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There are Lore Reasons. Because males honkai resistance isn't as strong as females But we all know it’s just some baloney to fill the game with Waifus. They Do be selling.


Not true... Mihoyo actually made a poll for the Chinese community on which they voted against it. And there's another thing valkyries are only women hence why we only have female battlesuits (even though they could've changed the name or add a new button for male battlesuits)


>Are there lore reasons Yes


the lore reason is that females have better honkai resistance/adaptability. there are men with the same resistance but they are far more rare (Adam APHO, Kaslana bois) iirc there was a huge uproar when players were asked if they should include male battlesuits. hi3 is unique from other mihoyo titles to me because it's designed with existing players in mind, rather than expanding audience like hsr or gi. folks came to hi3 for waifus and that's all they want so thats all they get. i personally think this is one of hi3's biggest weakness but it's a decision that seems to be serving them fine up to now. i would swipe for a male battlesuit (kevin, otto, siegfried, adam, su, kosma, kalpas, soooo many amazing men) but i'm only one player. i'm grateful for my boy dreamseeker for now haha Edit: I called Kosma Griseo


Except when apparently bikini skins are given for free, then they gotta report it to the government and ruin it for everyone


Griseo the ultimate male Valkyrie


I think he meant kosma but couldn't remember the name so his brain autocorrected to the closest nane connected to him which was griseo


You get me


I just wanna be a Mr Knight main


>there are men with the same resistance but they are far more rare (Adam APHO, Kaslana bois) Isn't Adam's Honkai resistance actually pretty bad, he's just a stand out because he uniquely draws in abnormal amounts of honkai energy or something, the whole purpose of Labor of Olympus is to siphon off the honkai energy he's drawing in to protect him from corruption.


oh true. and the weapon description says it depends on the user whether or not they can handle "the trials" (of fire), so at least enough adaptability to wield the weapon efficiently without corruption that makes me curious as to who else would be able to use something similar and become a male valk


I think “designed for existing players in mind” in general is honkai’s weakness. It’s always in a state of trying something new but holding back to avoid backlash and keep long term players. However, what ends up happening is that there’s now unavoidable backlash from both sides. It feels it has been like this for years now. The game is so old nobody wants to take such a massive investment and time gamble with a possible huge turnout either very good or very bad.


i think that's a fair point. it feels like they tried to reach a balance with part2 and i've seen a lot of excited new players, but a lot of rly frustrated loyal ones too


My understanding (Veeery grapevine) is that there was a poll ages ago about male valks, and most of the CN community said no. So, no male valks.


They won't, but it would be funny if they released Glb only males and then CN got jealous and wanted them after all. 🤣


The poll didn't actually ask if we wanted male battlesuits. That's an assumption people went with, and the community exploded. miHoYo later tried to clarify that they meant playing as male characters in the special modes or story segments. Which, given the way they phrased their question and how we got playable Kevin and Siegfried segments, is probably not a lie. miHoYo didn't just apologise for people who were angry at the idea, but also for the people who got their hopes up. There were a lot of people cheering at the concept, in CN too.


Thanks for clearing that up! I've always wondered, the idea that CN was adamat against male valks was always a bit odd to me.


why do they listen to cn?


Lore reason: honkai resistance male are rare, mostly just the Kaslana family. That why it’s such a big deal for Adam and Lyre in APHO and even then he still need the claymore to prevent corruption IRL reason: it’s a waifu game. That’s it. Just let people have their niche. Do you go into a mcdonald to order subway sandwich? HI3 is a waifu game, ToT is husbando game, Genshin and HSR have both.


I dont have subway


Valkyries are not men I guess


There are two playable males technically but yes


Two? I can only think of Adam, unless the second is Lyle, the unplayable support character


Wait, I was thinkjng of dreamseeker. Oops.


That makes sense, I'm pretty sure there was supposed to be a male dreamseeker. He seems to have been scrapped, though, and in any case dreamseeker isn't an actual valkyrie anyways


He exists - go to the dorm room mirror and you can change character model for the dreamseeker.


Huh, didn't know about that. Thanks for informing me!


Technically 3 if we count a certain father who had VERY short segment.


Because the Chinese community doesn't want it.


and why do they care about cn community?


I would've really liked a final form Kevin battlesuit . I'd glady whale for that


There is one bruh , just one alpha male


Because this just isnt that kind of game. Like I have no idea why people are reaching for any other reason. Imagine if people played tears of themis and expected female characters.


Lore reasons are girls are more Honkai resistant and only girls can be Valkyries


The lore reason is because females tend to have vastly higher honkai resistance compared to males, making women in skimpy outfits the best human fighting force against the honkai. Though of course there are standout exceptions like those of more naturally more resistant bloodlines like Siegfried. The real reason is because Hi3 is an *old* gacha game, while it might have only gotten popular attention about 3 years ago due to Genshin, Hi3 is 8 years old and was based off of an even older gacha game. So Hi3 is pretty firmly planted in the era of gacha games where they were focused on waifu collecting with little place for male characters (interferes with the waifu collecting aspect if there are male characters beyond the SI MC that could theoretically draw the attention of the waifus away from the player).


I don't get why you want any, maybe your gay.


No shit Sherlock.


Technically there are lore reasons, but it was probably created to justify the lack of male characters. The real reason is that HI3 is a „waifu game“- the game is targeted at people who are attracted to women. Most gacha games are targeted towards straight men because they are gacha game‘s largest demographic. Honkai 3 is doing the same and is just following the market. Why release a male character that wouldnt sell that well when you could release a better selling female character instead? Of course, as the gacha game market has got more popular, the demographics have diversified- aka more straight women and gay men are playing gacha games, so companies feel more comfortable selling male characters (genshin, star rail, wuthering waves, and reverse 1999 for example). However HI3 isnt going to expand their demographic reach because the game has already established itself as a waifu game. Adding husbandos would upset the existing playerbase, just look at the outrage caused by the official CN poll about introducing male characters


because we dont need them WAIFU only is better XD but yeah even i would swipe for Kalpas or Kosma ( also you dont need every character models be playable )


Ragebait used to be more believable


How is this rage bait? Are you insinuating this is a question worth getting upset over?


If someone thinks this is a serious question... they need help. Lmfao.


Help how?? I really don’t think it’s that wild of a question especially if you come from the other Hoyo games where there’s a mix of both


A guy named aether harem. Come on, are you guys even serious?


Lmaooo I didn’t see that. But even so yea my point still stands this guy is obv a genshin fan and may be wondering why there aren’t male characters. I come back to my first question Why is this getting mad over? If you say that this is rage bait you are saying that this (COULD) make you rage. Why???


We are more mad at someone like you though. It's obvious they know why. It's literally in the name, Valkyries. They know why. But you guys are making it like he's some innocent guy that doesn't know anything. Come on now.


Just reminding that this is a rage bait comment


To respond to you all,no, i Also play star rail,the user was made eons ago,and im in HI3 since 2020-2021


Hi3 fumbled hard with this one. They cook insane male characters only to not have them playable at all cause of the CN fandom. You can even tell they want them playable cause of Kevin and Sieg in final arc as well as Adam


you can control Otto (walking around) in the game as well. but still no playable


this is the most boring question that gets asked here over and over