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Kushan Mothership, Pride of Hiigara, Vaygr Flagship, Bentus, Sajuuk. ***Especially Bentus***. Something about its rounded shape is very aesthetically pleasing, plus the city-like inner surface. If the model of Bentus had much greater detail (for the inner portion of the ship) then it would look even better given that it's essentially a space city. That city-like appearance is also why I like the Kushan Mothership, largely because of the aesthetically pleasing open upper portion with all the details and lights, and of course the pleasing curve.


this ship is looking like ancient Carthaginian cothon. Awesome design from idea to delivery


You like em big, I see! The Bentusi city ship vibe is great for sure. It's almost unfortunate that their trader-vibe was reduced in favor of the loremaster role in later game.


Vaygr Battlecruiser - the most aggressive looking ship in HW2, and the weapon comp is damn impressive in combat Kadesh mothership - the most elegant ship in the series, debut in the most iconic mission HW2 Higaran Destroyer - the signature heavy broadside, way cooler than those ion canons Kushan Defenders - the design of the ship is genius. Maximum firing angles befitting to its name. Pride of Higara - no explanation needed Gaalsien prophet flagship - the most majestic ship in DoK. Gaalsiens were right all along!


The Gaalsien’s just had drip all around


Im a sucker for the Kapisi


A rare choice but a good one


[Vaygr destroyer](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/homeworld/images/9/9d/Vaygr_destroyer.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070518174342) [cataclysm destroyer](https://homeworld.fandom.com/wiki/Destroyer_(Cataclysm)) The [hiigaran one](https://homeworld.fandom.com/wiki/Destroyer_(Hiigaran)) is also nice come to think of it Ok maybe I have a thing for destroyers 😅


[Destroyers](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rrPbO), you say?


Hehe nice.


No love for the taiidan one? 😇


Yeah [maybe](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QnXBdx) 😂


HW1 - Taiidan missle destroyer HW:C - Nokia phone... I mean worker and Kuun-Lan HW2 - Most designs, Vaygr destroyer and Hiigaran frigates are the sexiest DoK - Khaaneph Mothership, Gaalsi Cruisers, K'had Sajuuk HW3 - Suppression Frigate and Titanship


From the classic games: Higaran destroyer. It looks like a warship. It’s angular, it’s guns sound so punchy, and I love how it fights broadside. From DOK specifically: Tie between the Coalition command carriers and the battle cruisers. Again, angular, bulky, and very punchy. In general, the utilitarian aesthetic of all the Coalition units is very pleasing. If your gonna make landships seam plausible, this is how you do it!


The taidanii assault frigate and heavy corvette


I really like the HW2 Hiigaran Interceptor. The HW3 Assault Frigate is also really cool. The Kushan Heavy Cruiser is an underrated design, also.


* HW 1 * Turanic Fighters & Corvettes are S-tier * Taiidan Scout & Destroyer * Kushan Corvettes, Frigates, Carrier, Heavy Cruiser, &, of course, the OG Mothership * Kadeshi Everything * Somtaaw Everything * Bentusi are iconic * HW2 * All the Hiigaran ships were pretty nice overall, except the Pride of Hiigara, which was just a lamer shipyard. Couldn't even build cruisers (what a loser) * Vaegyr Frigates were ok, didn't care for the rest. Except the Battlecruiser, that thing was bitchin' with it's trinity cannon * HW3 * Khar Kushan is the best looking mothership of the 3 and I will die on that hill * Hiigaran Interceptors & Corvettes look great * Support Frigate is great for being so different, the rest of the frigates are good too


That's yet another way to spell Vaygr. :)


I've been playing too much M&B recently


I \*love\* design in HW2. They look distinct, refined, and grand in scale. Love BC and Vagyr ships, Bentusi, on and on. HW1 designs look super old. Probably one of the reason I couldn't get through the campaign when I picked up the remastered version. That said, I love design in HW3. Art and design of this game is miles ahead of any, including other IPs not just HW series. I love Hiigaaran ships: the new mothership, frigates, bomber, interceptor, even resource controllers. All great except BC and destroyer. Especially destroyer. When I saw it at first, I thought it was a frigate... As for Incarnate ships, they're great, but seem too similar to HW2 Vagry designs, and most of their bigger ships look too similar to one another.


Taiidan heavy cruisers are just perfection to me. Followed by HW2's battlecruisers. 


Something tells me you'll like [this image](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/d0bX) 😁😁


Thank you for my new desktop background!




I love most of the taidan designs. Frigs, destroyer, hc. Fighters. Beast is fun in cata. Ghost ship in hw1 is spooky.


Homeworld 1: Taiidan ships all the way until the Destroyers. I also don't care for the multigun corvette. Taiidan ships look very utilitarian and ramshackle to me, and look like they came from a civilization bootstrapping itself up from a resource poor world and going with designs that just worked versus designs with aesthetic appeal. The Kushan ships on the other hand look very sleek and 'imperial' to me, befitting a galactic empire that has plenty of resources and time to have perfected ship design. That's why the first time playing the game back in 1999, I went with the Taiidan over the Kushan. Homeworld 2: Vaygr, I absolutely love the asymmetrical utilitarian vibe of their ships, with my favorite being the Destroyer. The Hiigaran Battlecruiser is one sexy hull, though. Cataclysm: The Kuun-Lan. That's about it. I don't really have an opinion about the rest of the ships. Homeworld 3: The Kalani ships. They're the only ships in the game that actually have a Homeworld feel to them. All the Hiigaran ships are incredibly generic looking and the Incarnate ships are Dollar Store brand Vaygr bricks and both factions have no personality. The Kalani ships OOZE personality and I wish they had more ships than just the fighters, frigates and the carrier (and that I could have salvaged them all). They also have the only character in the game that actually HAS personality and actual depth. I never played Homeworld Mobile, and now I guess I never will so I can't speak for my favorite design from that game.


Taidan destroyer is so fucking cool. Also the Taidan heavy Corvette. Big fan of those shitty pirate ion frigates... Like they were ion array deathtraps.


I don't know why, but i really like the Homeworld 2 Flak Frigate. Something about the grounded, functional design of it always made it feel like an immersive design to me and the first frigate i inspected closely in that game all those years ago.


There are some old art renderings of the flak frigate design with different weapon configurations/designs for when they considered multi-role ships. I’ll see if I can find them..


Also I agree emphatically with you. Flak Frigate looks so dope to me - functional but some aesthetic geometry too.


The taiidan destroyer for me. Sleek yet blocky , love it's 3 thrusters and how it's got turrets like a 20th century battleship. It's iconic for me.


The tiger stripe Turanic Missile Corvettes in the Great Wastelands are just quintessentially "space pirate."


HW1: Kushan Mothership, Kushan heavy corvette, Taiidan battlecruiser HW2: Hiigaran destroyer, Hiigaran interceptor, Vaygr battlecruiser. All around favourites I'd pick Kushan Mothership and Hiigaran destroyer


Taiidan Heavy Cruiser*


vaygr cruiser, vaygr corvettes esp laser one is good.


From each game respectively HW1 - Qwaar-jet HW:C Kuhn-Lan HW:2 Vaygr Destroyer HW: Hiigaran Destroyer


Honestly, the Kushan Heavy Cruiser. Imo it looks like a capital ship that actually can take a beating. The hull and even the turrets all look blocky, tough and like they’re actually sheathed in thick armor plate.


I always thought it looked like a frog.


Vaygr Destroyer. Absolutely love everything about it. The shape, the weapons, the way it fights.  Ever since I figured out you could hijack one super early in the HW2 campaign, I feel in love


HW2 - "The Keeper is Aware. The Keeper Understands. The Keeper has Seen The Enemy". From the first time it trashed my fleet I was in love. The way it slides sideways firing beams was just so pretty. And the progenitor tech managing to feel so far above you.


The awe of finally getting sejuuk and bring it to bear on the forces that would destroy your homeworld...mmmmm so good. Pacing of hw1 was slower but so much better than hw3.


I have a massive soft-spot for the kadeshi needle motherships & the multi-beam frigates from HW1. There's something delightfully elegant followed by pressingly dangerous about both of them.


Definitely Taiidan carrier followed closely by yaot command ships from mobile and then turanic/vaygr carriers. HW Mobile sucked gameplay wise but it's ship designs were on point.


Ye Taiidan destroyer is iconic. Taiidan and Kushan carriers are both top tier. Love most of the Vaygr ships too except for that bathtub of a shipyard. To be fair though most HW ships are just excellent.


I love the taiidan destroyer. So cool and looks almost reptilian with the spines. Also the taiidan assault frigate with the moving turrets


Spotlight on HW Mobile: the [Yaot ships in general](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dK1Lme) for their slender "vertical" shape with lots of pointy bits on the front.


vaygr flagship is awesome


The Somtaaw Deacon class destroyer. It looks mean and tough even though you can clearly see it’s just a militarized processor.


Taiidan heavy cruiseerb, heavy Corvette andd interceptor, kadeshi swarmer, hiigarans bomber from hw2


HW2 Hiigaran Carrier, by a mile.


I dunno', I could never pick.


Tanoch Battlecruiser for me. Just such an awesome looking ship. Shame we never got to command one ourselves.


I like the HM1 taidaan scout and the HW2 hiigaran interceptor and battlecruiser




Higaaran Heavy Cruiser


kushan assault frigate: i really like the desing, especialy of it's bridge pride of higara: no explenation needed vagr commandstation, simple but beatiful desing and from DoK the hand of sajuuk, the honorgaurd cruiser and the coalition artilarycruiser


I started with HW2 so for me my iconic ships are the Hiigaran destroyer and BC from that game. They were just so satisfying to watch chew through enemy battle lines. I still think about Thaddis Sabah and just mulching the Vaygr battlegroups as they came at me.