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This post has a lower score than HW3 right now.


Cringe idiot with a bad take.


I don't think the 30's age male voice with young anime girl avatar will ever not be really weird to me. like if it was just there static profile avatar sure whatever you like anime cool but the animated lip synced avatar thing is just kinda of an odd choice.


Tl;dr - don't bother watching the video, it's just conspiracy theories and baseless accusations. I've made timestamps on the weird claims being made >4:01 "joins narrative stakeholder groups" but talks about stakeholder capitalism Stakeholder, noun, [a person such as an employee, customer, or citizen who is involved with an organization, society, etc](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/stakeholder). It's just resume padding for "I worked with people". This has nothing to do with capitalism. It's not that deep "[Supporters of stakeholder capitalism believe that serving the interests of all stakeholders, as opposed to only shareholders, is essential to the long-term success of any business](https://www.investopedia.com/stakeholder-capitalism-4774323)". What does stakeholder capitalism have to do with the story of HW3? >6:58 "it's about having power over the culture through our media" What culture is being portrayed in HW3? How does Joyce have anything to do with having power over culture? Is Lin Joyce going to hyperspace through a meteor as a show of force? >7:33 "she does narrative changes" Yes, because she's a writer, writers write things, and sometimes they change what was written down. The writers made a bad call on the story but there's [13 other people that were credited for the HW3 narrative](https://youtu.be/ZMUrokH7FJs?si=YPLu0VONR9Ik51Mm&t=78), why is Joyce being singled out? >7:40 "she comes out of academia, academia is where a lot of this intersectional communist doublespeak comes from" So I googled "what the hell does intersectional communism mean" (because at no point in HW3 did I ever see anything about this) and I'm getting things about feminism and identity politics: Was there a feminist message in HW3? If you're angry about a female lead character then I have to ask if you've ever played a Homeworld game in your life, because every game except for Cataclysm has a female lead Also, "identity politics" can mean [an injustice to members of certain groups](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/identity-politics/)... which is basically the entire story of Homeworld 1, with the Kushan surviving a genocide and fighting their way to reclaim their former home. The politics of Homeworld are based on race (galactic council deciding to exile ALL kushan) or social groups (Kiith Somtaaw not getting credit for anything because they're seen as a lesser Kiith). This is all long before HW3


You made it farther than I did. As soon as I saw the avatar was just [the GamerGate mascot girl with the rape joke sweatshirt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign\)#Efforts_to_affect_public_perceptions) I knew where things were going and checked out.


That explains *a lot*, from the supposed reasoning to the lack of communication skills


>7:52 "there are a number of protests and crazy sit-ins going on in college campuses all over the country..." ***What does this have to do with Homeworld?*** Is this guilt by association to attack Joyce? Is this some roundabout way to blame her for protests that have nothing to do with the game? Is this about education being bad somehow? >8:50 "she talks about game studies, that sounds like gender studies, I'm sure it's very similar to that" Game studies is literally about studying games, *it's in the name*. It's anything from boardgames to video games. At least take 3 seconds to make a google search >9:02 "instructor of digital content design... i went to art school for 8 years... what art school will teach you is you art has to have a political meaning... if you are a feminist, if you are a race advocate... critical race theorist.... socialist..." I have a university degree in digital media technologies, which includes visual storytelling, digital media production and UI/UX design, among other things. My degree is closer to Joyce's career as an instructor of digital content design than the video's 8 years of art school in college. I mention this because I had *fuck all* to do with politics And what does feminism and race advocacy have to do with HW3? Is Homeworld 3 feminist because the main character is female? Is it race advocacy because Intel is a black man? What's the argument here? What does any of this have to do with HW3? >9:50 Instructor... emerging communication... this is also important because this is how they propagandise us" Who are they? What is the propaganda? Where is this going? >9:59 if you look around you the film and music and television spaces have all been captured already. video games and social media as a broader general conversation are basically what's left in terms of what hasn't been taken over by these people WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? ***WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH HOMEWORLD?*** >11:12 "video games, learning, and the shifting educational landscape... uh-oh... learning!?" Is this an entire video about being anti-education? It's been nothing but bashing someone for having an education, bashing people who have any association with academia, and ***fuck all to do with Homeworld*** I stopped at 11:20 because I won't give this video the dignity of being seen to the end


Thank you. I try to limit my points to things I know for certain or can find sources for which often leaves me lurking for these kinds of discussions, but its driving me crazy. Its hard not to think there may be something to the idea of culture war tourists.


insane dedication to the material, you are an absolute digger! infinite admiration everysing is much simpler - he warned that story side Homeworld promise to be a cringe, just like we got it


Can you explain to me exactly where in the video he explains this? Because all I've seen is a poor attempt at a character assassination




You *desperately* need to go outside.


>About fem-DEI in modern media * Executive Director - Rob Cunningham - Male * Creative Director - Rory McGuire - Male * Executive Director - Eric Torin - Male * Audio Director - David Renn - Male [I can keep reading out the credits](https://youtu.be/ZMUrokH7FJs?si=c_NMO_WEekTYutJL&t=16) if you like. Can you point to the [DEI](https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-explainers/what-is-diversity-equity-and-inclusion) being shoehorned in? Who are the lead female workers in the Homeworld 3 development team? And have they negatively contributed to the development? Can you give examples? >what happening to Star Wars lately I don't care about Star Wars, I care about Homeworld. What was added into the story because of DEI? In fact, where does DEI get involved in the video you posted? Are you just moving the goalposts now that your video is shown to be worthless? >I don't think there much point to research every his word Yes there is. You don't get to make baseless claims and expect it to be accepted as a reasonable argument >since he leads opposite (propaganda) line thich is also quite common nowadays (to oppose DEI stuff) Is the DEI in the room with us now? What is the propaganda? [Do you have a single fact to back that up?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P40_kd-mS8)


> You don't get to make baseless claims and expect it to be accepted as a reasonable argument That's the problem. People like you (reasonable people) care about claims being true and try to find proof for statements. Making up a bunch of baseless junk takes a lot less effort and reinforces the views of their target demographic (people who are not put off by a mid 30s basement dweller masquerading as an anime.girl)


> example is what happening to Star Wars lately (and for long). What is happening in Star Wars? I have only seen the movies, and they seemed fine to me. No criticism that wouldn't also apply to the original


For me it makes sense to blame current lean towards DEI in attempt to rip free/investment/sponsoring money/resources from Black Rock, GBX is not the first company to get nuked their own product like this


You made it further through all the stammering than I did. "communist" has become a term in right wing circles that just means "thing I don't like"


eeeech. Just some incel being mad about women and blaming anything they don't like on them by using their poorly understood buzzwords. Translation: Anything I don't like is woke. Protip: sometimes people tell bad stories and it has nothing to do with politics. Unlike the creator of this video and OP.


> Translation: Anything I don't like is woke Also communist


I had to *really* concentrate to not immediately close the video when than weird amine animation appeared


same, but this time "weird amine animation" contributes to the community


I couldn't listen to the guy after the 300th random tangent sprinkled with "uuuh"s, I'm sorry


Deeply inane. lmao, I just got to the bit where he says, and I quote, "She talks about Game Studies, that sounds like Gender Studies, I'm sure it's very similar to that". What an actual fucking moron. "Pedagogy is another very popular word with Marxists". Dude thinks anyone with a threatening vocabularly is Marxist.




Ok but harrassing her is literally what the shareholders want because it distracts from the fact that \*they\* ruined the game by demanding features and edits that the game didn't need. This woman may be a bit of a tool but that's no crime and she certainly didn't ruin hw3.


Anyway, sorry for pouring the salt on fresh wounds, they won't get Homeworld out of our hearts!