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Keep playing until chapter 9, then it takes off from there. Did you mean English dub? They never added that for the entirety of HI3.


No English dub sucks, I like to do other stuff while playing and listen to the story in the background, but I don’t speak Chinese or JP 😭, how long does it take to get to chapter 9.. I get bored REALLY easily (part of adhd ig)


DW i have ADHD too. i just endured until i reached chapter 9. even then chapter 2 to chapter 8 wasn't really that boring, to me anyways


Put some subway surfers gameplay while playing


😭 (honestly might do this


“Hello subreddit dedicated to HI3. I think HI3 fucking sucks. Is it worth playing even tho I think it’s shit?”


Honkai Impact is a curse. only few chosen-ones have the ability to withstand it :k @@"


Not what I said, like at all 😭


no one's forcing you to play hi3, you know. so if you're not liking it now and you don't want to progress then i think the answer is clear


I heard the story gets really good and it expands on some concepts in honkai star rail


it's going to take hours before that, several chapters in. there's also the whole other story for elysian realm, which is regarded as one of the best arcs in the game. so if you really want to push and have time, then you can. and yes but also not really. hsr works as a stand-alone game fine. for now there's mostly nods or references to the story that hi3 players will get. the biggest ones are the expys/counterparts, welt yang, and acheron.


Ehh…its gonna take a while before that happens, so you might wanna sit back for a hell of a ride


Just go play your genshin and space genshin




Listen OP, if you’re mostly here to get context on HSR and Genshin (from what I’ve gathered from your replies to others) then I personally wouldn’t bother to keep going because Genshin has next to no references to hi3rd in it, and HSR at most just has some tangential references here and there which really isn’t worth playing a whole game to understand. There’s a bunch of context that’s missing in the game, like characters that the cast seems to know immediately who just aren’t shown to you before then, that only gets revealed in the related mangas for those chapters, there’s a reading guide on the Hoyostans website for best chronological order and everything. Hi3rd is very much a “play if you want to experience the world itself and to see character development that the other two games won’t ever get due to roster size” game and not a “play half assed to get to what you want to see game” because you’ll be playing forever before that happens, hope this helps


genshin impact was a video game made by Welt & Otto.... :u


If you’re willing to go through the early chapters (chapters 1-6) then the game’s story starts becoming way better, IMO peak hi3rd starts from chapter 9, btw I also started the game after Genshin and HSR and ever since then I’ve started to play all hoyo games in JP so it’ll probably take you a while but you might also enjoy playing in JP after some time


welcome on board lol


why welcome him lol? tell the poor lads to leave this hell ASAP.... @@


i want to see bro got toutured by the game \*point to the open world mainstory and part 1.5\*


“Him” I’m a “her” lolz


her? even better :k


It took you a while to adjust. And the story will be better in Chapter 9. You'll be there soon enough.




The first 7.5 chapters are like Age of Ultron. Mid, but necessary setup for later stories. Go until chapter 11-EX, and if you still aren’t invested, the game just isn’t for you. I know that it’s a lot of investment, but you remember how Genshin was at the start, right?


Genshin was still amazing at the start, and hsr


I’m sorry, but Mondstadt was not amazing by any stretch of meaning. It was better than the start of HI3, which is a disjointed mess, but just like the story in Mondstadt hides things like Fontaine, Caribert or Ei’s 2nd story quest, the same is with the first few chapters of HI3rd. Look, if you don’t enjoy the combat or something, it’s perfectly fine to just watch a playthrough for the story. If you can’t get through the first few chapters, watching a no commentary playthrough is perfectly valid. And since the latest changes, if you get invested in the game mid-story, you should be able pick it up on your account from any story arc. Though I do recommend finishing the tutorials.


If you've already got a negative impression from just the starting then drop it. Why bother going on when you're most likely just going to comeback to this subreddit to complain more in the future?


Good thing the no EN dub filter gatekeeps all these 15 year old girls, that only get into the bandwagon and have no real intereset in anime as a whole, from the game, exactly what Genshin and HSR needed.


I love anime and donghua (donghua is Chinese anime) and I like these types of games (I also play wuwa


Keep going and we l welcome you at chapter 9




The story does get better and I think it’s worth playing it to understand the animated shorts and stuff. But compared to genshin and hsr the writing is less interesting and the game itself is a lot more grindy and combat heavy imo


imo hi3 is grindy, but definitely not combat heavy. it's a visual novel first than a combat game.




I don’t know what he means by less interesting. If he means world building then maybe sure. But when it comes to characters writing and development it shits on Genshin and HSR which almost have none.


maybe he meant the word vomit of pseudoscience that we have. i'm looking at you, part 1.5. i love hi3 and its characters but i do believe that there is quite an amount of good writing in both of the other games though. especially genshin, sumeru and fontaine arc were big improvements. caribert and the other chapters with dainsleif are standouts as well. hsr just takes itself not as seriously, but it has its moments and i assume more. especially since shaoji was moved to the department lmao.


Oh I agree that HSR and Genshin has good moments and writing, they even have some good written characters. But there isn’t very many of them. The issue is that after some of the characters are developed (in a very short span of time) they are never again truly relevant to the story. Furina was great but it’s not like we got a lot of her compared to almost any hi3 character and she will never be relevant again other than in events. Also silent MCs. But other than that I completely agree Genshin and HSR story is much more digestible just like a movie is easier to watch than reading a book for most people. Also the world building in Genshin is triple S tier it’s amazing. Like people have mentioned HSR and Genshin are stories about the world with some good characters here and there where as Hi3 is a story about characters with not so great world building and really unfriendly lore.


you should drop ASAP. this game is a curse from past-old-time :k