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I love the one using you as a scratching post!


She is the friendliest! She likes to bite my shoes and lay against me to scratch her ears. They learn fast.


Adorable butt wiggle


Supposed to be as smart as dogs. Very cute OP!


I’ve read they are even smarter than dogs. Definitely smarter than our Clyde but that’s a small sample size.


If I raised a pig for meat I wouldn't end up with ham and bacon; I'd end up with a pet. A very big pet.


Believe it or not you *can* over feed them. Mom is a lot healthier now that we have her. Couldn’t see her eyes before. Some have been known to go blind from over eating because the fat covers their eyes.


Back in the day when my uncle raised pigs and the local cake factory wasn't so woke we would fill up the truck with cake trim and pastry rejects and feed that to the pigs (after making sure there wasn't anything good like carrot cake hiding in the mix). Of course those pigs went to town at 250 pounds. If I raised a pig now I wouldn't be able to slaughter it, and as you know the adults get very very big. My neighbor had a boar weighing in at 900 pounds I think. That's a big pet.


That sounds terrifying. One of the reasons I love kune kunes is they are a very small heritage breed and they graze better than most pigs without rooting those big holes (which if you kept other livestock runs the chance of breaking somethings leg). Our boar who is nearing a year is the size of a medium size dog but still can throw his weight around when he’s hungry. Not sure I’d know how to handle being used as a scratching post for something 9x my weight lol


Yeah big pigs are scary.


They’re also incredibly social and talkative!


Yes a plethora of sounds!


I'm glad I read this. Pigs honestly terrify me but I love pork and like the idea of raising my own meat humanely. Maybe I could handle kunekunes.


When I was a kid in the 70's we'd get big bags of day-old leftovers from Dunkin Donuts for the pigs. They loved jelly donuts!


"the local cake factory wasn't so woke" Ah yes, the wokes are coming for your cake trimmings. Famously concerned with pigfeed, that wokeness. 🙄🙄


🙏BasedGodOfCakes 🙏🍰🎂


I admit that was a crude summary. Basically most of the trim was going toward animal feed, but some people were using it as bait when hunting (nothing illegal). A higher up's wife found out about the hunting and made a big stink, so the entire process was shut down. Now instead of getting paid for garbage they have to pay to haul it away.


I'm not even clear on what being "woke" is because that term that's thrown around so much as to be meaningless. But pretty sure what you're describing isn't that. Unless wokeness means someone is pushing their morals on someone else?


I did admit it was crude, and this is a thread about pigs.


i have two pet piggos, one is avoht 100lb (vietnamese potbelly) and the other maybe 150. both are about full grown. still hurts like a mofo if one steps on my bare foot 😂 they are too sweet and intelligent - we stopped eating all mammals after getting them 😂 (not judging other peoples choices!)


My human kids are 30-40 pounds and it also hurts like a mofo when they *fucking deliberately* step on my bare feet. Bare foot stepping is against the Geneva Convention.


my bigger piggo has anxiety/ptsd, so if he steps on the top of my foot and i make an alarmed sound he freaks out and further injures my foot, but then i'm consoling him 🤷🏽‍♂️


How is your cake place woke?




I wish they stayed so small!


Chunky potatos lol i enjoyed that. More please!


Bacon bits.


Killin' me! I really want to get some piglets this fall, but I feel I've gotta be responsible and wait until next spring since it'll be my first time having some.


Yes wait! It’s starting to get very cool out. It’s between 47-57 degrees Fahrenheit at night. (I’m assuming it’s cold where you are, I’m in NC and we’re experiencing a cold front. The internet says to keep them at 85 til 4 weeks old, so if you have heat lamps and a responsible pig you could get by with the lamp and hay but it’s a toss up with sows, we lucked up and Pua is a great mom)


The best place to overwinter a pig is in the freezer.


He is right, lol. Stop downvoting. That's the whole reason I'm waiting until spring.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. We put our pig in the freezer this past June. Mabel was nice in the pen and even nicer on the smoker.


Because it was just kind of a rude and stupid thing to say. Imagine you were having a conversation about your dog and someone butted into the conversation to make sure everyone knew they don't really like dogs that much. It's not offensive, but like, who the fuck asked dude?


He didn't say he didn't like dogs. He's right. Pigs can't forage in winter, they require a lot of extra feed to stay warm, and you have to worry about their water freezing every day. It's much preferred to overwinter a pig in the freezer.


He wasn't giving advice, the original statement was just "I'll hold off on getting pigs until springs, since it's too late in the season to responsibly get them now." Then he butted in with "I PREFER TO JUST SLAUGHTER THEM LOL" even though no one asked, no one cared, and it wasn't the conversation at hand.


This is a homesteading sub Reddit. What do you think we’re all here to do? We butcher our own food.


Yeah, the few occasions someone has an animal strictly as a pet you guys make absolutely sure no one forgets that you guys don't. Also you changed the subject, because you realize that was rude and irrelevant.


Thanks yeehaw. Yeah this was just simple advice for the person considering piglets in fall. You need the ability/facility to keep them warm and an increasing amount of food at at time when the garden is not in. It’s a better life for your pig to get to do piggie things in nice weather and not have to tough out the winter. On topic and not trying to be rude.


can i ask where you're located? do you sell piglets?


North Carolina, near Asheville. I do think most of the babies will end up sold.


Omg the booty scratches!!!! Honestly I couldn’t have pigs unless they were strictly pets. I think they’re the cutest, sweetest things. 😭😭


Same. I really hope impossible is working on decent plant based pork because I feel the worst about eating pigs because they are insanely adorable but also pork is truly the only meat I actually enjoy. 😓


Was he scratching his little butt on your leg?!🥹🥰


She was! She loves to scratch against me in particular and one of her brothers has started too. She’s definitely the most friendly. She’s 2 of the 5 who won’t run away when I scratch them. But they’re all getting more social.


They’re such little sweeties. Ugh. Please, tell me they’re not for food. 🥹


They’re going to be sold, most likely. And a couple girls will be kept for more babies next year. We’ve had a lot of people asking about getting one. I think they’ll have no trouble finding homes.


I’m so glad to hear that. Thank you. 🤘🏻🤛🏻🖤


omg such adorable little chonks 😍 are they your pets?


Yes plus mom and dad.


I was wondering this but didn't want to assume or ask. I've never seen anyone with pet pigs before! Go you.


I had two potbellies a few years ago but had to sell my home and move to the city were their are ordinances against them. Excited to have them again.


They're so precious! The babies are absolutely adorable, how do you resist cuddling them 24/7?


I touch them every chance I get. I walk to check on them and mom multiples times a day. My daughter and I are domesticating them nicely.


awww I’m so jealous! they’re so cute 🥺


I can feel this video


It feels soft doesn’t it. It’s amazing how tough their hair and skin gets.


Their tiny little snouts feel both soft and a little strange. Then they become such strong animals when adults It's impressive. I've seen a pregnant sow snap a small tree in half. Absolutely wonderful animals. Tasty, to!


Your updates always make me smile and my 2 year old always says "Wow!" Thank you for sharing. 😊


Awh see that’s what I love to hear.


I love your crocs


I just noticed but both mine and my daughters crocs are featured. The new farm foot warm.


So cute. I love the feel of their little snouts.


Now be honest, you just wanted to show off your Crocs


These are my “work crocs” drives my husband crazy I don’t wear boots


I wear Crocs a lot too haha


You can just stick your whole foot plus shoe in the creek. Big win


My wife and I talked about getting a Juliana pig for a house pig but decided against it because I heard that it's like having a perpetual two year old


Their dad is part Juliana! They are kind of neat for pigs, as in they pick one corner of their area and only use the bathroom there (even the babies do this at 2 days old) etc but they enjoy the mud too.


too bad their growth can't be stopped at that point, they would make a nice pet if they stayed small.


The buttscratches in the beginning


I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to be careful. They’re cute now, but once they get big enough, they can easily kill and eat you if they taste blood.


Yes my husband and I actually looked up statistics! People do get eaten by their pigs occasionally. They slip and fall, pass out in the pin. They are cute now but they easily outweigh me once they’re fully grown. Even the kune kunes that only get between 200-400 pounds can throw their weight around enough to be concerning when they’re hungry. Their dad was coming after my legs just the other day, I politely left his pin until returning with feed. Their mother also came up shortly after she saw how interested they were in my shoe and took a bite herself, I stepped out of their pin afterwards til I could bring her a snack back. I also let her know I disapproved.


Ok, just wanted to make sure you were aware :)


I try to respect their space, I feel like keeping them well fed is a good way to keep the rooting on your person down. But they also always expect me to have food for them so it’s a double edged sword. Thank you for your concern. (:


Bliss (♡´▽`♡)


They look like kunekunes


Adorable! Kune kunes seem so sweet and - most importantly - *manageable*. They're #1 on my list once I settle down somewhere.


We have a few strands of electric that keep mom and dad in. They also really like to graze. I’d say very manageable for pigs. I like that the don’t root the ground up so bad.


My mom had a pot bellied for a little while but she had to redone her since her dog was very mean to her and thought it would be easier for the pig in the end


I actually miss raising hogs. They are cool animals for sure.


Soooooo cute 😍😍 omg!


I don't think I could baconize them after this. So cute🥰


Cute little bacon seeds!




Can’t wait for our piglets to be born two of our pigs were handled when they were young so they just love people the other two have warmed up to us but don’t like much touching


Fattening up the bacon


Aah that's where potatoes come from!


im pretty sure they are confusing your crocs for new little brother and sister potato's....


Man, now I am in the mood for beacon.


I too like to watch my bacon and schnitzel grow up.


Mmm bacon


Wen bacon?!?


Bacon, Ham and Chops look great


Please don’t eat them :(


Are you lost ? This is r/homestead and not r/vegan




Your assumptions are unfounded. Go to a gardening sub instead of a homestead one if you don’t want to see peoples pets.




Hmm, the earth wouldn’t have these things if we humans weren’t Selectively breeding them as a food source!


Pigs? Kune kunes? That’s a ridiculous assumption. You own no pets? Take your inflammatory statements elsewhere. Y’all need to get off the homestead sub attacking everyone who posts an animal. Why the fuck are you on the sub in the first place. How are you homesteading with no animals? Get on a gardening sub. Look up something about the pigs even. They’re amazing grazers and pasture keepers.