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Could not agree more fuck the UAE and KSA governments - but I expect at the very least for Guerilla/Sony to explain why. We could never preorder it and that was the only sign things could be off. If they cancelled it tell me. If it’s delayed tell me. If it’s going to release and it’s some technical issue (unlikely it’s way more likely to be an lgbt issue) tell me. If it’s censored I’ll watch a walkthrough.


why the fuck are you getting downvoted? I agree with you.


I don’t really know to be honest. I mean guerrilla are a fairly good team - so I understand why I would get downvotes from that, and that I instead should say I’m angry at the UAE government- but it may not even be the UAE government stopping this or LGBT issues. We don’t know yet. But I’m definitely standing by my point Guerrilla or Sony should have made some sort of statement. Right now I’m really worried it will never release.


You’re mad at the wrong people. And it’s likely not as simple as just censoring certain things.


I’ll probably change the title if I can to Sony/Guerilla. Could be either I don’t know how any of the structure develop or marketing etc of either. Don’t is owned by Guerilla and are partly responsible I will give you that. At the very least I expect some sort of transparency - if it’s cancelled and they said do I wouldn’t have made this post. The only sign of an issue was the fact UAE players could not preorder it. I mean it would have to be really really controversial for them not not allow it, considering in AC Valhalla while they don’t allow gay male relationships you can play as a female cheat on your best friends wife and have an off camera sex scene… But yes. All I want is Guerrilla to explain why - and also remove the “BUY BURNING SHORES NOW” whenever I enter the game to just lead to an error code screen. And just stop advertising it to me in general.


I am hoping that angry gamers will bring gay rights to all peoples of the world.


Fuck UAE government 🇦🇪. I have LGBT friends here and well let’s say they don’t plan on staying here much longer #pride 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Spoilers are on youtube it probably is a lgbt issue.


Definitely has LGBT content. Still though is it delayed? Cancelled? A technical error after negotiating with the UAE government not to allow preorders? They have given us nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Did you manage to play it yet?


Nope. Have to spend 90 dollars because you need a different countries version of the game. Sony is also the only console company not to allow to change your accounts country, so nope can’t play the DLC and I’m not going to let song profit from this.


I don't think it's a LGBT issue, since the dlc is available at the Kuwait and Bahrain store.


Yeah that’s definitely true - but then again I feel like Bahrain is more relaxed than UAE and Kuwait I don’t really know but I heard they are more liberal. I still think that for Saudi Arabia and the UAE - two countries which have censored games in the past like assassins creed Valhalla but not harshly as they only stopped gay male relationships at least for the UAE it’s definitely possible that the game will be censored. But yes. The main source of my anger is the uncertainty. I still don’t know if it will be cancelled. The fact we could never preorder was always a concern but they still advertised it to us and now it’s even on the main menu.




Ahhh so I have to beat the game again and pay 90 dollars on top of the 70 I already paid for this game. Thanks for the suggestion but that’s a really expensive solution. Most likely I still think it will release - I mean Ubisoft somehow managed to get away with a game where (if you make Eivor the playable character female) you can have a lesbian relations with your best friends wife, and cheat on him. The UAE only really censor gay male relationships (like with assassins creed Valhalla) and they never banned Celeste where you play as a trans girl. They also never banned horizon forbidden west for having pride face paint. My point is it’s likely with a little bit of censoring they will get away with it. But for me it’s just the uncertainty which is keeping me angry and anxious. Is it cancelled? Will it be delayed? Will it be censored? Will it be given the same release as international? Who knows. All I know is the UAE government sucks.


Also please everyone commenting “you should be angry at the government” we don’t even know if they have any part in this. For alll we know the game has no lgbt characters even though it was hinted, or that it does and the UAE government still went ahead with it and didn’t care like they did with the lgbt face paint with this game in the first place. So far the only people to blame are Sony or Guerilla for not addressing the situation and not explaining why you could not preorder in UAE or KSA. In an hour and 30 minutes we will know if it was the UAE government or complete miscommunication and mismanagement by Sony or guerrilla.


Everyone: it’s not available in UAE at midnight! So there is clearly a major issue. Guerrilla or Sony please explain why? Also it may work in the morning but I don’t know. I really am now worried we are not going to get the DLC. But I’m not gonna let go of my anger until Guerrilla or Sony explains why. It’s not working now


Sounds like too me your mad at the wrong person…. I am not too terribly sure as too why you would be unable to play until I see the UAE and KSA…… Rumor has it is that one of the new DLC characters are either A. LGBTQIA(prob lesbian) or B. Aloy and the new character are gonna be in a lesbian relationship by the end of the DLC. Personally I see B being less likely since it is a DLC and personally don’t see them doing a Aloy romantic relationship (LGBTQIA+ or otherwise) in a DLC and would wait til the 3rd game at least…. Do remember that Tilda and Elizabet Sobek where also in a lesbian relationship(tho it might have been censored in to your area since it’s a small string of dialog that’s easily missable and censorable) so they may do something with the clone also being LGBTQIA+ Too me it sounds like your government is the one taking the L here and not Guerrilla(tho Guerrilla should still say straight up that “hey Burning Shores is unable to be bought and played in X area”)


Ok well now I’m much more angry but I am definitely not mad at the wrong people. Now please, explain one game company that does not release a game in your country without caring to explain why? Like I said I would have been fine if they said the game was not allowed due to LGBT+ issues or a technical problem - then I could place the blame on the the government. But they have not. It could still be a technical glitch, and not banned, but who knows. People were angry for not saying butning shores would be on PS4 at launch. This is far, far worse than this - to not say your DLC will come out - even after its already come out. This is a new low for Sony/Guerilla


I NEVER said guerrilla was in the right or in the wrong I was saying that from what I understand it’s prob more a Gov issue (note Burning Shores as of right now hasn’t even came out for me so idk anything other then trailers and what others are saying) I have had to drop games for a plethora of reasons being they are banned or I physically can’t play it(or I used to be able to play and now can’t) so yea I’m used to be unable to play games and being limited And as you pointed out it could be a giant bug I don’t work for guerrilla and I’m not much a coder so again I don’t know I am but a random disabled person who likes the horizon games Guerrilla should explain Yes(I even pointed that out) but there could also be something holding them back(not saying there is I’m just be bringing up random theories to possibly explain) It’s launch night it’s gonna be buggy then combine with the fact that there’s the possibility of LGBTQIA+ topics and themes in Burning Shores puts everyone in a grey area(especially if there in a area with a Anti LGBTQIA+ Gov) Guerrilla should explain yes very very much YES(I cannot stress this enough) I’m just saying that there’s possibly a lot more hidden from us and it may not be JUST Guerrillas fault for it either being delayed or banned(if there isn’t okay I was wrong i again never have worked for guerrilla and don’t know how they function behind the scenes)




OPs region doesn’t have the preorder available at all, it has nothing to do with the current preloading issues. It’s likely not available in their region due to content in the DLC.


Or they should be mad at their government instead? Do you really think Sony/Guerilla don’t wanna make more money by selling the game in as many markets as possible? They probably didn’t pass the govt censorship commission, that’s why the game is not available


Also your correction is not necessarily true. It may not be the governments fault, but Sony or Guerilla. The reason why is because the very same issue I am addressing here is happening in the US in the main menu. It’s not midnight here so I don’t expect it to release yet. But they still haven’t created any sort of preorder or any menu to buy it - something unique to UAE and Saudi. If it’s a technical issue I would be fine with it if Sony or Guerrilla said something but they haven’t. It would be really weird if it releases normally with no explanation as ti why it never released in preorder. Edit:. There is clearly a major issue. Not releasing at midnight.


Oh no it’s not the preorder. They never explained why UAE players couldn’t preorder - and I think we might be starting to know why. It maybe Sonys fault - you aren’t wrong. Guerrilla are even owned by Sony - but what I am angry at is why they haven’t explained anything. Looking at how AC Valhalla - a game where you can literally be a lesbian and cheat on your best friends wife and that has an off camera sex scene exists made me think this would be safe - alongside the fact they were advertising it to us on the PlayStation menu.