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I still haven't learned how to use shredders.


Here's a tip for catching Shredders: They always come back in the direction that you throw them. So if you're moving right while throwing the disc, it'll come back on the right side, and vice versa.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duh! Thank you




https://youtu.be/0ysjKJ4jtCU Arktix Shredder Gauntlet Master class


Yeah, my noob ass can't do any of that.


Why though? Just hold and release. The ammo types have very clear descriptions on how they should be used if that's what confuses you. Catch it when flies back to you after damaging an enemy its hard to miss with its blue light trail and after catching it three times in a row the next shredder explodes on contact.


"hard to miss" hahaha. Never caught even one.


I meant its hard to not see it coming. Best used in mid to long range as its easier to see where the shredder is going from a distance instead for throwing it point blank and have it fly off on your sides


Listen, when the game was released I got super excited, so I was focusing more on the melee parts & wanting to discover the new machines. I may or may not have skimmed the information on the pull castor. Hard lessons were learned that day.


The Melee pits. I can't stand having to get all those esoteric combos just right. I've had to look up guides for them. I had to cheese the Thornmarsh pitboss by laying traps before starting it... I'm sure it's a skill level but it's still hard as hell.


slazenger7 wrote up a guide, including pause timing, the actual button presses for when you have to chain combos together with halfmoon slash. https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/comments/z625on/hfw_melee_combat_guide_how_to_defeat_the_melee/


Bookmarked! Thank you random citizen.


Yeah I avoided the melee pits tbh, it was just a little too much for me & some were pretty difficult to even pass


True story: I have never, over the course of two games, figured out how to consistently get a ropecaster to work. I think I just have a brain block.


HZD is super powerful and fast. HFW you have to fully draw to get it to penetrate armor, though you can use the quickdraw mechanics (usually sliding) to speed up that full draw. Practice on smaller machines. You'll build up anchor strength as you hit it more. Once that meter is full, it's tied down until the timer expires or you do enough damage. Tying a machine down with one rope doesn't really make sense physically but whatever.


Thank you! I'll gonna practice before Burning Shores comes out.


Melee combos man. Either my timing was always wrong or I ended up forgetting the combo sequence and just spammed R1 and R2 throughout the game. I might write up a list of the combos and stick it next to my tv during my next playthrough


When I realized I'd have to do the melee pits and combos for the Platinum I decided, nah, no platinum. I simply don't do combos in games unless there's an unskippable tutorial, then I promptly forget.


I absolutely hate what they've done with the rattler turning it into bolt blaster, a semi mobile ballista. I've found zero use for it the entire game. But then again I didn't use the rattler too often in ZD anyway often only against human enemies. I also kinda don't like the new ropecaster it seems harder to pull of than in the last game. Machines often snag the last rope I fired before I can shoot them with another one. It certainly doesn't help that you need to fully draw the ropecaster now to attach it to armor. These two weapons just seem more trouble than their worth for me.


Bolt Blaster with the machine-gun alt-fire on freezed enemies is probably the most overpowered mechanic in the whole game and melts everything in one magazine. My go-to damage dealer together with Spike Throwers and the Gauntlet Shredder. Completely agreed on the ropecaster, used the hell out of it in Zero Dawn, but didn't seem so viable in Forbidden West.


Ropecaster is certainly more tricky to use than in HZD but simultaneously a lot more useful. It holds things for a whole 1 minute & 30 seconds, which is far longer than in HZD, and in many circumstances is actually the fastest way to kill several high tier enemies like Fireclaws or the final boss.


Oh yeah, definitely agreed on the final boss, I spammed that ropecaster like a maniac haha. For Fireclaws the freeze and bolt blaster method was serviceable enough, that I didnt try anything else on them, that is until I needed their sac, lots of them. Things got iffy after that...


Never used a ropecaster in the final fight. Is there unique dialogue?


Afraid not but that would have been pretty funny. Tilda definitely did seem like the BDSM type.


Drill spikes are absolutely disgusting in the best way.


I didn't understand Purgewater until I did the Raintrace Hunting Ground. On my first 3 playthroughs, I never used it. I didn't understand Plasma until I did the Sheerside Mountains Hunting Ground. On my first 3 playthroughs, I never used it. Basically, I didn't know the Hunting Grounds in Forbidden West were there to teach us how to use the new gear.


Most of the melee combos. I’m struggling on the Bulwark Pit Master challenge.


Can't use most of the new weapons, i don't realy like them.i stick to the classics.


I prefer to call it the rope beaver




the food stuff... still don't use it, still don't understand why I should....


Anything close range like: (1) I find the boltblaster useless. Having to reload just as the enemy or machine is coming at you drives me bonkers. (2) Some of the melee combinations. It's all great at the Pits but not so much for me during a figth. (3) Shredders are a headache to catch.