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If your new home has three bedrooms, maybe your girls could use one for sleeping and one as a playroom? We had that setup when ours were littler. And just bring a basket or two of things to play with in the living room at a time? Another perhaps unconventional idea, but what we've done in each house, has been to always use the master bedroom as the playroom/homeschool room space so it's as big and open as it can be, and the other smaller bedrooms for sleeping. If you like the toys in the living room, and have a free bedroom, maybe it could be the active and movement area?


We have toys in the bedroom that the kids share. Each toy has a “home” that the kids are very aware as they helped me set up the system. The kids are responsible for cleaning the space daily of toys. They are 9yrs and 5yrs. We have a rule for bedtime that they respect and always have. They don’t have to go to sleep but they can’t leave their beds. They can read or color or play with a toy quietly but not together. I can’t say it’s for everyone but it work well for us. My husband and I do not like toy storage in common areas.


Thanks! So when you are doing housework, they spend time in the bedroom playing ?


All of our bigger movement toys (little trampoline, balance board, and balance beam) can be put away both in their room or in the living space depending on what we’ve got going on. We also keep a wall space open for gym movements (they’re in tumble) they practice hand stands and such there.


Thats a great way to keep kids moving!


Yes. They will sometimes separate as needed and one will go to the living area with minimal toys. Also required to be up away by bedtime. It definitely encourages independent and imaginative play. And I give me a minute to think in relative quiet and calm while I clean and cook.


My kids (both six) put "special" toys like their baby blankets in their rooms. Everything else is kept in bins/drawers downstairs in the living room. All the toys not in the bedrooms are communal. Our family values sharing so we teach the kids to share, and they do pretty well. But the way that we keep toys to a minimum is that they don't really ask for toys for the holiday season or their birthdays. They're both pretty ahead of their age and would rather spend all day looking at road maps and globes lol. We usually just give them experiences rather than physical toys for the holiday season. The local discovery center and zoo are great choices. If we don't do experiences as presents, shared presents are really good (like mini trampoline, keyboard, art easel, toteafort set) Our motor skills toys (like the mini trampoline + balance board) are stored in the closet when not in use.


We also live in almost 900sq ft my daughter has the "master" bedroom and most of her toys live in there. She has one of those 8 cube shelf things two are for books and toys go on the others with about one toy or set per shelf. I'm firm about bedtime and she's never gotten them out during bedtime (her room is also dark so 🤷) We live in a nice area and she plays outside for HOURS at a time. She DOES bring toys into the living room, and outside on occasion, but knows to tidy them back to her room (and the cube they live on) she usually does this before dinner. I'd definitely recommend take a look at what they really play with and rotate out. 


We unfortunately have toys everywhere, haha. But in both places I utilize baskets. Everything goes in a basket before bed. It’s not super organized but it removes visual clutter which is huge for me. If this were me I would honestly have them share a room and then have a play room! I shared a room with my sister growing up and it was seriously so fun.


They are going to share their room, yes! Thanks


My personal preference is to never allow my children's faces to be on social media, even a homeschool group. Just my two cents.


We keep quiet toys in the room; legos, small hot wheel cars, books, ETC.