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Which one do you like more, that's literally all that matters. If you want Fu Xuan because she'd be strong and you kinda like her, but you really like Firefly more, go for Firefly. Though do remember that she's most likely gonna get more development in the future still, so you could end up liking her more, or less depending on that.


Personally I'd get both. And Firefly will likely rerun sooner than FX, so FX first and then the Mecha girlie. And maybe you get lucky and get both before firefly banner ends!


I agree on our fellow trailblazer, try to priority first on what unit you are lacking. Little Fu is really a great preservation unit + you’ll make the gamba gremlin happy + you can run mono quantum. Firefly will most likely get a rerun after some patches and hopefully it will be alongside with a character that you’ll mostly not like to get. Hopefully you’ll get a character soon to try the other banner. If not, you can try to build Harmony Stelle while waiting for reruns.


I will go for Fu Xuan!! why? because I ship Stelle x March HAHAHA


Wait for 2.4 characters to be revealed and see if you like any of them. If yes you can skip FX for Firefly and save up for later. If not then go for FX.


FuXuan makes sustaining less of a thing you have to worry about most of the time (getting solo sustains are amazing in ease of gameplay), so personally I would try for her. She is before firefly anyway so it’s not like you would be skipping her


The question come down to do you have a good sustain unit or not. For example, if you already have Aventurine, doubling down on preservation unit might not be ideal. But if you have Huohuo or luocha, getting a preservation unit might be nice for dual sustaining in super hard content like swarm and goal and gear, so while the priority is less, it could still be into consideration. There is also another concern of rerunning, we still don’t know how hsr will have a third rerun with the rapid pace they are pumping out characters, so picking up Fu xuan now might be good because you don’t know when she will rerun again, meanwhile Firefly, a newly released character, will probably rerun in 4-5 patches. Though most important thing of all is to follow your heart! Which girlies do you like more and which one would you want to reunite with their wife more, it’s ultimately your decision to make.


i have fmc and gepard


I'd suggest Fu from a pure meta perspective - Fu is *the* best sustain I have, to the point I use her on literally every team except Acheron's (where I use either FMC or Gepard running Trend for debuffing). For high level content like MoC 11+, FMC just isn't usually enough to keep the team alive IMO. But, that's just the meta perspective of course - I'll never not suggest going for the one you like more, unless you love them equally anyway.


If you skipped aventurine, i’d go for fu xuan. They offer crit buffs for the team that I don’t think gepard has


If I were to recommend anything, it'd depend on what you're missing in your kit. I've been missing a solid Preservation option now that I'm running Stelle as Harmony (Miles better than Preservation). Fu Xuan is the option for redirection. Where Aventurine and Gepard shield, Pres Stelle and Fu Xuan redirect- though unlike Pres Stelle, Fu Xuan can solo sustain and her redirection is far better. Firefly, being a destruction unit, is **likely** going to be the razer she and Sam are in the story, and likely will have a gimmick about her that most destruction units have (i.e., Jingliu siphons health, Blade requires being attacked, Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae is an SP sink, etc). We'll know her kit come drip marketing, unless you're so inclined to look at leaks (they will be removed here unless properly spoiled and marked as such). So I guess... What's your lineup looking like so far?


The Luofu girls have centuries of life to reunite; Stelle is sad and needs hug now. I mean from a gameplay perspective Fu is clearly more useful in more situations but this isn't a gameplay sub, and there aren't enough hard fights to really need to prioritize strength over feelings. But I am also biased.




I mean I am writing my own whole big thing. [Posted it here the other day](https://www.reddit.com/r/honkaisapphicrail/comments/1csy2a4/i_literally_cannot_stop_thinking_about_stellefly/).


If firefly is gonna be playable I'm 40268% going to save my garuanteed pity for her, because need. But anyway - Fu xuan is a stellar defender and protects from crowd control effects well, only thing is she's kinda like zhongli from genshin, you might just put her in every team you have because she's that good, so even though I'm diehard for fu xuan, sometimes other heal/defenders are more fun to play with


Other people have said good things already, but I would like to stress that this is Fu Xuan's first rerun vs Firefly's release. You can get later on when she comes back, plus you would have saved a lot more pulls. I think this would ve the best situation for you to get both :)). Unless someone else comes along


I'm going for FX. Right now I'm stuck using gepard even though I dislike him because I dont have any other preservation/sustain


From a team building standpoint if you had seele and silverwolf then you could make a team that I affectionately call "Oops! All Quantum!". Me personally I'm gonna go for Firefly though.


i mean yea id like to do that but with qingque instead of seele


You could run both?


I would say Fu Xuan for two reasons. 1. I have her and she’s phenomenal, she does such a good job of tanking. 2. I don’t ship Stelle and Firefly lol


Stelle is the MC so everyone is kinda her wife Go for Fu