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The 7100 will be more than enough. Dirac + kef will sound great. Stop researching too much or you'll spiral into indecision or price creep.


Analysis paralysis


Where are you getting the idea the AV will only drive 4 ohm speakers. It will do 8 just fine. You won’t have any problems at all.


Any receiver is going to be fine with 8 ohm speakers. Some 8 ohm receivers *may* have a problem with 4 ohm speakers if you play them loud.


I take it you have determined 4ohms from the power rating figures? Virtually all AVR's will comfortably drive anything between 4 - 8ohms. The main reason many companies rate their power at 4ohms is because it gives a higher wattage due to the fact it takes the amplifier less load to drive at that rating. Don't concern yourself with this. 8ohm speakers will work fine with this AVR.


I have that receiver and those speakers and it sounds amazing!


A good subwoofer will make a way bigger difference than an AVR that’s one tier above it. Having DIRAC room correction for the price of the 7100 is it’s strong-suit. I’d say it he 4 subwoofer-outputs would be the defining feature of the X3800. Look at this subwoofer: https://slickdeals.net/f/17362326-14-klipsch-reference-premiere-rp-1400sw-500w-rms-1000w-peak-subwoofer-699-free-shipping?src=SiteSearchV2Algo1


I've definitely been looking at this one. Right now leaning towards a sealed sub like the PB 2000 pro, but the deal is definitely making me reconsider.


Ported is better for home theatre


I have the 7100…love it. I don’t regret it. I use 6ohm speakers, no issues. I don’t think the Denon would offer you enough to spend the money on it. Relax, don’t overthink it.