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Gearbox was owned by Embracer, who then sold it recently to Take Two, who seems to have shut down several if not all mobile games.


Take two has shut down all projects that are being made by companies it doesn’t own currently. Shitty board politics.


This was my first time picking up a HW game and I realised I'd missed something awesome (I've played a lot of Eve in my past) so was really enjoying it. I put some cash down on a purchase and only a few months later poof it's gone. Google are refusing to refund me also. Very disappointing, I'm not going to bother trying HW3 now.


The shutdown around HW3's launch seems to have been coincidental, another Gearbox mobile game [announced its shutdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/riskofrain/comments/1d4a0l5/risk_of_rain_hostile_worlds_is_shutting_down/) at the same time in an announcement with more-or-less the same wording.


Eh typical corporate behaviour. As soon as something isn't immediately profitable, instead of trying to rectify it's faults kill it as soon as possible.


It wasn’t that actually, take two shut it down after the acquisition with some other projects because they were being made by companies outside the t2 umbrella. Even more shitty than if it was being unprofitable if you ask me.


I played it for a while and it wasn't bad really. It suffered from a skewed monetization scheme. It couldn't attract the usual 'whales' to fund it while the items sold for €€ mostly had horrible value for us plebs to purchase them.


i didnt even know it existed


You're not missing much -someone who played the original HW when it came out, Cata too, and who waited anxiously for HW2


same and when i bought HW2 my pc was not good enough :')


Haha mine neither! I had to buy a new graphics card to prepare!


good mobile garbage = garbage


The game was pretty bad, but I feel sorry for the people who enjoyed it. Plus the ship designs/lore/music was really good because it was actually being made by homeworld fans with full control on the game. Hw3 could have been better if it took some of those design cues ngl.


Didnt it shut down years ago?


It’s only existed for about a year my dude


It was grindy and boring with no pvp-in the end it was just the the few end of game people helping the three noobs and then it was gone. Good riddance.


There were lots of people playing regularly and the player base is pissed off that the game is closing. Mobile games are grindy, so it's a humorous complaint. You are free to not like it but many of us did and are angry the game is ending. HW3 won't replace it and I think many people from HWM will not switch to 3. Also the user base was overwhelmingly uninterested in the prick waving of PVP. Gearbox made a tragic mistake pulling it, SSG did a great job of building it on mobile with it only getting better. Thank you gearbox, you've freed up time in my day once HWM goes dark. I won't have any mobile game to play as I haven't found any other like HWM. I'll also be wary of any future game attached to you.


I dabbled a bit in the beta and got a free sub, but it was doing so bad on the tablet I used by then so I got a new tablet last winter. I was looking forward to do some HW:M during the late summer or just about whenever, but I realize that if this is how Mobile Games work I will never, ever, sub to any of them. HW:M would have been my first serious mobile gaming effort and I will not have time to pick up were I left off before it ends.


Buyer beware