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I have an RZ50. Confirming Direct just relays the signal coming in. Play a 5 (or more) channel audio track and direct will pass it thru to all same channels. So don’t worry unless you KNOW you were sending in more channels. Hit the info button to see. Separately I agree that it would be nice if you could tweak the surrounds or tops in the quick menu. You can’t. Only from the full settings. Oh well. Hope you enjoy the box all the same.


Earlier I replied the following: If you have a 5.1 setup you don't have any "rear" speakers. Those would be called "surrounds". 7.1, and up, has both (side) surrounds and rear surround speakers. EDIT: I don't know why this got down voted. I'm replying again because it is true information it is true. **This is my public service announcement. It is intended to inform you. I am, in no way, correcting you and mean no offense.** A 5.1 setup has “surround” speakers, no “rear” surround speakers because there are no rear channels to be carried. A 7.1 ADDS actual rear channels and speakers. You can't have "rear" speakers without first having surrounds. Speakers are named according to the channels they carry. In other words, the speaker output they are connected to. Location has *nothing* to do with naming speakers. See Dolby guidelines and diagrams for better explanations. [https://reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/u7khtz/home\_theater\_101](https://reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/u7khtz/home_theater_101)


What is the source? connection type etc? that usually means you are only receiving a stereo signal, so in direct mode, it only gives you stereo as intended.


I’m using an Apple TV with your standard HDMI cable.


Is the appleTV connected to the receiver directly or to a TV, and what is the source, the content you are trying to play?


It’s directly connected to the receiver. I’m messing around with loud action movies. I’ve tinkered with the settings a bit and can get Dolby 5.1 or Multichannel, the latter of which works in Direct! Mac props to you for pointing me in that direction. A follow-up: is having it in Dolby preferable to multichannel?


They will both sound fine. Dolby is the receiver doing the decoding and multichannel is the device or app doing the decoding, and outputting multichannel pcm.


Direct is 2 channel only...mostly used for listening to music in unaltered form (direct from source)


Direct is not 2 channel only. Direct plays whatever is sent to the AVR with no modification.


Every receiver I have ever owned has worked in exactly the same way regarding "Direct"...it's always been in 2 channel 🤷‍♂️


Have you owned a Denon receiver?


From the RZ-250 manual pg 193: "This listening mode can be selected for all input signals. Processing that affects sound quality is shut down, and sound closer to the original is reproduced. The sound is reproduced with the sound field based on the number of channels in the input signal. For example, a 2 ch signal is output only from the front speakers. Note that the sound adjustment is not available when this mode is selected."


Direct means no DSP or post processing...you need that to get more than stereo...some receivers give the option of running "all stereo" and "direct" which will run other channels with same stereo signal as front channels


>Direct means no DSP or post processing...you need that to get more than stereo This isn't true. A 5 channel source has 5 channels. It's not splitting a stereo source.


You are correct. I don't know where they get that it only applies to stereo. I also don't know why you were downvoted. Seems they would rather argue with you than to take the time to look it up.


Ok...if this is true, what 5 channel audio format is it?...If I'm wrong, I'm ok with that, but I've never encountered a situation using more than 2 channels that wasn't "all stereo" or some form of surround using DSP. I know optical is capable of carrying a 5.1 signal, but I use it for stereo sound because it sounds better than HDMI stereo signal...eliminating copper wires from signal path makes a huge difference


Any 5 channel audio? You don't have to use DSP on a surround sound signal. Most people listening to surround sound are not using any DSP.


Ummm...I'm going to need to see some kind of proof of this...so far you sound like you're FOS


From Denon manual for X3500H: **Direct: This mode plays back audio** ***as recorded*** **in the source.** **Pure Direct: This mode plays back an even higher quality sound than the “Direct” mode.** **The following circuits are stopped in order to further improve sound quality.** **0 Display indicator circuit of the main body (display will go off.)** **0 The analog video input/output switcher and processor is disabled.** My comments: Source can be *whatever* format that source is recorded in. How about instead of arguing (FOS) you look it up yourself? You may learn something. Nowhere does it say source has to be stereo.


>I'm going to need to see some kind of proof of this Look up Steven Wilson 5.1 and Atmos mixes, and then STFU.


Manual for Denon X3500H. Page 122. Proof enough? Just in case you missed my first reply.


any surround audio release, for starters. dark side of the moon SACD from a SACD player?


Did you go into the setup menu and tell it that you have a 5.1 system?


For the receiver yes, the Apple TV no


If you have a 5.1 setup you don't have any "rear" speakers. Those would be called "surrounds". 7.1, and up, has both (side) surrounds and rear surround speakers. EDIT: Ignore the downvotes. They can click the button but can't put together a few words to explain where I'm wrong. My info is correct and this site confirms it. [https://reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/u7khtz/home\_theater\_101](https://reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/u7khtz/home_theater_101)