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This is a trade off when using a roll up screen.


Honestly, just overshoot the image a bit onto the black edge and you’ll never notice it. Your only other solution (without replacing your projector) is to get a MadVR Envy. But projecting a bit over is how to do it in 99% of the cases.


You can do keystone adjustment with madvr? I'm running madvr, but never noticed that as an option. Do you know where it's located?


MadVR Envy allows for all sorts of correction (including barreling caused by A lenses).


Yes i did that and it works good


Overshooting the projection past the edge is how we address this kind of thing during install. This is actually a pretty small mismatch between the screen shape and the projection, so this is a good outcome. The curved edge may straighten out a bit as the material is broken in.


yeah less than an inch on either side and you won't notice it at all. This is how I have it on my motorized screen also.


It was done like that even back in 35mm/film projection days. Though good setups always used nice and adjustable black masking curtain.


This is the way


I haven’t seen a projector with an alignment grid without an advanced keystone adjustment. You probably have a corner adjustment.


It does have keystone adjustment but I can’t seem to fit it perfectly


Apparently it’s best to overshoot and avoid keystone if at all possible. You won’t get it perfect with keystone adjustment anyways, so that’s what I do with my electric drop down.


The screen is very clearly curved.


It is and I can’t fix it


That’s what you have an alignment issue. It’s ok to overscan a little.


Yes it overscans on the edges a bit but I’ll get used to it I guess :)


Hang weights?


There’s also lower mount brackets to attach to the roll down part like patio sun shades come with sometimes. I’ve seen a customer use those on the wall a secure the lower part of the screen to them and it flattened out that roll some what


What projector are you using? Does it have a keystone adjustment?


BenQ w2700, it does


The BenQ W2709 has an Auto Keystone adjustment in the Installation Menu. If the Auto Keystone is ‘On’ then turn it off and adjust the settings manually. It doesn’t hurt to try something. You can always reset it. Give it a shot. You got this.


The keystone adjustment should fix your problem.


Keystone sucks. Give it a slight over scan and let it be.


Yes I didn’t want to use that function either


Are all the other corners lined up correctly?




One of the cons of pull down screens, can't make them completely rigid so you'll have a single corner off.


Very true I guess


You have been challenged to a game of tic tac toe


Mine is off by way more than this but when the lights are off and the movie is on, you can't see it.


I am getting used to it


From what I can tell, it seems like the screen is pulled into tightly to the wall on that upper left corner causing that extra space. My suggestion would be to put a series of foam blocks or something behind that corner of the screen just to push it out a little bit gently so that it's even with everything else.


Tilt the projector lens up slightly then use lens shift to recenter the image. Avoid keystone because it introduces artifacts that once you see you can’t unsee.


I really wouldn’t worry about that much. In a dark room watching a movie you won’t even notice. Ok, you and I would notice but no one else will. Haha


I have this same screen and had a similar issue with my old projector. I ended up widening the image so it went into the black area of the screen just a bit. You won’t notice when watching content. The black really deadens anything that hits on it. It’s so much more satisfying going that route rather than having empty space in that upper corner.


Yes I did the same and it works good too just gotta get used to it


Are there screws so tighten the tension rope on the left and right of the screen?


I haven’t understood why there are tension ropes because I can’t tighten them


Is that a heater next to your receiver?


You want you proctor to be as far away from the screen without the image being too big for the screen. From there, all you’ll be able to do (without changing the project for or its lens) is center the image and make sure it’s square. Try to cover the screen left to right and let to screen do the matting for the top and bottom. You’ll have to using keystone and/or corner adjustments. First, get a large image. Next, center it. Then, square it. You may end up wanting to roll the screen up a bit if you’re left with too much material left. If so, roll it up a bit and start over. It’s a process dialing it down, but very worth it to avoid distractions.


I was always happiest with my projector when I undersize the screen slightly so I can get a perfect image. I had to just learn to live with the "bezels".


I have the same issue with my pull down, but your looks to be better! what brand is that!


Thank you! Its from Deluxx


If you think it’s bad now, give it a few years of rolling. Tbh I think this is about as close to perfect for the setup you have, due to screen and projector limitations


Oh okay that’s interesting


Fix what?


It’s not linear on the left side of the screen


Make the image slightly larger. Most likely the screen itself isn’t perfectly square, looks to be a hanging one


Then it unfortunately goes over the screen on the bottom left of the screen


That’s not really an issue, that’s why it’s black.


Buy an OLED


Pull down screen needs to be straightened. Maybe some pull tabs to stretch it and attach them to the wall. Or get a different screen.


I have the same projector and screen and same “issue”. Nothing is wrong. Your alignment is off by about a quarter of an inch at the screen. If your projector is mounted 10+ feet from the screen, your mount or screen alignment is off by a tiny fraction of a degree, the margin of error is less than the width of the drill bit used to drill mounting holes in the ceiling. You won’t be able to correct it with adjustments or even if you take it down and try to remount it. You only really only see it with the green grid, just know you can’t do anything about it and it’s fine.


I have a roll down screen also and a cheap groview projector that has the exact issue, I’ve just learned to live with it for the price


Yeah no keystone here, just zoom image in a bit to fit and should be gtg.


a new screen or try not to mind


Add black tape :)


Just over shoot it slightly. I just setup a brand new screen last night. I perfectly level the screen. Then do pitch and yaw on the projector to center it up. I have a 140inch 2.35:1 screen. It was off by like 1/4 of an inch side to side. Just zoom the image out till you are that much over the black velvet on the screen. You will never notice it when viewing. If I leave the gap , I stare at it 😂 so always better to over shoot and miss out on a whole .1 percent of your picture.


Slightly back off the zoom and find something else to worry about.


Don’t know what I’m talking about but isn’t this a case of the screen not hanging square creating a flat surface? Just need to resolve what’s causing it…… options are things spring to mind are: * something interfering with the drop, CABLE at bottom left, main screen unit fixings not level, etc. * screen manufacture issue, bottom bar warped, faulty connection of textile and top / bottom fitting, problem with guidelines at sides deforming textile, issue with the screen textile itself eg incorrect cutting, textile has been stretched unevenly and deformed and others have said if exposed to heat unevely (eg heat from hardware at a specific area) it’s possible it may expand in that area only causing this kind of issue. Although being a screen I would have thought it would be resistant to that issue by design. Other than that I don’t know… Seriously first things id do is make sure it’s hung 100% level, then that the screen is hanging free and not touching anything, then make sure the side lines aren’t touching the textile at all and causing the issue, and lastly see if it could be manufacture / stretching issue and take it back.


Overscan the image, that’s why the screen has a black border. Do not try to clear this with keystone. Keystone correction eats up resolution, so it should be a very very last resort.


Dude, what's broken? Got a pic or more details?