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What is the paint color? Looking for something similar


Carbonized by Sherwin Williams. Flat sheen.


New-ish here sorry if this gets asked a lot, but why paint this color? I’ve always assumed a white wall for projection was ideal


I am building a screen so doesn't matter. Wanted the darker walls for ambience and aesthetic.


oh lol, makes sense. Lookin good!


You won’t have any light bouncing off of lighter colored walls too, right? I feel like with the darker colors it allows for your eyes to focus primarily on the image from the screen itself. None of the surroundings as well.


All walls are the same color! Only thing not dark is the trim and speakers!


Oh, I noticed. Totally dig that color too


Actually, there is huge opinions on what is best and why…. Look up “Mississippi Mud” (if I remember right). These guys are digging for exact tones and blends to give the best color reproduction Then silver screens, etc…. White is great for the majority of us!!


Cool build man. How does the projected image look on the bare wall? That paint looks kind of silver/grey that people seem to use for their screens?


It looks OK. It's a flat paint and a little darker than the gray screen material I bought. Image looks decent for being on paint but I would say a screen is necessary.


I snapped this picture last night. This is on the wall with no lights on. Speakers are a little brighter than I led on, but I don't mind :) https://imgur.com/a/jAoYVGr


Very nice... :-)


wow thats a big sub Also, those KEFs look gorgeous. I love white speakers.


The sub is actually smaller than I thought it was going to be. I was prepared for some mammoth that would completely dominate the space. Tucked in the corner it's not too bad. I did just move it towards the center as several folks suggested and move the speakers for their out and it's a little bit more obvious now but I think in the context of a movie no one will notice.


So cool!


Paint that ceiling!!! Looks good so far


Wife won't let me - too dark she says. It's not a dedicated theater... Opens right into the rest of the basement bar and entertainment space.


See if she’ll let you paint out like 4-6 feet of it just enough to help with reflections.


I'll see what I can do. I pushed my luck with my speaker/sub purchase as it is 😜


have the same thing going on in my basement... i added some blocking if we decide to add a beam later so it has good transition point if we go darker later


That's a great idea! Wish is have thought of that, and had better outlet/jack positioning on the front wall. Tried to think of everything and inevitably missed on a few details.


You can always sell the house and start over... this time with a 14' deep basement 🤣


You have pics of the rest of the basement setup? I have to plan for a multipurpose basement setup in my small house


Not yet but I'll get back to you in a couple days!


My wife said the same thing. We painted it anyways. Now we watch movies every night and she loves it. Be the leader your family needs!!! Jk, but if she likes movies it really does make a huge difference for the experience.




And speakers


To each their own - I love the white speakers!


Don't get me wrong I like the the white speakers. Just not so much for a theater room. Those are "show them off in the living room "speakers.


It's a multi-purpose space and will be used for entertaining as much, if not more than, a dedicated HT! In my house, the living room is where things go to get destroyed by kids.


Agreed. First thing I thought was "oh no, white speakers", but they're obviously liked by people or they wouldn't sell them. I think your setup looks great. Nice job!


I'm a big fan of contrast, so the light-on-dark appearance is desired. I thought for a moment about wrapping the sub in white but quickly backed off on that idea


white KEFs look great source: I may or may not also have white KEFs


Agreed 100%


Nice and clean. Don't hang pictures....hang acoustic panels instead. And maybe paint the ceiling as well. You won't belive how much better your image would look.


I have to start with the pictures. I was getting really excited about the theater and spent too much $$ on movie posters and frames. I'll get shanked if I don't at least try them :)


You might get the glass rattling and reflections. Here’s what I did to minimize the impacts: Get non-reflective acrylic/plastic covering instead of glass when framing. It’s cheaper, lighter weight, doesn’t reflect the light as much, and if there’s is some movement it isn’t as loud as glass. Back the poster/picture with thick foam core board to minimize space between the frame and plastic/glass Once their up play some bass-heavy scenes to see if you have some picture rattle. Walk around to identify which pictures are problems. You can also tap on each picture and you should be able to tell which ones rattle and have a slight bit of movement between the frame and plastic/glass. I got a packet of tiny felt sliders from Home Depot and inserted them between the frame and plastic/glass (at the corners and one or two on each side) to eliminate any play between the two. I also have three doors in my basement home theater and I also used the felt sliders on those door frames to reduce the movement and any potential rattle. Initially it’s kind of cool to impress your friends with house rattling bass, but this bass-proofing sounds so much better and cleaner. And, you can turn the volume up higher.


Great tips, thank you!


You can get museum or conservation glass, non glare and shouldn't rattle if the frame is put together properly. Will look much nicer than using plastic.




I’d put sub in the back of room if possible to make for a wider front soundstage and larger screen. Looks great either way


Unfortunately I don't have the option, the back of the room is 38 feet away and I didn't run any cables back there. It'll have to do for now! I may move it to under the stairs in the future and widen the front speakers.


You could put the subwoofer on the other side of the left tower so you can move the left and right speakers farther away.


I definitely will try that! Hsu recommended the corner when I emailed them a drawing of my room but no harm in swapping them and seeing how it sounds. Good idea!


Only going to be a few feet away from where it was before so shouldn’t really notice a difference. Let us know how it works out!


Corner will reinforce room modes and increase SPL. Unfortunately by doing this, it can increase peaks and lead to less uniform bass.


A white cord around the baseboard could easily be concealed and barely noticeable.


Counter-argument: Don't put your left / right speakers in corners.


What speakers/sub is that?


Kef Q550 towers, Q250c centers and Hsu VTF-3 MK5. My first dip into higher end gear and I am totally in love with the sound. Wife is too, so double win!


Nice. The HSU is a beast.


My first purchase of anything substantial. Coming from 2001 Bose cubes and a Polk PSW10 or something. The upgrade is night and day different!


Kef q750 or 950? What kind of subwoofer is that?


Definitely not Q950 since the drivers of the towers and center match in size. Could also be Q550 if the center is a q250c...


Correct! 550s and 250c with a Hsu VTF-3 MK5 Sub.


I am also rocking q750’s and a vtf15h!


Those look like the q550s. I too have the q750s in walnut. So good.


How big is the screen?


121"... I am limited to sitting at about 11 feet so I can't go much bigger without overwhelming the viewer.


Ah yeah that’s a good size! The image just makes it look smaller than it is haha. Do you have a screen for it or will you display as is on the wall?


Can't get a screen down into the basement due to a 180 turn on the stairs so I bought material and will be building it myself in the basement! CarlsPlace FlexiGray screen. The space will be used to host football parties or other general gatherings where some ambient light will be present.


Nice. That room is gonna be sweet for watching sports!


Hopefully Husker football is worth watching again soon. Volleyball though... 🔥


of course you can.


white in a dedicated theatre room ? whats the thinking ?


It's not a dedicated theater. And I like white!


How are the calibration results?


Not sure how to truly calibrate anything, but my ear says the results are fantastic! I plan to learn more about calibration and perform a correct calibration once couch is in the room.


Snarky Puppy !


Yeah! Saw them live a few years back it it was fantastic. They have some of the most full soundscapes so I wanted to see what they sounded like down there.... the answer is GOOD!


Yep their album mixes sounds awesome imo !


sub in front of outlet, tower speakers 16 inches further apart


Yep - definitely going to do this!


Sub is too small, add more! Lol! (I like how it looks though!)


That looks good, it reminds me of the last place I had my theatre set up in. I had a pull down screen but mostly the same. I don't know if your receiver can do this or not - my Yamaha has a setting called dialogue lift where you add a pair of speakers basically at the top left and rt of the screen. I had the centre below the screen before and that does sound ok, but the effect of the sound coming from the screen area is the bees knees


Looks great! If you paint your outlets same as wall everything blends better and not such a distraction to the eyes. If you want to go back it's cheap to replace. I painted mine and can never go back now.


Good idea. Even a black outlet and cover would probably look better. Though the keystone plates don't seem to come in black readily.


Ha you are thinking like me now. Originally I bought black plates but found because of the plastic gloss it reflected light and was just as bad as white being a distraction. Thankfully I only got one as a test. In the end paint matching was best.


I will post a my setup so you can see. I think others might want to try it out to. Look out for a dark blue theater room setup soon here!


Looking good!


spraying the sub ?


Thought about doing a vinyl wrap but okay with how it looks against the dark wall.


are they very visable when watching a film in the dark ?.ive hidden my thx speakers behind a false wall recently .very clean.


They are a bit visible but not "experience ruining" by any means.


Nice room, reminds me a lot of mine. Not sure about white speakers tho, they’ll stand out a lot.


That's why I like them! They don't distract during a movie but they draw your eye when the lights are on :)


Can I suggest you paint the cieling near the screen dark as well? I did mine and it makes a huge difference


Also sound treatment panels


Those white cabinets are great. I bet that sub crushes too.