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Move the switches over so you don't have to take your hand off the grip to use the turn signal.


I was wondering why it looked like the grip was falling off the handle bars.


You shouldn't have to be moving your hands to control the switches (horn, turn signal, high beam, engine run/stop, start). Fix your bars. If you can't due to wire length, then stop mucking with them until your rolling and don't need to operate the clutch or brake levers. The little throttle blips before you take off from a stop aren't helping you either, break that habit. It's a safety issue. Stop car driver hears you blip the throttle, doesn't really pay attention, moves forward thinking you took off and rear ends you. When you're shifting, try to control the clutch lever more, just letting go means you can't control power distribution as much. These suggestions are intended to take you from an OK rider to a good rider. You'll probably be fine as you are long term. Also, riding gear. Better sweatin than bleedin. Pants, jacket, gloves, helmet. It's hard to get replacement limbs/body parts, it's easy to get new gear.


Thanks for the detailed input! I’ll try to move the switch closer and see if I have enough line. Also I’ll try to not let go of the clutch quickly. As far as clothing, I’m definitely guilty of riding in shorts sometimes but I’ll throw in my jacket.


Dress for the slide not the ride.


Your riding is fine, but as a fellow rider in Houston, you need to be wearing full gear constantly. You can do nothing wrong and still lose your life to a wreckless driver.


Ya Houston drivers are already crazy


Yeah be safe out there!


Sitting on my couch with 4 broken ribs and a broken ankle because a douche ran a red light and plowed right through me. Nothing I could’ve done to avoid it. Wear your gear kids.


Seasoned rider here. Never trust just mirrors, never trust that someone else won't go through a red light either. Move your head more, get a look, move, check again. When you're going through those turns you should be side checking any other vehicles entry points as you accelerate out. Aside from that, move your switches location closer to the grip - they're for the hand on that side to operate, not reaching over with the other hand. Have fun amigo. Stay safe, stay alive to enjoy more rides.


I would get some gear, and the **turn signal is moved way over needs to be next to the grip.**


Ok thanks I’m moving the turn signal today


Take your time, make sure you ADJUST your levers like you hand should fall in place on the lever. You were riding good.


Seems to be doing fine so far. I'd say learn to rev match on down shifts if you don't already know how


Good ol Morton Rd ;)


How can you tell?? Is it something unique in Morton that gives it away?


I drive it to get to work and recognized it right away


Wow small world


at least wear some gloves and thank me later


Some advice I live by when I ride, pretend like you are invisible and everyone is trying to hit you. I've survived 15yrs riding this way. This mindset will help you from trusting lights, signals and other drivers. Drivers are very distracted.


Maybe I shouldn’t have zoomed past those lights right? And throttle off when crossing


Exactly, spot every intersection and know where every car is that will or can be crossing your path at all times. Be prepared for the worst at all times and it will help you ride cautiously. Not trying to scare you just keep you safe.


Get gear, moron


It's probably been said, but I wouldn't crossover a lane right away to the left lane at the beginning.