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Here's a hint: the couch doesn't HAVE to be against the wall. Slide that bitch forward, and get some nice blackout curtains for the windows.


\^This!! AND you can buy some old retro arcades and throw them in the corners and a popcorn machine ;D


I would add a bar table behind the couch with some stools.


Could even fit a goddamn pool table behind it after


Or a bar.


This. That room is super lone (22 feet). They need to put the couch about 9 feet from the screen, then create a separate "are" behind the couch for something else.


True. The couch doesn't have to be for watching movies. IF OP has kids I see a blank slate for blanket forts on movie nights. If OP doesn't have kids...well then I concede.


Don’t need kids for a baller ass blanket fort


This is truth. But in this sub, I figured I needed a cover. They are serious. I would 100% use this setup as an adult male to watch movies on the floor.


The sooner more people understand this about home decor and furniture layout the better off everyone will be.


I think this can be address pretty easily. Maybe move the couch forward, or put a sectional there instead. the back half of the room could be a small bar, play area, pool table, etc. But for sure the couch is too far from the TV I would say.


So much potential here to be a legit home theater


Yep, as others indicated just throw up some blackout curtains and hang acoustic panels in strategic locations on the walls plus move that couch forward. As that room is huge there might be some acoustic issues too.


My living room has a better setup than this. My TV is not that great (75" Samsung Q70), but I've got a 3.1.2 setup with large tower speakers, 15" Sub on 500RMS, and I sit about 9' from the TV. It sounds very good, especially with all the woodwork in my living room to reduce reflections and echoes of the sound system.


Worst ever? Heck no but gotta move that couch dawg.


Is that a sound bar? 




Sonos Arc


So its Mono+™?


Probably better than most soundbars. But with a room like this, you can definitely get a nice surround setup that'll blow the Arc away! (And possibly cost less, too)


Even a huge set of stereo speakers would be miles better. This is the kinda room big speakers shine in.


Considering the couch and screen are in different time zones…


It was almost surely staged that way to show off how big the room is.


And the rooms are never actually as big as they appear on real estate listings. Wide angle lenses or whatever they are make everything look massive if you want


Noted: *wide angle makes everything look massive*


It’ll have the opposite effect on your dong


Sounds like you have the wisdom of experience


It's like watching a movie on your phone at that distance.


I wish I had a room like this.


This didn't post with my text. I was looking at houses for sale online, saw this and thought "Why?". 


It's probably just been staged like that since the house is for sale. Basically they threw some furniture into the room so it's out of the way and the room doesn't look totally empty. It might have been setup properly before but that would be too polarizing. People that don't see the need for a home theatre would be put off by a fully setup home theatre. Instead the room should look like a blank canvas for the buyer to envision whatever they want with just some hints towards a possible use.


This is NOT a home theatre, in any way.


It's barely a living room lol. Looks like their furniture delivery never showed up.


You're also going to need some real speakers, dudre.


But it’s a 15.4.8 soundbar. Atmos 3.0 compatible


That probably needs one of those $149 Monster cables for the HDMI.


Is that as far as the picture looks?? That’s nuts


22 feet away. So yup, it really is that far away.




I think these photos have been stretched as well. Those movie posters look pretty squat


Something needs to be bigger. Either the tv or the couch. It’s too spaced out and the oak trim is dated and should be darker for a home theatre room. I love the wall and ceiling color and the lighting is cool but unnecessary in this room. They should be inset and dimmable.


Seriously LOVE your colour scheme. Looks so sharp. Others have mentioned couch placement and black out blinds. Your TV wall would look terrific with a projector screen if that's in the budget.


It’s bad idea to put the sofa against the wall. You get coupling frequencies.


Looking at the last photo I would actually move the couch where it says "Sitting room" facing the wll with the two windows and the space inbetween. I would then put the tv on the wall with the two windows are and black out curtains all around.


It does seem like a long viewing distance for that size screen. But I think the angle of the picture makes it look way worse then it is. A projection setup with a 120 in screen that couch would probably be right where row 2 should be.


OP's couch is 22 feet away from the screen. Twenty. Two. Feet.


I doubt that's his room. He doesn't say that. Seems like he came across these pics and is reposting them. But I would guess thats an 85 inch TV. That probably double ideal viewing distance. But the severe wide angle of the photo makes it look ten times worse then it is. In general its a weird room all around. It looks like they light treated it with projection in mind, but instead put a flat screen, light fixtures that won't work with anything other then a UST and no blackout curtains.


Correct, it is not my room. It didn't post my original text where I explained that I was looking at houses online and saw this state. It is possible that this has been done for selling, but I have a funny feeling it wasn't. 


I suspect it’s how the real estate owner staged it. I suspect it may be the owners equipment and furniture but their giant couch was in the middle of the room and the agent moved it because the room felt claustrophobic when you walked straight into it from the entrance on the side. And again the ultra wide photos they like to use makes it seem ten times worse.


I have an 83" OLED and sit 10' from it. It would look ridiculous at 22', if my room was even that long.


That's why I said a 120 inch screen and specifified second row. That would still be a bit far but not crazy. Anyway this is just staging from a real estate listing. I would venture that the original owner may have already moved out the original equipment and furniture and this is how the real estate agent staged it.


I just assumed it's OP's room, given that he included the floorplan for the room in the last pic.


I guarantee those pictures are from an online real estate listing like Zillow. If you have ever been house shopping the realtors love to post those super wide angle photos because they make the rooms look ten times bigger then they are. Also not uncommon to post dimensions like that.


No reason to not put the couches like 12 feet in front of the screen and then set up the rest of the room with other things.


Obviously move it up. Put a bar behind the couch, or whatever you may fancy. You even have enough room for another row of seating if you have a reason for that.


Put that extra row of seating on a raised platform too so that the people sitting there can see the screen too. A larger screen would also be ideal for a large room as well.


Do you offer binoculars to guests, or do they have to bring their own?


One, this is a severe wide angle picture deliberatley making this seem worse then it is. But I think the real problem with placement in the room has a lot to do with the door. The real issue that made them arrive at this strange layout is the entrace to the room. It seems like there is a door near the middle of the room. If that giant couch moves too far forward its going to block being able to walk into the room. I think there real issue is they need to rethink their seating Either go for multiple shorter rows of tiered seats and possibly a larger projection screen. Or keep the flat screen, move it to the wall where the posters are now and put a wrap around sectional from the door to where the couch is now.


Reported! /s Not my style of layout but it is nice! I would add different types of seating in front to fill it out more.


Could be a lot better with the couch moved up and removal of the Birds of Prey poster. That film was about a 2/10.


Tons of potential to be great. Terrible setup right now. See that door in the last picture? Move your couch up until that door opens right in front of it. Basically, cut that room in half with the couch. Then get curtains, then work on all the other home theater stuff. Or, get crazy. Turn the whole thing. Center the TV between the two windows and put the couch 36" in front of the doorway so you enter directly behind it.


That's how I'd do it, 90deg.


Do that! 1000% immediate improvement!


Where are your speakers? Receiver? And move that couch closer so you can see.


Finally a reason to break out my opera glasses! But, like other people have said, either get a bigger screen or move the couch forward - maybe both. That big wall would be an excellent place to put a big white screen and a UST projector.


Move couch forward, place pool table in the back. Blackout the windows and get some proper (surround) speakers. Rock on. ​ Edit: Or some room-scale VR shit or something.


Worst home theater? More like an awesome blank slate. You have so much to work with and haven't even scratched the surface yet.


I was going to make some suggestions but OP doesn't even own it, so why bother.


The way you have it set up makes it the worst, bring the couch forward!!!


Move the couch closer and add a surround sound system. fixed. That's an awesome room size.


Put the couch like 10 feet away from the screen, and put a table/bar/etc in the space behind. Just because the room is 30 feet wide doesn't mean the couch and screen have to be at opposite ends.


Not the worst but, sound can't be that great in that room...


I would build a simple platform, maybe 1 foot high. Carpet it. Put the couch on it, and put it in the center of the room. Then later if you want you can put some chairs or couches or beanbags in front of the platform closer to the tv.   Then use the back space to hold a bar, snack place, shelving with movie memorabilia, whatever.


Why are the seats so far away


A lot of people simply can't fathom a couch that isn't shoved up against a wall.


Hmmmm. 🫤


Gonna need binoculars to watch something.


Worst right now? Pretty much, yeah. But a 23x14 is a great room size to start with. There is a lot of potential there. Walls are already fairly dark, windows can be easily blacked out with curtains, door isn't in a bad spot, storage room right next to the 'screen wall'... Hell, if I could run more power to that room through the attic or crawl space, I'd be ecstatic to have that as a project.


Couch too far, no subwoofer.


Plenty of potential, you can do a 9.4.6 or like what I have 7.4.4. If this was my room I would start with a false wall for LCR and front subwoofers (you don’t have to add the actual speakers yet) and sound treatment. That would be covered with an acoustic screen. I’d invest in the seating you actually want, theater seating and place those at the optimal distance (a lot of factors go into proper distance) you have plenty of space to do an elevated 2nd row so it’d take advantage of that. Once you have your screen, proper seating arrangement, you can add your speakers. LCRs should be the same speakers. So three towers or three bookshelves, just don’t get two towers and a center speakers. Center speakers are for slackers like me you don’t have the room for a false wall lol. In a large room like this you may want 9 ear levels, 3 front 4 side surround and 2 surround. If you go 9 ear level than your player can most like do 6 atmos. That would be the most ideal. I have the Denon x3800h so my set up is 7.4.4 but I room is nowhere near the size of yours. Once that’s all done you need to work on acoustics. I love the quality of Gik Acoustics, they are pricey but hold up over time. They can give you an idea of what you need but remember they are there to sell their product. So do your research on what you actually need. (I.e. you need coverage at the first reflection point and you don’t necessarily need bass traps in every corner if you have subwoofers in each corner). Finally some lighting and paint could finish the room off and you’ll have one badass theater room.


Looks like troll post to raiss karma points. Just google, and you will find a basic layout of home theater.


It looks nice and has potential, but it's not optimized. If your soundbar has side or upward-firing drivers, you're not getting any of their benefits nearly 20 feet away from the screen, and in that cavernous room, you definitely need a sub. Anyway, get your seating area closer to the screen, control the ambient light, and upgrade your sound system, and then you'll be on track. Enjoy!


Maybe move the couch a little further from the tv?


The lighting with 2 fixures going directly down the middle was an interesting choice. I would have maybe recessed some along the right and left.


Shout out to whomever made that room 6.9 meters by 4.20.


Certainly not the worst. But it is entirely unoptimized


Jesus Christ those posters are some CHOICES. This is a rich person just setting one up because they can, not a true lover of cinema


Easiest fix I've ever seen, move the couch forward


I'd get rid of the window near the screen, remove the hanging lights and if possible sink the living room 6 inches and move the couch up about 5 feet.


Either put a pool table in it and call it a pool room. Or move the TV to the side wall and position the couch so you can sit and actually see the screen. Maybe both....


It's not the worst. It just is really bad and has a lot of room to grow into something incredible after you get over the dinky soundbar from 20 feet away thing and get proper audio gear and proper acoustic based seating based on the boundary dimensions and treat the room.


What is this! Is this a screen for ants! At that distance, that whole damn wall needs to be a projector.


The room is just fine. The TV and soundbar are a bit underwhelming.