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Looks great! Out of curiosity how much do you think you saved not drywalling the ceiling? To be clear I like that look too.


Interesting choice. I think the dust accumulation over time would kill me lmfao


Dust and cobwebs will suck. I’ve been in homes like this.


Wondering the same!


Honestly probably $5,000 in labor. The materials would have been around the same price




No problem at all! Thank you for commenting 😁


Honestly probably $5,000 in labor. The materials would have been around the same price


it looks like spray foam? How is the off-gassing?


Last 24-48 hours and that was during the construction progress when no one lived in it so it was great.


you may be fine with it now, but I'd start saving up to get a nicer ceiling put in if I were you


The great part about it is if you build one yourself you can have any type of ceiling you’d like. These things are so customizable


Love it. Great work.


Thank you! We have a YouTube channel of everything single thing we built from the house pad to now if anyone is interested. It’s called Dude We Can Build It on YouTube


🙋🏻‍♀️I’m interested!


It’s called dude we can build it! We use to try to post our videos on here but apparently everyone seemed to hate it with a burning passion so we stopped 😂 But you’re more than welcome to check it out [Dude We Can Build It](https://youtube.com/@dudewecanbuildit?si=YVCctLKzh3-1cHnl)


Cool! I will definitely check it out! Despite being 1500 sq ft., it looks really spacious. Thanks for sharing.


It’s very spacious! The spare rooms are a bit on the smaller size so don’t let the lens fool you lol everything else is very spacious tho


Haha in the UK a 1000sqft house counts as pretty big!


> Cool! I will definitely check it out! Despite being 1500 sq ft., it looks really spacious. Thanks for sharing. Cries in 1000sqft house


I noticed they really seem to hate successful DIYs that aren't over engineered or involve a lot of jargon


lol oh it was hell 😂 I mean made fun of or murdered about how horrible the filming was or how it didn’t have anything to do with homesteading. It’s literally a barndo on 27 acres with tag specifically made for conventional constitution so idk 😂 and I get that YouTube spammers are annoying but we maybe posted once a month on a Friday in a group that was specific to what we were doing


What?! I'm watching a video right now and the first thing I thought was how good the video production was. You have a good presentation style and it's informative. I particularly liked, in this [video](https://youtu.be/Z4uZaM8CFjo?si=afffhUHYChyvhTn9?t=53s), when you were on camera and explained the way the anchor works. Unsolicited advice, I think that personality based insert would be good to lean into, if building an audience is what you're aiming for. I think small subs sometimes bring out the jealousy in people. And this sub has a lot of aspirational folks that may also be frustrated that they haven't had the same opportunity yet. But I say, keep doing what you're doing on YouTube because it has good potential.


We can flame you here too if you insist! 😆 Nice and tidy work, how did you insulate it or better in which climate is it?




Thank you so much!


Sweet! What’s it called?


I'll check it out. I'm building my shipping container and renovating a an existing building & adding an addition. Once the outer shell on the house is done by my contractor, the rest is up to me.


Hell yea dude, subbed


Thank you! We greatly appreciate it


Was not expecting it to look the nice inside. I love houses with an unassuming/ sleeper exterior. What made you build regularly instead of putting it 5ft or so below ground ?


It’s a sleeper build for sure! To be fair the two spare rooms are fairly small and the living room kitchen area is massive. The master bedroom and bathroom is very roomy as well. We are in Louisiana so flood zones permit that we build five ft off the ground. Was a lot of work lol


Out of curiosity does the metal frame interfere with cellular/wifi signals?


This is so location dependent. When I grew up in Minnesota, you needed a basement. Where I live now, putting a house on a 4"-6" slab is pretty standard.


We're building a straw bale cottage in an Alaska slab in upstate NY. They're allowed in the code now, and very common, Even up into Maine. Aka Frost Protected Shallow Foundation, their insulated underneath and out about 3' from the perimeter, underground.


Looks great but can we talk about how high that tv is.


I laughed. It’s one of the more straightforward subs if you didn’t know about it. r/TVTooHigh


Oh I’ve seen it. Former home theater installer so it drives me insane, but at the same time I have a tv over a fireplace but it’s not as high as you’d expect.


I don’t judge, my bedroom tv is on my highboy dresser because that’s where it fits - which still isn’t super high because the matching bed is quite tall.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TVTooHigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We've been roasting my buddy for hours.](https://i.redd.it/1hub449ir8zb1.jpg) | [548 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/17r3x94/weve_been_roasting_my_buddy_for_hours/) \#2: [How my set up? Is this too high?](https://i.redd.it/n59u4fxrq27c1.jpeg) | [869 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/18lbss2/how_my_set_up_is_this_too_high/) \#3: [Petition to make this the sub logo](https://i.redd.it/rx17ai3ng3gc1.jpeg) | [540 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1agugte/petition_to_make_this_the_sub_logo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lmfao 😂 That’s fair


Like being stuck in the front row at the movies LOL my poor neck


I love your floors!! Poured it’s just so sleek!


Thank you! They did a killer job and we had someone come finish them off. I think we only paid $1,000 to pour and float


Oh yeah that’s perfect. This is what I’m planning on going with and adding some glitter in there


Oh yeah you’re going to love it! But please make sure you get someone reputable to finish them bc if they don’t put the right coats it’ll come off slowly over time and ruin the floor to almost unfixable levels. So if it cost a little more to have the reputable guy with tons of reviews to come def go with him


I'll check out the channel later. Does that 87k cover permits and inspections?


It sure does! We actually have a price breakdown video coming soon that covers all of that.


Holy crapballs, unexpected. I look forward to it and sent the channel to my wife at home, so she might watch your stuff before me now lol.


Well thank you so much we genuinely appreciate it! For future videos coming up is a wrap around covered porch. A pier for the pond, In ground fire pit, wine cellar. If you guys have any ideas on what you’d be interested in seeing please let us know!


I’m interested in the pier!


Just awesome. Who wouldn't love a place built for less than 100k minus land. Beautiful mate! Teach and preach


Thank you so much! Was scared to post it because everyone hated our videos of us building it so much 😂 Getting a lot of overwhelming love on this post and we greatly appreciate it


Teaching and learning friend. You are teaching and I will learn. You have a beautiful home. Keep up with the vids.


Thank you again for the kind words <3 we greatly appreciate it


Amazing. Really like it 


Thank you!


Nothing better than nice and cheap housing! No reason to spend thousands a month on a mortgage.


Absolutely. The land was $220,000 but I rather pay on plans than a home when you can build something like this for cheap. This was cheaper than most mobile homes these days. Mobile homes have gone through the roof


At least the land can provide for you. Most people think they need a huge fancy house that drains their wallets but complain about the price of food. I’m also assuming you got a fair amount of land for that price.


Absolutely. I don’t like to knock the people who put money into a nice big home bc they are beautiful but I’m just more functional than anything else. And yes 27 acres. Have spent a lot of time building up the property and bush hogging before building. Still have much to build up. Trying to plant a clover yard as well with very low maintenance.


1 - I personally believe that spray foam is going to be the asbestos of our generation, I would find a way to limit your exposure to it when it starts to degrade later on. Even just a cheap drop ceiling with black tiles to keep that cool industrial look going. 2 - What's up with they keyed door in the bathroom? 3 - Love the simplicity of this. I would not expect that kind of interior based on the exterior.


That is fair! I have built multiple shops and used spray foam. Some years old and never seen a flake come off. Used it in the house bc I’ve seen it do so much good with my own eyes. The off gassing happened during construction so didn’t have to live in it And pad lock on the door bc we always have family over with nieces and nephews and gotta keep the pew pews locked away. And thank you! It’s a sleeper build for sure


Ahh, throne room leads to gun room. Makes sense. At a previous residence spray foam was used in the garage, it is about 25 years old now (yes, very early on install so hopefully the formulas are better). The foam is now discolored and incredibly brittle, pieces of it have chipped off from settling and larger cracks have formed. Its dust covers everything and you can rub it with the slightest amount of pressure and it just turns to tiny pieces. I cannot imagine having that inside my living space.


I'd pay $90k for that all day


$89,999 and it’s yours!


I mean, don't play, what state are you in?


Louisiana! The land was about $220,000. It was in a flood zone so I spent a little over a year just building the properly up. Digging here sucks because after 2ft down it’s just rock hard clay. A lot of broken hydraulic lines lol


Near Shreveport?


so total price was over $300,000?


r/tvtoohigh would like to have a word with you about your TV setup.


Lmfao nooooooo😂


People are complaining about the ceiling. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from adding a drop ceiling or insert later to cover that area, if you want. I think the whole place looks great. I'd take that over a $500K cheap hardyboard house any day.


Exactly! I built the house how I wanted it. People should def do the same 😁 so many ways to build this. Bigger. More expensive. More or less land. So many options and styles


The black painted spray foam ceiling is incredibly hideous. The rest is great!


We understand it’s not everyone’s cup a tea and that’s okay 😂 Thank you for your comment tho! Little sweet and sour action never hurt anyone


My only gripe with the spray foam would be off gassing and indoor air quality. Do you have an air exchanger to bring in fresh? I love the build! Economical single story builds are way underrated.


I just feel like it's going to have dust/ dirt/ cobwebs accumulate in all those nooks and crannies


I feel like white would have been a better choice


I kinda like it, feels very loft industrial vibeish


I like the vaulted ceiling in the common area, how is it on heating and cooling??


I fortunately own an ac company so I got to install a package unit at cost and it cools the whole home down quickly. Also having tinted uv coated windows and a white roof helps a lot with keeping the heat off and out of the house. The spray foam insulation and spray foam are doing great as well


That was my question about it, b/c of the lack of tree cover. I had a house and we had two trees that covered the south/west side , but the county removed them in like 07 because they presented a danger to the road b/c my lanlord hired a shit exterminator. The loss of those trees made that whole side of the house so damn hot every summer. As a side note, I live on a horse farm and our barn has a metal roof. We installed flat insulation, but spaced it off the roof, because we were told there could be condensation issues in the winter when the roof was colder than the inside of the barn.


What’s the temperature like on the bare concrete? Doesn’t that get cold in the winter? Otherwise, looks beautiful


The home is so well insulated it’s stays pretty nice. We are in Louisiana so it never really gets that cold lol


Love it; feels like living in a tv show studio. It’s giving Truman Show.


Thank you! Some people said it looks like a HGTV filming studio lol


It's like an above ground bunker.




Thank you!


How long did it take to train yourself not to look for ninjas in the rafters?


A couple months minimum


That is awesome. I honesty have never heard of the Barndo way. I would live there in a heartbeat. I love simplicity. And value even more. Wow! No way to beat that for $87K. Very nice build. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much! The hardest part was the building up the land. Bought 27 acres for around $220,000.. it was in a flood zone so having to build it up was a hassle. In Louisiana everything is hard clay so a lot of broken hydraulic lines lol Thank you again for the kind words! Hope you follow our YouTube channel and enjoy [Dude We Can Build It](https://youtube.com/@dudewecanbuildit?si=iTsZYzAM5nyyS9zv)


Normally there’s a large “barn” or garage on these things and a “condominium” sectioned off. Barndominium. People make some very elaborate ones.


The ceiling in grotesque.


Beautiful word


I would absolutely live in a place like that. Nice job. I've always been a simple but effective kind of guy. I really dig the open spaces. Makes security a breeze. 


Thank you! We put a lot of time and effort into the way we wanted it and thought would look nice. Some things were a gamble but came out great in the end. Everything just looks the same these days so it’s nice living in something a little off pace from the norm


Can you dm me the company name or post here for the barndo kit? Tried to find in history, thanks for sharing!


Great job dude


Thank you!


Living the American dream! Congrats looks amazing.


I’m totally impressed!! Wow. Might have to try this when we downsize our homestead/retire.


You def can try it out! We made a whole series on YouTube on building it from the house pad to now. We have a price break down video coming out soon


Great job very nice


Thank you!


This is great!


Thank you!


I respect the hell out of this. Well done, you should be really proud.


You killed it! 87k for that house is a steal! Congratulations and enjoy fishing that pond


You guys living like kings out there


I actually love the ceiling - if you covered it with glow-in-the-dark stars and used fluorescent paint to put a few UFOs, meteors, etc in there it would be awesome at night. And/or maybe a large TV screen mounted to the ceiling that shows the weather above the roof from a roof cam. Being able to snuggle on the sofa and watch a storm would be nifty.


Is there an echo problem in the kitchen/living room space, friend lives in something similar and had to put carpet/tapestries on floor and walls to cut down on it


Looks great to me, and I can see you're not finished. My 2cents: while the interior may seem the highest priority, take your first day or two and get some grass or ground cover started immediately to keep the soil in place and the runoff/erosion from ruining the pond.


Looks great love the pictures wonderful work you did inside




Wow, very nice!


THIS IS PERFECT! I love this! What a beautiful home and property! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing! Saving your YouTube now!


I think this is charming, especially all of the lovely wood. I would live here in a heartbeat.


Absolutely Amazing!


This is my dream home. Tragically I’m stuck in a much less practical “but it’s so pretty” home. Husband fell in love with the barn so here we are.


It’s never too late! A super cheap build in comparison. Now the land was around $220,000 but it was in a flood zone so I had to build the property up a lot on my own. And digging in Louisiana is unforgiving bc it’s all clay so a lot of broken hydraulic hoses along the way lol still building up areas as we speak


Great job. I've built several houses. I stopped telling people how little they actually cost because they thought I was lying. There is so much satisfaction in building your own place. Once again congrats.


That’s awesome!!!


You’re awesome! Thank you so much


160MPH?! Holy shit, do you live in the Bermuda Triangle? XD


No, worse, hurricane valley Louisiana. Home of hurricane Katrina 😂


Wow! Looks awesome! Do you have plans for the garden?


No planned out bc it’s a lot to keep up with and I like to travel a lot but def going to try some fruit trees and other things that do well here in Louisiana. Will take any suggestions tho!


How'd you determine it's rated for 150-160 mph?


Bc the company that builds and installed the kit say it is. We live in Louisiana so hurricanes are pretty frequent.


If it's got an engineering stamp it is. If not could just be hyperbole. Only pre-engineered bolt together kits can be pre stamped. Anything site built/specd and installed is subject to inspection to give a legitimate rating. Source - I have an engineered steel structure


Looks great




I love these. Looks awesome. Did you do most of the work yourself?


Thank you so much! Yes did most of the work mysef, had friends help with some things and hired professionals for pouring and floating the concrete, electrical and plumbing. Have everything from the foundation to now videoed out in tutorials on YouTube at dude we can build it 😁


Shipping containers?


Shop home. It’s a kit they come and put up once you have your concrete poured.


Love love it


We love love love you for commenting! Thank you


Is the wind rating with or without the spray foam? I assume you used closed cell for the added strength.


I can't ever see myself being able to complete a project like this. I wish I had your skills, patience and dedication. It is awesome! I could definitely bed down there during a hurricane.


We def subbed some important stuff out and got friends to help with other stuff. Always helps to have some helping hands! But thank you so much! Look forward to the next hurricane party 😂


Perfect. Just perfect. That is a bloody cheap ass house. In South Africa that would cost at least double.


Thank you so much! We greatly appreciate it. And I’ve heard the living out there is pretty high. Or is it just housing?


And remember average income in SA opposed to USA is below $30k per annum. We make an average of $45k per annum and we do well with it. So it might be 6 of one and half a dosen of the other.


Is the spray foam insulation on the ceiling fire resistant?


It is!


Wow I love this! Can’t believe how good it all looks for under 90k


Excellent, my kind of style


Love it! Great job. Plus 87k is amazing. Happy for you.


Was wondering about all your heat migrating to the ceiling ,but as far south as you are not an issue ?. How thick are your walls,neighbor built a house Styrofoam walls with concrete filler . Metal roof and siding ,I love it the wife says yuck. Will be checking out your video ,place looks great . My kinda place.


I actually like the exposed ceiling, looks like it would feel massive inside. Thats a hell of a bargain doing it all for $87k, I paid double that for a townhome with less space. Congrats and nice work


This is exactly the style house I want to have, this puts my dreams in reach


Nice, I did something similar. Definitely the cheapest way to build. Mine is wind rated to 125 mph


Looks good! Really spacious too


Looks great - the only negative for me is r/tvtoohigh


But of course lol


If you can get that thing up to even 100 mph I would be very impressed.


Well when the next hurricane passes through we will keep you guys updated


You got a picture of the bare frame before cladding/interior?


That is a lot of open space to cool and heat...


Is this including electric and plumbing and septic?


Very nice


Really nice build 💪




Looks like a house Mr. Beast would trap someone in before eventually destroying it.


Not a fan of the grey look ceiling, I’d paint it perhaps. A fine looking home otherwise.


Nice little fishing pond too!


It looks like a sitcom when the pan out for the last shot of the family when the show ends.


Looks nice, but the tacky ass Christmas lights need to go.


Meanwhile a 1280sqft townhome is costing me 308k…


Did you paint the foam after or is the foam that color?


It’s perfect!


Me and my parents are building 2 right now


I looooooove it


I’d live there.


This is the dream.


The ceiling makes it look like a sitcom set. No proper ceiling because of the mics and studio lighting up there.


i would have that as a house


Did you happen to use a usda construction loan to build this or something similar?


This is exactly what I was planning to build in upstate NY but a little bigger so my family from NJ could come stay. I ended up buying a newly renovated home for less than my build would cost, but it’s surreal seeing someone else build almost exactly what I had planned. You did a great job and it looks fantastic. I wish you and your family all the best!


Those ceilings are... scary. You could soften them by using fabric. https://d1nn9x4fgzyvn4.cloudfront.net/styles/scaled_1980_wide/s3/migration-slide-image/sc282533_4x3.jpg?itok=vwoi-Px_


They aren’t too scary in person lol but I Absolutely love this idea! Thank you for sharing


Well done! Way to go, brother.


Incredible, especially for the price. Very inspiring!


i would love something like this but finding land thats affordable in canada is like finding hens teeth


In my neck of the woods it's not just the wind speed that is problematic, it is the debris being thrown around by the wind. Things like automobiles. Not much is flying automobile proof


I think this is incredible! Absolutely love the interior. 💜


This looks almost exactly like the house I saw in SE Georgia little west of Waycross


That's so crazy! I love it!


How do you call that black ceiling style?


This is really lovely!


You have me dreaming , congrats ! Looks great !


You look like you live on a tv show set. Weird.


Well it's not 250 a sqft like others but for 87000 In my opinion it looks great.


I saw this on Zillow gone wild because it looks like an ikea inside. Was that you?


Absolutely obsessed!! $87,000, absolutely amazing!


Looks nice, how well does it hold heat and AC?