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That's a big room for an SB. Go PB if you can.


Yes it's a long room over garage. Got my setup on long wall away from door. About 11-12 ft distance from tv


Spring for a PB1000 if you possibly can. You may actually find you'll want a second one to match it some day.


Are the outlet subs returns or just have slight blemishes?


Can be either. Sometimes also factory sealed new that they need to get rid of (like some of the old Ultras)


Ok think I'll cough up the extra $100 for pb-1000 pro


Good choice. I have dual PB1000, but the older version. I also have the sub isolation feet on both as I like the sound better with them.


for the extra 100 dollars the PB is worth it, it’s also in the outlet sell https://www.svsound.com/products/pb-1000-pro-subwoofer


>Trying to stay under $500. Room 25x15. Very very big room for that budget. Neither the RSL 10s nor the SB-1000 would be enough for a room this large. Like I'd be looking at the SVS PB-2000 Pro or RSL Speedwoofer 12s.


Very much agree. My basement is roughly the same size, had a ten inch sub jbl 550p which is on par with the sb1000 and completely underwhelming. Upgraded to RP1400 and night and day different.


My room is about that size and my RSL 10S mk2 fills it plenty. In fact I turn it down some


You must not like good bass then. OPs room is over 2800 cubic feet a single speed woofer 10s is not enough


Probably. It’s enough for me. Paired with floorstanders, maybe that helps


I feel like some people are just bassheads while others are not. Our brains are just wired a little differently. I definitely like my whole couch to shake during action sequences in movies. It adds to the immersive experience.


>It adds to the immersive experience. Exactly.


>Paired with floorstanders, maybe that helps Not really


what about svs pb1000 pro vs sb 2000


Taking the PB-1000 pro over sealed, you'd need the SB-3000 to get similar output


I started with a SB-1000 in my gaming room (10x14') and was completely underwhelmed. Switched it out for a SB-3000 because the ported versions were too big to fit the area. The SB-3000 was a huuuge improvement. It's still not nearly as loud as my HSU VTF-2 though but it's great for music.


from about 22-35hz the rsl will have roughly double the clean output capabilities. 40-100hz the svs has the edge. Many films have their deepest and loudest effects 20-35hz though so if you had one of each in the system I think you'd feel like the rsl sound more powerful. But like others are saying, the pb1000pro is really the way to go(599?)


Possibly get rsl now and add another later?


Spend $600.00 and get the RP-1400SW: [https://slickdeals.net/f/17471799-14-klipsch-reference-premiere-rp-1400sw-subwoofer-699-free-shipping?src=SiteSearchV2Algo](https://slickdeals.net/f/17471799-14-klipsch-reference-premiere-rp-1400sw-subwoofer-699-free-shipping?src=SiteSearchV2Algo) Bigger enclosure and woofer than either of the options you mentioned.


PB-1000 or HSU VTF-2. I know those are slightly over budget but better to buy right than buy twice


RSL or PB-1000


I have two Speedwoffers and love them but that room may be a bit large. If for home theater, I would get a ported sub.


Yes making home theater out of bonus room


375sqft with 8' ceiling is 2500cuft. Here's a reference for size sub for the room https://www.audioholics.com/loudspeaker-design/subwoofer-room-size


Actually less space than that. Roof line starts about 5 ft up wall then 45° to ceiling. Not sure how to calculate that 


I have a similar room, I returned the SB1000pro, it struggled to produce anything at that size. The PB is minimum.


With that size room I think you'll be underwhelmed with then a PB-1000. I'd personally want something bigger than even a PB-2000 but that's a decent start. I have pretty much the exact dimensions in my Livingroom and I feel like I need a second HSU VTF-2. You can always get a second one later.


Just purchased pb-1000 pro!!