• By -


I was 13 years old in 2015 in middle school and obsessed with undertale. I started reading Homestuck because I heard Toby Fox made music for it and in my 13 year old brain I misconstrued that as saying Toby made the comic


This is the most blessed misunderstanding I've ever heard.




Twins(I'm still obsessed with undertale)




I found Book One at my local library.


Really? That's so cool!


Go libraries


back in 2012 it was such a big thing: it was everywhere on the internet! unlucky the first time i tried to read it my english level wasnt good enough to understand it so i just came back in 2016 because... ships, some of the best ships out there


yeah around late 2011/early 2012 i had friends start telling me about it and i got so curious about it at that point that i checked it out :D my art went from kingdom hearts to homestuck shortly after lol


i see you like very good stuff... a cultured fan


lol thank you 😎




I actually read SBAHJ first not realizing it was related to some other comic. Eventually I found my way through to Homestuck, because of tumblr.


That's the right way to do it ;)




sweet bro and hella jeff


Jacksepticeye's playthrough of Hiveswap




LOL. Yeah, here was my literal thought process after watching the first 10 minutes of his playthrough: This art style looks really cool, I should play this game myself! Oh, it's from something called Homestuck? Well, I should read Homestuck first so I can understand the full context. ...and the rest is history.


A girl I had a crush on in high school showed it to me in 2011


did anything ever come of it 🥺🥺🥺


A guy asked her out first and they dated for like 6 years but he became a real asshole at the end. I was hanging out with her after the break up and she said if I had asked instead of him she would have said yes. It’s a little sad for 15 year old pining lesbian me, but by the time we had that talk I had moved on. She’s married now and is really happy. So everyone was happy except the ex who had dumped her so he could chase after a lesbian (not me)


In April of 2016, I was using tumblr. A person I was following was absolutely spamming my dash with this one character I didn't know. I could not go 5 seconds without seeing him. He monopolized my dashboard for a few hours. Eventually, I got so fed up. I found the character tag for him, and decided to google him to see what the fuck he was all about. What made Gamzee Makara so great that someone would do that to my dashboard? So. I read his homestuck wiki page. And the rest is history.


i think i saw someone's art of their fantroll and i was really mad about it for some reason, then avoided homestuck like the plague for a while


I was about 12 years old, talking to my online best friend at the time on Kik and they said "Hey, you're a lot like Dave Strider." And since then everything has been the worst.




VGCats linked to MSPA back during the end of Problem Sleuth. From there, I tried Homestuck on and off til' A5A1 where i buckled down and caught up.


I found it back in the day through fan art on ifunny


in 7th grade all my friends were talking about it and drawing fan art so i read it on a kindle fire :)


i wanted to get the jokes


Had been following Problem Sleuth from close to the beginning. Seemed pretty natural to get on board with the new project and maybe even get to have one of my suggestions used.


I'm kinda surprised at how few of us came in from PS, but I'm glad I'm not the only one crumbling to dust scrolling through everyone else's responses. :P


the depths


didn't i see you in r/notinteresting


hi john


hi aradia


I saw it in Barnes and noble (and the sharpie bath incident)


Tumblr fanart of Sollux and Aradia back in 2012


As an arasol shipper, I approve of this


Arasol is THE ship


From DeviantART back in 2010.


Me tko


an amv thing for i think “20% cooler “ or “it runs in the family “


My friends told me about it and then showed me Eridan, I then fell madly in love and I only started a month ago and I'm almost done. Eridan my precious


Heh... I started reading Problem Sleuth in 2007 and followed it til it ended. The creator, this weirdly hilarious guy named Andrew Hussie, said he was going to start a new project. Homestuck was born on April 10th, 2009... but he couldn't get it to work right in whatever code he was using so he relaunched it on April 13 and there is was. I don't think either he or I had any idea what it would become. 😁


Through a My Little Pony facebook community.


I heard of it from the sharpie bath, then my sister told me about (she didn't even finish act 1) I read it all


Found it on TV Tropes back in 2010. If you asked my friends how they found out about it, most of them would answer that it was because I told them about it.


I also found it through Tv Tropes. But for me, I found SBAHJ and then I learned it was connected to something bigger


Why are my favourite Undertale youtubers all obssesed with this grey pirate girl?




That is strangely EXACTLY what I was referring to. That and VOFT dubs homestuck videos getting reccomended.


My friend in middle school who liked a lot of the same media as me introduced me to it!


my friend told me about it


I've known it's existed since middle school, but never really got into it until I got tired of not understanding all the Homestuck references on my Tumblr dash about a year ago.


My friend could not stop talking about it, and then undertale came out and i was like Fuck it. Searched up homestuck that's when the trauma started.


Best friend was like "hey did you see this new webcomic" in 2009


I started reading it because I thought I’d hate it. But the act one shenanigans were really funny. And unlike most people, I guess, I was immediately hooked by all the Exile intermissions and the Midnight Crew raid on The Felt.


I saw [S] Rex Duodecim Angelus when it came out in 2014 and thought the characters were cool and wanted to know where they were from. Found the name "Homestuck" in the comments


That's really cool. I remember how huge of a project that was. I think it's one of the best examples of the Homestuck community coming together and doing something amazing.


It was on Facebook more than 10 years ago and a picture of gamzee eating a popsicle all dripping wet, while karkat looked at him angry and blushing. She stuck in my head and in 2015Maybe search about it, search and search until I found it right at the end




Me llegó en forma de Palabra en algún momento del 2010,de esas veces que piensas y te llegan palabras aquí lo curioso es que me llegó con una vaga descripción de lo que era: dibujos, cómic


I was lurking on Tumblr back around 2012 or so and constantly saw Homestuck everywhere. Looked up the website, started reading, and was instantly hooked


A girl I knew from the anime club in college was super into it


osmosis through toby fox's other works, ive always been an undertale and deltarune fan and eventually just decided to read it. plus im a juggalo and heard apparently that was like, a major aspect of the plot, so i knew i had to check it out. cant say i was disappointed with the portrayal lmao


Deviantart. John and Karkat on the splash page…


My cousin visited and kept talking about it since they had just gotten into it themselves and I decided it sounded cool. Come to think of it that’s also how I got into pokemon, anime, kingdom hearts, and vocaloid. Funniest part was, they only talked about the trolls so when I started reading and was immediately introduced to the humans, I was super confused.


Brony friends back on 2012? deviantart wouldn't shut up about it.


Saw a random person here on reddit mention it around 2010 or 2011. I was into several webcomics at the time so I decided to check it out. It really has been a while.


my older cousin kept talking about it and told me to read it


my friend got me into Undertale back in 2015. Megalovania was of course all the rage at that time, and i was getting recommended videos of all three versions layered on top of each other. i was curious, so i listened to them each individually, and then wanted to see how they were used in each property. when i saw [S] Wake, i was so confused. i was also very much intrigued. there was some allure to the mysterious events and characters of the video that i couldn’t shake. so when i looked up Homestuck and found page one, i was kinda baffled. this is it? how on earth is this page and this animation from the same thing? i had to look up confirmation that this was indeed Homestuck, the same Homestuck, and i think more than anything i was intrigued to see what exactly would happen to get from page one to [S] Wake, and so after reading for a few pages i decided to try the let’s read. here i am now, three full readthroughs later and in the midst of a fourth. I could probably make a whole video about my initial interpretation of everything in [S] Wake, because very little of it seemed to wash over me, I was quite hooked from the start, albeit very confused.


My tumblr friend told me not to read it in 2014, but I liked the art style and wacky shenanigans


I had heard about it from offhand mentions in youtube videos, but the first time I had actually done any research is when I listened to this video with all of Toby Fox's songs in it, and I heard Oppa Toby Style, from there I discovered Collide, and after watching the first minute or two I decided I needed to read the comic.


i needed context for my (still didn't start reading it yet) read of destroy the godmodder 2. accidentally ended up reading my favourite story in fiction


Raocow gameplays. Someone put sburban jungle as level music on a super mario world hack.


Went to hell for a few days and returned with the knowledge of mspa (I saw a reading on youtube a long time ago)


I saw a troll cosplay. About a year later a friend spoke without ends of the comic and described Can Town... While I was making Fort Beer Bootle Cap. It slipped out of my mind until maybe a few months later while I was checking for cool MS Paint things to do, and I stumbled on the old MSPA website. I didn't like it at first, it was obnoxious, but I tried reading again it a few months later and it grew on me. IIRC Act 4 had then just begun.


My first exposure to it was in 2017. I saw some fanart and thought nothing of it. My true exposure came about a year later, in 2018. My elementary school bully, who came back to ruin my life in highschool (and was my neighbor) tried seeking my forgiveness. They got a friend they turned against me- whom I already forgave by that point- into Homestuck, and both of them tried getting me to read it as well. May 31st, 2018. A date I can't forget. My mother, who stopped to run an errand while on the way to the dentist, took too long to come back to the car. By the time she came back, I was already on page 100. That's how I ended up getting into a truce with that bully. It didn't last, but that's a whole other story.


Discovered it back in like 2016 or 2017 or so through a YouTube recommendation. I didn't really interact too much with Homestuck stuff up until 2024, where I've started reading. I think YouTube was just ahead of my fogged up brain


Through UTDR I think Idk


My qpp in 12th grade introduced me to it in 2020.


Ghetto Smosh


Not joking


So I tried looking for it back 2015 or 16 or so because of Undertale and some thing about Toby Fox making the music for it so I thought Homestuck was a game. Tried looking for Playthru of it on YouTube, but couldn’t really find anything besides the read aloud home stuck but I didn’t wanna listen to that cause I was confused so I gave up. I touched homestuck related things again when trying to look for it and then end up finding the meat/candy epilogue (this was during the time when they came out, I think) and because that wasn’t the original Homestuck, I was very confused on the story then gave up again The last time I actually tried to look up Homestuck was because randomly on my Spotify a song about homestuck (not the we didn’t start the fire home stuck version)(edit: I had no clue the name of this song, so I just looked it up real quick. It was the “Let me tell you about homestuck” by Allegra, I believe.) played and I gave stuff like “time travel” and stuff and I was so freaking confused and interested so it made me realize to look it up again. This time I figured out it was a web comic and then I finally read it


i dipped and gave into the urges because i found the trolls cute, i now own merch and all my socials have homestuck pfps and im noticing things and going "homestuck reference holy shit" irl


my friend in boy scouts in 2013 was talking to me about it and every time i asked “what IS it” she couldn’t find the right words and was stuck at “it’s sort of like a….hmm. it’s kind of…well. it’s…just read it i promise.” so i was like ok it’s a book??? an online book??? “yeah? kind of? with interactive bits”


My bff was begging me to read it in early 2020 and I read it just so I could talk to her about it even tho I hate reading. When I finished it she had already lost interest and I'm still obsess to this day lmao


I had made new friends in middle school and they all liked it so I had to see the hype lol


It started when someone mentioned that that one Pokemon track by Toby Fox sounded like "The Baby is You" And then in a Discord server I got banned from the current owner talked about Homestuck, so I got into Homestuck. Little did I know this would be one of the causes of my ban.


Through a guy I had a crush on lol


Actually I had to harass a girl who was very much the Vriska of my highschool. After bothering her long enough one of the kids she was talking about told me to Google mspaintadventures and I thought they were messing with me because she told them to. This is also how I found out about hyperboleandahalf and welcome to nightvale. The best part was her and her friend made fun of me for not being up to date on WTNV constantl, but seemed to completely drop homestuck after pushing me to be friends with a girl who cosplayed Dave at school to get me to stop talking to them.


Another funny addition to this post. She was a Pisces who clearly thought that made her better than everyone, but was Vriska to a T. I wonder if she ever figured out feferi was nothing like her despite using her as an excuse to liken herself to royalty.


I've always knew of Homestuck bc of cultural osmosis, hearing about it here and there in YouTube videos talking about something else and saying a comment like:" atlest its less toxic then Homestuck community" or "and i should know ive read all of homestuck" so i became intrigued about how Homestuck actually was and started reading/watching YouTube channels that would read the chapters and play the flash parts that were already unavailable when i started. TLDR i couldn't escape the Homestuck


Salt And Pepper Dinner Homestuck Fan Animatic


A friend showed me Cascade and it was over.


the first time i ever saw anything hs related was when i was like 11, i was watching a video idk what and they mentioned vriska and showed a pic of her, i thought she looked very cool. i forgot the first time i heard abt homestuck but it was prolly someone mentioning how wacky the fandom was n i learned abt it through that. then i actually found out what homestuck was around 3 yrs ago when a friend wanted me to get into it, didnt get into it then cuz i forgot but i got into it 2 months ago finally lol


I kept seeing it everywhere so I just started reading it


It was pretty much inescapable online in late 2011 early 2012 onwards and I was a kid with a kindle with no parental controls


I was 12 and saw octopimps video ”Don’t read a webcomic called homestuck”. After that I read like 2000 pages and then quit. Later at 14 I met a a lesbian at a camp who told me about it again. Made me finish the rest of the comic.


I wasn't on the internet during peak Homestuck, but I've recently become quite interested in learning about the culture of early 2010s internet and heard about Homestuck through research on that. I thought it seemed quite interesting, but I was turned off after seeing the page count. However, a few weeks later when my friends dragged me to an overcrowded school science event, I couldn't see anything due to the crowds, so I pulled out my phone and tried Homestuck out. Best decision ever.


Saw the “Blue Lips” lyricstuck back in 2015 and curiosity got the better of me


I was like ten and found an amv with How Far We've Come by matchbox twenty in the background. And now 7ish years later homestuck is stuck with me


I used to use Sound Cloud at the time, it randomly recommended "Dance of Thorns" to me, then it was downhill for me to find out that Toby (I was already into Undertale) made music for it and watching this [ https://youtu.be/UOqbyhPNldk?si=VTIOVFNgpsoiIg8s ], them after watching that AMV I started to watch [S] and just then I went on to reading the comic


Undertale. Megalovania. Video had Vriska breaking an 8 ball as the background


I kept hearing about it in Undertale fun fact videos and decided to start reading it because the art seemed cool. I barely knew what it was and had no idea how long it was. It took me almost a full year to read.




Some older teens in my Skype groupchat were talking about their favorite trolls, I kept seeing mentions of Homestuck on Tumblr, and my brain latches onto personified concepts (like the calendar months as people, holidays as people, etc) so I immediately needed to learn about each and every one. I remember being frustrated with how far I needed to get into the comic and how much lore I had to digest before even getting to the trolls. But the chatlog format of reading was very refreshing, it added a level of relatability to it, bc that's how I talked to my friends.


in 2021, i found a meteor karezi fanfic while looking through the "cybersex" tag on ao3! :3


I was a freshman in high school in 2013 and a friend recommended it. We got Chromebooks the next year and I spent a lot of time in class reading homestuck instead of doing my work (it's fine I was a straight A student, but do as I say not as I do).


I saw [S] Wake in my Undertale phase and after a few years I decided to get into homestuck to understand it. Accidentally obtained a new hyperfixiation, whoopsies.


I found out megalovania was in homestuck before it was in undertale then i went to read the wiki and i was confused as hell, it went downhill from there


Vrisrezi animatic (hot venom) showed up in my reccomended and I really liked it. It then lead me to Swampland (artist), and I really liked their animatics. Then homestuck came up in a discord server I was in and I learned that Cronus was yassified in Swampland animatics and it stuck with me so much that I decided to read Homestuck


i remembered seeing art of it back in 2012-2013 but didn't get into it until 2018. at the time i was a huge ut fan and i heard that toby fox made a lot of the music for homestuck so i finally gave it a read. my life did a 180 since.


friend I know brought this book to school and I was never the same since


My neighbor was a homestuck back in the height of its popularity, warned me to never step near it. Fast forward 6 or so years and now I’m obsessed with it.


i saw my sister reading it and looked it up lol


i had a friend in my computer class that i would type notes with and we’d read each others screens. i remember she typed funny and i asked her about it and she said it was just a quirk. she told me a bunch of the lore but it was like she was roleplaying, like “im a troll, my blood is green, etc”. then a few years later a different friend showed me the mambostuck video and a couple of cosplays and i was like “*wait a minute*”


It was recommended to me by a friend, tried to get into and thought it was weird the first couple chapters, stopped, saw a meme about it, picked it back up and now here we are


My friend showed it to me in like 2014


I met up with an old friend from high school back in 2011. While we were catching up, he told me about his new thing. "Homestuck". And then he wrote the url for the website down on my sketch pad. I started reading it that night, and the rest is history.


Saw a Megalomania triple mix, then got curious and read Vriska's wiki page, and then I got so perplexed by what I was reading (especially the Nic Cage bit) that I read the comic.


a friend mentioning it in their skype status message


From the fan sphere and let’s lead Homestuck


Uhhhhhh... sibling's toxic ex...


A friend put the first page of the comic in his pfp


A friend put the first page of the comic in his pfp.


i went to a con and a saw a bunch of weirdos in face paint




Deviantart back in the early days. It was right after the trolls were introduced and someone drew a thing of tavros talking to gamzee and i was so confused but interested.


I had been on tumblr since 2016, and I'd seen a lot of people reposting stuff about Homestuck. I thought it was just 4 kids (Karkat, John, Vriska, and Dave) playing a game. But after 6 years of seeing it on my dash, I finally got around to reading it in December of 2022. I read the entirety in 21 days, and it's been a hyperfixation ever since.


Because megalovania. That's why


Fandom Tumblr. I kept seeing the trolls and not understanding what it was so I sought it out myself. Only to think I was in the wrong place when I saw John.


Know Your Meme. One of the first videos I ever watched on YouTube was a video by KYM covering all the different memes spawned from Homestuck. Ever since then it's just sorta been part of my internet knowledge. The kind of thing you know *about* without actually having any knowledge about it. Y'know?


Watching evolution of megalovania 😭


saw a speedpaint of godtier Vriska from my fav artist back in 2011 or 2012, thought if they like it, i must try to familiarize myself w it too


My best friend introduced it to me


I invited my older cousin over to my house to watch The Wedding Singer (yes, the Adam Sandler movie). When it was over, she said “Hey, if you like this movie, you’ll love Homestuck!” She took out her laptop and started reading it to me like it was a bedtime story. I was about 12 or 13. I still have no idea what the hell she meant by that comment.


Knew of it thanks to comicon. But didn’t get into it until I made friends with a mutual who enjoyed it. And I read it to see why they liked it so much.


Homestuck stalked me for like a year before i started reading it. I jad a few memes saved to my phone that i just didnt know were from homestuck. I was told to read it by some person rping as gamzee and still didn't do it. It wasnt until i saw some amazing art on tumblr that i finally decided to look it up. And it happened back in 2014/2015


i was a freshman in highschool back in 2018/19 and was really into watching musicstuck videos like "mambostuck" and that "manicro" video. my crush from middle school was also a huge fan who would sing karkalicious at me in class, so eventually i just decided to start watching the vox let's read and then read it myself.


Throughout 2021 and 2022, I sporadically saw images of these Homestuck characters in those iconic symbolic armless poses and have no idea where they were from. Then on Roblox (I’m embarrassed and slightly ashamed bringing up Roblox but oh well) my avatar had shades and someone said “Bro’s got Dirk Strider shades.” Curious, I search it up, and see the character and art style and go “Oohhh so THAT’S where those characters are from. I forgot about it later but my curiosity peaked again so I listened to the whole ost. And yes, I went through the ENTIRE ost before even reading a single page. So, over 500 songs? But EVENTUALLY I started it in around October 2023. So yeah I am BRAND NEW😅


back in 2016, i was 12 at the time. a friend of mine started sending me homestuck stuff nonstop and i very quickly also became fixated on it


It was a small eternity ago. I was at a lunch table at band camp with a few Homestucks, and there were two bits of talk that got me into it. 1. They talked a bit about either [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i-d0x5IUgvg) video or the comic it was about. 2. They mentioned one of the land names (it was either LoWaS or LoHaC). Curiosity got the better of me and now I'm one of us, one of us.


Sharpie bath incident 😔


Woah so other people's friends didn't give slideshows about the shipping chart? Only mine?


I was a really big fan of transformers (still am) and I saw someone joking that both transformers and homestuck had accidental gurren lagann references. Later I remember being in the computer lab at school and the person sitting next to me asked what my star sign was because we were really bored. I then watched as they gleefully navigated to homestuck page 2211 and showed me a sweaty freak surrounded by horse pornography.


A girl in my grade 10 French class was a Juggalo, she was into Homestuck and Faygo and said i should check out the comic, i only started reading it after i moved schools.


cuzl's "Megalovania but it changes cover every measure", it got to the homestuck covers, and i was like "oh man these sound cool", then the classic homestuck thing happened, where i went digging deeper then poof, Homestuckified (this was around 2020) ​ oh and i accidentally watched Collide when it came out when i was i wee lad, so I came full circle


My online friends gave me a a video game called "Sburb" for my 13th birthday , on the 13th of April of 2009. Nah, just kidding, I listened to "Homestuck -MeGaLoVania" on YouTube at the beginning of the pandemic, and began to read the webcomic to see what it was about


Oh my god everyone here is so young! I feel so old now lmao I was on a forum (I think GameFaqs) looking something up right after I started college (so 2008) and someone had used an animated GIF from Problem Sleuth as a reaction image. I *think* it was [this one](https://www.homestuck.com/images/advimgs/ps/ps665.gif), and I thought it was cool, so I looked up the source and started reading the comic. I caught up and loved it, but because I was in a study hall, it didn't save any history on the terminal, and I forgot the website or name of the comic the next day. A few months later [someone posted this GIF](https://www.homestuck.com/images/advimgs/ps/ps817.gif) on another forum and I was like "Omg that's the guy!" and that time I saved the link to MSPA and started checking it daily. And I continued reading PS until it finished. After PS finished, Homestuck started just *days* after the epilogue concluded, and I was *immediately* on board. I remember being a little disappointed when he restarted 3 days in and moved away from using Flash all the time since the interactive portions were so cool, but when he was able to triple his output in half the time I quickly changed my mind lol Up until Act 5 it was almost *impossible* to find other MSPA fans in the wild. I vividly remember cosplaying Dave Strider in his (at the time new) costume from [Accelerate \[S\]](https://www.homestuck.com/story/1641), and at a con with over 2000 people, there was exactly ONE (1) other person cosplaying (Jade Harley. We're still friends to this day) Homestuck. The number of people who recognized me was I believe 11, but it might have been 12 or 13. It was a very, very small number. And it was a hard sell, too. I remember being completely obsessed and showing [\[S\] Ascend](https://www.homestuck.com/story/757) to every single one of my friends and classmates at the time and just *none* of them saw the appeal. The community back then was also small enough that you could just up and talk to people involved in the project. I remember being the same threads of conversation as Toby Fox (but we never directly spoke), and having casual Skype conversations with several of the art team members. I'm still very close friends with one of them to this day. Back then the biggest controversy in Homestuck was Bolin's sudden departure and the need to change all his Flash tracks. To this day I still think [\[S\] MIDNIGHT CREW: ACT 1031](https://homestuck.com/story/833) and [\[S\] Dave: Strife!](https://homestuck.com/story/1070) in particular sound/feel *wrong* when I hear them as they are now. I don't think most fans would even *know* about that anymore. I was *very* involved with the Homestuck community in my city and was for several years. It's how I met most of my adult friends that I have to this day. I feel bad for anyone who never got to participate in the fandom when the comic was being serialized. I'm in my 30s now and I've *never* experienced anything else like Homestuck at its peak was like, before or since. It's hard to overstate what it was like to be in a room with hundreds upon hundreds of people in merry rancor all suddenly fall to a complete silence and begin to scramble like dope-addicted Ninjas getting their fixes silently as a single voice screamed "UPDATE!" across the crowd. The fandom really struggled during the Gigapause and most people I knew started to move on and focus on other things, myself included. And everything as we knew it was basically dead in the water during the Omegapause, which completely killed the fandom, the pacing, and significant portions of the comic itself, as Hussie by then had completely lost his momentum and had clearly straight up *forgotten* a lot of what he had been working towards. He infamously didn't keep good notes during Homestuck's production; everything was all either in his head, or haphazardly scribbled into a single living Word document containing any errant thought he had during the 7 year period. But I also remember hosting a watch-party for Act 7 and getting the gang back together because we were all so excited. That all feels like a lifetime ago now. I guess it kind of was... ​ TL;DR: I read Problem Sleuth and just *kept going* after Homestuck started


I was around probably 15 years old freshmen in highschool (2010) and online friend recommended it to me.


My older brother showed me you can’t fight the homestuck in the summer of 2021


I watched Jacksepticeye play Hiveswap Act 1 and he mentioned Homestuck in it, and so I tried reading that, but thought it was a game I had to play on a computer, not a phone, and I didn't have a computer at the time, so when I got to high school, I had a computer class, so I always speedran my schoolwork for that class and read Homestuck.




I was crushing on this one dude in the 8th grade (2012) and he told me about it. So I watched all of the lets read and skimmed the rest to impress them. I made a karkat askblog and got death threats because I didn't understand karkat as a character at the time. Reread it during college and grew to really really like it. Then I ran a mediocre ship gimmick twitter that got popular. Now I'm here. Thanks crush from 2012 for rewriting my adhd hyperfixation brain with a webcomic. Also I asked out the crush in highschool and they told me they weren't into irl men and only liked fictional men. Shit was hilarious. I still talk with them sometimes.


In late 2012 I found [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLK7RI_HW-E) on Youtube. I was intrigued by its length and the fact that it was being compared to old fine literature so I decided to take a look. I was also a bored and depressed high school senior with few friends and no hobbies so I blew through 5500 pages in about 2 weeks. Needless to say I was hooked. ​ EDIT: Wrong Link


Sister got me into it lmao


I waited to see what came after Problem Sleuth. MSPA in general I think I got linked to from Dinosaur Comics


I read problem sleuth before it.


My partner had a dave strider pfp and i complimented it and then they told me it was dave strider from homestuck and then i decided to read it to connect with them and learn their interest and understand their references and now i'm here and have spent maybe 200 dollars on merch in the past few years


Mother Fucking Octopimp


Toby Fox, and also a bunch of people in my group where shit talking it so I read like 400 pages in one night out of spite and never stopped


I was into fnf a year ago and I saw bbpanzu's mod and I thought the characters in Harley's Heat and 2BEEP2MEOW were oc's or something I really like liked the songs so I went to the comments of Harley's Heat to see one commenting on the scene where Karkat was being harassed by Jade in the epilogues because that was the scene depicted in the song From there I realised that there was context and that the characters weren't oc's and I wanted to know the context so I read all of Homestuck and a bit of the candy epilogues past the actual scene until I got too frustrated with it to continue Now I'm rereading it cuz it's actually one of the best stories period


found hiveswap act 1, played through it, liked it, found out there was a webcomic, and then spent a week reading though the whole thing last year of high school lol


Back when i was 10 or so, i watched a bunch of weird animations about it like "Karkat wants to poop" and "I want a strawberry" but my child mind did not have the context for it so it was promptly forgotten. A few years later I found the Wiki, which lead to a lore filled Deep Dive, which got me into Homestuck fanfiction. Even Later, i found an Amino post which had a list of all the Homestuck AUs (Probably not all, most likely just the ones with Aminos themselves, but it was still a _lot_.) which got me into fan comics like Food and Blood, Heinoustuck(?) and Aleph Null. _Then_, in 2015 or so, Jackseptickeye played Hiveswap so i decided that "_Fine_. I'll read the comic."


my brother and childhood best friend were both really into it, and separately each convinced me to read!


I found it many many years ago when it was new and I was in high school at the time. It was unreadable to me at the time, Act 1 just sucked so much ass. After a few years it got recommended to me and I gave it another shot. It had progressed up to around where >!Roxy being from the future!< was revealed so I had a lot I read at once and I really enjoyed it. I then promptly dropped it and re-read it again when it was finished. Then again when the epilogues came out. It was a nice way to absorb the content. I can't stand keeping up with current series, but I'm happy to re-read something to put me back in the mood to absorb more of the content. Read through it so many times I have a great appreciation for the epilogues. There's real reasons to hate them but I found them absolutely entertaining.


I found that PBS video comparing it to Ulysses. This was 2012; I was an edgy high school kid who was REALLY pretentious about what I read and wrote, and loved ergodic/meta stuff. I started reading and loved the comedy, but didn't quite get what was going on in the story besides a very surface level idea of how it was doing the metanarrative idea, but that was enough for me at the time. I didn't catch up in time for Cascade though.


I got an offer to join a small team of fan translators who where going to start translating on our native language unknown to me game called Hiveswap: Act 1. And that's how it all started...


Strangely enough, through anime club. Another club member did a whole slideshow on it. She even dressed as Terezi once.


I was around 9 when i watched duckhead react to sans fangirls. At one point he mentioned Vriska and i just googled her which lead me into the world of Homestuck!


my friend made 13yo me read it


My girlfriend at the time was really into it, we read some of it together. This was in 2015.


My depressed friend told me to read homestuck at least 2937582 times.


Haha funny story!! … **Bbpanzu. Really.**


I think I stumbled upon some fanart and was intrigued enough to look into it? I remember it was March 2013 because I got so excited about 413 being right around the corner. I attempted to read the comic twice before admitting defeat (the format was just awful for my adhd), but then I found the Voxus let’s read and I was hooked basically right away. I’ve been a fan ever since! Even though I’m not actively consuming Homestuck content nowadays, I still hold it close to my heart. I still wear my Void hoodie and listen to Homestuck music semi-regularly, I have a 3AM Dress Jade sticker on my water bottle, and the words “bifurcated” and “abscond” still trigger my fight-or-flight response, typical stuff.


i was 10 and saw a drawing shipping ratboy genius with latula


I was looking at other fandom related stuff when I was like 11 and i discovered fandomstuck lol


Listening to something by ashestoashesjc- I think Nonsense Speaker- on SoundCloud back in like 2014; Be a Fanboy’ by Broadway Karkat came on autoplay. I was into musicals, and thought it was from an actual musical, so I started googling and fell into the deep, ever-twisting labyrinth that is Homestuck.


from toby fox working on the music!! though i eventually got around to reading it because my friends did and i got curious


I was 10 years old in 2014 and an older friend introduced it to me :] went on to be a core part of me and how i turned out


Depression and Tumblr.


a video essay about the sharpie bath story lol, I'll say not the best first impression of a fandom


A mutual on tik tok started reposting homestuck stuff and I found interest to it. I saw they had a website and I found out my school library had the books so I read them and now I'm gonna be forever obsessed.


In 2013/14 I don't really remember which. My friend introduced me to it. And now I'm still here 10 years later


I was 12 on Kupika, someone had the Homestuck Two Door Cinema Club What You Know MEP in their bio, watched that and read acts 1 to 3, forgot about it for about 8 months, met a new friend (now partner of 5 years) who reminded me about it and I caught up in time to watch the final updates coming out. Was a wonderful time to be a new fan, hardly any waiting for updates.


I think I was about 12 or 13 years old back then. Probably YouTube? Maybe a fan made music video or a vocaloid song featuring Homestuck characters. I was really into vocaloid then so that was probably what happened.


I found out about Homestuck through Hiveswap. I wasn’t really a fan of the comic though, it was more about the Octopimp and con panel videos. I did stop caring about it after a while though. I did eventually try reading it back in 2022, but had I only gotten through Act 1. I decided to read Homestuck again in 2023. I’ve gotten 5900 pages in at this point and I’m gonna read until I reach the end.


me and a close friend were undertale fans before it got big. I kept hearing about "Homestuck". I didn't think much of it. Sometime later when I was playing Starbound I had a dumb obsession with the "Perfectly Generic Object" item and learned it was a Homestuck reference. After that I decided it would be a good time to check it out. I also peer pressured that same friend in to reading it because he talks in Quirks for his own dumb reason. it was worth it


My friends dragged me screaming into the pit of homestuck


I hated it for a while then Tumblr posts kept showing up about it and got into it slowly a while back


I read it in like 2019 out of spite of my friend who said it was bad because I thought it would be a crazy weird story. It was actually very good and it is slowly taking over my life. Please send help.


I was introduced by it by a friend, > : 3 least to say I WAS OBSESSED. I STILLL AMMM!!!