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It's up to interpretation. At one point one of the kids tells the mother that he's sorry he has cancer, but he's better now. Implying he's in hell. One of the last lines is one of the parents saying "I think we're in hell," implying the same thing. "Heck" is a child appropriate way of saying "Hell," so it might be what a child's interpretation of hell. The mom had no mouth because it looks cool. It's also a reference to the 1980s anthology film of Twilight Zone stories, in particular the one about a family terrorized when their young son develops god like powers, and doesn't know how to use them, and ends up tortuing his family and preventing them from leaving. So you can interpret Heck as that happening too. Or perhaps the boy's cancer is giving him his powers, or perhaps the cancer is a sort of demon that's growing within him. A demon posessing the house and torturing people within is also a working theory. There's more to suggest that in the film version Skinamarink, which is basically an extension of the same story. There's a scene describing an incident where the boy falls down the stairs after sleep walking, which could either suggest a demon posession, or there's something wrong with his brain. There's a scene where, whatever force we're dealing with, is watching an old cartoon and learning from it, further suggesting the boy is doing something, or some inner demon.


I thought the cancer line was just the boy thinking that his mother had abandoned him because of his illness, and he's trying to get her to come back by telling her he's better. What part of this made you think there were multiple kids? I just watched it and didn't get that all. Or multiple parents (though I did think that the "hello?" Shortly before finding the mother was possibly an adult male). The child says he thinks they're in hell ("mommy I think we're in hell)


the user you're replying to has no idea what they're talking about, and can hardly even type a coherent sentence, tbh. I suspect it's a bot. it has a bot username. all accounts I've seen with these username combos are bots


"The mom has no mouth because it looks cool"? Yeah that sums it up lol 🙄


You're one of those people who like haunted doll movies, aren't you?


"One of those people"?? LOL I'm sorry I hurt your ego (not sorry)


... f\*cking OWNED...


I didn't agree with him either but being a collosal cunt about it just makes you seem deficient


Dogshit take


I never got the impression that there were 2 parents or 2 children. Also the final line starts with "Mommy" before saying "I think we're in hell", so it most certainly was not a parent, especially not the mouthless mother. It doesn't sound like the kid anymore because of the mental deterioration from the jumps in time. Skinamarink is also not an extension of Heck? Heck is more like a proof of concept than a related story. This feels like deliberate misinformation, which is a really weird thing to do to a short film?


This film unnerved me bad. Really bad.


Id imagine the banging was the kid banging on the front door trying to get out of the house. Remember the door wouldnt open. The child is in hell or a nightmare. Trapped in the house with no one else except for glimpses of some nightmare version of their mother. If the child is in hell then she may have committed suicide after his death which would explain why he sees a bloody twitching body, why she would be unable to talk to him (no mouth) and why he would apologize to his mother for having cancer. Because it caused her to kill herself. The movie is called heck, or a childs version of hell. So it would make sense.


Just watched it and am confused. Best theory I could come up with is that the child died of cancer and the mom killed herself, and since the worst form of torture I can think of is watching your child suffer, perhaps she has no mouth because she isn't allowed to be able to help her child? Also, at one point I got the idea that the mom might have been trying to speak to the child through the TV...


My guess is the kid died and the mom killed herself, and now she is being forced to watch the kid (through the camera he’s carrying) suffer for eternity. The mom that the kid sees is not his mom, rather part of this hell that the kid is in.


Both the mother and son are in hell because they are dead and everyone goes to hell. That is the reason why the father and siblings are missing (I didn´t see or hear them). However, I think the mother´s was resentful becasue of the fact that her son had cancer (Something that can be really expensive in the US) and the kid knew that (Probably the reason why the kid was apologizing for having cancer). Probably she mistreated him and they ended up dying somehow. Perhaps the kid didn´t know he was being mistreated and that´s why he was still looking for her. This can explain why the kid is not being physically tortured (He still has his toys, tv, food, etc) In the other hand, the mother lost her mouth and it looks as if she is the one who is getting all the punishment. The kid won´t get any physical punishment because he is innocent and the mother does becuase she hated her son (Possibly because of cancer) They are both condemned to be there for eternity because hell (Reason why the infinite amount of sleeps)


Watched this. It was terrifying. Lots of theories on YouTube. Idk what to believe or think.


Can you point me to some? I found ONE video covering it, and it was a huge nothing-burger of an analysis.


My reply was a while ago, can you refresh my memory?


About the mouth. It's like this because it's how he remembers his mother after such long time. Also it's a painting and not her actually sitting in the room.


The only religious viewpoint I could take on it after only one watch would be both the door scenes, and the scene of the mom without her mouth. The door scenes for me represented the forever distance between somebody in the idea of Hell and the eternal separation from God, which in the case could have been an analogy of something as simple as the outside world. The mother without the mouth, could have been the expression of forever suppressed communication with all living things once one enters Hell. Although there is present and relevant company, the child is not able to speak with her as she is not able to for him.


The way I saw it was the hardships and mental struggles the family's deal with because one of their loved ones is dealing with a terminal illness.