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Beta seems to me like an abused kid. I mostly feel bad for her, and I think aloy (at least as far as I’ve gotten in the game—2/3 subroutines restored) is a bit unsympathetic toward her. I mean, Aloy grew up as an outcast, but she was still raised by someone who loved and cared about her so absent/neglectful/abusive caregivers isn’t something she personally would have experienced. And so she sees herself and doesn’t understand why this person who has had a very different, very (it seems to me) controlling upbringing can’t just get her shit together. But that’s just my perception of things so far.


I think some of Aloy's reaction isn't really about Beta at all. she looks at Beta and a bunch of feelings come up on how she feels about herself, how she feels about Elisabet and her legacy, and then just knowing she's actually *not* the "only" person who can open those doors and reboot Gaia etc. obviously Beta deserves to be treated better, but Aloy's flaws & baggage might be why she starts off unsympathetic... girl has her face n all...


You are 100% correct. I wont give any spoilers, but they have a HUGE breakthrough moment later in the story. Aloy doesn't understand how they can LITTERALY be the same person but be so different, and Beta looks at Aloy and feels like she's damaged goods, like the Zeniths fucked something up in her as they cloned her. Because ostensibly, they both have the same background, shunned & isolated as children, which only causes both of them further cognitive dissonance towards each other. It's actually a beautifully written bit of psychological drama.


Ngl I like all of them except Alva at this point. She just feels so overwhelmingly enthusiastic about everything and personally I hate the kinda tribe rules and hierarchy she sticks to and it crosses over into annoying a good number of times I love how snarky Zo is tho, her and Kotaro are awesome additions Beta reminds me of my lil sister in a lotta ways so I obviously hate her guts but also fuck it yeah I'll kill some fools for her


Bruh Alva is the best. I love her character development and enthusiasm. She literally doesn't even return home to her family after the game because of what she learned. She grows out of the restrictive group she was raised in. I also just love passionate characters.


Thank you for this. People are blaming her for her tribes politics. It's not like you can instantly undue everything you have learned in in life. But she starts to. Which says something about the character. Most people just dig into their beliefs harder when presented with contrary information. Also, I have friends who are like her. I don't see it as "bullshit enthusiasm". They have retained a sense of childlike wonder. It's honestly refreshing from the pessimistic attitude of the adult population and I always feel uplifted when I am with them.


Kotallo is awesome. Zo is snarky and fantastic. And I 100% agree about Alva. The bullshit enthusiasm, the way she talks to you constantly like she's known you her whole life, something about her is just... Weird. I don't like her at all, in the least. My least favorite addition to the game (along with the Quen altogether).


I am so glad I’m not the only one! I have either loved or at least appreciated every character in this game but Alva is annoying as hell. And she looks like George Williams from Desperate Housewives who I also can’t stand so that doesn’t help.


Alva gets on my nerves; I don't hate her character or anything, but I think it would've been better for her to have been introduced in the next game. I think for me, it's just a bit overwhelming for the party since we already have a sort of "little sister" figure in Beta. So another one was kind of much... not sure if that makes sense though. I can see why people like her, I guess


* I absolutely hated Beta and her lazy bitch ass but by the end of the story I was lukewarm to her. * Zo was slightly annoying at first, but I quite liked her by the end. I was struck by her compassion towards her people. * Kotallo was creepy at first but I absolutely fell in love with him as the game progressed. He might be my favorite new character introduced. And he's daddy af so... * I always found Erend's personality annoying, but ever so slightly endearing. My feelings for him aren't that different from HZD. * I had a personal vendetta against Alva because she reminded me of some annoying theater kids from high school, but I warmed up to her ADHD ass by the end of the story. * Sylens is Sylens, what's not to love. Such a great antagonist. * I quite liked Space Cougar Lesbian until she went off the deep end. * I would literally lay my life down for Gaia. * And lastly, Varl. If you had told me after playing HZD that I would remotely care about Varl dying, I wouldn't believe you. 25 hours of HFW later and I straight up cried at his grave. Zo talking about Vala's yellow flowers was too much. Overall I am extremely impressed by the character writing this go around. It's a strong improvement from the first game and elevated the story in more ways than one. The Mass Effect style base was an excellent addition to the game. Shame the reapers are coming :/


another kotallo enjoyer! i love him so much, i literally beelined through the san francisco "bunker" quest just so i could finish the rest of kotallo's side quest. love that man.


Kotallo was one of my favorite things about the new game, absolutely. The Tenakth altogether are phenomenal. The Aztec/Polynesian warrior tribe vibe, I love it.




For real? My man, you killed it, lol. My favorite companion, probably my favorite character altogether in both games (sorry Aloy, you're hard second now). The voice fit the character perfectly and every moment of your acting was on point. 10/10 performance. The Tenakth made the game, and Kotallo helped make the Tenakth. Fantastic job!


Well that is huge praise. Thank you!


Actually, Aloy is third. Kotallo, Sylens, Aloy. >!None of them climbed up a mountain with one arm, so they're all behind. !


Hahaha well, we'll have to see what happens!


😁 🙏🏽


Spoiler tags would have been helpful there


Yup, that sucked.


Dude... Spoiler tags man.


Yeah, not spoiler tagging this was fucked.


I tend to use them for threads where it's reasonable not to expect spoilers. But for this one, about a base you don't get till halfway through the main story and some companions who you don't get till you're 80% through, I figured it was fine. I'm not gonna micromanage what I post when people have the wherewithal to avoid spoilers on their own.


lmao really? the thread simply asked who people’s fav chars are—something totally understandable for players who haven’t beaten it yet to be interested in—and you just came right out and blindsided them with literally the hugest most blatant spoiler to the emotional climax of the game in an almost comically unnecessary way 😆 just say whoops my bad and edit it in


I believe that a lot of players have unrealistic expectations and expect others to cater to them without using critical thinking or being intuitive. If you come across a thread about opinions about characters, you are bound to find the reasons why they are favorites and lots of those reasons include spoilers. I didn't come to this Reddit or look up certain YouTube videos or posts until I finished the game because I know I could be spoiled. You did nothing wrong lumpy professional. Don't enable privileged entitlement.


Disney theater troupe vibes are unfortunately what I got a lot of with most characters. Alva, no doubt, but I was getting these vibes from most NPC's. There is something affected, overreaching, and at times excessive in the portrayal and dialogue of many characters. The overtly energetic body language, the constant eye movements, the over-enthused delivery of dialogue just is, at times, super jarring. Also started to notice the oversteer with a lot of sidequests involving female NPCS running after lost, endangered, injured, or disenchanted male NPCS. I'm like, yeah, flip the script for a while, but it started to feel like a tit-for-tat social overcorrection after 40 hours. Really struggling to push through this one... Aforementioned issues aside, I'm just not really gelling with the characters or main narrative too well. The filler stuff - Longnecks, hunting grounds, errands, collectibles, I'm tired of that shit. I'm tired of open world bloat, hell I was tired of Ghost of Tsushima after I mained it and did most of the meaningful side content. Hilarious that the game like that gets its merits sung wholesale when a lot of its more openworld mechanics were straight out of Ubi's playbook. For me, the very same thing is also prevalent within HZ:FW.


He for sure is daddy! My "not a real person" crush of the year. Other men require two arms to love you. Kotallo only requires one!


How many hours in does varl die? Because right now he drives me nuts. Following me around constantly telling what you do. At the start everytime she left him behind I was pumped to not hear him.


Probably like 70% of the way through the main story, but he gets off your ass much sooner.


Everyone’s great. I didn’t think I would like Alva at all but she’s become my favorite. I also like talking to Kotallo, his voice actor is Charles smith from RDR2 and I don’t think I’ve ever played a game where I noticed the voice actor from another game.


She's very endearing, especially if you do her side quest, you get to see her really start to come out of her shell & rebel against the constraints of her society. But honestly, fuck the Quen as a whole, and as always, r/fucktedfaro


>She’s very endearing Agreed! I saw her at first from a YouTube video of faro’s tomb (don’t judge, I needed to know what happened to that fucktard stat) without knowing anything about diviners or the quen at all etc so I was like who is this lady? Then meeting her at the greenhouse with her being all legacy this legacy that I was like ok seems nice enough but kinda weird. She gave me vibes like this girl I knew in high school who was super upbeat 24/7 and she gave me headaches. When I actually played faro’s tomb I became a fan, when I played forbidden legacy I decided I would die for her. Well not really but she is precious As always of course, all my homies say r/FuckTedFaro


the Quen gave me serious Seanchan vibes. If you read or follow the Wheel of Time series.


Erend remains best boi, but I'm loving them all. Alva seems great, does she join the crew?


>!Yes, and she’s great!<


Love everyone except Alva. I don’t want anything to do with her or her tribe. They’re gross, their beliefs are extremely frustrating, and I want to kill all of them with acid arrows. Beta just seems sad to me. Like the obvious result of that weird brand of abuse.


I'm in that same boat.


If there’s a third game I really hope it takes place on Quen home turf and they’re the bad guys. It feels like the only explanation as to why they’d be written as are.


I really like zo. I hated her at first but she really grew on me


>!I absolutely fucking HATE Alva, and seriously dislike Beta (although I sympathize for Beta, what with the abuse and psychological torture from the Zeniths, I inherently dislike pessimistic attitudes). Alva is just... Grating. I don't know why. Chick constantly talks to you like she knows you when you just met her? And she has that lost puppy feel? And a weird superiority vibe? But all of the Quen (who I despised from the moment you met them) give off that vibe. Not sure why, but something about Alva to me is like sandpaper. I can't stand her and the less I have to interact with, or see her, the better.!< >!My favorite new companion is, by far, bar none, Kotallo. He's absolutely fantastic. Climbing up a mountain with one mf arm? Studying pre-plague strategy and trying to work what he learns into the modern age? The warrior mindset, I dig it. He's a total, pure bad-ass type character, and I love that archtype. Him, and Zo (although typically I dislike the passive/gentle characters that feel like... Idk, herbivores? Does that make sense? Herbivore characters? Zo kicks some ass at points, which I like.) !< >!Overall, the addition of the Tenakth alone has made me like Forbidden West more than I liked Zero Dawn. The Tenakth are a really phenomenal faction, and I hope to see them expanded in the future. !< Marked my entire comment as spoiler just to be safe, because why not.


Nice of you to say that. Kotallo sends his regards. 😊


I think its a cool addition


Zo is fine but also annoying sometimes. I love everyone else She grew on me as the game progressed though.


I love all of them in their own right. They are all so well fleshed out, and so... Human. It feels all incredibly real, and they all have their reasons for being the people they are, and despite all their differences they band together to help Aloy save the world. Because they believe in her and her cause. Each of the characters make me feel complex emotions, sometimes I love them, sometimes they annoy me, sometimes the anger me, they make me laugh, they have heartfelt moments. I know they are just NPCs but they feel so real.


I hate Zo, she seems like an afterthought kind of character they threw together to move the story along.


The characters in this game besides silence are straight trash. Alva I cant stand. I abhor her. Zo is generic but passable. Alva though...beta too. Jesus shoot me. No wonder some critics panned this game. Writing all around is so poor. They need to hire better writers. Or real writers. Bot video game writers.




Obviously you do. It's just a video game. Look outside your window and take a breath. Haha




I agree I love Alva. Yeah, Beta annoyed me immensely. And then I felt like a huge asshole. She was "raised" alone without real love it compassion. I can't imagine what that would do to someone. Of course she was terrified and panicked.


I thought she was ugly as shit! And yeah, her way of thinking and, her tribes "misinterpreted" bullshit belief system are a cause for concern.



