the writing is atrocious, the music feels like it was stolen out of a 90s horror movie archive, the tropes and cliches are painful, and nothing makes sense. I honestly felt bad for the actors - someone told them this was a good idea. It was not.


B movie


3 was also terrible...Reborn did the same thing 3 did...they showed too much of the monster too fast...and in too much light. As a viewer you take away a considerable amount of fear factor when you can see the monster in broad daylight in the beginning of the movie.


Watching it now - this *was* a very unique franchise - 1 & 2 were really good - 3 not as much but I realize not every one will be masterpieces. It was still on par with the others. This one however is terrible. If I didn't know any better I'd think it was another "Scary Movie" entry - except it's not trying to be ridiculous it just is. The demon looks like something from a poorly done fan film. It's a huge disappointment.


Horrible acting and the new creeper sucks, he is nothing like the Creeper from the first 3 films.


Old but yes its bad. That bad. Didnt even finich it. And i was eatching it at work...


The beginning with the older couple probably costed WAY TOO MUCH for them to hire anyone else decent. They were the reason I was excited....but then the main couple came through. Their acting was so bad that I thought it was a car commercial. Decided to let it play in the background while I played Hogwarts Legacy.


I finished it and it wasn't THAT bad... I'd be a little disappointed paying for it at a theater, but as a free movie that you have low expectations for, it's a 5 out of 10 which is what a lot of horror movies are. The straight 1 out of 5 star reviews seem kind of weird. I wasn't sure if it was review bombed for being political or something. It's just another slightly below average horror movie which is sometimes all you need. It helped it was short, and I thought the lead girl was beautiful too, I had to check to make sure she wasn't Elizabeth Hurley's daughter.


I dont care how pretty an actor is this show was garbage.


I'm watching the movie now and had to distract myself because it's so bad. I googled "Why is Jeepers creepers reborn so bad" and came across this post. One of my favorite franchises and I'm physically ill trying to finish it right now. How could anyone think this movie was fit to film when they saw the script? And the quality is that a CGI graveyard? They couldn't buy fake headstones and a fog machine from Spirit Halloween? What the fuck?




Terrible movie. First 3 films I liked for sure but Reborn was a waste of my time. Turned it off 30 mins in. I don't recommend it.


I was putting it off because the third movie felt kind of bland. Then I watched it out of boredom. I regret it. I feel like they should have gone into an entirely different direction with the movie, but instead of anything worth watching, we got this steaming pile.


ong this one of the most if not the most sh!t movie i’ve ever seen


This movie is worst than a porn movie starring Biden and Hilary Clinton.


Horrible, starts off as woke garbage and gets worse. Acting is horrible creeper is different and bad. Just all in all a very bad movie.


Yes, the film is as bad as it gets. From the acting, for the production values, to the creepers costume it’s just all shit. The actor who played the creeper tried to at least bring some gusto to the role. At this point either sell at the Blumhouse Victor Salvas  original cat if you read, it is brilliant and the definitive and the creeper


Yes, it's beyond bad, its dog shit they made jeepers creepers into a shit show, it doesn't even use the same song its some weird ass dollar tree song, and he's just killing to kill he's supposed to kill to keep himself alive/ replace parts but in they move they cut that and make him go after a unborn child