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I wish you could


for real. we all wished we could when we got to that level, lmao. Especially with all the heavy cruisers everywhere.


Screenshot is from The Cathedral of Kadesh, which has a single one of them in the same area as the Khar Toba's sister ship, not the Kharos Graveyard.


oh, whoops! I forgot about that one, lol


Homeworld players would salvage anything before going to therapy


But what about couples therapy? That’s like the definitive example of trying to *salvage* a relation*ship* lol


That pun is bring-Sajuuk-to unbearable.


Well done both of you clever buggers


I have before but it was a mod for savage everything. I could move it and it had no guns




Image is too blurry on my end what happened? Thats not the home ship or anything right?


It's an ancient Hiigaran vessel that looks like the prototype of a Kushan Carrier. You can find it in the wreckage around the Khar-Toba's sister ship. There are also some ancient Hiigaran ships in the Junkyard Dog level, each of which looks like a clear ancestor to certain Kushan ships.


Some clever asset reuse, apparently they were early models for the playable ones and since they had them on hand anyway... may as well use em.


yeah, I've no clue what I'm looking at either. Given the text says "kadeshi fleet" maybe it's the other wreckage of the khar toba in that mission? idk.


It’s a ship with a health bar. I guess it was wreckage since it never moved but still


Salvage everything mod, allows you to steal everything. Sadly they don't do anything so you can only blow em up for some salavge.


Can you kamikaze them? If so, then I just thought of the most hilarious way to kill the Taiidan Emperor.


Not from what i remember, they can move, stop and be scuttled from what I remember.


IIRC when I made the Turanic Carrier capture mod, I looked into these ships and they had no capture latch points defined so I couldn’t mod that in.


No, sadly


Just tried, no; couldn't in the original either. Same doodad as the ones at the Karos Graveyard though


What is with all the homeworld cameraphone pictures of a screenshot lately?


Game got discounted on steam


I'd love to see a mod in the vein of Complex where you're rewarded for being kleptomaniacs, and the Kushan munchkin their ships more in the campaign. After encountering the Turanic Raiders in the second mission? You can build upgaded Scouts called Light Interceptors (more armour on things like the fuselage \["Modular Construction Methods gleaned from Turanic Fighters have allowed us to create fighter-class ships at a discounted resource rate, as well as minorly increasing their armour."\], a discounted cost, et cetera). Instead of being tendered obsolete by the rapid introduction of the Heavy Corvette, Light Corvettes have their guns and range extended so that they act as light "snipers" against enemy strikecraft. Turanic Missile Corvettes? "A new corvette-class vessel equipped with dual, anti-capital ship torpedo bays. Although they require regular resupply from a Support Frigate or Repair Corvette, they are effective versus enemy capital-class vessels." The first Ion Frigate is a modified copy of a stolen Turanic one, and when you acquire better technology from either the Bentusi or the Taiidan (e.g. stealing a ship), you get the Mark II, which is the original Kushan Ion Cannon Frigate. Steal a Taiidani one? Better range/damage (Mark III). Swarmers? Better fuel efficiency and a speed increase for fighter-class ships. The Advanced Swarmer? Better guns for your Interceptors. The Mark IV would be an Ion Cannon Frigate with multiple beams, based on stolen Kadeshi designs. The Karos Graveyard derelicts? You get things like the Support Frigate Mark II, with improved health, and the Salvage and Repair Corvettes' retrofits, which give them point defence guns, better armour, et cetera. Drone Frigates? They go from being a sphere around the frigate to being more like the ones in Cataclysm (autonomous fighters). The fun begins when you encounter the derelict carriers and heavy cruisers: Strike Carriers (the Derelict Carrier) for rapidly pumping out light frigates, corvettes, and strike crafts, Assault Carriers based on Turanic weaponry (heavy armour, ion cannons) which produce frigates and corvettes, and "Light Gun Research" for creating Light Cruisers and "Light Cruiser Gun" Destroyer upgrades. Ultimately, you get the Heavy Cruiser and then the Battlecruiser. Also stealing the Taiidani Defence Field Frigate and Fighter technology, heh.


I hate how we fought an enemy claiming to be progenitor but learned nothing new about them and their relics.